Markovic: We are working to resolve the cases of violence against journalists


PODGORICA, 25.10.2018. – In case of the attack on the journalist of “Vijesti” Olivera Lakic, all legal measures and actions were taken, including special investigative methods, and complete case files were handed over to FBI officials and the US Department of Justice for inspection, analysis and provision of international police support. Also, the case of the murder of Dusko Jovanovic was given a certain judicial clearance, with one person being convicted, and police continues to take actions in order to find other perpetrators and possible masterminds.

This was announced by Prime Minister Dusko Markovic, responding to the parliamentary question of Goran Danilovic in the Parliament.

“Although you insist on your question, it is unprofessional and contrary to the rules of investigative procedures, that by communicating any other information, especially those that are within the scope of the work of the State Prosecutor’s Office, we endanger the process that I hope is in good track. If someone at this stage of the investigation can communicate more details about the gathered knowledge and evidence, this is exclusively the competent Prosecutor’s Office, and in no case – the prime minister”, he stressed.

Stressing that these issues are not only in the public’s focus, as it is repeated, but also under the full attention of the competent institutions, the prime minister said:

“But I also want to be clear after this answer both MPs and every citizen – do not seek the results and responsibility for clarifying crimes only at one address – from Prime Minister or Government. By the Constitution and the law, all powers and responsibilities are given to the State Prosecutor’s Office, which conducts an investigation or proceedings from its inception until the judgment itself. The competent prosecution gives the police binding orders and instructions, and its role is managerial and crucial. “

Markovic said that the Government responds almost every day to parliament and citizens, but he can’t and doesn’t want to take responsibility for others.

“That is why I urge you, Mr. Danilovic, and your colleagues to call the people of the State Prosecutor’s Office, as they, like the Prime Minister, lay their bills for their work. Ask them what you asked me if you need to do it every month, because they are the right address for a more comprehensive response, as the Prime Minister is here every month”, the prime minister said.

As he pointed out, the Government has done a lot in the field of journalist safety and creating a free environment for work with a clear goal of creating a media scene that will make a substantial contribution to the development of Montenegrin society.

“Anyone who openly writes about problems in a Montenegrin society, who points to omissions in the work of state organs, who finds the truth, regardless of how embarrassing it is to somebody, we should see it as a partner in a common task to make the state better and prosperous”, he said. inviting all members of parliament, and social actors from the media sphere and outside, to work together in an environment where there will be no room for a misunderstanding of the role of the media.