Ostale prijetnje novinarima, Dragan Bursać, Banja Luka, 14.01.2019.

    Country BH
    Name and Surname Dragan Bursać
    Gender Male
    Date 14/01/2010
    City / Location Banja Luka
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom a : 1 : { i :
    Type of media a : 1
    Public prosecutor The public prosecutor of District Public Prosecutor's Office in Banjaluka ordered that all necessary action be taken to document any criminal offense or offense committed.
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction Free Media Help Line sends a demand to the Policy Department of Banja Luka to delivered information regarding assaults to the Dragan Bursac, and what they take in this case. The policy department of Banja Luka delivered information that Dragan Bursac did not personally report the assault. The public prosecutor was informed about this case.
    Were authorities informed? a : 2

    Kolumnista Dragan Bursać je zaprimio prijeteću poruku u inbox svoga Facebook profila, od osobe koja se predstavlja kao Peterr Pensew a koja glasi: „Završićeš kao Davor, balijo!“