Threats and obstruction against the team, Rahovec, 19.03.2021

    Country KO
    Name and Surname Arbisa Shefkiu and Denis Sllovinja
    Gender Group Arbisa Shefkiu and Denis Sllovinja
    Date 19/03/2021
    City / Location Rahovec
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Name of the perpetrator Mehdi Shehu and another person
    Type of media online
    Media name
    Source Media
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    Were authorities informed? Case was reported to the police

    The team, journalists Arbisa Shefiku and the cameraman, Denis Sllovinja, were threatened and obstructed by two persons in Rahovec.

    The team was threatened three days ago while they were shooting near the tekke “Shejh Iljazi Rifai”, regarding the case of a parking lot that the municipality has given permission to use this space to Mehdi Shehu, without the consent of  the residents and the Municipal Assembly.

    As soon as they started filming the parking lot, the journalist and the cameraman were threatened by a person who came out of the tekke and addressed them with the words: “Be aware, you may enjoy living because you are still young”. After this threat, Mehdi Shehu, came out and obstructed the team by not allowing them to film by saying that they don’t have a permission.

    The case was reported to the Kosovo Police and after receiving the statements of the team, the prosecutor of the case, Anton Hasanaj, closed the case and stated that there are no elements of a criminal offense. The closing of the case by the prosecutor, according to, came without reading the statements of the journalists, without evaluating the evidence and only by phone.

    However, according to their reports, the case continues to be investigated by police units, who have notified the prosecutor.

    For AJK, such actions toward journalists and media professionals who are doing their duty, puts pressure on them. Threats, obstruction and other forms of intimidation of our colleagues have recently increased and this is threatening the safety of journalists, their independent reporting and the general freedom of the media in Kosovo.

    AJK calls on the competent authorities to take action against the behavior of these two persons who have threatened and obstructed the team.