Intimidation – verbal threat, Vlado Madzoski, Zajecar, 29.04.2017.

    Country SR
    Name and Surname Vlado Madzoski
    Gender Male
    Date 29/04/2017
    City / Location Zajecar
    Type of incident Actual attacks on journalists
    Media name Freelancer
    Source Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia
    Public prosecutor It was found that there were no elements of a criminal offense.
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction IJAS informed the Prosecution of high-tech crime about the case.

    Insults and threats were sent via Facebook. Vlado Madzoski said that threats came after series of his column published on the portal Za media, for publishing articles about the local political scene in the Timok magazine and portal Za media. Among others, one of the comments was: “It should be expelled from Zajecar, he already has dual nationality.”