Physical attack on a journalist, Davor Lukač, Belgrade, December 4, 2021.

    Država BH
    Datum 04/12/2021

    FoNet journalist Davor Lukac was physically attacked by an unknown group of men on Saturday, December 4, at around 1:30 PM at the NIS gas station in New Belgrade, opposite of the Usce shopping center, before the blockade of Branko’s bridge began, from where he was supposed to report.

    Lukac stated that one of the attackers hit him in the shoulder, that they dragged him by the jacket, pushed him, prevented him from walking away, tried to take away his mobile phone, and that one of them prevented other attackers from inflicting more serious injuries on him. Before that, the attackers got out of the car and aimed at the journalist.

    The case was reported to the Police. Shortly after the attack, the journalist testified at the competent police station.