Actual attacks on journalist Isa Myzyraj 16/04/2021, Tirana

    Country AL
    Name and Surname Isa Myzyraj
    Gender Male
    Date 16/04/2021
    City / Location Tirana
    Type of incident Actual attacks on journalists
    By whom By public officials
    Name of the perpetrator Tirana Mayor
    Type of media Radio and television
    Media name Ora News
    Source Ora News
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes

    On 12 April 2021, Albanian journalist for Ora News, Isa Myzyraj, was physically restrained and obstructed by a security guard of the mayor of Tirana asked he tried to his ask questions as the politician left a café following an event. In a video published by Ora News, the journalist can be seen to approach the mayor with a microphone in his hand to interview him, when he is immediately pulled to one side by one of the security personnel. The guard forcefully drags the journalist away to the side of the path and keeps him pinned in his grip until the mayor got into a waiting car and left. During the incident, Myzyraj repeatedly identifies himself as a journalist. He had been waiting outside the cafe to pose his questions about a matter of public interest regarding construction and development in the city.