Other threats to journalists, Morski.hr, 17.3.2023.

    Zemlja CRO
    Ime i prezime Jurica Gašpar i portal Morski.hr
    Spol Muški
    Datum 17/03/2023
    Vrsta napada Druge prijetnje upućene novinarima
    Vrsta medija Online
    Naziv medija Morski.hr
    Izvor Novinar i urednik
    Je li novinarsko udruženje bilo obaviješteno? Da
    Koja je bila reakcija novinarskog udruženja? HND je reagirao priopćenjem.

    Threats were sent to the editors of the Morski.hr portal, which, due to a series of articles in which the portal discusses the legality of the construction of the port of Krilo Jesenice, were sent by a man who presents himself as the president of the Association of Tourist Shipmen of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, Ante Rakuljić, threatening the author of the article and editor-in-chief Jurica Gašpar.

    In the series, it is stated, among other things, that the port was created without a construction permit and by completely illegal dumping of garbage into the sea, and that 130 ships were docked there without a safety plan.

    Rakuljić called the editorial office, insulted the editorial office and its journalists, and claimed that the articles published on the portal were paid for or written by people outside the editorial office close to the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure. Despite being warned that the conversation was being recorded, he made serious threats that he would “destroy their business”, and repeatedly suggested to Gašpar that they should not write about Kril Jesenice and the boatmen there in a negative context.

    He also told the editors that “it’s better to be good with a lot of people who have proven something in life” and that “the fate of the Adriatic cannot be shaped in Zagreb”, repeatedly repeating that “someone with a Zagreb accent cannot write about marine topics”.