SafeJournalists: Inadmissible attack on journalist and cameraman at protests in Albania


    The SafeJournalists Network strongly condemns the violent attack on Top News journalist Alketa Shaba and her camera operator during a live broadcast of the Democratic Party protest in Tirana on 7 October 2024. 

    The attack occurred at the end of the protest as demonstrators moved towards Mustafa Matohiti street, where for months, Democratic Party members have gathered to show support for former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, who is currently under house arrest charged with corruption and awaiting trial. While reporting live from the scene, a citizen insulted and physically assaulted both the journalist and the camera operator, escalating until bystanders intervened to prevent further violence.

    Alketa Shaba has informed the SafeJournalists Network that she filed a report with the police on the morning of 8 October 2024. Network welcomes this step and urges the authorities to conduct a thorough and timely investigation into this attack, ensuring that those responsible are held accountable. It is crucial that this case be treated with the gravity it deserves, as it underscores the increasing risks journalists face in carrying out their duties in Albania.

    This attack took place amid ongoing political unrest in Albania, where opposition supporters clashed with police and threw Molotov cocktails during protest in the capital on the 7th October in the evening. The protest, led by the Democratic Party of former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, saw demonstrators demanding the replacement of the current government with a technocratic caretaker cabinet before next year’s parliamentary elections. The opposition accuses Prime Minister Edi Rama’s Socialist Party of corruption and undermining democratic institutions, with the protests escalating after the imprisonment of a party member in a case the opposition considers politically motivated.

    What is particularly alarming in this case is how inflammatory rhetoric against the media, especially when employed by political figures, can swiftly escalate into real-world violence. This attack serves as yet another stark reminder of how hostile language aimed at journalists can lead to physical violence, posing a serious threat to press freedom and undermining democratic principles.

    The SafeJournalists Network calls on the Albanian authorities, political leaders, and civil society to denounce all forms of violence against the press and to strengthen protections for media professionals. The right to report without fear of violence, intimidation, or harassment is essential to maintaining a free and democratic society. In solidarity with Alketa Shaba, her colleagues at Top News, and all journalists in Albania, we reaffirm our commitment to supporting press freedom and safeguarding the rights of all media professionals.

    The SafeJournalists Network will inform relevant national and international actors about this case.

    Every attack on journalists is an attack on the public interest, democracy, and the rights of all citizens.


    Pristina – Skopje – Sarajevo – Zagreb – Belgrade – Podgorica, 10.10.2024


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