Actual attacks against the camera operator Arianit Tahiri, Prizren, 09.07.2024

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo is alarmed by the arrest and Police escorting of the camera operator of the media outlet Betimi për...

Political pressure towards RTK, Prishtinë, 07.07.2024

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo has been following with great concern developments at RTK, which resulted this Sunday with Shkumbin Ahmetxhekaj, leaving his...

Other threats to journalists Elvin Luku, 30/01/2024, Tirana

On the morning of June 30, 2024, the personal Facebook page of administrator Elvin Luku, from which the social networks of the portal

Other threats to journalists, by doctor Alketa Ymeri Pere, 27.06.2024, Tirana

After the recent scandal at the Oncology Hospital in Tirana, Doctor Alketa Ymeri Pere addressed journalists in unethical and intimidating language during an interview. Dr....

Attack against media, Prishtine, 27.06.2024

Vetevendosje MP, Dimal Basha has used his speech in the Kosovo Parliament to continue his unprecedented attacks against media and members of the civil...

Threats against the lives of the journalist, Vullnet Krasniqi, Prishtinë, 26.06.2024

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo is alarmed after journalist Vullnet Krasniqi received death threats today. Krasniqi received a death threat from a resident of...

Threats against the lives of journalists, Prishtinë, 25.06.2024

The editorial office of the online newspaper, Insajderi, has informed AJK about the threats they have received in the last two days following reports...

Other threats to journalists, Tirana, Elbasan, 21.06.2024

On June 21, during the elections for rectorates and deans in public universities in Albania, journalists faced significant obstacles at the University of Tirana,...

Death threats against the journalist Arlind Sadiku, Prishtinë, 20.06.2024

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo - AJK, is concerned about the threats that sports journalist Arlind Sadiku from Klan Kosova and Art Motion...

Actual attacks against journalist Freard Rista and filming crew, Vlore, 18.06.2024

On June 18, 2024, the investigative team of the show "Piranjat" traveled to Vlora following a complaint from Ms. Sabihe Likaj about illegal dumping...

Threats against the lives and physical safety of journalists, Tatjana Lazarevic,...

A threat was sent to the editor and journalist of the KoSSev portal, Tatjana Lazarevic, on the social network Facebook. The threat was reported to...

Other threats to journalists, Andrej DImitrijević, Zagreb, 5.6.2024.

Member of Parliament from the Domovinski Pokret (DP), Stephen Nikola Bartulica, falsely accused Andrej Dimitrijević, a journalist from the Faktograf portal, of harassing him...

Threats against the lives and physical safety of journalists, Nenad Kulacin,...

Journalist Nenad Kulačin received threats on the Instagram social network.

Non – physical threats against journalists, Dusan Cavic, Belgrade, 2.6.2024.

During the election day, journalist Dušan Čavić was harassed and warned not to film the actions of activists of the Serbian Progressive Party, the police...

Obstructing the work of media, Mitrovicë Veriore, 31.05.2024

Today, journalists from both Albanian and Serbian language media outlets were not allowed to cover the Municipal Assembly of Northern Mitrovica. This decision reportedly...

Other attacks on journalist Odeta Gjevori, Fier, 30/05/2024

Threats by notary Anila Haxhiu against journalist Odeta Gjevori of the investigative show "Stop" are alarming for the safety of journalists in Albania. Last evening,...

Other threats to journalist, Arber Hitaj, Tirana, 29/05/2024

On 29 May 2024, Arber Hitaj, TV presenter of Studio Live and head of the Association of European Journalists, Albanian section (AEJ Albania) was...

Other threats to journalists by the Guard of the Republic, Tirana,...

On May 30, 2024, during a plenary session in the Albanian Parliament, MPs were set to vote on establishing the Special Parliamentary Committee on...

Attacks on journalists during the protest at Tirana Municipality, Tirana 28/05/2024

During a protest held by political opposition members in front of the Tirana Municipality building this morning, a Molotov cocktail accidentally exploded near journalists...

Death threats, Nacional, Zagreb, 20.5.2024.

On Monday, May 20, Nacional received a message on the official editorial mobile phone number, which read literally "You and your ilk assassinated Prime...

Other threats on jounalist Rovena Ceka, Tirana, 18/03/2024

On March 18, 2024, journalist Rovena Cerka, working for the investigative show "VETTING" on News24 television, faced intimidation from VEGA GROUP following an interview...