President of AJM Mladen Chadikovski met with the Head of the OSCE Mission to Skopje


Representatives of the Association of Journalists of Macedonia led by the President Mladen Chadikovski yesterday visited the Head of the OSCE Mission to Skopje, Clemens Koja. Media reforms and changes to the laws regulating the work and safety of journalists were the main topics of discussion during the meeting.

Chadikovski informed Koja for the participation of AJM in several working groups within the Ministry of Justice, whose final purpose is to make changes in the Criminal Code, the Electoral Code, and the Law on Civil Liability for Defamation and Insult. From the OSCE Mission was requested to be actively involved in this process in order to prepare better legal solutions based on good European practice.

The current situation in the media sector was also discussed during the meeting, and President Chadikovski said that the government and the opposition must find a common language and unblock media reforms. He requested from OSCE to help with its capacity to facilitate this process.

Both sides welcomed the cooperation so far and expressed their willingness to extend their cooperation in the near future and improve the freedom of the media and safety of journalists.