Intimidation – verbal threat, TV Valjevo plus, Valjevo, 21.03.2016.

    Country SR
    Name and Surname [:en]The team of TV Valjevo plus[:rs]Journalists of TV Valjevo plus[:]
    Gender Group [:en]The team of TV Valjevo plus[:]
    Date 21/03/2016
    City / Location [:en]Valjevo[:rs]Valjevo[:]
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom By public persons
    Name of the perpetrator [:en]Former poslanik Serbian Progressive Party Slobodan Gvozdenovic[:]
    Media name [:en]TV Valjevo plus[:rs]TV Valjevo plus[:]
    Source [:en]N1[:rs]N1[:]
    Legal closure Perpatrator is acquitted
    Judiciary status [:en]Police reported that there are no elements for prosecution [:rs]Police reported that there are no elements for prosecution [:]
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction [:en]IJAS has condemned the verbal threats to the journalists of TV Valjevo Plus and expects that the authorities will react in time and to prosecute as soon as possible.[:rs]IJAS has condemned the verbal threats to the journalists of TV Valjevo Plus and expects that the authorities will react in time and to prosecute as soon as possible.[:]

    Former mamber of Serbian Progressive Party Slobodan Gvozdenovic verbally attacked and threatened journalists from TV Valjevo plus. He swears the Editor in Chief of TV Predrag Lucic and said to him “criminal boss who should be in prison, not to building bridges and other facilities in the city.” Gvozdenovic has threatened the journalists from TV Valjevo Plus that the SNS official Darko Glisic will “staviti u kočanjku”.