Harassment and pressure on journalists, Goran Jevremović, Jagodina, 04.12.2021.

    Država SR
    Ime i prezime Goran Jevremović
    Pol Muški
    Datum 04/12/2021
    Grad Jagodina
    Tip incidenta Ostale pretnje novinarima
    Naziv medija Central Media
    Izvor Central Media
    Da li je novinarsko udruženje informisano? Da

    Members of the police in Jagodina came to the premises of the “Central Media” portal on the morning of December 4 and warned the editor Goran Jevremović not to block the roads and that he would bear the “legal consequences of violating public order and peace in connection with today’s protests”, if he appears on them. Jevremovic told police that he was a journalist and that he was reporting on the protest.

    After reporting from last week’s protests at the Rakalj intersection, from which he reported, Jevremović received a misdemeanor order from the Kragujevac Police Administration, according to which he is obliged to pay a 5,000 dinar fine for “preventing traffic”.