Other threats to journalists, Slobodan Vasković, Banja Luka, December 31,2015.

    Country BH
    Name and Surname [:en]Slobodan Vasković[:ba]Slobodan Vasković[:]
    Gender Male
    Date 31/12/2015
    City / Location [:en]Banja Luka[:ba]Banja Luka[:]
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom By public officials
    Name of the perpetrator [:en]Banja Luka[:ba]Dragan Lukač[:]
    Media name [:en]Freelancer/blogger[:ba]freelacer/blogger[:]
    Article and legislation violated (nationally) [:en]Law on Public Peace and Order - Article 8[:ba]Law on Public Peace and Order - Article 8[:]
    Article of the European Convention of Human Rights that was violated [:en]Article 10[:]
    Legal closure Perpatrator is acquitted
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction [:en]Banjaluka Journalists' Club representatives visited Dragan Lukac, Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Srpska and informed him that if attitudes and opinions posted on Slobodan Vaskovic blog were ungrounded and with lack of arguments necessary, he as the Minister could seek protection pursuant to the provisions of the Law on Protection against Defamation.[:ba]Banjaluka Journalists' Club representatives visited Dragan Lukac, Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Srpska and informed him that if attitudes and opinions posted on Slobodan Vaskovic blog were ungrounded and with lack of arguments necessary, he as the Minister could seek protection pursuant to the provisions of the Law on Protection against Defamation.[:]

    Slobodan Vaskovic – Dragan Lukac, Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Srpska accused Slobodan Vaskovic, a journalist and our colleague of using his blog to encourage disintegration and depraving the institutions of Republic of Srpska, particularly the Ministry of Internal Affairs.