Obstruction and attack against the journalist Rinë Haziri, Shtërpcë, 16.12.2023

    Country KO
    Name and Surname Rinë Haziri
    Gender Female
    Date 16/12/2023
    City / Location Shterpce
    Type of incident Actual attacks on journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Type of media online
    Media name Lajmi.net
    Source Lajmi.net
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction The Association of Kosovo Journalists expresses its concern regarding the obstruction and attack on journalist Rinë Haziri. We call upon the Kosovo Police to prioritize this case and hold the responsible individual accountable for their actions.
    Were authorities informed? Case was initiated ex officio by the Prosecutor’s Office

    Today, journalist Rînë Haziri from Lajmi.net was obstructed and attacked by a citizen while reporting from Brezovica.

    In the video published by the media, an individual can be heard telling journalist Haziri to stop recording.

    Furthermore, it is known that the same person got out of the car and forcefully took the phone from the journalist’s hand while using threatening language towards her.

    The editors of Lajmi.net have informed AJK that the case has also been reported to the Kosovo Police.

    The Association of Kosovo Journalists expresses its concern regarding the obstruction and attack on journalist Rinë Haziri. We call upon the Kosovo Police to prioritize this case and hold the responsible individual accountable for their actions.