Other threats to journalists, Andrej DImitrijević, Zagreb, 5.6.2024.

    Country CRO
    Name and Surname Andrej Dimitrojević
    Gender Male
    Date 05/06/2024
    City / Location
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom By public officials
    Type of media online
    Media name Faktograf
    Source Faktograf.hr
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction Cja reacted with a statement
    Were authorities informed? Case was not reported to the police

    Member of Parliament from the Domovinski Pokret (DP), Stephen Nikola Bartulica, falsely accused Andrej Dimitrijević, a journalist from the Faktograf portal, of harassing him in front of his children because he did not like the question he was asked. Bartulica posted a photo of the journalist on social media, claiming that Dimitrijević approached him while his children were in the car. However, Dimitrijević proved that the children were not present when he asked Bartulica why he had not declared the car he was driving in his asset declaration. Bartulica himself involved his children in the public call for the lynching of the journalist. For days, the journalist was subjected to various threats and insults triggered by Bartulica’s statement.