Threats against the lives and limbs of journalists, Zeljko Veljkovic, Belgrade, 21.6.2021.

    Država SR
    Ime i prezime Željko Veljković
    Pol Muški
    Datum 22/06/2021
    Grad Beograd
    Tip incidenta Pretnje smrću i pretnje teškim telesnim povredama
    Tip medija Elektronski
    Naziv medija NewsMax Adria
    Izvor NUNS
    Da li je novinarsko udruženje informisano? Da

    Journalist of „NewsMax Adria“ television, Zeljko Veljkovic received insults and threats via social networks, after a tv report about him was made on June 19 on Pink TV, after he mentioned Srebrenica and crimes against Albanians in an editorial on the show “Pregled dana” on June 18. In the tv report itself, his sentences were taken out of context, and the ones in which he talked about Srebrenica, stolen refrigerators and killed Albanians revolved.