Physical assault, Mina Milanovic, Kopaonik, 10.03.2016.

    Country SR
    Name and Surname [:en]Mina Milanovic[:rs]Mina Milanovic[:]
    Gender Female
    Date 10/03/2016
    City / Location [:en]Kopaonik[:rs]Kopaonik[:]
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom By public persons
    Type of media online
    Media name [:en][:rs][:]
    Source [:en]Novi magazin[:rs]Novi magazin[:]
    Legal closure Perpatrator is acquitted
    Judiciary status [:en]The case is not reported, and the perpetrator apologizes. [:rs]The case is not reported, and the perpetrator apologizes. [:]
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction [:en]IJAS has condemned the use of physical force against journalists and i demanded the responsibility of the person who pushed the journalist.[:rs]IJAS has condemned using of force and demanded the responsibility of the person who pushed journalist and public apology of a director of "Belgrade on water".[:]

    On Kopaonik, the incident occurred when the security of director of “Belgrade on water” Nikola Nedeljkovic physically prevented journalist to take a statement from him. When the panel on the economic forum was finished Mina Milanovic came to him and reminded that he promised a statement. Two men pushed the journalist trying to cover the camera lens and to give a chance Nedeljkovic to escape. All of that was recorded on camera and man who was push the journalist is Nikola Avram, the director of MK Mountain Resort.