Intimidation-verbal threat and discrimination, media in BiH, Sarajevo, Jun 06, 2016.

    Country BH
    Name and Surname [:en]Journalists of PBS[:ba]Journalists of PBS[:]
    Gender Group [:en]Journalists of PBS[:ba]Journalists of PBS[:]
    Date 23/06/2016
    City / Location [:en]Sarajevo[:ba]Sarajevo[:]
    Type of incident Threats against the lives and limbs of journalists
    By whom By public officials
    Name of the perpetrator [:en]Parliamant of BIH[:ba]Parliamant of BIH[:]
    Media name [:en]PBS broadcasters: FTV, BHRT, RTRS[:ba]PBS broadcasters: FTV, BHRT, RTRS[:]
    Legal closure Perpatrator is convicted
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction [:en]BHJA and FMHL sent a public letter to the BiH Parliament, warning of the negative consequences of adopting amendments to the law on PBS and a bad decision to charge the RTV fees. Before sending the letter and under the SEWP, it has made the legal analysis of the proposed solutions, sent a letter to all MPs in Parliament and meet all international organizations with the consequences of the adoption of amendments to the PBS. BHJA sent own proposals for collecting the license tax to international organization in BiH. [:ba]BHJA and FMHL sent a public letter to the BiH Parliament, warning of the negative consequences of adopting amendments to the law on PBS and a bad decision to charge the RTV fees. Before sending the letter and under the SEWP, it has made the legal analysis of the proposed solutions, sent a letter to all MPs in Parliament and meet all international organizations with the consequences of the adoption of amendments to the PBS. BHJA sent own proposals for collecting the license tax to international organization in BiH. [:]

    The state Parliamentof BiH has  adopted amendments to the law on PBS, with bad solutions for RTV fee, which does not ensure this long-term financial stability and independence of the Public Broadcasting Service.