Threats against the lives and physical safety of journalists, Fatos Hetemi dhe Irfan Maliqi, Viti, 11.11.2023

    Country KO
    Gender Group Fatos Hetemi and Irfan Maliqi
    Date 11/11/2023
    City / Location Viti
    Type of incident Threats against the lives and limbs of journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Type of media Radio and television
    Media name Plus TV
    Source Plus TV
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction AJK considers the threat very serious and dangerous and strongly condemns it. AJK invites the Kosovo Police to ensure the safety of journalists and other media workers and work intensively on identifying and arresting the individual responsible for the threat.
    Were authorities informed? Case was reported to the police

    Journalists Fatos Hetemi and Irfan Maliqi from the local media outlet Plus TV were threatened with death.

    The editors of Plus TV have informed the Association of Journalists of Kosovo about receiving death threats from a Facebook account. These threats came after the publication of their recent media coverage on the two mosques in the Municipality of Vitia.

    “The threats to kill are addressed to PlusTV journalist Irfan Maliqi and director Fatos Hetemi. These threats are in reaction to Plus television’s series of reports on the problems and concerns regarding the mosques in Skifteraj and Ramnishte, both located in this municipality. According to the Islamic Community of Vitia, which is affiliated with the BIK, the two mosques, one in Skifteraj and the other in Ramnishte, are not within the BIK’s control or management and are frequented by suspicious individuals”.

    Plus TV stated that they have notified the Kosovo Police in the Gjilan Region about the threats.

    AJK considers the threat very serious and dangerous and strongly condemns it.

    AJK invites the Kosovo Police to ensure the safety of journalists and other media workers and work intensively on identifying and arresting the individual responsible for the threat.