Zastrašivanje – prijetnje, Amer Bahtija i Štefica Galić, Mostar, 02.11.2016.

    Country BH
    Gender Group
    Date 02/01/2015
    City / Location [:en]Mostar[:]
    Type of incident Threats against the lives and limbs of journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Type of media online
    Article and legislation violated (nationally) [:en]Law on Public Peace and Order HNK - Article 8 [:]
    Legal closure Perpatrator is convicted
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction [:en]BHN and Free Media Help Line issued a public announcement codamning the attach on Štefica Galić and Amer Bahtijar. We sent a letter to the police in Mostra. Since we never received any answer we sent the letter again. [:]

    2 osobe muškog spola, presrele su novinare web portala Tač Amera Bahtijara i Šteficu Galić, vrijeđali ih i prijetili im da “će završiti kao profesor Slavko Kukić” ako nastane pisati.