Threats on media, KoSSev, Kosovska Mitrovica, 02.08.2023.

    Country SR
    Name and Surname Redakcija KoSSev
    Gender Group
    Date 02/08/2023
    City / Location Kosovska Mitrovica
    Type of incident Threats against media outlets and organizations
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Media name KoSSev
    Source Tatjana Lazarević
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    Were authorities informed? Case was reported to the police Case was reported to the Prosecutor’s Office

    As part of the serious intimidation and pressure on Serbian media in Kosovo and Metohija, a malicious campaign directed at the KoSSev portal ( was observed, and other media reporting in the Serbian language in the North of Kosovo were also attacked. .

    On the Telegram page “Rabbits of Kosovo and Metohija”, ( ) which was launched on June 22. on several occasions, and intensively for the past few days, the KoSSev portal, as well as other media reporting in the Serbian language, have come under attack, and the logos of Kosova Online, Kontakt Plus Radio, Radio Kosovska Mitrovica and TV Mosta have been mentioned and shown.

    Through several announcements, including two videos of obscure quality, but with dangerous content, the aforementioned media are targeted as enemies of the Serbian people and Serbia – some “under the influence of Belgrade”, others “under the influence of Pristina”, “NATO”, “the West”, “E U”.

    Kossev is mentioned as a “Shiptar media”, a media that is “under the control of NATO”, “of the West”, those “who defend Shiptar terrorists”, etc. At the same time, considering the fact that the media have been publishing KFOR/NATO commercials about security for years, as something directed against the Serbian people, they also stated the untruth that all the targeted media are doing this. We, for example, have never published any KFOR or NATO advertisements.
    We are sending you part of this material (screenshots and video) in the attachment.

    The campaign was intensified at a time when our journalists from several media outlets were also attacked in central Serbia, through a video with dangerous content, who, in the majority of those named in that video, are known for those who are not under the editorial control of the authorities or other structures.