Intimidation – verbal threat, Blic, Belgrade, 01.11.2016.

    Country SR
    Name and Surname [:en]The team of BlicThe team of Blic[:rs][:en]The team of Blic[:rs][:en][:en]The team of Blic[:][:][:][:]
    Gender Group
    Date 01/11/2016
    City / Location [:en]BelgradeBelgrade[:rs][:en]Belgrade[:rs][:en][:en]Belgrade[:][:][:][:]
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    Type of media print
    Media name Blic
    Source Blic
    Public prosecutor The report wasn't submitted to the Prosecutor's Office.
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes

    During the visit of buildings that are the subject of customer complaints for 12 years, a team of “Blic” has talked to a few customers. Shortly afterward, in front of the building parked the jeep and from jeep went out two men. They came to the journalists and customers, and after a discussion and warning “that they had to go,” one of them entered to the journalist in the face, insisting that the memory card of the camera have to break. How this wasn’t done, he took the card on force, took the picture of the legitimacy of journalist and then they gone.