Intimidation – verbal threat, Zorica Bulatovic, Kolasin, 05.04.2017.

    Country MN
    Name and Surname Zorica Bulatovic
    Gender Female
    Date 05/04/2017
    City / Location Kolasin
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom By public officials
    Name of the perpetrator Dragica Andjelic
    Type of media print
    Media name Dnevne novine
    Source Media
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction Trade Union of Media of Montenegro took a statement from a journalist Zorica Bulatovic and issued press release calling on public officials to weigh their words and not to threat journalists.

    Zorica Bulatovic, journalist of “Dnevne novine”,  submitted a report to the Police, for the threat of the former chief administrative inspector Dragica Andjelic, who was dissatisfied with her writing.

    Bulatovic explained in the statement that she had received a call from the person who presented itself as Dragica Andjelic, who threatened the correspondent of Dnevne novine from Kolasin, and that is the reason she contacted the police.

    Bulatovic said that Andjelic wasn’t satisfied with the text, that is, the response of the working body “For Law and Justice”, which stated that Andjelic was dismissed because she didn’t take constitutional measures and the legal competences for the protection of local government employees and the Protection and Rescue Service in Kolasin.

    She points out that Andjelic told her that “she would pay” for the published text, claiming that she was openly threatened.

    Bulatovic said in the statement to the Police administration that she was afraid for her safety, inviting the competent institutions to take certain measures in order to punish the actors.