SKOPJE, 23.11.2017 – The Independent Trade Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM) supports the request of former Media Print Macedonia (MPM) and Media Print employees for payment of unpaid salaries and fees, after their respective newspapers were closed.
SSNM is solidifying with the former employees of MPM and Media Print and with their request sent to the competent institutions, for solving the criminal cases related to MPM and Media Print as soon as possible, in order to find a way for paying the unpaid salaries and other financial compensations (which were calculated and determined by MPM) and which are constitutionally guaranteed for every worker.
Due to suspicions of criminal activity, SSNM in June this year, filed criminal charges against the owner and company director Srdjan Kerim and Jana Stanisavljeva for abusing the official position and authority, because they consciously and intentionally busted the property of the company aiming to close down their own media.
SSNM urges the competent institutions to seriously deal with this case, in order to solve it as fast as possible and pay the unpaid wages to nearly 400 former employees in the company.
SSNM believes that the main culprit for closing the newspapers and online media is the management of the company, which instead of allowing employees to report professionally like in all democratic societies, decided to serve the politics and political affiliations of the management.