SafeJournalists Network sent a Letter of concern regarding repeated concerns over journalistic access within the Albanian Parliament

    photo: canva

    SafeJournalists Network sent a letter of concern to Albanian Assembly, to express our concern regarding the actions of the Republic Guard on October 17, 2024, which reflect a repeated and troubling pattern of obstructing journalists’ access and undermining media freedom. On that day, journalists covering parliamentary developments were denied access by the Guard. Not only were they prevented from filming at the entrance, where deputies were arriving amidst heightened tensions, but they were also barred from entering the plenary session itself as testified by journalists and reporters. 

    SafeJournalists Network emphasized that this  incident is not isolated but part of a worrying, repeated pattern of restricting media access within the Albanian Parliament. Similar occurrences were documented by SafeJournalists Network over the past year, including on October 9, 2023, when journalists were denied access to parliamentary premises under vague justifications. Further incidents in 2024 followed: On February 6, journalist Ardit Hoxha was physically pushed and removed by the Guard, preventing him from filming; on May 17, media crews were barred from filming a meeting with dismissed RTSH journalists, despite formal requests and a public notice; on May 30, journalists were obstructed during a plenary session as the Guard attempted to remove them from the gallery. Most recently, on October 3, 2024, reporters were physically prevented from accessing parliamentary developments when the main entrance was intentionally locked.

    In the letter, SafeJournalists Network strongly urges the Albanian Assembly to address this issue with the urgency and seriousness it warrants, giving due consideration to the concerns raised by journalists. It is our hope that immediate steps will be taken to create an environment where journalists can exercise their right to report freely, as this is a fundamental pillar of any democratic society.

    The Letter of concern sent by the SafeJournalists Network find here.

    SafeJournalists Network

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