Source/Author: Hina
Source/Photo: Canva

Internet platforms should clearly label content created by artificial intelligence to reduce the spread of misinformation, said Vice-President of the Commission for Values and Transparency Vera Jourova on Monday.

“We want online platforms to label content created by artificial intelligence in such a way that the average user can clearly see that certain textual, visual, or video content was not created by a human,” Jourova said after a meeting of the working group tasked with combating misinformation using artificial intelligence. Jourova said that new artificial intelligence technologies can be useful and contribute to increased efficiency and the creation of creative content, but they also come with risks.

“They bring new risks and can have negative consequences for society, including in the area of spreading misinformation,” Jourova said, urging the 44 internet platforms that have accepted the code of conduct to take action regarding artificial intelligence. For example, by introducing technological solutions for recognizing and clearly labeling such content. Jourova expressed regret that the social network Twitter has withdrawn from the code of conduct and chosen confrontation instead.

“We think Twitter made a mistake by choosing confrontation,” Jourova said. In addition to voluntary participation in the code of conduct, combating misinformation will become a legal obligation under the Digital Services Act, which enters into force on August 25. “The code of conduct is voluntary, but do not be mistaken, by leaving the code, Twitter will be closely monitored on how and to what extent it complies with the Digital Services Act,” said the Vice-President of the Commission.