Director of pro-regime tabloid physically assaults Radar journalist

Source/Author: N1

Weekly magazine Radar journalist Vuk Z. Cvijic was physically assaulted on the street in downtown Belgrade on Wednesday, Radar reported. He said he was punched in the head by Milan Ladjevic, the director of the Srpski Telegraf pro-regime tabloid.

“I was attacked by Milan Ladjevic, he punched me in the head, in a café near their office,” Cvijic told N1.

He said he was just passing down the street and that Ladjevic started throwing insults at him. “Then I started to walk away. He approached me again and then hit me,” Cvijic recounted.

He said he has known Ladjevic for a long time, but that they are not in any kind of contact or personal conflict.

“I have written articles in which I mentioned him in connection with a trial. I presume it has to do with that, since we have no personal conflict,” said Cvijic.

He said the police are at the scene, and that he has already spoken with them.

“I did not expect to be physically assaulted by someone who presents himself as a journalist. We live in a society of violence, but this came as a surprise,” said Cvijic.
