IJAS: Dangerous insults to colleagues from Bujanovacke

Source/Author: NUNS

The Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia expresses concern over a series of insulting comments on the article published by the Bujanovacke portal on October, 29 about the appearance of MP Shaip Kamberi in the Serbian Parliament.

In the comments of the readers on the Facebook page of this media, numerous  insults and insinuations could be read such as that the journalists of the Bujanovacke portal are mercenaries and that they are working against the interests of Serbia. In a multiethnic environment such as the south of Serbia, such comments can lead to endangerment of the safety and lives of journalists.

We warn the public and the competent institutions that this year the number of reported  online incidents, in which journalists are targeted, is twice as high as in the previous year (75 in 2020; 31 in 2019). Growing violence and intolerance of criticism and different opinions are dangerous not only for the media scene in Serbia but also for the entire society that aspires to be democratic. Ahead of November, 2 – the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, we call on the competent institutions to take more seriously the problem of violence against journalists, not only criminal acts but also events which are often the cause and precursor to attacks. Unfortunately, we have witnessed many times in the past that smear campaigns and volleys of insults have encouraged people to make a move that seriously endangers the lives of journalists who inform citizens respecting the principle of public interest and other professional standards.

The Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia will record this incident in the database of attacks and pressure on journalists, and provide journalists of Bujanovacke with all the necessary help and support.

