Local communities insufficiently committed to gender-based violence as a social problem

Source/Author: BHN
Source/Photo: BHN

SREBRENICA, 19.10.2017. – How to report on gender-based violence and what is the role of police, prosecutors and social work centers in local communities when addressing this social problem are some of the issues that were discussed at today’s workshop “Reporting on the topic of gender-based violence” held in Srebrenica.

“Non-governmental organizations engaged in fighting against domestic violence and gender-based violence play a key role in advocating the legal sanctioning of such violence,” said journalist and activist Milkica Milojević

Ljiljana Zurovac, Executive Director of the Press Council, talked about journalistic ethics when reporting on gender-based violence.

“The media report on women mostly when it comes to violence and scandals,” Zurovac said and noted that very rarely texts or shows about prevention of violence, educational TV reports and texts on methods of protection against violence. “For better reporting on the problem of violence, journalists must be familiar with the laws and the levels of prescribed penalties,” added Zurovac.

Stanojka Tešić, Forum žena Bratunac

SStanojka Tesic from the Bratunac Women’s Forum, speaking as guest lecturer, pointed out the problem of “lack of public funds, the purpose of which would be prevention and assistance in cases of gender-based violence”.

One-day training for journalists, editors and bloggers gathered participants and participants from media outlets and non-governmental organizations from Srebrenica, Bratunac, Kalesija, Milići and Vlasenica, as well as representatives of the Center for Social Work in Srebrenica.