The lecture of Azra Maslo, from the Communications regulatory agency in BiH, on the rules for Electronic Media as well as fair, unified and comprehensive reporting in the provisions of the Code on Audiovisual and Radio Media Services opened the second day of the Journalism Academy 2017.
As Maslo emphasized – “The media accept regulation because they realize that the rules are one of the ways to protect themselves from political, economic and other pressures”.
The participants talked with Maida Bahto Kastendžić, from Press Council, about self-regulation and reporting in post-conflict societies, and also about the Press Code. Participants were introduced to practical examples, after which they s discussed about citizens’ complaints on unprofessional reporting of print and online media.
“Freedom of expression and freedom of the media is the foundation of a democratic society and should be the basis of our society,” emphasized Bahto Kestendžić.
Within the Academy, on the second day, the documentary film “Apostolic of Goodness” by Željka Mihaljević and Maja Leđenac, produced as part of the series “Living together”, dedicated to the courage of individuals and their actions during the past war in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, was shown.
On the third day, the participants had the opportunity to listen to lectures by professor Enes Osmančević and professor Mirza Mehmedović on the standards of fair, balanced and objective reporting on sensitive topics related to war, crimes, persecution of the population and other forms of human rights violations.
The evening of the third day of the Journalist Academy was filled with the documentary film “Srebrenica-a memory for the future”, by Dinno Kassala, whose movies received some of the most important worlds awards.