Nadia Gulabzada – the newly-arrived Afghan journalist in Kosovo


Today we welcomed the newly-arrived Afghan journalist Nadia Gulabzada in Kosovo.

Gulabzada was welcomed at the airport by her colleague Amina Omid, who has been sheltered in Pristina for a week now, the Chairman of the Board of the AJK, Xhemajl Rexha, Kushtrim Nreci from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Kushtrim Nreci, and officials of the Kosovo Police.

Afghan colleagues have been sheltered in Kosovo within the “Journalists in Residence – Kosovo” program, initiated by ECPMF, and financed by the Government of the Republic of Kosovo. The journalists will receive housing, a monthly stipend, health insurance, and a return ticket, for when circumstances on the ground allow them to go back home.

“Journalists in Residence – Kosovo”, is also supported by the Hannah Arendt Initiative.