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Faktoje in the Crossfire: The struggle for media integrity in Albania 


Faktoje, the only fact-checking organization in Albania, part of the IFCSN and EFCSN, has faced increasing attacks over the past few years that have gained traction in the past weeks. These assaults come from various media outlets, public figures, and online platforms. This article provides an overview of these attacks, exploring why they are happening and their broader implications for media freedom and journalistic integrity in Albania. 

Attacks against the Faktoje team, which implements the Code of Ethics and Fact-Verification Methodology that is internationally certified, have come from various media outlets. These outlets have been affected by Faktoje’s fact-checking of their published articles and have refused to correct their writings. This situation highlights the challenges faced by independent fact-checkers in maintaining journalistic integrity and accountability in the face of resistance from some media sources.

The attacks against Faktoje primarily revolve around accusations that the organization is involved in digital censorship, allegedly in collaboration with social media platforms like META (Facebook), to suppress dissenting voices and critical opinions. These claims suggest that Faktoje directly deactivates or blocks social media accounts and removes posts on particularly controversial topics. This central accusation has become the foundation of a broader defamation campaign against Faktoje, with detractors alleging that the organization misuses donor funds, operates with political bias, and participates in an international conspiracy.

Faktoje’s staff, including its CEO, have been subjected to personal harassment. Specific examples include the publication of personal photos of staff members when they were minors, the exposure of private data online, and organized social media attacks that incite online lynching and defamation. For instance, public figures and radical conspiracists have falsely accused Faktoje of working to manipulate the Albanian media landscape as part of an agenda linked to George Soros. Faktoje’s staff tells Safe Journalists that they constantly receive harassing and threatening phone calls, emails, and WhatsApp messages, also from politicians and businesspersons. 

The accusations of financial mismanagement have further fueled the attacks, with detractors suggesting that Faktoje lacks transparency in handling international donor funds. This narrative has been amplified by online portals, media outlets, and public figures who have published defamatory articles claiming Faktoje misuses funds to promote media integrity and disinformation prevention. Despite being unsupported by evidence, these accusations are widely circulated, creating a distrustful atmosphere around Faktoje’s operations.

The hostility toward Faktoje arises from its role in fact-checking sensitive topics like COVID-19 and climate change, challenging disinformation spread by conspiracists, anti-government groups, and radical actors. By debunking these false narratives, Faktoje disrupts their agendas, making it a target for retaliation. These groups view Faktoje’s work as a threat, leading to coordinated attacks.

A significant driver behind the attacks on Faktoje is the allegation that the organization, along with Soros-funded civil society organizations, is part of a coordinated effort to weaken Albania’s opposition and other critical groups and advance controversial agendas, such as the depopulation of the country. While these accusations are baseless, they are frequently used by public figures and online media to undermine Faktoje’s credibility. By leveraging Soros as a symbol of foreign meddling, these groups tap into fears of external influence, framing Faktoje as part of an international scheme rather than an independent fact-checker focused on media integrity. These accusations are completely unfounded, as Faktoje has never received funding from the Open Society Foundation – Soros in the past five years, according to the director of Faktoje for Safe Journalists.

Moreover, Albania’s media content quality has deteriorated, with sensationalism and click-driven content becoming dominant. Weakening ethical journalism and self-regulatory practices have created an environment where disinformation flourishes. Many media outlets prioritize financial gain over journalistic integrity in this landscape, frequently publishing sensationalist stories that overlook factual accuracy. Faktoje’s debunking exposes these shortcomings, making it a target for defamatory attacks. 

The attacks on Faktoje seriously affect media freedom and the fight against disinformation in Albania. Sustained defamation and harassment campaigns create a hostile environment for fact-checkers, leading to a chilling effect on independent journalism. This discourages fact-checkers from challenging entrenched political or financial interests and limits efforts to combat disinformation. Moreover, spreading false accusations, such as censorship and financial misconduct, erodes public trust in media organizations. When these claims go unchecked, they undermine the credibility of fact-checkers and weaken public confidence in the integrity of the media.

Additionally, the personal harassment of Faktoje’s staff, including the exposure of private information and online lynching, poses significant safety risks and damages morale. These attacks not only endanger journalists’ well-being but also discourage others from engaging in fact-checking work. At the same time, efforts to discredit Faktoje undermine its critical role as a third-party fact-checker for META, allowing misinformation to flourish unchecked and weakening the broader effort to combat false narratives in Albania.

Safe Journalists recommends that Faktoje establish a regular reporting framework that provides detailed data on its fact-checking activities. By sharing this data consistently with stakeholders, Faktoje can ensure that its role as a third-party fact-checker for META is fully understood and continue its dialogue with stakeholders regarding its pivotal role. Furthermore, journalists’ associations, other media freedom organizations, and civil society should strengthen ties to build a united front in upholding media integrity and ethical journalism standards, including strengthening self-regulatory measures. 

Safe Journalists urges all media outlets to uphold the highest standards of journalistic integrity. Media outlets must prioritize accuracy, transparency, and accountability to foster public trust in the media and effectively counter disinformation.

Stakeholders involved in improving media integrity, media freedom, and the safety of journalists in Albania and beyond should continue their collaboration with Faktoje and other independent and professional media. It is crucial that they provide them with the necessary support to face ongoing challenges and strengthen media integrity.

Stakeholders should support Faktoje and other organizations’ efforts in educating the public and media professionals about the importance of fact-checking disinformation, and media ethics.

The tension between public watchdogs, including fact-checkers like Faktoje, and media outlets or public figures highlights broader challenges in balancing accountability and freedom of expression. While fact-checkers aim to combat disinformation with evidence-based corrections, they often clash with media actors who prioritize sensationalism, political agendas, or click-driven content over journalistic integrity.

This conflict is further complicated by partnerships with platforms like META, where efforts to curb disinformation can be perceived as censorship, especially on politically sensitive topics. As various public watchdogs compete for influence over public narratives, accusations of bias or censorship frequently undermine each other’s credibility, making it harder for the public to discern reliable information.

In light of these tensions, we argue for constructive dialogue between these actors to address their differences and ensure that all parties maintain the highest levels of integrity and ethics in their work, fostering public trust and media integrity.

Albanian journalists speak out against unpaid wages, job insecurity, and workplace violations in the Media sector


Journalist Iris Rezhda, who has covered the Korça district for nearly 10 years, revealed that “Fax News” has not paid her for two years, despite her ongoing work. She highlights the difficult conditions faced by correspondents, such as long hours, lack of holidays, and unpaid expenses like fuel. Despite working without a contract, like many other journalists, she is pursuing legal action to claim her unpaid wages. Recently fired without notice, she calls on fellow “Fax News” journalists to join her in addressing this violation of their rights.

In addition, journalists and media workers, who prefer not to be named, from other prominent outlets have reported similar issues. They claim that social security contributions have not been paid for over a year, salaries are frequently delayed, and payments are partially made through minimal bank transfers with the remainder provided in cash. 

These issues reflect broader systemic challenges in the Albanian media sector, where precarious working conditions not only undermine the financial security of journalists but also affect the quality and independence of reporting. The lack of stable and fair employment practices creates an environment of insecurity, where journalists are often forced to work under pressure and with limited resources.

Despite the widespread nature of these problems, many media workers are reluctant to speak out, fearing retaliation from their employers, further exacerbating the vulnerability of those in the profession.



AJK condemns the obstruction of Kallxo.com and Telegrafi journalists by the municipality official of North Mitrovica while they were on duty


The Association of Journalists of Kosovo is concerned by the obstructing act of the chief of staff of the mayor of North Mitrovica towards Florinda Kelmendi, journalist of Kallxo.com and Blinera Mehmeti, journalist of Telegrafi.

Journalists have the right to exercise their duty unhindered, and any attempt that undermines such a right is unacceptable, it worsens the environment of performing journalistic duties and prevents fair informing and the objective coverage of events.

“While I was filming the arrest of Aleksandar Arsenijevic, chief of staff of the North Mitrovica mayor, Visar Syla put his hand on the camera of my phone and told me ‘do not film!’. I told him that this is our duty. He obstructed the work of my colleague from Telegrafi.com in the same manner”, the Kallxo.com journalism has stated regarding the matter.

“He was not allowing us to film, we told him it was our duty yet he was insisting to stop the filming”, said the Telegrafi journalist.

AJK appeals to the state officials to avoid such acts that obstruct the work of the journalists and recalls the serious state of the freedom of the press in the country, which is evident even in reports of credible international indicators such as Reporters Without Borders, where Kosovo has suffered a drop by 19 places.

AJK concerned by the behavior of a police official towards journalist Irfan Maliqi


The Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK) is deeply concerned by the incident that occurred on October 1, in the town of Vitija, where the police official M. S., obstructed the work of PlusTv journalist, Irfan Maliqi, during the coverage of a breast cancer awareness march.

According to this media, the footage of the police official’s behavior shows that he approached the journalist in a threatening manner, by telling him: “Do not ever tell me to wait again, for this you will later face consequences”.

These acts are unacceptable and violate the basic principles of freedom of the press and the right for providing information. Journalists, as representatives of public information, have the right to carry out their duties without fear from pressure and threats. AJK highlights that the demeanor of law enforcement officials should be consistent with the respecting of human rights and the freedom of the press.

The threats and intimidations towards journalists are unacceptable and undermine the trust in security institutions. We appeal to the Kosovo Police and the Police Inspectorate of Kosovo to do a thorough and transparent investigation of this incident.

AJK will continue to support the journalists and to work for a safer and freer environment for all who contribute to informing the public.

AJK condemns FFK’s language towards the media outlet “Albanian Post”


The Football Federation of Kosovo has issued a new press release using unacceptable language towards the media outlet “Albanian Post,” linking it to “criminal structures.”

AJK condemns this dangerous language towards the media from the highest football authority in the country.

AJK invites FFK to address the reports in this and other media about the functioning of this important institution, instead of resorting to attacks and harsh language.

AJK condemns the offensive language by Prime Minister Kurti towards the media


The Association of Journalists of Kosovo strongly condemns the latest attack towards the media made today by the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti.

AJK is thoroughly concerned to see such unacceptable attempts made to undermine the credibility of media in Kosovo, without presenting any facts or arguments, by accusing the media of “being paid by past regimes”, for the alleged fake news and disinformation related to the Bureau for Verification and Confiscation of Unjustified Assets.

In the last report of Reporters Without Borders, Kosovo has marked a drastic drop of 19 places in terms of freedom of the press, therefore we call for Prime Minister Kurti to refrain from such campaigns and from his political warnings for persecution and accusations towards the media and journalists on unsubstantiated allegations, which further worsens the situation in the country in terms of freedom of the press and the environment of journalism.

The problematization of the issue of disnformation and fake news, which Prime Minister Kurti claims, is not by any means done through heavily and without any arguments undermining the credibility of the media, which is one of the most important pillars of democracy in the country.

FFK’s Demand to AJK: A form of pressure on the media and journalists


The Association of Journalists of Kosovo has accepted a request from the Football Federation of Kosovo, which expresses displeasure about the discussions occurring in sports broadcasts regarding this institution and the Kosovo National Team. In the letter, FFK unfoundedly accuses some sports shows of running a “media campaign against the FFK.”

AJK considers this open letter from the FFK unacceptable and sees it as an attempt to pressure journalists and media in Kosovo.

Freedom of expression and freedom of the media are guaranteed by the Constitution of Kosovo, and it is the duty of journalists and the media to hold the FFK accountable for its decisions and actions.

AJK condemns alarming accusations against Berat Buzhala in Sadri Sadriu’s murder case


The Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK) is alarmed by the serious accusations made against Berat Buzhala in the case of the murder of Sadri Sadriu. The son of the victim, Ilir Sadriu, recently made a public accusation on Facebook, alleging that Buzhala, a journalist and founder of Nacionale, was involved in his father’s murder.

Sadriu wrote that “the fact that the case was not denounced before the courts of the Republic of Kosovo but before those of Serbia, and taking into account the close ties of Berat Buzhala with other criminal actors in Serbia, only strengthens the suspicion of his direct involvement in the murder of our father.”

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo strongly condemns these accusations, as they pose a significant threat to the safety of Buzhala and his colleagues. Following this accusation, the safety of Buzhala and other journalists at Nacionale is now at risk.

AJK urges the Kosovo Police to take immediate action and implement additional security measures to ensure the safety and protection of Buzhala and his team.

Journalists obstructed while doing their job in Prishtina


Today, journalists Gresa Nitaj from Klan Kosova, Leonita Bajrami from Top Channel, and Venhar Isufi from Tëvë1, and camera operators Arben Restelica, Edon Hogjagjiku and Valdrin Abazi, were obstructed while reporting on a murder that took place last night in Kodra e Trimave, in Prishtina.

In a live broadcast for an information news edition in Klan Kosova, the journalist Gresa Nitaj is seen being forcibly grabbed by a man, preventing her from reporting live. The same individual is seen and heard telling Top Channels and Teve1s crews to leave

.For the Association of Journalists of Kosovo, obstructing the work of journalists is unacceptable; therefore, we call upon the Kosovo Police to ensure that journalists can carry out their work without being harmed or hindered.