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Launch a new debate on media legislation

photo: smcg

PODGORICA, 14.05.2021. – The debate on amendments to the media laws and the Criminal Code and negotiations on the adoption of a new Branch Collective Agreement needs to be restarted to improve the status of journalists and media workers in Montenegro. These are some of the main recommendations of the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (SMCG), which today presented the study “Media Freedom and Security of Journalists through the Prism of Media Legislation in Montenegro”.

“Amendments to the Law on Media and the Law on the National Public Broadcaster RTCG have improved the overall media legislation of Montenegro. However, there are numerous objections to some solutions as well as certain ambiguities and shortcomings in these laws. Given that the new government has announced its readiness to reopen the dialogue on all media laws, it is necessary to use this to further define the legislative framework in the field of media,” the study said.

Researcher Bojana Laković Konatar said that all changes to media laws are desirable and good, but that before the changes it is necessary to understand the way media systems work and the nature of the problems that exist in the Montenegrin media. “Any spontaneous action will jeopardize the already poor working conditions and position of media employees and can only be counterproductive,” she said.

Lakovic Konatar especially referred to the problems of local public broadcasters. “Employees of Radio Ulcinj have not received any earnings since the beginning of the year, and that media currently broadcasts only music. For now, there are no announcements from the Municipality of Ulcinj, which is the founder, whether it will help them, “she said.

She added that the situation is difficult in RTV Pljevlja as well. “Employees are owed two salaries and over 400 thousand euros for taxes and contributions. Since the beginning of the year, their account has been blocked twice and they are threatened with bankruptcy “, stated Laković Konatar.

Journalists of local public broadcasters who attended the round table assessed that the situation in most local media is humiliating and that the problems exceed the possibilities of local self-governments. They said that the allocations from the budget for local media must be much higher and that they expect the announced Law on Audiovisual Media Services to resolve this issue.

Dragana Vlaović from RTV Herceg Novi said that the media increased the number of employees to 40. “We failed to negotiate the Collective Agreement. One salary and several months are late for taxes and contributions,” she said.

Enes Gusinjac from RTV Rozaje announced that the media has two reprograms. “Taxes and contributions have not been paid for the last three years. The total debt of RTV Rozaje is 580 thousand euros. Debt has been accumulating for years, the annual budget is only 185 thousand, and we have 27 employees. We are afraid of bankruptcy “, said Gusinjac.

Researcher Drazen Djuraskovic assessed that when changing the media legislation, media workers must be recognized with special care as real “gatekeepers” for the democratic functioning of society. “This means that the legislator should always keep in mind those who participate in the creation of media content and grant them adequate socio-economic, criminal, and professional protection. It turned out that the status of employees in the media does not correspond to the importance of their role in society “, said Đurašković.

New criminal acts should be introduced in the Criminal Code to increase the penalties for attacks on journalists, said the president of the SMCG, Marijana Camovic Velickovic.

“In the coming period, SMCG will continue the dialogue with the representatives of the civil sector and members of parliament to present all our suggestions, to improve the socio-economic position of media workers and their safety,” announced Camovic Velickovic.

The vice president of SMCG, Radomir Krackovic, expressed expectations that the judicial and prosecutorial bodies will dedicate themselves to unresolved attacks. “The relativization of attacks on journalists and media workers is especially dangerous,” Krackovic warned.

He said that SMCG is against journalists being officials. “Journalists do not work in the service of the state, but in the service of the public interest,” he said.

Vijesti journalist Jelena Jovanović assessed that there was a “big line of discord” among the media. “By no means should we accept that journalists be officials,” Jovanovic said.

Referring to the recent event when journalist Nebojsa Sofranac was insulted and belittled, RTCG journalist Danijel Celecki said that editors who assign journalists to work assignments should better anticipate possible consequences when reporting on certain events.

“We should criticize the decision of the editorial board to send our colleague Sofranac to report on an event that posed a high risk for him. Such decisions should have certain consequences for the editorial board, which has put the journalist in a dangerous situation. This applies to all media, “Celecki pointed out.

The President of the Trade Union of RTCG, Jadranka Drobnjak, announced that the General Director of the Public Service, Bozidar Sundic, sent the Council a proposal for a new systematization of jobs and that the Trade Union of Employees was not informed.

“We will ask the Council to acquaint us with this document, “said Drobnjak.

Photojournalists and cameramen are even more endangered than journalists in Montenegro, according to Boris Pejovic, a photojournalist and member of the SMCG Main Board. “Apart from daily attacks, verbal and physical, photo reporters have a problem that institutions and citizens do not know what our rights are, so there are bans on access, identification for too long, etc.,” he said.

Camovic Velickovic said that during 2020 and 2021, the state helped the media with 2.5 million euros. “We have to ask where that money went and whether the employees got a share,” she said.

The round table also assessed that the initiative on retroactive purchase of work experience for media employees for the period 2000-2010 should be considered. Work should be done on improving the position of freelancers.

The roundtable is part of the project “Improving Dialogue between Journalists’ Associations and Parliaments in the Western Balkans for a Stronger Civil Sector” funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and implemented by the Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN).



PRISHTINA, 12.05.2021 – The Association of Journalists of Kosovo – AJK, has accepted with concern the complaint of our colleagues, Dush Gashi and Ali Cenaj, on the delay of their case, from the Court of Appeals regarding their dismissal from the Newspaper “Zëri” at the end of 2014 year, after 14 years of their working experience.

Colleagues have filed their lawsuits to the Basic Court in Prishtina on 8 January 2015, where the same institution has approved to the journalist Gashi all counts of his lawsuit: Return to work and compensation of entire salaries, in the meantime the lawsuit of journalist Cenaj was partially approved, ie only on the salary compensation, but not on his request to return to the work. However, after the appeal submitted by the other Party in this case, Gazeta Zëri, on 13 February 2016, the present case continues to remain in the Court of Appeals.

In relation to this case, AJK has submitted questions to the Court of Appeals, but as of the time of publication of the present reaction has been not received any response.

For AJK is unbearable and absurd delay in reviewing of this case which has already been carried out for more than six (6) years since its submission. Delay of these cases is not justified by anything and worsens the climate of journalism in Kosovo, also due to the delays and non-imposition of meritorious sentences, journalists are reluctant to present their cases to the competent authorities.

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo calls upon on relevant authorities to take the necessary steps as soon as possible in reviewing the cases of colleagues Dush Gashi and Ali Cenaj, as well all other cases of our colleagues who have been threatened and attacked.

We do not need a replay of paid public media campaigns


The Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM), the Independent Trade Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM), the Macedonian Institute for Media (MIM) and the Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (CMEM) are reacting to the government’s public announcement to amend the legislation that will end the ban on advertising in the media by public institutions (Article 102 of LAAMS).

Within the MIA announcement of May 4, 2021, in journalistic controversial text, it is said that the Government will adopt a package of media reforms that include paid public campaigns in private media and the establishment of Fund for Investigative Journalism and production of media content of public interest.

It is unusual and tendentious for secret briefers from the Government to provide information at the public service, without being supported by facts.

The text implies and conveys the impression that CMEM and AJM once requested amendment to Article 102, together in package with the establishment of a Media Assistance Fund.

Distinguished Government officials, this is a lie!

AJM and CMEM, together with SSNM and MIM, have never accepted or requested legal amendments that would allow direct outflow of public money for government campaigns in the private media.

It is our upright and consistent view which we have not departed at any moment, at any meeting or conversation.

The attempt to circumvent or disguise our position on this article of the Law in the pile of other announcements and promises for media reforms creates false image of the profession positions.

This relationship undermines the trust between journalistic and media organizations and the Government, and can be misinterpreted by both, the public and the international community.

Therefore, we want clearly to emphasize that we were and are against these legal amendments and we absolutely do not think that they should fit in the same mold with other media reforms, straightforward reason is that we do not see them as reforms.

As for the Media Assistance Fund, it is certainly idea that we should discuss among ourselves as organizations, both with the Government and with representatives of the international community.

Although the MIA text again suggests the opposite, let us clarify that there is no formal request to the Government to establish Media Fund, but our readiness to be constructive partner to devise this model if the need for such fund is assessed.

Creation of this model can be the only right way to support the development of the media, as well as the free and professional journalism.

In line with the above, we believe that two things are needed in order to avoid misunderstandings in the public:

The Government of the North Macedonia to withdraw the initiative for abolishing the ban on state advertising (not to amend the Article 102 of LAAMS) and
The Government should open a public debate in the media sector for creation of a Fund for Support of Professional Journalism.
If you accept these requests, we believe that you will leave room to find quality solutions to help the media sector, such that will help the media market to be free and competitive, and the journalists themselves as support of their professional work.

Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM)

Independent Trade Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM)

Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (CMEM)

Macedonian Institute for Media (MIM)

SMCG: Without solidarity there is no progress

Photo: csoonline.com

PODGORICA May 3rd, 2021 – On World Media Freedom Day – May 3, the media freedom state in Montenegro, which has been generally weak so far, is further jeopardized by the fact that media workers have faced a series of attacks, insults and harassment in recent months, while the economic and social status a large number of employees are still poor, and incomes are below the national average and certainly far from the importance of our profession.

In the last two months alone, there have been as many as six cases of verbal and physical attacks or threats, insults, and humiliation of journalists and media workers, and in half of the cases, this happened while they were on work assignments where they were just doing their job. Some of these attacks are motivated by disagreement and open hatred towards the editorial policy of the media or the work of journalists, which shows a great lack of understanding of the role that the media and their employees play in a democratic society. Attacks are often the product of the heated political situation in Montenegro and we fear they could continue. That is why it is very important for the police to recognize the risks in the coming period and protect journalists and media workers while reporting from the event. It is also necessary for prosecutors and judicial authorities to do their part of the work efficiently so that these cases are fully solved and the attackers punished. We also demand that decision-makers urgently amend the Criminal Code in order to toughen penalties for attacks on journalists and prevent journalists from performing their professional tasks, and in order to protect media workers in a very difficult and challenging time for their profession. It is also necessary to finally start resolving from the deadlock the most difficult cases of attacks on journalists, such as the murder of Dusko Jovanovic, where we still do not know who the killers and masterminds are, and the attack on Olivera Lakic, where there are no indictments yet, although the authorities claimed that solved the case.

The poor state of media freedom in Montenegro is also complicated by the coronavirus epidemic, which has further degraded the economic and social position of some media workers, mostly in some local public broadcasters. The epidemic exposed the difficult situation in these media, where salaries are late for years, debts for taxes and contributions are accumulating, and some are threatened with bankruptcy. The biggest responsibility for that lies with the local self-governments that founded these media and then did not give them sufficient amounts from the budget to function, so many local public broadcasters became dependent on the will of political structures in power in municipalities, which endangered the editorial independence of these media. We believe that it is high time that we finally get the new Law on Audio-Visual Media Services this year and that it systematically resolves the situation in these media and ensures their financial sustainability and full independence in reporting.

The epidemic has led to a significant increase in the workload of employees in private media, and many of them are not adequately rewarded for this, although the Government and the Agency for Electronic Media have repeatedly financially supported private media through salary subsidies, direct grants, debt forgiveness or providing more favorable loans. Once again, we call on all private media owners who have not done so to adequately reward their employees for their work and labor during the epidemic, when many of them were exposed to the dangers of infection, just to perform their professional tasks.

In addition to these, there are numerous other problems such as: work restrictions and poor status of photojournalists, unsatisfactory level of self-regulation in the media, various pressures and unauthorized influences on the work of media and journalists, censorship and self-censorship, growing misinformation and fake news… Addressing these issues should be a priority for the media community and media employees. Despite all the differences, we must be united at least in the fight to improve our economic position and resolve attacks on journalists, but also strive to improve professional standards in order to meet the demands that the period ahead will bring. The solidarity of the media community, to which SMCG has been calling for years, may sound like a cliché, but without it, there can hardly be a better day for all, or at least most, media workers in our country.

Main board of Trade Union of Media of Montenegro

Regional campaign: Five minutes for media freedom


PODGORICA, May 5th, 2021 – Trade Union of Media of Montenegro is participating for the ninth time in the regional action Five Minutes of Thunderous Silence, which is being organized on May 3, World Media Freedom Day.

We invite all our members, as well as all other colleagues, to join the action, which is planned for May 3, from 11:55 to 12:00, and the rules for its implementation are below.


At 11.55 am, start protesting in the workplace and stop all work and communication until 12 noon. During the protest, a member of the Union should read aloud the proclamation on the occasion of May 3, World Media Freedom Day.



Colleagues in the radio newsrooms are asked to read the adapted text on the air and stop the program by 12 noon, or broadcast light instrumental music.



Colleagues in television are asked to read the adapted text from the screen and, if possible, interrupt the program until 12.00. Wherever possible, the image on the screen should be the appropriate text of the Union.



Colleagues in portals and agencies are asked to publish the announcement of  SMCG at 11.55 am and, if possible, not to post other news or comments until 12.00 pm.



All colleagues who find themselves on work assignments on May 3 at 11.55 am (especially at sessions of state and local government bodies, party and similar gatherings) are asked to stand up and thus join the action of SMCG, and by agreement they can leave the room for five minutes.


With five minutes of thunderous silence, we need to clearly express our union and professional solidarity and determination in order to protect the rights that belong to us.

Thank you for your response and solidarity!

Main Board of SMCG



PRISTINA, 03.05.2021 – The Association of Journalists of Kosovo – AJK, in cooperation with and with the support of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, the United Nations Team in Kosovo and the United Nations Mission in Kosovo, today marks May 3 – World Press Freedom Day with the motto “Blackout May”. This motto serves as a call for all institutions to see what a day without media would look like.

On World Press Freedom Day, AJK in cooperation with its partners and this year with the support of the US Embassy in Kosovo, held a roundtable discussion on “Challenges of media freedom and security of journalists in Kosovo.”

Ambassador Michael Davenport – Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, through a video message, called on the media to combat misinformation by reporting correctly and with facts.

“The public relies on media professionals to provide accurate information and combat misinformation, based on ethical and fact-based reporting. Critical times like these call on media owners, editors and journalists to exert their influence with responsibilities and governments to create the right conditions for this “.

Ulrika Richardson – UN Development Coordinator, spoke about the important role of journalists in our society.

“Journalists have a very privileged role in our societies, they have the ear and trust of the people, and of course this comes with a great responsibility to be able to provide information impartially and independently as much as possible. “Now, with that comes the responsibilities of the institutions that have to ensure that the right conditions exist for journalists to do their profession, which is a noble profession.”

The Ambassador of the United States of America, Philip Kosnett, in honor of the World Press Freedom Day, came out with a statement saying that attacks on journalists are attacks on democracy itself.

“A vibrant, free press – informing the public, empowering different voices and holding public officials accountable – is a fundamental component of any stable democracy. Journalists deserve our respect and protection. Threats and attacks against journalistspresent attacks on democracy, itself”.

Lars-Gunnar Wigemark – Head of the European Union Rule of Law Mission during his speech said that media freedom should not be taken for granted, but should be protected as one of the main pillars of society.

“Media freedom is at the core of a democratic system and as such, it should never be taken for granted, but rather should be nurtured and protected as a building of a better society for all.”

Also in a livebroadcast was Ambassador Nancy Soderberg – Senior Director of NDI in Kosovo, who said that the media play a key role in democratic stability.

“Journalists are at the front line of defending democracy and you are definitely the fourth power …. You and the media have a key role to play in maintaining democratic stability and holding leaders accountable.”

The President of the Board of the Association of Journalists of Kosovo, GentianaBegolliPustina, addressed the audience on the freedom of the media and the safety of journalists, emphasizing that the climate of journalism is continuing to worsen from year to year.

You have seen yourself how easily our colleagues are physically attacked, in the middle of the day, in the center of Prishtina. For most attacks by the judiciary we have the usual answer “investigations continue”, “we are on the right track to shed light on the case”, and so on. As long as we get the same answers from year to year, the climate of journalism is getting worse, and as this reality continues, we,the civil society, journalists, and international mechanisms operating in Kosovo, have nothing else left but to continue raisingour voice aiming to improve the climate of journalism. ”

On this May 3, were commemoratedthe journalists killed and missing during and after the last war in Kosovo, where the relevant institutions were asked to shed light on the truth as soon as possible, under the slogan “You have the truth before your eyes”.

In the discussion panel through the Zoom platform, also were present: Nancy Soderberg – Senior Director of NDI for Kosovo, Ricardo Gutiérrez – Secretary General of the European Federation of Journalists, ImerMushkolaj – Director of the Press Council of Kosovo, ArdianaThaçi – Journalist, BetimMusliu – Journalist, DarkoDimitrijevic – Journalist, FluturaKusari – Lawyer of media rights and other fellow journalists.

You can see the full virtual discussion on this link: https://fb.watch/5fOWSG5BIm/



Dear fellow journalists,

Distinguished guests,

Although in extraordinary circumstances, the Association of Journalists of Kosovo with the support of the OSCE Mission, the United Nations Team and the United Nations Mission in Kosovo, this year marks May 3 – World Press Freedom Day, in order to jointly reflect on the state of press freedom and professional ethics.

This date, even this time, finds our fellow journalists in battle with the COVID-19 pandemic, reconfirming the noble and very important role of our profession. Even today, AJK reminds the institutions of the obligation to respect free speech and create a safe and democratic environment, with guaranteed and inviolable freedom to practice this profession.

From year to year, attacks of various forms against journalists are increasing. Censorship, self-censorship and financial dependence of the media continue to influence the making of objective journalism.

On the other hand, the pending caseload of court cases of attacks on journalists and the symbolic punishments – not to say ridiculous – continue to be the main obstacles in practicing the profession. Even the sentences imposed in these cases are considered encouraging for perpetrators.

In the address of the Association of Journalists of Kosovo, this year the number of reporting cases of obstruction at work, insults, blackmail and other forms of pressure on our fellow journalists has increased.

Therefore, we continue to reiterate our calls to the relevant institutions to join forces in combating phenomena aimed at obstructing the work of journalists and demotivating the fulfillment of the mission, and that is providing the right information on all developments of public interest.

AJK in cooperation with its supporting actors marks the World Press Freedom Day under the motto “BLACKOUT MAY”, which means how a day without media in Kosovo would look like.

Today’s activities aim to advocate for media freedom and to create a free and unhindered environment for practicing the profession, so that journalists have unrestricted access to information and official documents, which is also guaranteed by law, as well as to recall all our colleagues killed and missing during and after the war in Kosovo, with a request to the judiciary that the truth should be clarified.

Throughout the day you will have the opportunity to see the pronunciations of local and international stakeholders, who have always not only called for media freedom and the safety of journalists, but who without any hesitation have supported the AJK in every initiative to provide journalists and the media with the freedom guaranteed by law.

After this conference, from 12:00 hrs, we invite you to join us in the round-table discussion (virtual & with physical presence) on media freedom and security of journalists which will be attended by ambassadors, relevant media representatives and civil society.



The Press Council of Kosovo and the Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK) have accepted with concern the reports that the Committee on Local Government, Regional Development and Media of the Assembly of Kosovo has mentioned the possibility of regulating online content of media by the Independent Media Commission (IMC).

The PCK, as a self-regulatory mechanism representing print and online media, and AJK, as an organization representing journalists, oppose any attempt or initiative by anyone to include online media content as part of a regulatory mechanism by state institutions.

The PCK is the only mechanism in Kosovo that deals with the ethics of print and online media (newspapers, online media, magazines, news agencies) and constantly decides on complaints from citizens and institutions regarding violations of ethics by print and online media. .

Therefore, PCK and AJK strongly oppose any attempt and initiative to introduce the ethics of print and online media as part of the IMC law. Such initiatives are in glaring contradiction with the international rules of journalism and the spirit of journalism installed in Kosovo for some time now.

Each of the print media (online or print) should be held accountable for their actions before state bodies, based on relevant laws, but initially no one can better assess their ethics than the media themselves, or professionals of the field.

The PCK through the mechanism of control and evaluation of the ethics of the print media is recognized by the Assembly of Kosovo, through the Law on Defamation and Insult and the decisions that the PCK makes for the parties and the media are respected and highly valued by local courts in cases where they decide for defamation and insult.

Initiatives to control and evaluate ethics for print and online media by a state organization are harmful and do not help the media and journalists.

BH Journalists: A member of Armed Forces of BiH threatened journalist Hadžović with physical violence


SARAJEVO, April 20, 2021 – The Steering Committee of BH Journalists Association and the Free Media Help Line (FMHL) strongly condemn the threats made to journalist Eldin Hadžović by Vahid Hota, a member of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

After Hadžović published an article on Prometej.ba portal on April 10 this year, entitled “How the mayor of Sarajevo failed the first exam: They are not Serbian criminals, but the RS Army”, which was later transmitted by numerous portals, the above mentioned Hota sent him a message via Facebook with extremely threatening content in which, with numerous curses and insults, he threatened Hadžović with “slapping” and “breaking his fingers with a hammer”.

By looking at Vahid Hota’s Facebook profile, it can be seen that he is a member of the Armed Forces of BiH, which makes this case of threatening a journalist even more shocking and serious.

The Steering Committee of BH Journalists and the Free Media Help Line consider that open threats by members of the AF BiH are inadmissible, endanger the safety of journalists and attack the freedom of the media, opinion and speech. It is worrying that people like Vahid Hota, whose professional duty requires them to equally protect all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, their rights and freedoms, use this kind of a vocabulary and openly threaten with physical violence against journalists, just because they disagree with their views and texts. Such behavior of individuals not only constitutes a criminal offense, but also tarnishes all members of the BiH Armed Forces who perform their work professionally, responsibly and in compliance with the law.

The BH Journalists Association and FMHL will inform the competent police authorities about this case with a request for an urgent investigation into the threats made to journalist Hadžović. We will also inform the representatives of the AF BiH about these threats, from whom we demand an investigation against Vahid Hota and a sanction against this member of Armed Forces who threatened the journalist with physical violence, thus endangering his safety and professional journalistic rights.

Steering Committee of BH Journalists Association/Free Media Help Line