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After the report by BH Journalists: A man from Mostar arrested on suspicion of threatening a journalist via YouTube


MOSTAR, 25.01.2021.– H.P. (26) from Mostar was arrested five days ago on suspicion of making serious threats to a journalist from Široki Brijeg via YouTube channel.

After questioning, H.P was detained for 24 hours.

The man is previously known to the police for the same or similar crimes, and the Federal Police Administration had previously submitted a report against him to the Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton on the criminal offense of “endangering safety”.

– Considering that the suspect continued threatening the same journalist again after submitting the report, and after the BH Journalists Association submitted a report to this Police Directorate, material evidence was collected on the basis of which the suspect H.P. was arrested on 20.01.2021., and after criminal processing on January 21 transferred to the Prosecutor’s Office with the Report on the committed criminal offense. By the competent Court and at the request of the acting prosecutor, a 24-hour detention measure has been ordered”, said the Federal Police Administration in their statement.

Acting on the order of the Municipal Court in Mostar, the officers of the Federal Police Administration also searched the house used by the suspect in the area of ​​the Municipality of Mostar.

Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia strongly condemns the threats made to the journalist of the Nova.rs portal, Vojislav Milovancevic, and calls on the competent authorities to react urgently


Namely, on Thursday evening, Milovancevic received insults and threatening messages from several Twitter accounts, some of which represent a very serious and direct threat to the safety of journalists.

The threats followed the publication of an article in which the Nova.rs journalist referred to a rape case at the Orthodox Theological Faculty. One of the users called on his like-minded people to “address” Milovancevic, after which several people, under the pretext of protecting the reputation of the Serbian Orthodox Church, sent threatening and insulting messages to the journalist.

“The threats began to arrive after the article, where I referred to our earlier writing about the case at the Theological Faculty. The team that did this is hiding under the cloak of alleged protection of the Serbian Orthodox Church’s reputation, and is making death threats – quite Christian. Unfortunately, this is it happens to us journalists on a daily basis, “Milovancevic told IJAS.

He says that “there are people constantly appearing who threaten and make false claims about journalists.” “I think it is important for the prosecution to deal with this case and to process these brave ones who send such messages from social networks,” our interlocutor is clear.

He adds that “he hopes that this country has legal mechanisms by which it can stand in the way of such people.”

This is not the first time that this journalist was attacked, because in July last year he suffered a severe physical attack during a protest in front of the National Assembly. The perpetrator was found and taken into custody, and the attacker pleaded guilty and was sentenced to one year of house arrest. The journalist was dissatisfied with the end of the case, given that he considered that there were several open questions and suspicions that this really was the person who attacked and injured Milovancevic.

IJAS will inform the Contact Points for the Safety of Journalists and the Permanent Working Group for the Safety of Journalists about this case.


23rd of January  2021.

150 years of journalism: New Government to address media problems adequately


PODGORICA, 23.01.2021. – The important anniversary, 150 years of journalism in Montenegro, is celebrated by journalists in our country during the epidemic of the coronavirus, which negatively affected the journalistic profession, although, at the same time, as never before, it showed the great importance of the media in our society. However, the social and material status of media workers, which has generally not improved, is not commensurate with this importance, although many were among the first to be hit by the epidemic, bringing key information to citizens and raising the readership, audience and viewership of the media.

The TUMM survey from October showed that over 86% of online journalists confirms negative impact of corona crises on their work, but around 15% of them said that their salaries were reduced during the epidemic. Only a small number of journalists in all media received adequate satisfaction for their work in the form of salary increases or bonuses, although, according to the TUMM, the state helped almost all Montenegrin media with more than 600 thousand euros due to the epidemic. Therefore TUMM reiterates its call on all media owners who have not done so to adequately reward all employees, especially those who have had to work harder.

Not much has been done in the past year to finally shed light on all the unsolved cases of murders and attacks on journalists.  Even after almost 17 years, the killer and those who ordered the murder of the editor-in-chief of “Dana” Dusko Jovanovic are unknown and there is still no legal epilogue for the wounding of journalist Olivera Lakic from May 2018, and in the meantime, according to the Special Prosecutor’s Office, the same criminal group planned a new assassination. All this shows that the competent authorities do not yet understand the importance of protecting journalists, and we expect the new government to put the solution of these issues at the top of the agenda. Last year will be remembered for the verdict by which the investigative journalist Jovo Martinović was sentenced to one year in prison for drug smuggling, despite his claims that he only did his job and investigated the functioning of organized crime. Such a decision is an attack on investigative journalism and media freedom.

One of the major problems remains the worrying financial situation in most local public broadcasters, where employees have been owed salaries for years and accumulated debts for contributions. Although the debt has been reduced in some, we believe that it is necessary to adopt the proposals of the TUMM, which would be included in the new Law on Audio-Visual Media Services, in order to ensure financial sustainability and editorial independence of local public broadcasters.

Last year, amendments to the Law on Media and the Law on National Public Broadcaster Radio-Television of Montenegro were adopted, which brought certain improvements in the form of establishing a Fund for Media Pluralism, but also great concern of the media community due to partial restriction of rights to source protection. TUMM expects that the courts will not abuse the journalist’s right to protect sources, and that the announced state assistance to private media through the Fund will be clearly conditioned by the fact that part of that assistance will be directed at improving the economic situation of employees.

We call on all journalists to fight censorship and self-censorship, which remain a great challenge for Montenegrin journalism. In this regard, they should be aware that, at the suggestion of the TUMM, the new Law on Media includes provisions according to which every journalist in Montenegro has the right to refuse to write a text or article that is contrary to the law and the Journalists’ Code, and that he can’t be punished for that, as well as have the right not to sign their media content if their meaning changes in the process of editorial processing.

Without solving these problems, Montenegrin journalism will not be able to adequately face new challenges in the form of fake news or bad influence of social networks, and society in general. Hoping that these issues will be seriously addressed, TUMM congratulates journalists on the Day of Montenegrin Journalists and 150 years of journalism in our country and invites them to, despite all obvious differences and conflicts, be at least objective in their work and protect their rights in solidarity.

Main board TUMM

Viskovic: Journalists will be on the list of priorities for vaccination


SARAJEVO, 22.01.2021. – Bosnia and Herzegovina is embarking on the direct procurement of vaccines for Covid-19, and there is still no definitive confirmation from the authorities whether journalists and other media workers will be included in the list of priorities for vaccination.

After yesterday’s meeting with BiH Council of Ministers Chairman Zoran Tegeltija and Federation Prime Minister Fadil Novalic, Prime Minister of Republika Srpska Radovan Viskovic said that journalists in that entity will be vaccinated right after health workers and police, while the authorities in the Federation have not yet commented on the topic.

For days, journalists’ associations have been appealing to the executive authorities in BiH to make an official decision on including journalists on the list of priorities for immunization. This initiative was also supported by the European Movement in BiH, emphasizing that since the beginning of the pandemic, journalists have risked their own health on a daily basis in order to inform the public about the seriousness of the situation and the measures of civil protection headquarters.

– Therefore, we think that in the first contingent, when vaccines arrive in our country, in addition to the mandatory representation of medical staff and the elderly, the community and civil protection headquarters in BiH must include media representatives in a high priority category – said the European Movement in BiH.

IJAS: Disapproval of threats addressed to the editorial office of Zoomer


IJAS strongly disapproves of the threat, written in a direct message to the Instagram account of Zoomer, and calls on the authorities to react.

After the Zoomer portal published the article “We asked young people how they live in Kosovo”, their office received messages with offensive content, some of which contained serious threats.

One of the users of the social network Instagram sent a message to the inbox with the following content: “Hello communists, remove the picture where you are spitting at Kosovo. Don’t let us know who you are, it won’t go well. Greetings .” Our association was informed about the threat, and, in agreement with the Zoomer office, prepared and submitted a criminal report to the Special Prosecutor’s Office for High-Tech Crime in Belgrade.

“Any kind of threat and attack is inadmissible and must be sanctioned. I feel obliged to protect the entire Zoomer editorial office, as well as to point out the problems that journalists face and suffer various attacks just because they do their job, and someone doesn’t like that. We feel threatened and do not want the threats growing into something more, just as we do not want to stop doing our job – well and undisturbed. It is important to keep our safety, and to indicate how bad our position is“, said Tamara Urosevic, editor in chief of the portal Zoomer.

This is the first registered attack on this media, but it is just another in a series of a general offensive against free and independent journalism.

We call on the institutions to take all necessary measures in resolving this case and the representatives of the authorities to disapprove such threats to journalists.

IJAS reminds that Serbia fell by three places on the ranking list of Reporters Without Borders media freedom in 2020 and that it is now in the 93rd position.

Reaction towards the lynching vocabulary of PDK and LDK towards RTV Dukagjini


PRISTINA, 21.01.2021 – The Association of Journalists of Kosovo – AJK, is concerned over the lynching vocabulary of the Democratic League of Kosovo and the Democratic Party of Kosovo, toward RTV Dukagjini.

Such lynching vocabulary is unacceptable for AJK, as it is considered pressure towards our journalist colleagues.

AJK considers that this kind of pressure directly affects the editorial policies, as it is a direct form of public pressure.

Due to the accusations of the media that they are in favor of a certain political subject, they target media toward threats.

In case of complaints, the AJK calls upon all political subjects to direct them to the competent bodies.

AJK considers this subjective approach of the political subjects toward media, a threat to freedom of speech.

AJM requires authentic interpretation of the law on Macedonian Radio Television (MRT)


Skopje, 20.01.2021 –

We believe that there should be no quick and legally dubious solutions, because a bigger problem can happen. Hence, we ask for an authentic interpretation of the law in the Parliament. Precisely, the legal provisions that extended the mandate of the existing members of the council and the director and deputy director of MRT. In that way, all doubts, and different opinions on this law, whether and who can dismiss whom, will receive full legal verification.


This request to the council will be referred to the member of AJM in MRTV, said in a statement for “Fokus” the president of AJM Mladen Cadikovski.

IJAS: Concerns over the persecution of journalist Jelena Zoric


IJAS expresses deep concern over the pressure on N1 journalist Jelena Zoric, since Svetislav Bojic, the lawyer of the first defendant in the “Jovanjica” case – Predrag Koluvija, filed a criminal lawsuit against her.

This lawsuit came after N1 filed a disciplinary complaint against the lawyer in question with the Belgrade Bar Association, for the manner in which Bojic addressed the journalist, conveying  Koluvija’s greetings from prison, claiming that whoever resented him didn’t do well.

We remind that Predrag Koluvija, the majority owner of the agricultural estate “Jovanjica”, is accused of organizing a criminal group that produced and sold narcotics.

IJAS also reminds that Serbia has a long history of intimidation and blackmail of journalists from various criminal structures and their messengers.

On this occasion, we remind all branches of government in Serbia of the recommendations of the Council of Europe (Recommendation CM / Rec (2016) 41) which, among other things, appeal to member states to be careful and ensure that regulations and sanctions are not applied to journalists or other media actors in a discriminatory or arbitrary manner.

IJAS considers that the criminal charges filed against their colleague Jelena Zoric are an obvious example of superficial, or malicious use of the law in order to put additional pressure on her because of the work she does in the public interest.

We demand that the chronic persecution of journalist Jelena Zoric, who, in addition to the annual IJAS award for ethics and courage “Dusan Bogavac”, received the JAS award “Aleksandar Tijanic”, as well as the Charter of the Serbian Philanthropic Forum for exceptional professional reporting in 2020, and we take this opportunity to invite the public to give her unequivocal support in  her hard work and fight for the truth, and we will continue to provide her with all the necessary support in order for her to continue to report in a professional manner as she has done so far.



BH Journalists: The Ministry of Security and MOI USK must enable journalists to work freely and undisturbed


SARAJEVO, 19.01.2021. – The BH Journalists Association and the Free Media Help Line (FMHL) sent a request today to the Ministry of Security of BiH, the Service for Foreigners and the Ministry of Interior of Una-Sana Canton to enable free and undisturbed work for all journalists and media professionals reporting on migrants in the USC territory.

According to the request, the Free Media Help Line received five reports from journalists about violations of their rights and media freedoms, restrictions on the movement of journalist crews, especially in the “Lipa” camp, as well as several violent attempts by police officers to confiscate cell phones and footage from certain journalists.

– The working conditions of journalists in the “Lipa” camp are especially difficult after the formation of a new camp with the mediation of the BiH Armed Forces, where the camp zone is not marked, there is no separate place for journalists to take statements from migrants or camp visitors, and where minimal needs for photojournalists and cameramen to take quality shots are not respected. We are especially worried about the fact that media crews are not allowed to approach the new “Lipa” camp and some police officers and inspectors, of their own free will, determined what journalists can and may film and what not!? With the abuse of police powers, some police officers harassed journalists, tried to take the recorded material from them or, with abusive words, drove them as far as possible from the “Lipa camp” –  stated the letter of BH Journalists to the competent institutions.

BH Journalists remind that such actions of the authorities are contrary to the rights of journalists to free and safe work and that they represent explicit violations of domestic legal regulations, international conventions and OSCE guidelines for the conduct of police in contact with the media. Representatives of the relevant institutions and camp officials are urged to ensure the smooth operation of all media teams reporting on migrants and the migrant crisis throughout the USC, and to stop “harassment, interrogation and illegal searches of journalists and cameramen”.

– At the same time, we expect you to immediately call to account all your police officers and inspectors who violently tried to confiscate mobile phones and destroy journalistic material, whose names are known to the Free Media Help Line, and to provide a separate place for journalists in camp “Lipa” where the crews will be able to film, talk to migrants and all other people working on repairing the consequences of the migrant crisis in the USC, if it is necessary for the construction work in the camp – says the request of BH Journalists.

BH Journalists and the Free Media Help Line will inform the Delegation of the European Union to BiH, the OSCE Mission and the Council of Europe Office and request their intervention if these requests are not met and journalists are further prevented from performing their tasks.