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AGK i bën thirrje drejtuesve të RTK-së t’i ndërpresin masat selektive ndaj gazetarëve


PRISHTINË, 05.04.2020 – Asociacioni i Gazetarëve të Kosovës ka marr me shqetësim njoftimin se ndaj disa kolegëve tanë në RTK, në mënyrë selektive, ka filluar procedura për marrjen e masave disiplinore.

AGK posedon prova të mjaftueshme se ndaj punëtorëve të RTK-së po përdoren standarde të dyfishta.

Drejtuesit e këtij mediumi po aplikojnë komisione dhe masa ndëshkuese vetëm ndaj një grupi të caktuar të gazetarëve, përderisa po i mbyllin sytë për rastet serioze të shkeljes së standardeve dhe etikës profesionale dhe cenimit të interesit publik.

AGK kërkon nga Menaxhmenti dhe Bordi i RTK-së më shumë transparencë në këtë proces dhe ndaljen e praktikave të tilla të presionit selektiv mbi gazetarë.

AGK kërkon vendosjen e ligjshmërisë dhe respektimin e standardeve etike dhe profesionale nga të gjithë pa dallim.

COVID-19: ndërhyrja politike në mediet e Kosovës


Federata Evropiane e Gazetarëve u bënë thirrje medieve në Kosovë të përmbahen nga intensifikimi i tensioneve në krizën shëndetësore.

Karantinimi i qytetit të Mitrovicës së Veriut ka rezultuar me një mbulim mediatik të papërshtatshëm dhe jo etik. EFJ dënon fuqishëm këto mospërputhje, të cilat paraqesin ndërhyrjen në disa media të Kosovës.

Pyetjet e pambështetura dhe provokuese të bëra nga një gazetare e Radio Televizionit të Kosovës gjatë raportimit drejtpërdrejt nga Mitrovica e Veriut në lajmet e së shtunës mbrëma kanë rritur valën e reagimeve në Kosovë. Këto rrezikojnë të rrisin kontributin në tensionet mes serbëve dhe shqiptarëve.

Të premten, portali informativ Sinjali, në pronësi të avokatit Besnik Berisha (këshilltar politik i ish kryeministrit), ka krijuar polemikë me publikimin e emrave, adresave dhe datave të lindjes së 210 qytetarëve, kryesisht serb dhe rom, të cilët janë vendosur në karantinë në Mitrovicën e Veriut dhe në qytete tjera. Pas protestave nga publiku dhe Asociacioni i Gazetarëve Serb të Kosovës (UNS-Kosovo), Sinjali ka hijezuar informacionet personale të këtyre qytetarëve.

Misioni i OSCE në Kosovë ka kërkuar nga mediet të respektojnë privatësinë e pacientëve dhe në asnjë mënyrë mos të shfaqin identitetet e prekurve. “Situata me COVID-19 kërkon solidaritet dhe bashkëpunim të shoqërisë, gjithashtu edhe mes autoriteteve në rajon” ka thënë Misioni i OSCE.

“Duket qartë se disa politikanë, duke filluar nga Presidenti i Serbisë Alexander Vucic dhe Presidenti i Kosovës Hashim Thaçi, po përdorin krizën e koronavirusit për të provokuar tensione politike dhe shoqërore në interes të tyre personal. Ne u bëjmë thirrje gjithë gazetarëve të mos luajnë lojën e tyre dhe të veprojnë në interes të publikut” ka thënë Sekretari i Përgjithshëm i EFJ Ricardo Gutierres.

EFJ ka kërkuar sot nga Komisioni i Pavarur i Mediave të hetojnë këtë raportim jo etik dhe të vazhdojnë të monitorojnë nga afër mediet.

Ministry of Finance and Transfers confirms: Media workers are included in the COVID Emergency Package


PRISTINA, 03.04.2020 – Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK) has received answer from the offices of Ministry of Finance and Transfers (MFT) regarding the request from AJK about the inclusion of media workers on the Emergency Package.

MFT confirms that media workers are included in the Emergency Package and thus are beneficiaries of financial aid, since media is considered business.

Below you will find clarifications from MFT as to how media workers can benefit from the package:

Item 1.3: Financial support for commerce enterprises that are in financial difficulties from fall of revenues because of the COVID-19 situation in the following situations:

  • Coverage of monthly salary expenses of employees in the amount of one hundred and seventy (170 €) euros, for the months of April and May, this amount up to forty-one million (41,000,000.00 €) euros;
  • Lease subsidy up to fifty (50%) of the value of the lease for small and medium enterprises, for the month of April and May, until the amount of twelve million (12,000,000.00 €) euros is reached; and
  • Coverage of the value of pension contributions for salaries related to the measures provided by this decision for April and May, up to the value of eight million (8,000,000.00 €) euros;

Item 1.10: Financial liquidity insurance:

  • Micro-enterprises and self-employed through certain programs of the Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund, in the amount of ten thousand (10,000 €) euros for the period of 24 months, in the amount of up to fifteen million (15,000,000.00 €) euros; and
  • Commercial Companies / Authorized Companies provide basic services (similar to those of public enterprises) with returns up to 31.12.2020, within the value specified in point 1.4 of this decision;

Item 1.14. Financial support for companies that register employees with an employment contract of at least one (1) year during the emergency period of public health, from one hundred and thirty (130 €) euros for the next two months after registration, worth up to six million (6,000,000.00 €) euro.

In the request dated 28 March 2020, the AJK had requested from the MFT to include in this package; journalists, cameramen, photojournalists and all media workers, as they are on the front line in the battle with pandemic.

AJK reiterates that it is available during this period to find solutions to facilitate the work of our colleagues.

BH Journalists: Public protest to dr. Sebija Izetbegovic, the director of KCUS


SARAJEVO, 03. 04. 2020. – The Steering Committee of the BH Journalists Association publicly requests that Ms. Sebija Izetbegovic, Director of the Clinical Center of the University of Sarajevo (KCUS), provide journalists and all media outlets with equal access to information regarding the coronavirus epidemic in Sarajevo, its effects on public health and the measures taken by this healthcare institution.

According to complaints from a number of journalists received by the Free Media Help Line, the KCUS Press Service is inaccessible to journalists and does not respond to inquiries from a certain media outlets, while director Izetbegovic selects media outlets to ensure them “exclusivity” and priority in obtaining information of public importance. Particularly worrying is the fact that citizens of Sarajevo Canton, as well as the whole of BiH, cannot obtain accurate, comprehensive and credible information about the death of a patient at the infectious ward of Podhrastovi clinic, the number of coronavirus tests available to citizens, the consequences of the closure of a KCUS clinic on patient health and the safety of other medical staff at the Clinical Center, etc.

The Steering Committee of BH Journalists opposes the introduction of censorship and the non-transparent sharing of information with the media outlets, and strongly requests that Dr. Izetbegovic, as the most responsible person of KCUS, establish a permanent, efficient and non-discriminatory system of communication with all media, including daily informing the public on issues related to public health, measures taken by KCUS in the treatment of diseased citizens and prevention of the spread of coronavirus.

Also, the BH Journalists Steering Committee once again publicly calls on the Crisis Staff of the Canton of Sarajevo and the Crisis Staff of the Federation of BiH not to select information, as well as to avoid answering questions submitted to them by e-mail. It is the public responsibility and task of each crisis staff and its members to respond to all media inquiries, including questions regarding the purchase of coronavirus tests, their number and price, and the names of the companies through which the tests and other necessary medical equipment were procured. We emphasize again: these are questions of interest to citizens, and the answers to them are of public interest and are part of the right to freedom of information.

Mijatović: Mere protiv dezinformacija ne smeju da podrivaju slobodu medija


BEOGRAD, 03.04.2020. – Moramo da štitimo naše dragocene slobode i prava, pogotovo u kriznim vremenima, izjavila je Komesar za ljudsku prava Saveta Evrope Dunja Mijatović.

“Globalni zdravstveni problemi koje izaziva COVID-19 zahtevaju efikasne mere radi zaštite živote i zdravlja. To podrazumeva borbu protiv dezinformacija koje bi mogle da izazovu paniku i nemir u društvo. Nažalost, neke vlade koriste ovu neophodnost kao izgovor za uvođenje preteranih ograničenja na slobodu medija, to je kontraproduktivan pristup koji mora da se prekine”, ocenila je Mijatović u saopštenju.

Dodala je da su u proteklih nekoliko nedelja, parlamenti, vlade i lokalne vlasti su doneli zakone, dekrete ili odluke kojima se jasno otežava rad novinara i medijskih radnika i ograničava pravo javnosti na informacije.

“Novinari koji izveštavaju o pandemiji u Mađarskoj i Ruskoj federaciji se suočavaju sa nizom sankcija, uključujući i mogućnost zatvorske kazne do pet godina za širenje ‘lažnih informacija’, dok su u Azerbajdžanu nedavno usvojene promene propisa po kojima su vlasnici Internet portala obavezni da sprečavaju širenje ‘štetnih informacija'”, navodi ona.

Navodi i da je u Rumuniji je donet dekret koji vlastima omogućava uklanjanje sadržaja i blokiranje sajtova na kojima se nalazi sadržaj koji sadrži ‘lažne informacije’ o razvoju COVID-19 and merama za sprečavanje širenja zaraze bez mogućnosti žalbe na odluku vlasti.

“U Bosni i Hercegovini dekreti i predloženi propisi namenjeni kažnjavanju zbog širenja informacija koje mogu da izazovu paniku bi mogli da ograničavaju rad novinara kao i slobodu izražavanja na društvenim medijima. A u Jermeniji je veći broj novina i sajtova bio prinuđen da uklanja informacije pošto su usvojena stroga pravila koja zabranjuju objavljivanje medicinskih i epidemioloških informacija o pandemiji koje nisu u skladu sa zvaničnim izvorima”, dodaje se u saopštenju.

Mijatović ocenjuje da je pristup informacijama postala kolateralna žrtva mera koje vlade uvode zbog pandemije.

“Međutim, kako su naveli međunarodni stručnjaci u nedavnoj zajedničkoj izjavi, novinarstvo ima ključnu svrhu tokom zdravstvenih kriza. Uprkos činjenici da su pravovremene informacije neophodne da bi javnost shvatila opasnost i zaštitila sebe, filtriranje informacija i kašnjenje odgovora na zahteve za informacije je zabeleženo u nekoliko zemalja članica. U Češkoj, Srbiji i Italiji je bilo slučajeva sprečavanja novinara da prisustvuju konferencijama za medija, da dobiju informacije od zvaničnika zdravstvenih službi ili u izveštavanju o radu službi bezbednosti”, piše u saopštenju.

Od najveće je važnosti, dodaje Mijatović, da se novinarima omogući rad u bezbednim uslovima, bez straha od maltretiranja ili napada kako je navedeno u Preporuci (2016)4 Komiteta ministara o zaštiti novinarstva i bezbednosti novinara i drugih medijskih radnika.

“Međutim, u Turskoj je nekoliko novinara privedeno zbog izveštavanja o COVID-19. U Sloveniji je novinar postao žrtva kampanje iz medija koji su bliski vladajućoj partiji pošto je podneo zahtev za informacije o merama koje je vlada uvela zbog pandemije”, navodi Mijatović.

Nema sumnje da su vlade suočene sa izazovim bez presedana tokom pandemije, ocenjuje ona.

“Međutim, ovo ne sme da bude izgovor za pritisak na medije kojim bi se ograničilo pravo javnosti na informacije. Novinari i medijski radnici rade nešto bez čega ne možemo radi javnog interesa. Njihov rad mora da bude zaštićen a ne podrivan”, izjavila je.

Mijatović je pozvala sve članice Saveta Evrope da čuvaju slobodu medija i da obezbede neophodne mere protiv dezinformacija koje su odgovarajuće i uz redovnu kontrolu parlamenata i nacionalnih innstitucija koje se bave zaštitom ljudskih prava.

“Mere protiv dezinformacija ne smeju da sprečavaju novinare i medijske radnike u njihovom radu i ne smeju da neopravdanju blokiraju Internet sadržaje. One zemlje koje su uvele restrikcije koje nisu u skladu sa ovim standardima moraju da ih hitno ukinu”, zaključila je Mijatović.

Sve informacije o koronavirusu čitajte u našem Blogu uživo i na stranici Koronavirus.

EFJ and European Commission: Countries must provide assistance and a recovery plan for the media outlets


SARAJEVO, 03.04.2020. – In order to respond to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the EFJ President Mogens Blicher Bjerregård, the EFJ General Secretary Ricardo Gutiérrez and the EFJ Director Renate Schroeder held an online meeting with the Vice President of the European Commission for Values and Transparency, Věra Jourová.

The representatives of EFJ expressed their strong concern regarding the emergency measures against press freedom taken by a number of European states, starting with Hungary.

COVID-19 is spawning a global press-freedom crackdown. In the face of this pandemic, European citizens need professional, economically secure journalists more than ever. The EU should take action and encourage its Member States to take action, said EFJ:


Regarding the issue of disinformation, we repeated that professional journalism, ethical journalism, media literacy and transparency are the best antidotes to disinformation. A credible EU plan to combat disinformation must necessarily integrate these four dimensions:

– Support to Professional journalism
– Self-regulatory bodies (press councils) in each European country
– Engagement in Media and Information Literacy
– Strong policies on Transparency and Access to Information

Financial support

EFJ also called on the EU to support economically the media sector, as a vital sector for democracy. They told Ms Jourova that the EU must get each of its member states to launch a media recovery plan without delay. Instead of corporate tax cuts or social security cuts and stock buybacks, we need
targeted measures that will put more reporters on the ground.

The EU and national media recovery plans should include:

– Increasing national funding for public media;

– Direct financial support for daily and weekly newsrooms (direct,
emergency subsidies to fund newsroom jobs at commercial outlets committed to local coverage; deferred or no-interest business loans; tax credits on newsrooms staff wages; household tax credits for paid subscriptions to local news outlets; increased EU or government public-service advertising in local outlets…).

Subsidies will be distributed by an independent body, taking into consideration objective criteria (demonstrated loss of advertising revenue, endangered independent local media);

– EU and National News Innovation Funds to support, via an independent
body including journalists’ organisations, new approaches to newsgathering, specifically at local or community level. This body will distribute grants to support independent, community-based, investigative journalism and news start-ups, among other innovations. These funds could be sustained through a small tax (2%) on targeted online ads on online platforms.

– Printed or online media subscription vouchers offered to all EU
citizens aged 18 and 19.

The Vice President of the European Commission promised that she would relay these demands and meet again with the representatives of EFJ in two weeks. In the meantime, she urges all national journalists’ organisations to press their respective governments for specific state aid. She guaranteed that the European Commission would not oppose the granting of such aid under any circumstances.

EFJ knows that some countries have already obtained direct aid for journalists (notably in Italy and Malta).

-We ask you to share this information with the EFJ Secretariat so that we can disseminate it to all affiliates. This would be an act of solidarity – says a message from EFJ.

AJK: The laying off of media workers from Zëri Newspaper is unacceptable


PRISTINA, 02.04.2020 – Association of Journalists of Kosovo voices it’s concern about the dismissal of more than 20 of our colleagues, who worked for years in Zëri Newspaper.

Among the 20 dismissed were three journalists and one editor, and according to the reports of our colleagues, two of the journalists are pregnant.

Moreover, they were informed about the discontinuation of their employment with an email from the director of the media outlet, Shpend Dobranja, without respecting the timeframe that is in place with the Law on Labor.

On the letter directed to AJK, a journalist stated that “the rule of 15-day notice has not been respected, we were notified on 31 of March, while some of our workers were notified on 1st of April while they were working. It is more concerning that two of the journalists are pregnant, which is a violation of the law”.

In the email to the workers, Mr. Dobranja justifies his decision to dismiss the staff by saying that in the last couple of month Zëri Newspaper has faced financial difficulties due to the low revenues from advertisement and low newspaper sales.

AJK considers that the dismissal is a gross violation of worker’s rights and at the same time further aggravates the fragile working environment of journalists in Kosovo.

AJK will seek accountability from the Director of Zëri Newspaper about the legal procedures that were followed and calls on the Labor Inspectorate to investigate these cases urgently.

We will follow closely these cases and will notify the national and international mechanisms about this case, which according to AJK is unacceptable and a violation.

AJK appeals to media executives not to commit such legal violations and to treat our colleagues with dignity, given that they are at the front-line reporting on the pandemic, even endangering themselves. Considering the working environment that journalists are facing in Kosovo, specifically during the time of the pandemic, AJK has for the third time today asked for clarification from the Ministry of Finance and Transfers, to request to know if journalists will be included in the Emergency Fiscal Package of Kosovo’s Government.

Serbian PM: Government withdrawing decree limiting release of information


BELGRADE, 04.02.2020. – Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Thursday morning that her government would meet later in the day to revoke the decree banning anyone but the Crisis Staff from releasing information about the coronavirus pandemic.

Brnabic said that the decree was being withdrawn at the express request of President Aleksandar Vucic to avoid casting a shadow on everything that has been done so far.

She said the decree was taken to provide verified information to the public.

To illustrate the gravity of the situation, Brnabic quoted a tweet by N1 Program Director Jugoslav Cosic who wrote that “this is a state of emergency, not a state of war” saying: This is a state of war.

Asked about the arrest of a Nova.rs journalist for reporting that the situation in the Vojvodina Clinical Center was bad, Brnabic said she regretted the arrest and added that she and the president do not want to see any critics of the authorities arrested. I will appeal against arrests even for lies, she said and appealed to journalists not to publish lies which attack the health care system.

I don’t want to give Tanja Fajon, Harlem Desire and others an excuse to citicize what Serbia has done she said and added that she thiks none of the organizations and people who criticized the government’s decision read the decree.

Nova.rs editor says no government measures can silence the portal


BELGRADE, 02.04.2020. – The Nova.rs portal’s editor in chief said that no measures imposed by what he said are “the most slanderous authorities in recent Serbian history” would silence the portal and its journalists.

Nova.rs journalist Ana Lalic was arrrested on Wednesday night following the publication of her story about how bad the situation in the Vojvodina Clinical Center is. 

“No conclusions, decrees or states of emergency can stop journalists like Ana Lalic from doing their job. They can’t silence the other journalists and editors on the Nova.rs portal short of arrresting them all,” editor in chief Veselin Simonovic said.  The Serbian government issued a decree banning anyone but its Crisis Staff from releasing information about the coronavirus pandemic.

Simonovic said that “the most slanderous authorities in recent Serbian history have been encourage by the state of emergency and have dared to arrest an honorable journalist on charges of spreading panic through lies”.

According to Simonovic, Lalic is “a top professional, a brave journalist who will never back down to force whether it comes from the authorities, the Mafia, police, prosecutor who have, unfortunately, become mixed up in Serbia now”.