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Does not fight for media freedom with arrests and violation of rights of employees


PODGORICA, 23.01.2020. – Challenges faced by journalists and employees of the Montenegrin media have remained unchanged over the past year. Also, some positive developments have been almost annulled by the negative trends that happened or being announced. The legislation, whose changes we wait a long time and we are hoping for them, has not changed. Therefore, no basis was provided for any changes for the better.

Nothing has been done about the safety of journalists and addressing previous cases of attacks against journalists. On the contrary, we began to face arrests of journalists, explaining that they were spreading panic by allegedly publishing fake news. This is a trend of this year, and we already have three journalists arrested. In 2019, we were informed that some of the most significant old cases of attacks on journalists (the murder of Dusko Jovanovic, for example) are probably finally closed, but in a way that it will not be illuminated. That public acknowledgment of the failure came from the highest addresses and now it is clear that some of the most serious cases of assault on journalists will be difficult to resolve and that no one still has been held accountable for errors in investigations. No progress has been made in the old investigations.

When we talk about positive events, it is important to emphasize the adoption of the collective agreement for Public Broadcaster Service Radio Television of Montenegro (RTCG), which improved the financial position of a part of RTCG employees, but this is not enough. Private media still did not go in that direction, so we urge them to finally start acting responsibly towards their employees and start negotiating collective agreements at the media level.

The amended Law of Media has not yet been adopted, although it has been talked about for exactly two years. The new Law on Audio-Visual Media Services (the current The Law on Electronic Media) has not been adopted either. This is a condition for improving the financial situation in local public broadcasters since employees of many local media are barely receiving earnings and they are close to be shut down.

Media business analysis shown that there was money in the media in Montenegro. Also, they have shown the leading media are in plus and that the amount of money they manage during the year is not insignificant. Despite this, media workers are still fairly underpaid.

Considering the adoption of the Collective Agreement for the RTCG, it can be concluded that during 2019 there were both progress and setbacks regarding the economic position of journalists and the increase of earnings in some other media, but there were (and they are still current) announcement of dismissals and reductions in earnings in one part of the media and we have a standard difficult situation in some local public service broadcasters. The adoption of new laws in the media area is still pending although adoption was announced at the end of last year.

For all these reasons, we call competent authorities at all levels (state, municipalities, private media) to do their work and to do it conscientiously, to respect the laws, not to abuse their positions and not to treat media employees as if they were subordinates or like they are second-class citizens. Because we are not.

We call on our colleagues on solidarity, to fight constantly and to not accept the violation the rights which are guaranteed by the Constitution, laws and other applicable regulations, because this is the only way to improve our position in the workplace and thus affect our lives.


Main Board of SMCG

Suđenje okrivljenima za paljenja kuće novinara Milana Jovanovića Ročište prekinuto zbog tehničkih problema, Simonović negirao da je pretio tužiocu


BEOGRAD, 22.01.2020. – Suđenje za paljenje kuće novinara Žig Info Milana Jovanovića prekinuto je juče posle sat vremena zbog odbijanja okrivljenih i njihovih branilaca da odgovaraju i postavljaju pitanja jer u Palati pravde još nije proradio sistem za tonsko snimanje. Sudija Žugić je zahteve odbrane ocenio kao nerazumne ali je ročište pomerio za februar jer “niko neće da priča”

Nakon mesec dana pauze, suđenje nekadašnjem predsedniku opštine Grocka Dragoljubu Simonoviću i ostalim okrivljenim za paljenje kuće novinara portala Žig Info Milana Jovanovića u decembru 2018. godine,  nastavljeno je juče u Drugom osnovnom sudu u Beogradu.

Na početku ročišta, advokati prvookrivljenog Simonovića tražili su od sudije Slavka Žugića da dozvoli njihovom klijentu da se obrati sudu. Advokat Ivica Vuković je ovaj zahtev obrazložio time da nakon poslednjeg ročišta, u decembru prošle godine, Simonovićeve reči nisu verodnostojno prenete u medijima. Advokat je mislio na način na koji su mediji preneli deo Simonovićevog svedočenja u kome je on zameniku javnog tužioca Predragu Milovanoviću rekao da “može da se desi da posle ovog procesa ne bude tužilac “.

“Niko nije čuo pretnje. Pojedini predstavnici medija izuzetno zlonamerno i verovatno po nečijem nalogu su to preneli da bi se fokus javnosti sa onoga što se stvarno desilo na suđenju usmerio na neke potpuno izmišljene, periferne stvari koje se nisu dogodile,” rekao je advokat Vuković.

Pored toga, on je izjavio i da su pojedini predstavnici sudske vlasti i tužilačkih organizacija javno komentarisali suđenje i Simonovićeve reči, što, smatra advokat, predstavlja pritisak na sud i kršenje nezavisnosti sudske vlasti. Zbog toga se Simonovićev advokatski tim obratio Etičkoj komisiji Visokog saveta sudstva, Državnom veću tužilaca, Društvu sudija Srbije i Udruženju tužilaca i zamenika javnih tužilaca sa zahtevom da se suzdrže od kometarisanja postupaka u kojima ne učestvuju.

Simonović okrivljuje medije

Sudija Žugić je i prvookrivljenom dozvolio da se obrati sudu. Simonović je rekao da nije i neće komentarisati ovaj proces u medijima, ali da su nakon poslednjeg ročišta mediji njegovu diskusiju netačno predstavili kao vid pretnje predstavniku javnog tužilaštva i celoj tužilačkoj organizaciji.

“Nisam uputio bilo kakvu pretnje, mislim na političku pretnju jer je to konotacija bila u medijima. Sve što sam rekao tada rekao sam vrlo jednostavno, da predstavnik javnog tužilastva nije poštovao princip nezavisnosti, da je određene stvari prekrivao u odnosu na činjenično stanje,” rekao je Simonović i dodao da takvo nezakonito postupanje tužilaštva namerava i da dokaže. On je rekao i da nije korektno da zamenik javnog tužioca komentariše njegovu izjavu u medijima.

Nakon Simonovićeve izjave, prozvani zamenik javnog tužioca Predrag Milovanović objasnio je zbog čega je komentarisao Simonovićeve reči. Milovanović je objasnio da je izašao u medije samo zato što je i odbrana davala izjave oko ovog postupku, i da ne vidi tu ništa problematično jer niko nije komentarisao detalje iz samog postupka. Kazao je da je njegova izjava preuzeta iz intervjua koji je dao za Centar za pravosudna istraživanja (CEPRIS) u kome je govorio o široj temi a ne o konkretnom slučaju i da je za taj razgovor imao saglasnost javnog tužioca Nebojše Popovića. Međutim, naglasio je da do kraja procesa više neće medijima davati nikakve izjave.

Sudija: Zahtevi odbrane nerazumni

Drugo deo ročište obeležilo je neslaganje advokata odbrane da se suđenje nastavi zbog tehničkih nedostataka sudnice u kojoj nije bilo moguće tonski snimati sve izjave i postavljena pitanja.

Kada je na pitanja trebalo da odgovara drugookrivljeni policajac Vladimir Mihailović, njegova advokatica Zora Dobričanin rekla da njen klijent neće odgovarati ni na jedno pitanje zato što nije moguće tonsko snimanje. Kazala je da je važno da odgovaranje njenog klijenta bude “filigranski precizno” zabeleženo s obzirom da je on na prethodnom ročištu promenio iskaz koji je dao tokom istrage, odnosno da je izjavio da su ga visoki zvaničnici MUP-a ucenili i prisilili da okrivi Simonovića za paljenje kuće.

Na sudijina pitanja da li advokati ostalih okrivljenih imaju pitanja za Mihailovića, redom su svi odgovarali da pitanja imaju ali da ih neće iznositi zbog toga što Mihailović neće da odgovara i zbog toga što nema tonskog snimanja.

Sudija Žugić je na komentare advokata odbrane postavio pitanje „Kako se suđenja odvijaju u Prokuplju, Despotovcu, Somboru?“ gde nema snimanja, na šta su branioci odgovorili „A kako se odvijaju u Americi?“.

Zamenik javnog tužioca Predrag Milovanović je rekao da ima pitanja ali da ih neće postavljati, dodajuči da to nije ništa novo jer je okrivljeni Mihailović na prethodnom ročištu rekao da će odgovarati na sva pitanja osim na pitanja zamenika javnog tužioca.

Sudija je pozvao i trećeokrivljenog Igora Novakovića da iznese svoju odbranu ali je i on to odbio zbog nemogućnosti snimanja, a njegov advokat Goran Pejić dodao da je njegov klijent u neravnopravnom položaju jer su se iskazi na prethodnom ročištu snimali.

Sudija Žugić je rekao da nimalo nije zadovoljan ovakvim postupcima okrivljenih i njihovih advokata.

“Ne vidim zašto se odlučili to što ste odlučili. Nikakvog rizika za okrivljene nema ukoliko se tok glavnog pretresa ne snima. Tok glavnog pretresa vodim ja, glasno govorim, svi me čujete, glasno unosim u zapisnik, svako ima pravo da interveniše ad hoc na svaku moju reč koju unosim u zapisnik i vi to dobro znate. Nije to vama novost, učestovali ste na 90 posto suđenja u vašim karijerama bez tonskog snimanja, a danas to tražite,” rekao je sudija Žugić obrativši se okrivljenima i njihovim braniocima.

On je zahteve za tonskim snimanjem ocenio kao nerazumne ali da oni nisu zabranjeni i da okrivljeni i njihovi branioci na to imaju pravo.

Ročište je prekinuto jer kako je rekao sudija Žugić “niko neće da govori”. Sledeće ročište je zakazano za 14. februar.


NUNS, Anđela Milivojević, Beograd, 22/01/2020.


AJM: The announcement for the election of new members of the MRT Supervisory Board should be annulled


SKOPJE, 22.01.2020 – The Association of Journalists of Macedonia is requesting to withdraw the decision of MRT Programming Council to announce a public call for election of members of the Supervisory Board of the Public Broadcasting Service in conditions when the mandate of the members of this Council has expired.

The mandate of the Programming Council expired in December 2019 and therefore we believe it is problematic that they elect new members of the Supervisory Board who should control the material and financial operations of the public service in the upcoming years. Except that the mandate of this composition of the Program Council has expired, some members also have a conflict of interest and this is an additional problem for the decisions of this body.

By attempting to elect new members of the Supervisory Board the recommendations of the Council of Europe would not be respected, in particular, Recommendation 96 concerning the guarantee of the independence of public services. Chapter three of this recommendation, which deals with the work of the Supervisory Authorities, states that members should be elected by a body provided by the law in a way which avoids placing the bodies at risk of political or other interference.

We remind that the election of new members of the Programming Council has been blocked for almost a year by the Election and Appointment Committee of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia. AJM requested several from the members of this Committee to find common ground and elect new members of the Council. We urge this committee to hold an urgent meeting and select the most suitable candidates for the Programming Council as well as the AVMS Council in order to enable the media reforms in these two institutions.

The memory of the murdered reporter: Association of Journalists and Media Workers “Nino Catic” founded


Sarajevo, 22.01.2020. – The first membership card of the Association of Journalists and Media Workers “Nino Catic” was handed in Srebrenica to Hajra Catic. In doing so, Hajra Catic became the first and honorary member of a newly formed professional association named after her son, journalist and writer from that city. A membership card was handed out in front of the Post Office building, from which Nihad Nino Catic reported.

President of the Association “Nino Catic” Mirsad Sinanovic said that preserving the memory of his name while affirming the message from his work and destiny and that the truth should be spoken in the most difficult circumstances and up to the last moment, are some of the reasons for the founding of the Association, and values ​​that they will follow and carry them through their activities.

– Since Nihad Nino Catic reported during the aggression from Srebrenica, his reports were a voice of truth and warning, but the messages were not timely and completely understood at the addresses that could have helped prevent the fall of the city (and then the genocide against Bosniaks), we chose his name as the name of the Association in order to express our idea on a symbolic level – said Sinanovic.

After sending his last report on July 10, 1995, and the fall of Srebrenica that happened the next day, Nihad Nino Catic set off on a free territory under the control of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but failed to reach it. His mother Hajra mother is still searching for his remains.

– I thought my Nino was forgotten. I’m happy. I was pleased to learn that the Association would bear his name. It is especially significant that this is happening in the year when the 25th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide is marked – said Hajra Catic after taking the membership card.

The focus of the Association is on the media, the public and their elements, and will advocate for strengthening the working, professional and human rights of journalists and other media workers, as well as the public’s right to objectivity, reliability, truthfulness and fairness of all who create and publish media content in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They called for all journalists and other media workers whose rights are violated, as well as those who are threatened by unprofessional activities of the media, to join or address them in accordance with the ideas and goals of the Association.


The Court decides on the threat of journalists of the Koha Group


PRISTINA, 22.01.2020 – Association of Journalists of Kosovo welcomes relatively quick judicial treatment of the threat against Koha Ditore journalist Agim Ademi and Kohavision journalist Dorentina Thaqi, but expresses concern over the minimum punishment imposed on the perpetrator.

The Basic Court in Pristina has fined the teacher from Ferizaj with 500 Euros, who on 12.02.2019 harassed, chantaged and threatened journalists of the Koha Group. If the punishment imposed in cash cannot be executed, the court will substitute a fine under Article 46 par 3 of the CCRK for imprisonment, where one day imprisonment will count same as fine of 20 euros.

The AJK considers that minimal symbolic punishments reflect negatively on the environment of journalism and encourage attacks and threats against journalists.

On the verdict of the Basic Court in Pristina, inter alia, is written that the accused (R.M.) is guilty and has committed the penal act of Harassment under Article 186 par. 1 regarding par. 4 of the KPRK, Koha Ditore reports.

“The accused RM, through conduct of continuous and undesirable attention, with intent to harass and intimidate, on 12.02.2019, at about 1:00 pm, and twice more before that date, went to the Koha Group’s editorial office in Pristina, asking journalists Agim Ademi and Dorentina Thaqi, to meet with him due to a story published in ‘Koha Ditore’ and KTV, regarding an assault case, where the suspect RM had assaulted a colleague at school. The journalists have felt intimidated and emotionally disturbed” it’s written on the verdict of the Basic Court in Pristina.

The AJK urges the justice authorities to take seriously cases of attacks and threats against journalists in order to enable them to fulfill their vital role in guaranteeing and developing democracy in the country. Deserved punishments should be unavoidable in all cases of attacks or threats against journalists, which are constantly reported.

Should we blame ourselves: Another traditionally bad year for media in BiH


By: Admir Muslimović

Sarajevo, 20.01.2020. – It is the end of 2019 and assaults, attacks on journalists and violations of rights regarding freedom of expression in Bosnia and Herzegovina were, once again, a traditional practice in the society of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This year was marked by open political pressures, brutal verbal and physical assaults and attacks on journalists and biased and non-professional media reporting. Pressures, assaults and attacks on journalists and obstruction of journalists during their professional assignments, duties and tasks were occurring throughout the whole year and it was humiliating that, apart from condemnations by foreign embassies and their diplomats, including the representatives of non – government associations, these occurrences in 2019 were even justified by local political powerful figures in this country.

Approving assaults and attacks

One of the most outstanding cases last year was the case from March 2019, when Huso Cesir, president of the Municipal Board of Novi Grad Municipality of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) physically assaulted photographer from Zurnal, a local web site.

This photographer was performing his task and making photos of entrance of Cesir’s factory facilities and at this particular period he was taking photos from the pavement on the other side of the street, that is, opposite to factory entrance gate; in other terms, at the time he was standing on a public surface. Despite this and apart from previous assaults and attacks, it was the representatives of foreign embassies and their diplomats that were constantly reacting and responding to these attacks. On the other hand, local governing official authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina failed to react, reply and respond in most appropriate ways.

It is really amazing that instead of condemning this assault, Cesir’s political leader Bakir Izetbegovic tended to “ease” this case. During the press conference, Bakir Izetbegovic thus stated in front of media representatives that Cesir actually assaulted camera, he, according to Bakir Izetbegovic did not assault a man, did not assault a journalist and at the end Cesir did not assault a photographer?!

The case of Mirza Gacanin once again displayed arrogant underestimating of professional journalism by the governing official authorities when Mirza Gacanin publically threatened another Zurnal journalist and directed his threats through video recording shooting on the internet. This threat was directed against Zurnal journalist who had been writing about Tito and Dino, two drug cartels. These two organizations have been, according to evaluations and estimate conducted by the DEA, recognized as one of the largest and most influential drug cartels in the world. Local governing officials, including powerful political figures, remained silent about this case as well.

Apart from political pressures, interfering into professional reporting and apart from the fact that many international and local media experts have been warning about this for years, local journalists may have considered themselves partially guilty and responsible for their poor status in our society, since they have for decades (just as in 2019, according to author view), been tagged as political “information providers (informers)”, claimed the representatives of the academic society in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“Journalists should (to wide extent) blame themselves for the difficult and unpleasant position they have been in, because they, since the war time period, accepted to be political informers, which, under war circumstances, could have been considered as common sense and partially justified. Still, 25 years after the end of the war, this must not be the case respectively. And then, when the political pressure emerged, including assaults or attacks, controlling journalists’ independent views or attitudes, they suddenly become to wander why this happened. In many, significantly more rigid societies, journalists have managed to get away from political assaults, attacks and chains, while in our country and in 2019, assaults, attacks, censures have been common occurrences This has been rather devastating”, stated dr. Mirza Mehmedovic, senior lecturer at the Journalism Department of the Faculty of Philosophy with the University of Tuzla.

This was exactly the reason why professional journalism in BiH, according to relevant international reports, regarding the index of media sustainability, was constantly declining. This index for 2018 and 2019 reached the lowest standard since 2006. Media in Bosnia and Herzegovina were in 2019 (almost according to copy – paste based scheme) not criticizing governing official authorities and negative social occurrences. They were mostly characterized by non – objective reporting, non – critical reporting and biased reporting which was clearly visible in private media houses. The close ties between media entrepreneurs (owners) and political parties and political leaders were also a common occurrence in media field.

Most of the existing media houses in Bosnia and Herzegovina represent political party bulletins and serve as political party spokespersons, claimed Enes Osmancevic, a reputable communication expert and professor at the University of Tuzla.

“Leading political parties have for years been trying to take over public media houses, have been trying to have them controlled and were successful in their quest. Present interference by political factors and dismissing of managers and editors on public RTV broadcasting services and Entity broadcasters, was intolerable if we wanted to have the establishing of non-biased and independent RTV system whose true owner would be general public audience that after all financed their work, since they should also serve public interest and broadcast programs that must be the very best of their own kind. Unfortunately, public RTV services and especially RTRS, as the Entity public service broadcaster, have for years been serving particular political party and agitating biased reporting through curved and distorted diopter of the ruling and political short – sights. Reproach could be addressed to RTV FBiH as another public service Entity broadcaster that, before anything else, have been favoring ruling political parties”, claimed Mr. Osmancevic.

Public mistrust

The fact that the number of citizens justifying the assaults and attacks on journalist has increased (according to public poll) should be taken into serious consideration, as it seemed very worrying. Most BiH citizens (subject to survey), that is, some 79% of examinees reckoned that “any assaults and attacks on journalists and media representatives should not be acceptable”, while at the same even 27% of examinees in Republika Srpska and 17% in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina justified the violence, that is, agreed with assault and attacks on journalists.

In comparison with 2018, the results represented a concerning increase amongst citizens (by 14%) that justified violence over journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This was just a little part of the result of survey and research conducted by the BH Journalists and Friedrih Ebert Foundation.

Even 63% of examinee citizens questioned the objectivity of BiH media and the reasons for this could be sought in systematic line of factors that have been influencing the work of media in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Financial independence is one of the great problems of media houses in our country. There are very few media houses in BiH that manage to ensure and provide their own financial means required for normal functioning. Their existence and work often depend on the will of local officials and decision makers, regarding direct financing of allocation of financial grants aimed for media houses. The position of financial dependability that always contain the requests of political loyalty and serving certain political, ethnic, national, economy or other kinds of lobbies, instead of serving the public, question the public reputation of such media houses their reliability and authenticity and public trust in media programs and contents they broadcast.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, or let’s say in a non-democratic environment, a single and independent journalist ends up as a collateral damage, since his voice cannot be heard and his rights to freedom of media reporting are ran over in front of political party officials, in front of real believers and firm members of exalter – based political collectiveness. This is a trend that had negative influence and impact on professionalism in media; it has enforced non – sovereignty of professional journalism comparing to politics and it has limited every attempt of public reasoning or critics through threats, pressures, scaring and suffocating of freedom of expression during 2019, the year that we shall son say farewell to.

(The author is a journalist at Balkan Investigative Reporting Network-BIRN BiH; this article was published in E-journalist bulletin no.72/73)

Journalism as a “women’s profession”: More women, less money


PODGORICA, 18.01.2020. – An increasing number of women are in leadership positions in the Montenegrin media, according to the survey “Position of female journalists in the Montenegrin media”, conducted by Duska Pejovic for the Association of Professional Journalists of Montenegro.

According to the data provided by 14 interviewed media, 50% of women are in the position of general directors or CEOs, while 51.5% of women in the position of editors-in-chief/directors of the program. Women also lead as the chiefs of editorial staff with 60.8 percent.

The total number of journalists in the 14 observed media is 525, of which 297 (56.6%) are women, and 228 (43.4%) are men. Earlier, journalism was thought like some women’s profession, and now research confirmed that – women make up the majority of employees in the observed media.

The survey, conducted from July to December 2019, covered media with national coverage: RTCG (TV, radio, and portal), Vijesti (TV, newspaper, and portal), Pobjeda, Dnevne novine, Dan, Analitika portal, FOS Media portal, Prva TV, Nova M TV, and MINA news agency. 70 journalists were interviewed, which is 23.5 percent of the total number of those who works in the observed media.

In relation to the last and only survey on this topic conducted by NGO Woman action 2003. this is an important progress. 16 years ago, women were the most represented at the “bottom” of the pyramid of leadership in the information sphere – editorial staff was 40.5%, editors-in-chief were 21.06%, while only 15.8% women were in the position of director.

„Journalism become dominantly female profession. This already happened with education and health, and result of this is less money in that professions“, said on presentation of survey Bozena Jelusic, Professor of Literature and former Ombudsman of Vijesti.

A more favorable gender structure in decision-making places still does not imply application of gender aspect: “Although women run the media, the study found that texts and video pieces still contain stereotypes and support gender roles appropriate to patriarchy without contributing sufficiently to the establishment of equality in society”, said in research. The research also questions whether women at decision-making position can make their own decisions, with the conclusion that they do not have independence and to maintain their position they do what owners tell them.

Despite the progress recorded, 95% of journalists interviewed believe that men and women in Montenegro are not equal or that they are only partially equal. They say that de jure they have the same rights, but in practice, inequality is visible at every step, from family to work. Most stated that we are still a patriarchal society in which the male is dominant and the public sphere belong to them, while the woman is victim of prejudice and traditional norms which says that her place is in the home with an obligation to give birth and take care of the family.

During the presentation of the research, Duska Pejovic pointed out that the research is „characterized by the contradiction of the part of the answers, opinions and attitudes of the respondents as well as supporting data, which arise from the way of structuring the questions. The questions are general at first, and later deepening the topic, indicating the correlation, dependence of processes and activities, and the effect on the position, conditions and opportunities of both sexes”.


They believe they are equal, but they pointed out the discrimination


More than 90 percent of interviewed woman journalists believe that undefined working hours with housework and childcare make it difficult or partially difficult for women to do journalistic work. At the same time, there is a contradiction in the answers of the respondents, because almost 90% state that journalists are fully or partially equal in the journalism. This points to the possibility that some journalists from the observed media do not understand sufficiently the impact of the predominantly performing housework and family responsibilities on the position of women and in their profession.

As many as 80% of interviewed journalists believe that pregnancy and maternity leave partially or completely make it difficult for the positioning and advancement of women at work. Although about half of the interviewed participants answered that they had the same employment opportunities as their male colleagues, one of four respondents said that during their employment the employer asked about their marital status, children or planned pregnancy and that this could affect his decision to employ her. The statements made by the journalist are no different from those in other professions: “In one media, I was asked indirectly do I have a long relationship and whether I was planning a family. I told them I did not have and did not plan a family. I got that job. I got the impression that I would be rejected if my answer was different”. Another journalist testified: “When I told my former employer that I was pregnant, he told me to find a connection if I wanted to stay because his good will could not bring me a contract with that company. Again, at the company where I am now, the employer had an understanding and allowed maternity and pregnancy leave“.

Almost every second respondent considers that women journalists are not paid equally like their male colleagues, or that they have only partially equal earnings, and state that the primary reason is that they are male. “With the perception that male colleagues are better paid than women, journalists are put in a position to rethink the value of their work, commitment to work, and attitude toward work tasks related to journalists”, the study said.

Insufficient salaries are common for all media employees. Over 65% of interviewed female journalists believe that the job of the journalist is poorly or very poorly paid, with the explanation that salaries are less than the state average, although demanding job is difficult and requires great responsibility in relation to the amount of salary, which, as they say, is not sufficient for “survival at all”.

Female journalists complain of enormous amount of stress, various forms of pressure, undefined working hours that are often much longer than eight hours, working on weekends and holidays without permanent employment solutions, resulting in a messy life and a lot of spending in every sense.

“In my newsroom, journalists receive each EUR 350. With no intention of belittling any kind of work, I find that the same money received people who works to keep it clean, and when it comes to journalism, it’s a very responsible job. Therefore, the salary is very low, insufficient for basic living needs”, said one of the participants in the research. Another story is that the job is too stressful and that it requires some kind of accelerated retirement, and most often is financially undervalued.

Most respondents agree that journalism is a degraded profession because it is a very poorly paid job that is extremely difficult and responsible, which has lost its importance, but at the same time requires a great renunciation and sacrifice of all other family and private activities: “I consider our profession to be degraded, and of course we are degraded as journalists as well”.

The recommendations stemming from this research are that gender equality and sexual harassment training should be conducted and open public debate on clear internal rules who will guarantee women the same status they had before they went to maternity leave, when they come back to work. It was also recommended that a campaign should be launched to encourage female journalists to report irregularities and it is necessary to find methods to sanction employers who ask questions about a male or female candidate’s private life or discriminate them in some other way. Open a public debate on the need for a clear definition of eight-hour working time for journalists.


Relationship between the public, interviewees and colleagues


One of four respondents confirmed their experience about being differently treated just because she is a women. That comes of the public, interviewees, or colleagues. Two-thirds of survey participants believe that female journalists are wholly or partly more exposed to inappropriate comments than their colleagues.

“Perhaps even unknowingly, the interlocutors know to say something that will degrade or call out you based on your gender, such as “what are you doing here on the street, go home and take care of child; no wonder you haven’t been married yet when you are working all day”, said one interviewee. Another recounts her experience: “Especially male interlocutors need to try to manipulate with you and your questions. My male interlocutors often ask me for a phone number for private correspondence”. “Inappropriate calls at midnight from my interlocutors … questions “will we have a drink”, “will we go to Budva, I have a cottage there” and similarly. All under the pretext of cooperating or answering the questions asked”.

Often inappropriate comments are a form of punishment for sharp and brave female journalists. Under the kind of degradation, the female journalists stated: commenting on their physical appearance, unpleasant and profane behaviour or courtship, attitudes that a woman is not an equal interlocutor and that she knows less than a male colleague, inappropriate remarks that it is better for female journalists to cook lunch than to do journalism.

“I have had cases where interviewees insist on talking to a woman journalist, thinking that it will be easier to “scare” her or make it easier to deal with her”, one of the journalists comments is. One states: “All communication depends on the journalist and their integrity, not on the interlocutor”.


Sexual harassment is not uncommon


Every third, or fourth, a female participant in the survey has the knowledge that sexual harassment has occurred on a colleague at work. The number of female journalists who confirmed that they had experienced sexual harassment was 12 or 17.14 percent. The number of female journalists who have rounded up some form of sexual harassment in the questionnaire is 26 or 37.14 percent. Pejovic states that it is possible for some respondents to perceive sexual behavior as normal, normal, socially acceptable communication. That they experienced non-verbal communication – staring, standing too close, various indecent signs … confirmed by 26 percent of respondents, 22 percent experienced calling inappropriate names, throwing up and making inappropriate comments of a sexual nature, and unwanted calls and inappropriate attention, for example persistently calling for a meeting despite the clear answer that they were not interested, 16 percent of respondents.

“I know of a case where a colleague was harassed by a colleague who is not a journalist but is an employee of the media house where I work. Even an application was written. It all happened on a business trip. On his way back, her colleague veered off the road and tried in a very inappropriate way to flirt with her”, testifies one respondent.

“Calling inappropriate names was common – baby, doll, honey … especially when I was younger. Those people who spoke to me like that though it was a compliment. There were also physical touches, mostly hugging and kissing, but it is also part of the story that in our society it is completely normal that my colleague or director shows me a kind of affection in that way, that he shows me how sweet, nice and lovable I am. I was trying to rebel, but I come across the condemnation of all. And those were even harder moments”.


Reporting on the Status and Rights of Women – marginalized in this segment as well


90% of female journalists are not satisfied with the way of reporting about women or are partially satisfied. The same percentage, 90 percent of female journalists claim to apply the gender aspect in their work or partially apply it.

The views of journalists on this issue are that these topics are marginalized because they are considered not serious enough, there is a practise od generally speaking about the position of women without deeper processing and analysis of specific problems, the stories were mostly written when a case of violence already occurs, reporting is sensationalistic, journalists and editors are not gender-sensitive.

“Only 7% of the journalists interviewed replied that they did not apply the gender aspect in reporting, and they mostly stated that they were following areas that did not treat gender equality. Many respondents do not sufficiently recognize that this principle applies in all areas and activities of the society and that inequality exists in all spheres. In any case, it emerges from the views and opinions that there is an openness and a suitable ground for sensitization and education that will lead to the gender equality in the texts and TV stories”, the study said.

82 percent of respondents were interested in educating themselves on gender-sensitive reporting, and as many as 55 percents of the interviewed journalists had never received training. Through their work female journalists want to influence and change the consciousness in order to improve the position of women in society, and therefore in journalism.


This article has been produced with the support of the European Endowment for Democracy (EED). Its contents do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of EED. Responsibility for the information and views expressed in this publication lies entirely with the author.

RTRS i bivši urednik moraju platiti 5.000 KM novinaru Vladimiru Kovačeviću zbog klevete


Sarajevo, 16.01.2020. – Osnovni sud u Banjoj Luci donio je presudu kojom je JP RTRS i bivšem glavnom uredniku programa Siniši Mihailoviću naloženo da plate pet hiljada KM novinaru Vladimiru Kovačeviću zbog klevete.

Kovačević je 18. septembra 2018. godine podnio tužbu protiv RTRS-a i urednika zbog klevete i tražio iznos od 9.950 KM. On je postao poznat široj bh. javnosti jer je bio žrtva brutalnog napada koji je okvalifikovan kao pokušaj ubistva, a za koji se terete Marko Čolić i Nedeljko Dukić. Napad se dogodio 26. augusta 2018. godine kada se vraćao kući nakon izvještavanja o skupu “Pravda za Davida”, u naselju Obilićevo. Dvojac mu je nanio povrede glave metalnim šipkama nakon čega je hospitalizovan u UKC RS.

U tekstu pod nazivom “Puzajući državni udar u Republici Srpskoj”, koji je RTRS prenio nakon napada, navodi se da je Kovačević dobio 80 hiljada KM od USAID-a te da je sklon opoziciji.

“Plasirane su razne lažne priče o ovom slučaju, i sada su procijenili da direktan udar na porodicu najviše diskredituje. I ovaj posljednji slučaj napada na novinara naklonjenog opoziciji služi u istu svrhu, da se animiraju širi društveni slojevi i da se pozove na odbranu od navodne diktature Dodika i njegove stranke. Za tog novinara se zna da je nedavno od USAID-a dobio osamdeset hiljada dolara za nekakav internet portal i da ti portali, otkad su te pare upumpane, niču kao pečurke poslije kiše”, navodilo se u tekstu.

Kovačević je demantovao tu vijest navodeći da je tekst ugrozio njegovu i sigurnost njegove porodice.

Sud je odbio da mu se isplati zakonska zatezna kamata od dana podnošenja tužbe do dana presude. Tuženima je presuđeno i da plate troškove parničnog postupka u iznosu od 890 KM.

BH Journalists: Condemnation of verbal threats to photojournalist Muhidin Zivojevic


Sarajevo, 16.01.2020. – The Steering Committee of the BH Journalists Association condemns the verbal threats and the attempt to disable Muhidin Zivojevic, a photojournalist of Faktor.ba portal, to photograph the arrival of MPs at today’s session of the Sarajevo Canton Assembly.

In a public parking lot next to the Government and the Assembly of KS, an unknown man approached the photojournalist Zivojevic and with curses, threats and nudges required him to stop filming. The attacker introduced himself as a person from the “Canton Government” although he did not have any accreditation, he unsuccessfully tried to provoke the reaction of the nearby police, eventually returning to Zivojevic and telling him that he would “remember” him.

The Steering Committee of BH Journalists finds it unacceptable to interfere with media professionals in performing their professional tasks and reminds that photojournalists have the right to freely record and photograph all public events and persons with public functions, including the attendance of MPs at the Canton Sarajevo Assembly. Any interference with the work of media professionals is against media freedoms and democratic values, especially if it comes from the persons paid with public money, regardless of whether they are holders of functions or persons who perform technical tasks for the executive and legislative power of the Sarajevo Canton.

The Steering Committee of BH Journalists calls on the competent staff and officials of the Sarajevo Canton to urgently identify the person who attacked the photojournalist Muhidin Zivojevic and to take legal sanctions against him.

At the same time, BH Journalists are demanding that all holders of public office in the Government and the Assembly of the Sarajevo Canton respect media freedoms and create a safe environment for media crews who report daily about the (non)formation of a new government and current political conflicts in the Sarajevo Canton.