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BH Journalists: Public protest to the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council


Sarajevo, 17.10.2019. – Members of the Steering Committee of the BH Journalists Association sent a public protest to the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina (HJPC BiH) for their inappropriate communication with the media and withholding of information to journalists about the work of the HJPC.

– Dear Sirs,

On behalf of the Steering Committee of the BH Journalists Association, I am sending you a letter of protest for unprofessional and institutionally unacceptable communication with journalists and media in BiH, including personal comments from members of the HJPC via social networks on journalistic questions about events of public concern.

The BH Journalists’ Steering Committee assesses as inadmissible denying information to journalists after yesterday’s session of the HJPC, at which two deputy chief prosecutors were appointed and decisions of public interest were issued. Such conduct is professionally unacceptable and is a direct violation of social and legal norms regarding the transparent operation of the HJPC and timely informing the public about the work of this institution.

We remind you that withholding information from the media is an inadmissible demonstration of institutional and judicial power over journalists, taken with the intention of restricting the right to freedom of expression and impeding access to public information held by the HJPC.

Keeping journalists informed that they will receive answers on questions posted on the HJPC’s official premises “on the social networks” is derogation of the value and professional integrity of the journalistic and judicial profession, that is, the targeted lowering of official communication to the level of private opinions, “online streets” and inappropriate comments, to be devoid of public importance and necessary influence.

As members of the Steering Committee of BH Journalists, we are shocked with the vocabulary, qualifications and insults that Ruzica Jukic, Vice President, and Milan Tegeltija, President of the HJPC, have spoken about journalists and media through social networks or copyrighted texts. Recently, journalists of Balkan Investigative Research Network (BIRN) have been targeted by key HJPC people, and previously journalists of Žurnal and Oslobodjenje, Federal Television (FTV), and numerous other media.

On this occasion, we will not, out of politeness, repeat the epithets you used when addressing journalists directly, through Facebook and Twitter, or through traditional media. Dear Sirs, this is a street language that has no place in serious public communication! For this reason, we absolutely urge you – the members of the HJPC, and above all Vice President Jukic and President Tegeltija – to remove such content, and to resolve your misunderstandings or professional objections to the media through the legitimate legal means at your disposal.

We also publicly demand for communication with journalists and the media to be reduced to professional rules, courtesy and civility, respecting the needs of the media and the right of the public to be informed on a timely basis of issues relevant to the work of the HJPC, the lawful conduct of the judiciary and the functioning of the rule of law as a whole – stated in a letter from Borka Rudic, Secretary General of BH Journalists, addressed to HJPC members on behalf of the Steering Committee of BHJA.

President of AJM Mladen Chadikovski met with the Head of the OSCE Mission to Skopje


Representatives of the Association of Journalists of Macedonia led by the President Mladen Chadikovski yesterday visited the Head of the OSCE Mission to Skopje, Clemens Koja. Media reforms and changes to the laws regulating the work and safety of journalists were the main topics of discussion during the meeting.

Chadikovski informed Koja for the participation of AJM in several working groups within the Ministry of Justice, whose final purpose is to make changes in the Criminal Code, the Electoral Code, and the Law on Civil Liability for Defamation and Insult. From the OSCE Mission was requested to be actively involved in this process in order to prepare better legal solutions based on good European practice.

The current situation in the media sector was also discussed during the meeting, and President Chadikovski said that the government and the opposition must find a common language and unblock media reforms. He requested from OSCE to help with its capacity to facilitate this process.

Both sides welcomed the cooperation so far and expressed their willingness to extend their cooperation in the near future and improve the freedom of the media and safety of journalists.

Journalists: Attacks on N1 for reporting on what is kept secret in Serbia


BELGRADE, 17.10.2019. – A significant number of journalists gathered outside Serbia’s Government’s seat on Wednesday under the “Journalists against Phantoms” slogan in a protest organised by the Group for Media Freedom, N1 reported.

The protest was triggered by the latest incident when two masked men threw hundreds of leaflets reading ‘Republic of Serbia: Goodbye; N1: Welcome to Luxembourg’ across the fence into the backyard of the building housing N1 TV Belgrade.

The head of the Independent Association of Serbia’s Journalists (NUNS), Zeljko Bodrozic, said that if Serbia wanted to join the European family of states should liberate the media.

He added the journalists gathered to support N1 but also all others who tried to work professionally.

The Belgrade NIN weekly journalist Vuk Cvijic said they rallied outside the Government “because of N1.”

“They reported on everything that is kept secret in this country. If they didn’t, it would not have been known about the whistle-blower (Aleksandar Obradovic). We know that our colleague (Milan Jovanovic) house was set ablaze. I’m afraid that these authorities are facing arguments and opt for violence,” Cvijic said.

Dozens of media people, members of NGOs, some opposition politicians and citizens gathered at the Media Centre in the southern city of Nis to express the support of N1 TV Belgrade. They said that “N1 is a target today, tomorrow could be anyone.”

He added that the example of the whistle-blower showed what solidarity could do and call on people to express solidarity at the “It’s not Philosophical to Keep Silent,” debate at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade on Thursday.

Sloba Georgijev, a journalist with the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) said the regime was trying to ‘liquidate’ N1 “with everything that is going on with Telekom (the state broadband, Internet, cable TV and mobile telephony provider).

“We from small media outlets do something, but nothing of that would have been known if there were no N1,” he added, saying that without the people’s support, the professional media could not exist.

During the rally, Sima Redzepovic, from some Chetnicks’ movement (Chetnicks were Nazi collaborators for the most of WW II), was showing and distributing ‘passports’ of ‘The N1 Republic.’

pasoš n1 protest

Izvor: N1

In the meantime, the Independent Society of Vojvodina Journalists (NDNV) from the northern city of Novi Sad made a video in support of N1 TV, and the President of NDNV managing Board Norbert Sinkovic said that “without the citizens, there is no media freedom.”

“Media freedom is not only an issue for the journalists, but it’s also an issue for all people… That’s why now is the time for all of us to support professional journalism and defend N1.”

Announcing the protest, the Group for Media Freedom said that journalists and other media people were under daily insults, pressures, vilifications, threats, intimidations…

“We are in our country, but live and work in a hostile environment. We don’t have the support of either police or judiciary, not to mention the authorities. On the contrary, the journalists and other media people who do their job honourably have not been safe in Serbia for a long time,” the Group said.

It added that “the authorities aim to shut down all media which don’t create their editorial policy to suit the promotion and propaganda of the (ruling) Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and (Serbia’s President) Aleksandar Vucic.”

Novinari protiv fantoma: Napadaju N1 jer prenosi sve što se taji u ovoj zemlji


BEOGRAD, 17.10.2019. – Veliki broj građana i novinara okupio se ispred zgrade Vlade Srbije u Nemanjinoj ulici u Beogradu, na protestu “Novinari protiv fantoma”, u organizaciji Grupe za slobodu medija.

Novinarka Tamara Spaić od nadležnih je zatražila odgovore ko su “fantomi koji napadaju N1 i bacaju letke po gradu i pored zgrade N1”. Niko nije u Luksemburgu, već u Srbiji, rekla je ona. Kako je dodala, N1 treba podržati zato što radi posao javnog servisa umesto RTS.

Pozvala je tužilaštvo i policiju da se “probude iz dubokog sna”, i otkriju ko su fantomi.

Spaić je ocenila i da su leci protiv N1 inspirisani onim što govori predsednik Aleksandar Vučić.

“Predsedniče, nije lepo da provocirate mržnju i da se bahato ponašate prema novinarima”, poručila je.

Predsednik NUNS-a Željko Bodrožić je kazao da su se novinari okupili ispred Vlade da podrže N1, ali i sve one koji se trude da profesionalno rade. Istakao je da N1 trpi napade samo zato što radi profesionalno. Dodao je i da svi oni koji su se poslednjih godina drznuli da kritikuju Aleksandra Vučića i vlast, doživeli su sve najgore – pretnje, uvrede…

Poručio je da Srbija, ako želi u porodicu evropskih zemalja, mora da oslobodi medije, dodajući da se nada da će EU da učini nešto po tom pitanju.

Bodrožić je rekao da uhapšeni radnik Krušika, koji je bio u pritvoru u Centralnom zatvoru, nije znao šta se događa (da ljudi protestuju zbog njega) jer je tamo mogao da gleda samo pet kanala i ocenio da “izgleda da većina ljudi u Srbiji kao da je u Centralnom zatvoru”, jer imaju na raspolaganju tih pet medija.

Novinar nedeljnika NIN Vuk Cvijić takođe je rekao da su se novinari okupili ispred Vlade zbog N1 i slobode medija.

“Oni su sve preneli što se taji u ovoj zemlji, ne bi se čulo ni za hapšenje uzbunjivača (Aleksandra Obradovića iz Krušika)… Znamo da je našem kolegi (Milanu Jovanoviću iz Vrčina) zapaljena kuća. Bojim se da se ova vlast suočava sa argumentima i da se odlučuje za nasilje. I što su argumenti jači, njihovo nasilje je gore”, ocenio je Cvijić.

Rekao je da se na primeru Aleksandra Obradovića vidi šta može solidarnost i pozvao da građani pokažu solidarnost i na sutrašnjoj tribini “Nije filozofski ćutati” na Filozofskom fakultetu.

Novinar BIRN-a Slobodan Georgiev ocenio je da vlast pokušava da likvidira N1 “sa svim onim šta se dešava s Telekomom”. Vlast davi N1 već neko vreme i to je samo jedna “spoljna manifestacija”, kaže novinar BIRN-a koji smatra da su pristisci sve gori.

“Mi iz malih redakcija radimo nešto, i ništa se od tog ne bi znalo bez N1”, istakao je Georgiev.

Ja mislim da u Srbiji postoji 100 ili 150 novinara, koji rade hrabro svoj posao svakoga dana, ima ih još 200 koji pokušavaju nekako da prežive i isto nešto rade, ostalo je sve kupljeno i uništeno, dodao je. “To je što je, ima nas koliko nas ima, i sada ostaje da se vidi da li možemo nešto zajedno da uradimo, da sačuvamo barem neko osećanje da postoji potreba za normalnim, profesionalnim, slobodnim medijima”, rekao je Georgiev.

Dodao je da bez građana i podrške građana, profesionalni mediji ne mogu da postoje. Pozvao je građane: “Podržite naše kolege”.

Govornici su čestitali N1 i Vuku Cvijiću na nagradi “Dušan Bogavac” za novinarsku etiku i hrabrost.

Ispred Vlade Srbije bio je i Simo Spasić, predsednik udruženja ubijenih i kidnapovanih na Kosovu i Metohiji, koji je držao fotografije novinara Ranka Peranića i Đura Slavuja koji su 1998. godine nestali na Kosovu.

Spasić nije ništa govorio, ali su mu okupljeni građani i novinari dobacivali.

pasoš N1

Izvor: N1

Sima Redžepović iz izvesnog četničkog pokreta, pokazivao je i delio “pasoše” na kojima je pisalo “Republika N1” i kojima se targerita naša televizija, ali incidenata nije bilo.

Okupljeni su nosili transparente “Ovaj režim ne valja, zarobljeni su mediji i država”, a mnogi su imali papire na kojima je napisano “Novinari protiv fantoma”.

Na skupu je primećeno i nekoliko lidera opozicionih stranaka, poput Zorana Lutovca iz DS i Zorana Živkovića iz Nove stranke.

Grupa za slobodu medija je, najavljujući protest, saopštila da su novinari i drugi medijski radnici u Srbiji svakodnevno su izloženi uvredama, pritiscima, omalovažavanju, pretnjama, zastrašivanju…

“U svojoj smo zemlji, a radimo i živimo u neprijateljskom okruženju. Nemamo podršku ni policije, ni pravosuđa, a ponajmanje vlasti. Naprotiv, odavno je postalo jasno da u Srbiji nema sigurnosti za novinare i druge medijske radnike koji časno rade svoj posao”, navedeno je u saopštenju.

Grupa je istakla i da su namere vlasti jasne – da ugase sve medije koji svoju uređivačku politiku ne podređuju političkoj promociji i propagandi za potrebe Srpske napredne stranke i Aleksandra Vučića.

Podrška iz Niša

Skup podrške novinarima TV N1 održan je i u Nišu. Više desetina medijskih radnika, predstavnika nevladinog sektora, pojedinih stranaka opozicije i građana – okupilo se u niškom Medija centru, odakle je poslata poruka da je sada N1 meta napada, ali sutra može biti bilo ko.

Solidarnost sa svim medijskim radnicima, koji kritički izveštavaju, najavljuju da će pokazati u narednom periodu i među građanima u javnom prostoru. Ako dođu i uzmu medije, nećemo znati ko je sledeći na udaru, poručio je Danijel Dašić iz Nacionalne koalicije za decentralizaciju.

Urednica portala Južne vesti Gordana Bjeletić ukazuje da su novinari i izveštači iz manjih sredina u još većem problemu, podsetivši da je napad na medije – napad na građane i institucije.


Chadikovski met with EU Ambassador Samuel Zhbogar: Media reforms in the country should be fully implemented


SKOPJE, 16.10.2019 – Representatives of the Association of Journalists of Macedonia yesterday had a meeting with the EU Ambassador Samuel Zhbogar. At the meeting they discussed several current issues related to the work of the media and journalists in North Macedonia, the media reforms, and the work of the relevant institutions.

One of the most important topics was the inability of the Public Prosecutor’s Office to solve up cases of attacks on journalists, as well as the investigations recently launched against several media which required journalists to disclose their sources of information. Chadikovski said that this was unacceptable for a democracy which aspires to be European and reminded that the Constitution guarantees the right to protect the source of information in the media and that this right is guaranteed in the Law for Media as well as in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights. They also spoke for the slow implementation of media reforms, and Chadikovski asked the ambassador to personally engage with the political parties in order to unblock the process.

The President Chadikovski noted that the election of members in the Council of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services and the MRT Programming Council has been stuck within the Parliamentary Elections and Appointments Commission and all the deadlines have passed. According to Chadikovski, we cannot expect improvement of the situation in media environment without these two bodies being reformed.

Chadikovski also presented the latest project for self-regulation of AJM and the Council for Media Ethics of Macedonia (CMEM) which is focused on creating a professional online media register. The EU Ambassador welcomed the initiative and expressed hope that it will contribute towards the proliferation of high professional and ethical standards in online media.

N1 news director: Provocations are tests for more severe acts against us


BELGRADE, 16.10.2019. – Jugoslav Cosic, the N1 Belgrade News Director, told VICE website on Tuesday that N1 people were not scared despite pressures, adding he was convinced that the latest provocations were organised from the same centre as before and that they were just tests for more serious acts against the TV.

Last night, in the third such incidents, two men wearing surgical masks threw hundreds of leaflets into the backyard of the N1 Belgrade building reading ‘The Republic of Serbia – Goodbye; N1 – Welcome to Luxembourg.’

Cosic said that the police were notified “and they showed up at N1 immediately. They investigated the case and made notes,” adding the relations with New Belgrade police department were good.

“I think that it is important for them (the police) to do their job professionally. That was not the first time the police reacted to our calls,” Cosic said.

He added that right now it was unknown who was behind those provocations, but that it was clear that they happened systematically and organised from the same centre.

“We make no compromise, and we have a strict editorial policy. The regime obviously cannot accept the critical reporting despite it directly controls the majority of the most powerful media. In real life, all that generates threats and danger for the safety of the independent media and their journalists. The timber always comes from the top. There are no exceptions,”

“They use the same material against N1 and have the same spin launched in the Parliament saying N1 doesn’t work in line with the law and doesn’t pay tax. Nothing is true, except that the Parliament became yet another platform for the showdown with N1 and the rest of the independent media,” Cosic said.

And added: “I think these are just tests and that more serious acts against N1 are planned.”

N1 does everything, Cosic says, protecting the integrity and safety of its employees – from the physical protection, contacts with the police and informing all relevant institutions at home and abroad.

Cosic said N1 was an unbiased and professional TV, and when there were no serious arguments, the attacks were based on lies and stigmatisation.

“The simplest method dating back in the ’90s which these authorities haven’t changed from the times of the Radicals (ultra-nationalist Serbian Radical Party), is to brand all independent media as anti-Serb. But I’m telling you that all pro-government media dealing with regime propaganda, are deeply anti-Serb. They work against Serbia’s interests because that is not in the country’s interest to serve as a tool in the authorities propaganda, to destroy all kinds of the regime’s opponents, to confront the independent media, to destroy any idea of democracy and a normal social dialogue,” Cosic said.

He adds the problem with N1 is the fact that it is a critical television which focuses on the interests of people, not political options.

“In that sense, we make no compromise, and we have a strict editorial policy. The regime obviously cannot accept the critical reporting despite it directly controls the majority of the most powerful media. In real life, all that generates threats and danger for the safety of the independent media and their journalists. The timber always comes from the top. There are no exceptions,” Cosic said.

He added that despite the pressures, the atmosphere in N1 was great, and there was no fear.

“The N1 journalists and editors firmly believe in the professional principles and stick to them, extremely dedicated to their job. They are the best professional TV crew in Serbia. They are in solidarity not only among themselves but also with colleagues from other media who are under the same pressure. I don’t believe that can change,” Cosic told VICE.

Ćosić: Najava ozbiljnijih akcija u cilju uznemirenja novinara N1


BEOGRAD, 16.10.2019. – Bacanje letaka od strane muškaraca sa maskama nije samo još jedna provokacija na televiziju N1, već test i najava ozbiljnijih akcija čiji je jedini cilj uznemirenje novinara i zaposlenih u N1, te napadi na njihov integritet i bezbednost, ističe za Danas Jugoslav Ćosić, direktor ove kablovske televizije.

U dvorište zgrade televizije N1 preksinoć, oko 21.20 časova, dvojica muškaraca su preko ograde ubacila oko 500 letaka na kojima piše „Republika Srbija doviđenja. Dobrodošli u Luksemburg“.

Muškarci su nosili hirurške maske i udaljili su se automobilom koji je bio parkiran u blizini.

Ovo nije prvi put da se nedaleko od zgrade N1 dešavaju ovakve stvari. U nedelju su blizu ulaza postavljene improvizovana rampa i tabla s natpisom „Napuštate Republiku Srbiju, dobrodošli u Luksemburg“.

Pre manje od mesec dana na ogradi gradilišta, koje se nalazi odmah pored TV N1, takođe je osvanuo plakat na kome piše „Republika Srbija – doviđenja, N1 – dobrodošli u Luksemburg“.

Nalepnice sa istim tekstom nekoliko dana pre toga pojavile su se na više lokacija u Beogradu, uključujući i zgradu Regulatornog tela za elektronske medije.

Rade Veljanovski, profesor Fakulteta političkih nauka, naglašava za Danas da je najnovija provokacija na N1, ali i napadi na druge objektivne medije „pokušaj da se iz naše javne sfere istisnu malobrojni mediji koji omogućavaju kritičko mišljenje“.

– Nema nikakve sumnje da je gest na N1, kao i ostali gestovi zastrašivanja novinara drugih medija, sinhronizovan sa vlašću. To ljudi iz vlasti sasvim sigurno znaju, jer su ovo njihovi eksponenti i hteli bi da se poništi svaka mogućnost drugačijeg mišljenja. To je ilustracija naše političke i medijske stvarnosti, a što vreme više prolazi mi smo sve bliži potpunom mraku. Iskreno se nadam da će ovih nekoliko medija koji odolevaju svemu tome uspeti da istraju i nadam se da će posle nekih političkih promena sve biti drugačije, ističe Veljanovski.

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije (NUNS) osudilo je najnoviji incident usmeren protiv TV N1 i pozvalo nadležne policijske i tužilačke organe, a pre svih najviše nosioce vlasti, da preduzmu sve što je neophodno da bi se zaustavilo učestalo zastrašivanje novinara i redakcije te televizije.

Grupa za slobodu medija, koju čini više od 200 organizacija i pojedinaca iz medijskog i nevladinog sektora, najoštrije je osudila napade, pritiske i zastrašivanje na televiziju N1 i pozvala sve novinare i građane da se solidarno okupe danas u 18 sati, ispred zgrade Vlade Srbije u Nemanjinoj 11.

Orlić: Nije bilo napada

Član predsedništva Srpske napredne stranke (SNS) Vladimir Orlić ocenio je da ubacivanje letaka u dvorište TV N1 nije bio nikakav napad i da razloga za osudu nema. „Pretpostavljam da je to svojevrsna reakcija na znate već dobro poznatu priču koja mislim da dolazi zvanično iz Vaše televizije, da ste vi neko ko se emituje u Luksemburgu“, odgovorio je Orlić na pitanje novinara N1 i ocenio da „niko nije bio napadnut“.

Anti-N1 leaflets thrown in TV’s yard in Belgrade


BELGRADE, 15.10.2019. – In the yard on the backside of N1 TV building in Belgrade, two unknown men threw some 500 leaflets across the fence reading: Republic of Serbia Goodbye; N1 Welcome to Luxembourg.

Two police patrol cars came to the scene shortly after the incident, conducted an investigation and notified the prosecutor on duty.

On the street side of the fence, there was one surgical mask left after the incident.

On Sunday, sign ‘Leave the Republic of Serbia – welcome to Luxembourg’ was placed next to the N1 Television building, along with an improvised ramp.

Some month ago a billboard with the same words was posted on the fence of the nearby construction site, and before that, the stickers with that message appeared at several locations in the city, including the building housing the Regulatory Body for Electronic Media (REM).

Between journalists’ ethics and local politics: When minister demands recording of a dredge


By: Sanela Kapetanović

Sarajevo, 15.10.2019. – My first deep professional disappointment happened at the beginning of my career. I began with my work experience at the local television station (while still being an undergraduate journalism student) and during my first work experience year and later during the traineeship period; during one of many discussions held regarding the posting of public interest based information, my (more experienced) senior workmate, told me (while expressing her personal view) about the responsibility of reporting, by stating the following: “Tie your horse where the master tells you”. In the following years there were more of such mantras that were often used as ultimate argument or in simple journalists’ words – blackmailing or subliminal threat.
Simultaneously, nothing better than this sentence demystificated the position of local media houses in BiH society.

Bizarre misuses of public money

Scope of problems that journalists have been facing, including editors of local media houses, overcome the boundaries of few journalists’ cards, and therefore this particular text may serve merely as desperate cry to scientific and expert community for academic and expert intervention in this specific field of business. Individuals, journalists and editors that have been forced to protect their own personal integrity, even within closest environment of their editing offices, including desks and media houses, shall be subject of this specific text, bearing in mind that “maladjusted” professionals have been exposed in confronting professional occupation and localism – based propaganda.
The idea of public money media financing theoretically includes professionalism and independence from commercial advertisers, political establishment and other interest – based groups that may, on behalf of their own personal interests, neglect general public interest. Practically, this idea has been transformed into personal antagonism where public money is defined as election prey, that is, marked as personal property owned by the leading political groups and parties, and public interest, on the other hand is treated as political establishment interest that marks the dispersing and distribution of Entity, cantonal and municipal budget means on the other hand. When certain media house is forced to operate in accordance with interest – based priorities of governing politics, it becomes clear the public interest becomes a common venue which again becomes subject to various discussions and concerns, because it genuinely does not even exist as such; it is quite opposite.

The procedure of politically – based appointing to managerial positions represents aggravating circumstances., which structurally suffocate the principles of professional occupation in all spheres of media operating field. Personal interests suppress public interests and greatest danger is hidden in practice – playing of interest – based spheres and also in shaping of suitable environment, so the entire public media could eventually be transformed into a PR agency. That is how political structures appoint managers that in return, create “adequate” and “acceptable” program agenda in public media they run. This mutual relationship puts individuals that tend to remain professional and sustain their integrity into most difficult position, because during the process between the recommendation until releasing, journalists’ stories naturally go through the path of selection at program collegium, via editing and monitoring until journalists’ releasing and broadcasting.

What is taken as a premise in this constellation is undoubtedly professional and ethic responsibility of all precipitants in the process, with the scope of responsibility equal to hierarchical positions. Therefore, if the premises are wrong, then the conclusion must be wrong too, which according to practices and experiences by journalists was often confirmed. Local media journalists often encountered direct attempts by local politicians (of local governing official authority representatives) to interfere into media and program content and program, including the interference into journalists’ reporting, they also often try to impose their suggestions during local community venues and even try to problematize questions they are asked to reply. It is not uncommon that daily editor, editor – in – chief or certain manager receive information from the field before their journalist even return to the office. There were situations where politicians or local governing representatives would threaten journalists that they would call their bosses (editors or managers) and they often did call them. Such experiences, although present in local media houses, unfortunately, are rarely subject to public problems or official lawsuits. I shall refer to one case in the following chapter of this text.

TVSA female journalist was working this particular day and was a journalist on – duty. This shift should follow extraordinary and special affairs and venues and also events organized during the afternoon hours. On this particular day, there were two venues that were to be followed and covered, with less than 60 minutes of time lap between them. First event was signing the contract between the Labor Union (Syndicate) representatives and Prime Minster of Sarajevo Canton, and this was followed by another venue in the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Tens of journalist had been waiting in the cantonal government premises for the beginning of the above mentioned contract signing procedure. Prime Minister and cantonal ministers were late and did not arrive to the government building at the time. According to the press office spokespersons, they said that they would be 30 minutes late. They had to attend the meeting in one of the municipal buildings outside Sarajevo. Journalists were nervous since they had been waiting for over 30 minutes.

“We shall begin in a minute”, Press officer tried to calm down the journalists, while he approached the TVSA female journalist. He asked her if he could have a word with her alone. Minister of Traffic and Communications had called and said that construction works were to commence the following day at the First Transversal Road and he was on his way with the Prime minister from the municipality. He had seen that the dredge was already on site so he phoned her demanding that she went there immediately, record the site and make a report. TVSA female journalists tried to hide the uncomfortable position that she was in by expressing humor and said that she was surprised with minister’s demand, because she did know that the minster was at the same the editor at the TVSA and that she did not see his name in the editing office, that is, on the time schedule. Government Press Officer was not even listening to what she had said and continued by stating that the minster said that other journalists were not important in this story, but he insisted that Cantonal TV journalist (reporter) must record the beginning of the above mentioned construction with camera, because the dredge had already been on the site marking the commencement of construction works that were to begin the next day. She expressed her gratitude and rejoined her colleagues in the hall.

90 minutes after that, she returned to the Desk without requested video report and without camera footage from cultural venue the she was supposed to cover (by the way cultural venues hardly get the chance to be broadcasted because the daily politics is always considered a top priority) and she reported her superior about the discomfort that she had experienced.
“I know about this, they phoned here and said that you were very rude to them”, said her editor.

Minister’s mandate was over one month before the beginning of construction work in the Transversal.
Irrationality and disrespecting the specificity of professional journalism and the truth as the sole imperative, including public interest and corrective nature, could perhaps best be seen from the relationship between local governing authorities and local media houses. This is particularly outlined in cases of various contracts regarding the covering of local community affairs where, for instance, municipalities disperse financial grants, and media houses should, in return, follow and cover the activities of local community managing structures. Although by nature, the primary activity of local media houses is reporting about local communities, their developing stages, problems, issues, challenges, projects etc. It is contracts which can make such relationships formal and in reality the most bizarre misuse of public money does occur as a result. Local televisions which, by their establishing acts are targeted towards local issues get finances (again) from public money deriving from lower governing levels, in order to make more thorough reports about local activities and affairs in every local community. It is the public that suffers the most in this market process due to the fact that, instead of having right to double – paid information that they should receive, they (public) are only left to witness the activity promotion displayed by local governing authorities that once again is paid with public money. Taking into consideration that this is about the promotion of public institutions, these kinds of contents are not even marked that they had already been paid for.

There are many cases where local media houses received calls and were requested to follow and cover daily affairs, such as for instance, municipal mayors addressing the pupils at the beginning of new school year, including the distribution of presents for kids; visiting construction sites at certain locations, ceremonial presentations of new public rubbish bins, all the way to most bizarre cases where journalists’ team was called to cover the event where municipal mayor was watching and visiting the cleaning and purifying of Miljacka River hutch. The cleaning was financed by City Council official authorities. Therefore, it is important to be more precise in writing about this issue. Namely, city council officials organized the cleaning and purifying of Miljacka River hutch, through four city based municipalities. One of these municipalities called the TV team to come and record (at specific time) how municipal mayor visits the site and witnesses the cleaning and purification process. This indeed happened. The worst thing was that this was not the worst thing that happened that day. Additionally, the TV female editor suggested to female journalist (site reporter) to record a stand up report and thus “enrich” this story, bearing in mind that the scene of the dredge cleaning the river hutch behind the camera was rather “televised” (not exciting). Luckily, this stand – up report never occurred, because the female journalist reporter refused to do such thing. In order to obtain a complete authenticity it is important to outline and highlight that this particular local media house had previously and in several occasions broadcasted relevant information (with all details included) in regard with the above outlined Miljacka river cleaning event.

Perhaps it would be possible to find a minimum of mutual understanding for municipal mayors or their press office spokespersons that may consider a morning walk of their boss as crucial and necessary for the headline being considered as general public interest. However, the journalist that fulfils and obeys such request does, in terms of contents, belong to municipal press office. The problem of this society is that the agitators in press offices of almost every single public service or public institutions get paid more than journalists and editors of public media houses.

Auto censorship or profession sacrifice

Once I decided to ask my female colleague (from other local media house) if she had ever had experience with auto censorship and imposed political pressures and I was petrified by her instant response. She told me that no one was imposing them with censorship, because they had been working long enough so they learnt what they should report about and what they should remain silent about. She seemed very proud when she said this, just like when an experienced editor explains to a beginner how, after having posted hundreds and thousands of posts and texts, the news on professional’s keyboard somehow gets assorted by itself. It is difficult to say whether censorship derives only as a consequence of local media oligarchy treatment or weather it provides space for censorship, but it is certainly more problematic than censorship itself. Auto censorship eliminates fundamental imperatives of professional journalism, natural journalists’ curiosity and possibility of building empathy with audience. Selective reporting transforms into a legitimate program policy and turns media into a single – path communication channel.

Auto censors use all available professional rhetoric, in order to justify non-reporting about certain issues, such as live reporting from protests or rallies, because there is a possibility that collocutors may mention the names of persons that are not present at the moment since their answers cannot be recorded alive on spot, so auto censure users accordingly define that as lack or absence of the other side of the story.

Auto censors are harmless and at the same time, marvelous agenda interpreters. Should a journalist or editor try to problematize, professionally or based on arguments and evidence, the relationship towards certain issues, auto censors shall find appropriate excuse for that. During the process of instrumentalization of a local media house, auto censors appeared as the most wanted resources – they would make professional advancing and their affection to conformity based sacrifice would additionally be interpreted as panegyric perspicuity of understating and comprehension of program commitment. This is actually a fundamental and core danger of auto censorship occurrence; it can easily be transmitted abroad on one hand, but it is very difficult to diagnose on the other hand In such professional ambience, junior journalists that decide to launch their careers, adopt and accept the forms of allowed boundaries and limits, thus reducing the possibility of professional emancipation of the entire media. Aggravating circumstance is perhaps the lack of adequate and appropriate monitoring mechanisms, including sanctions, because the processes of public manipulation and tendentious reporting evolve faster than legal regulations emerge. Additionally, media, from legal and formal point of view, do not violate the rules of Communication Regulatory Agency, but through ignoring particular topics and collocutors and by neglecting their own corrective, critical, educational and ethic social role, their own actions and activities are narrowed down to subliminal and impunity propaganda, which is still disparate with fundamental principles of professional journalism.

The responsibility for this particular position between the government that, through media, would have to be held accountable to public and media that would, in return serve the public as corrective tool of lowest and closest governing level (in this specific case), should certainly be sought in media alone. However, in this case, we shall deal with consequences and responsibilities regarding the origin and causes that are certainly out of media reach and deeply buried inside BiH social and political system. Looking from legislative perspective; the perspective that enables us and even does not discourage verbal and physical assaults and attacks on journalists and media representatives, through professional disengagement to notably envious economic and social position of all journalists. This, frankly speaking, is not a problem for journalists working for local media houses, but may display the existential (un)certainty and is surely the fundamental fear drive that would, under such circumstances, easily allow the conformism to presume into professionalism. In such system of values, neither long – term experience nor salary coefficient and professional title cannot result in guaranteed quality. Professional integrity is the only confirmation to certain people that (under almost impossible circumstances) defend the dignity of professional journalism, public interest and genuine truth. Rarities like these are dedicated and devotionally do their work, though laden with clear and present professional environment where their story may not even be posted or released. They are targeted as employees of local media houses that in corporation circles do not have notable reputation and are exposed to promotional ambitions of political and ruling establishment and this is exactly why they can make significant and important changes.

What happened to solidarity?

In all, or at least in most local media houses, there are professionals that have decided not to give up on professional imperatives laid before them. There are cases where employees – media representatives initiate court processes and law suits, filed in against media houses they work for, alone or with the assistance of various associations, unions (syndicates), staff councils and they do persist in their fight against media misuse, but also in order to keep and sustain their own integrity. Also, there are cases when group of employees launch labor disputes directed against oligarchy managements, which also implies a completely unenviable position where journalists are being targeted as conflictual and destructive factors within media houses, which often results in imposing of direct mobbing, disciplinary sanctions, fines, warnings and in most extreme situations results in dismissing and sacking. Lack of solidarity of professional journalists’ community and complete absence of reinforced and strengthened community (in form of union (syndicate) of media staff, excludes the possibility that this kind of cases could become more visible, and process outcomes they lead, could become more notable and important for entire media community, especially in the field of emancipations of social role and significance of local media houses as part of global democratization process.

Active solidarity of professional community is indeed a necessity in order to preserve fundamental professional values, integrity and autonomy of journalists. Additionally, I find important to emphasize that professional journalism in its core prefers ethics rather than exclusiveness. The case of malicious comment that local media male journalist, while making a report, received form his female colleague, when she said: „You will surely write your report as ordered”, illustrated a complete lack of ethics and professionalism. In doing so, I shall highlight that this case was about colleague who, in her entire journalism career had insisted on personal credibility and professional principles, since she did have situations where her reports were not allowed to be broadcasted or posted, despite the fact that she had refused any kind of censorship and political biasing in her stories and reports. Genuine empathy and common interest of professional reinforcement of the entire journalists’ community, which is required for BiH society, along with legislation, represents and displays a precondition for emancipation and democratization of our society. Otherwise, the fight for professional journalism, principles of public interest and the truth shall remain a legacy of every single journalist and editor, including individual fight, personal devotion and commitment.

Responsibility of fight for professional and independent public local media houses at the end is not just a responsibility of BiH media houses, because the managing figures in those houses are appointed so they could deliberately prevent this and obstruct the above outlined fight from happening. Local governing officials cannot be held responsible either, despite the fact that, on one hand it is their legal duty; however, it obviously does not represent their political interest on the other hand. The only left entity is the public that finances public media houses that in return, should serve the public in the first place and provide them with reports. Unfortunately, public cannot neither be considered nor treated as amphora’s mass, symbol or journalism stereotype.

Public includes every entity that pays taxes and enables the existence of public media houses, thus financing the work of institutions responsible for media monitoring, as well as politicians and governing officials. Political intervening cannot be considered normal, including their comments and suggestions in regard with the work of media houses, program schemes, contents or questions addressed to them and accordingly questions they are expected to answer. It is particularly inadmissible that a politician demands the dismissing of director or editor of any media house, without the response by adequate institutions that should determine any discrepancy in the work of such media house in the first place.

Political insulting and offending, theatrical emotions and provincial aggressiveness in BiH society have the capacity of forging most directed political and political party imposed pressures and turning them into public interest concern. Therefore, this text is some kind of an appeal to all my colleagues, professionals, journalists, editors, professional academic community members, urging them for solidarity, reinforcement and strengthening of professional journalism and its fundamental principles. Otherwise, we won’t even need ever popular stereotype “the time will show”, since it will be useless. Enslaving of public media has been paving the path to enslavement of the entire society and we, that decided to be professional journalists, should be aware of this in the first place or in words Ozren Kebo, our popular colleague, in his work “Advices to junior journalist”, we should be aware before even the time shows us that.

(The author is a journalist of Television Sarajevo; this article was published in E-journalist bulletin)