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The Steering Committee of BHJA: Harsh condemnations of political pressure on RTV Zenica


Sarajevo, 06.09.2019. – The Steering Committee of the BH Journalists Association (BHJA) strongly condemns the political pressures and interference with the editorial decisions and program content of RTV Zenica, which followed the publication of a series of thematic reports on the work of ArcelorMittal and their possible impact on air pollution in Zenica.

The BHJA Steering Committee emphasizes that, contrary to media freedoms and the right of journalists to work freely, direct interference with the management and trade unions of ArcelorMittal employees, as well as with the City Administration with Mayor Fuad Kasumovic, is at the forefront of the daily work of RTV Zenica. It is particularly unacceptable to challenge the critical approach of journalists and editors in creating media content about ArcelorMittal, and to dismiss RTV Zenica’s Supervisory Board by unilateral Mayor’s decision, alleging that the city media could question the “fate” of this company and their employees, as well as the development of Zenica.

In this context, BH Journalists remind the City Government and ArcelorMittal that the task of the media is critical and comprehensive reporting on issues of importance to all citizens, and any dissatisfaction with the work of the media is expressed through legitimate complaints such as: public reaction, denial or complaint to the Regulatory Agency for communications. Direct political pressures on the media are unacceptable in a democratic society, are a blatant attack on freedom of expression and are an expression of demonstrations of political and economic power, that is, they can be interpreted as directly blackmailing RTV Zenica journalists to give up critical journalism.

The Steering Committee of BH Journalists again firmly calls on the management and editorial board of RTV Zenica to publicly oppose political pressures and blackmail, which last for almost three years and have influenced the divisions within RTV Zenica and the violation of fundamental human rights of journalists. This brutal attack on editorial autonomy and the free work of journalists, as well as the unilateral dismissal of the Supervisory Board of this media are the last opportunity for management and editorial board to demonstrate public responsibility and work in the interest of all Zenica citizens, and not be subject to the demands and particular interests of political or economic power holders in that city.

At the same time, the Steering Committee of BHJA calls on the Assembly of the RTV Zenica and the City Council to urgently organize a session and with due care, responsibly and seriously consider the pressures on this media and fulfill the information needs of all Zenica citizens who, with their money, fund the work of this local media.

Hate is always the same, it is just about tiny differences in style and scope of illiterateness


By: Kristina Ljevak

Sarajevo, 06.09.2019. – My female workmates and colleagues have often been described as sluts, second – hand woman and some politicians wanted “to swim in their blue eyes”. They were also described as whores and foreign mercenaries. All professional references they had were neglected and most of them (and serious war – time reporting experience) and the fact that they had been dealing with some of the biggest Bosnian and Herzegovinian political, criminal (if these two need to be separated at all) and other countless affairs; the fact that they often had to get up and get changed from pajamas into cloths and report live from Belgrade after Radovan Karadzic was arrested; that they had to follow not only “local” , but also other types of combats, battles and live wars. When they managed to advance their career, some people would often bring their career progress in connection with love affairs with certain male persons, discrediting thus their own success. After all, what is woman with guts, (and I shall not use other term) unless she is supported by men in the Balkan region?
No person has even been prosecuted for hate speech, encouraged, instigated open lynch and defamations/libeling, since all of these had been directed and addressed against my female colleagues and editors.

Woman should (not) be in journalism

This time I shall particularly write down about women, but I shall not forget the fact that even men working in the field of journalism, (and I refer to those men with their own dignity); men working in this misfortunate country where we vastly wrapped up the profession of journalism into sticky mud, have never found easy to work in this specific branch and area. However, it appears much easier to through the same mud on women instead. Woman should not get involved in journalism in the first place, including public scene or move away from any other place farther from her kitchen ovens and small kids.

Recently, our colleague Dalija Hasanbegovic – Konakovic was criticized for having obtained a diploma with Roman Catholic memo inserted on top of it. Unless I am mistaken, she had, after getting the “non – believer” diploma, managed to acquire many other diplomas on international levels. They would most probably be happier should she have never be awarded with any diploma; and perhaps she should have stayed close to the above mentioned kitchen oven, work on tiny embroidery, instead of being most recognized face on one of the most prestigious TV house in the region. Additional problem, as far as Dalija Hasanbegovic – Konakovic is concerned, was the perception others have about her, as being legal wife to one of the local politicians where she should (in their own opinion) be deprived of rights to act as solely independent woman and her right to be valued through her personal and professional results; shortly to be a person by all means instead of merely being a wife.

I have been away from the sludge for nearly two decades when they managed to put me there, as oppose to my female colleagues, that is, politically – biased female reporters. I simply loved the art but I knew that I had lacked in discipline to become a solo pianist career and that my temper could only fit into the dynamics of journalism after which I managed to combine two loves into a single one; journalist who would follow art events and venues. And it was very nice and I somehow felt protected in this field. I would interview Jergovic, Hemon, deceased Predrag Lucic or Borka Pavicevic; I would have a chat with Boro Cosic about the philosophy of human existence; make a journey to Cannes or Venice evoking happy times etc. Every meeting with people that had made brilliant achievements in the field of art would simply make everyone ennobled. You simply get to learn something every time.

In 2008 I began with more serious activism covering the issue of LGBT community. And this also was, despite the battle I had to accept and take, some kind of safe space, surrounding with people with whom share same views, cognition that you are, if nothing else, indeed on the right side (that you are doing good things for generations to come). Taking into consideration that those who have been assaulting LGBT community members had most probably never even been to theatre, let alone watched the TV program covering cultural affairs; I was simply not in their focus at the time. We were far away, as we are even today, and I was (as I am now) the very same person before they had decided to appoint me to the position of an acting director of Sarajevo Canton Public Television. The trouble was that I have no longer been writing about books that public should read or write about theatre plays that public should go and watch; instead I announced the engagement of an independent audit commission that should examine the regularity of business operations during the time of those who had been running this TV house and those that are now political opposition.

Target placed on the forehead

The lynch I have been experiencing and that derives from right – wing media houses and individuals that are also belong to right – wing political parties, had initially been created based on my name and my engagement and activism within the LGBT community. They only used my name (ethnic origin) as “smoked screen” fearing that they may no longer use political party microphone, which was exactly what they used the TV house (that I now run) for. LGBT activism has also only been used to cover their homophobia that they surely cherish, and yet another opportunity to outline and highlight how they would isolate every single entity that is different from what they consider natural and right. The allegations that I am “gay activist” was posted in certain media source (which should at least not be permitted in the 21st Century) and this allegation was created with the purpose of creating an idea whether I was “just” an activist or a person that prefers same sex or gender. We all know that once you put any person in the LGBT context, you basically draw a target on her/his foreskin.

The above mentioned element were sufficient enough for the first wave of lynch, although they simply had to carry on and continue. The purpose of it me being discredited, including the TV station and accordingly the actual Sarajevo Canton governing authorities, that is, the Government in particular and it was part of subversion they have been announcing for September. I should be highly discredited and diminished by September, so no person after me would even think about accepting the managing position, instead of being a puppet to recent ruling political party.

Bearing in mind that I only paid serious attention to my professional career in my life, so far making no compromises at the cost of my own existential jeopardizing (in what can be seen as my ten years engagement), they simply could not find skeleton in my closet. Therefore, their next stop was my ethnic origin and the question of all questions: „Where were you in 1992?” I spent the time during this particular period in my family house in Ilidza and we could not have removed the house from this area by mounting wheels on it at the time, though this fact does not disregard the fact that I have been considered chetnik. This is why a friend of mine suggested that I should write a book with remarkable title “I was 12 when I joined chetniks”. They did not even spare my family talking about the period when my mother worked at the Clinical center at the University of Sarajevo. They must have thought that she should have left her kid (me) in Ilidza because every kid has his/her own destiny. Nowadays, I’ve noticed that they decided to Google the following subject “Kristina Ljevak – husband” – and I therefore conclude that he is going to be their next target or they are just checking if there were any male person in my life, or my heart can only be shared with another female person.

Why we must not remain silent

When I try to use humor as my defensive weapon in order to protect myself from public cancer that exists in BiH society, I often say that I feel as being on top of the CNN managing level and that I would, after going through all this, be able to run for the highest possible position and function in GRAS.

I intentionally do not release and post threatening messages that I receive in my inbox, because this is not my style. I hope I will have enough time to report all these threatening messages to local police authorities. Although I reckon that contents posted and published in local media and web site houses were sufficient enough for police officials. The hate was always the same it is just about tiny differences in style and scope of illiterateness. I have always been saying in other occasions that we are not all build from the same “material” and that people react in different ways to identical situations.

Recently, my colleague with a long lasting experience in his profession told me that he could not recall the case (like mine) and he could not remember that anyone from the field of journalist had been exposed to hate speech with such an intensive level. My intention is certainly to forget the evil, regardless to whom it may be directed. The experience that I have been going through I consider as the opportunity to get familiar with my own strength being aware that the person with more weak personality and dignity would most probably been unable to cope and endure all of this and would eventually end up in neuropsychiatric clinic as their patient.

Therefore, because of this (and not because of me it is important to amend and change the law and accordingly legally impose punishments, fines and sanctions against all those who threaten journalist or journalists because threats against journalists should be treated as threats directed against officials (e.g. the police) and disallow anyone form even thinking that they might be able to “enjoy swimming” in our blue eyes or to address us with: “Look at your head?” We must not be silent, we must not stop reacting accepting this that this is the only way, we must not leave journalism or leave our country, because the other (evil side) side is actually hoping for this to happen and our duty is to stop them. My generation was misfortunate and had to spent time in war; they were and still are in transition and this limbo represents where we are at moment. Due to some future generations, we feel obliged to return the dignity to our processual occupation and based on this all to bring those to minimum level since they tend to teach us how to behave.

(The article is published in E-journalist bulletin; the author is current v.d. of TVSA and longtime journalist)

Pro-government TV reported to have canceled critical talk shows


BELGRADE, 05.09.2019. – Two talk shows viewed as critical of the authorities have been taken off the air on the pro-government TV Prva, investigative news portals reported.

The shows by experienced journalists Suzana Trninic and Tatjana Vojtehovski were reported to have been cancelled before TV Prva owner Srdjan Milovanovic spoke up to claim that negotiations were underway with Vojtehovski for a new series of her Life Stories (Zivot Prica) talk show. Vojtehovski denied the claim saying that there were no talks with the station managers.

Milovanovic told the Raskrinkavanje portal that the show had not been cancelled and that the conditions for it to continue were being negotiated. He said that Vojtehovski had engaged staff who are not station employees and were paid a lot. “My only demand is for everything to be done within the station, using only our equipment and resources to lower costs and she saw this as an attack on her,” he said.

Vojtehovski told Raskrikavanje that she never even saw Milovanovic, nor spoke to him by phone. She said that she had been told the show was being cancelled at a meeting with managers and added that there was no mention of any production demands. “Milovanovic should know that I am a station employee and that the show was produced in-house,”she said.

The canceling of Vojtehovski’s show comes after TV Prva cancelled a contract with another of its employees, journalist Suzana Trninic who, like Vojtehovski, has years of TV journalism experience and was critical of the authorities.

She told the Cenzolovka investigative portal that she was no longer an employee of the station. “This ending is certainly not a surprise for anyone, including myself,” she said. Trninic was a staff member at TV B92 which was known in the 1990s and later for its critical approach to the authorities before moving to TV Prva after B92 was sold.

No law was broken when her contract was cancelled because she was offered a new job after her show was cancelled. She declined the offer and lost her job.

Trninic said that no explanation had been given for the cancellation of her show titled Answer (odgovor) adding that the show was the reason why she changed stations.

Prva TV and the former B92 which was renamed O2 TV was bought in December 2018 for 180 million Euros by Milovanovic, formerly the owner of the Kopernikus cable operator and brother to the ruling Serbian Progressive Party’s (SNS) top official in the southern city of Nis Zvezdan Milovanovic.

Mapiraj.ba platform presented: The White Book of Human Rights for the first time in BiH


Sarajevo, 04.09.2019. – The Mapiraj.ba platform, which offers online tools for systematic monitoring and public presentation of human rights violations against journalists and all other BiH citizens, especially vulnerable and marginalized groups, was presented today at the EU Info Center in Sarajevo.

This is a project implemented by the BH Journalists Association (BHJA) in cooperation with the European Federation of Journalists and the ProEduca Training Center, with the financial support of the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

For the first time in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a platform has been created to enable monitoring the needs and interests of both journalists who produce information and media community in general, as well as citizens, civil society and local authorities, who receive information or are informed.

Both social groups violate basic human rights, but they also appear in the role of those who violate the rights of others: journalists through unprofessional reporting and discrimination in media content, citizens through the use of hate speech on social networks and online portals, and government institutions through individual and collective pressure on certain media and journalists.

According to the Secretary General of the BHJA Borka Rudic, the presentation of Mapiraj.ba platform comes in the moment when the public in BiH is focused on the announced Pride Walk, which requires to respect and protect human rights of members of the LGBTIQ community.

„And this is an example where we have become aware of the importance of the media, government institutions and civil society being united in the defense of human rights. It is necessary to understand the importance of the fundamental protection of human rights, and not just look at it from the personal perspective, community or organization we work for ”, said Rudic.

Program Manager of the Delegation of the European Union to BiH Vladimir Pandurevic emphasized the need for cross-sectoral cooperation between civil society organizations, media and government institutions in the promotion and protection of human rights, and their joint education on the standards and policies of the European Union in the field of human rights and democracy.

„All social subjects must respect fundamental human rights as guaranteed above all by the Constitution of BiH, and then by numerous laws, declarations and recommendations. It is quite clear that both the area of human rights and their respect will be part of the negotiations on BiH’s accession to the European Union“, Pandurevic said .

The Mapiraj.ba platform is part of the Media for Human Rights project, which has conducted several studies on the human rights situation of journalists, women victims of violence in safe houses and returnees. Researcher – psychologist Srdjan Puhalo noted that the results for all three categories are worrying and that each of these social groups needs improvement in protecting their rights. Journalists are confronted with the fact that they don’t have paid health insurance and internships, and they suffer various pressures. Women victims of violence, on the other hand, need economic empowerment, and returnees have a range of problems that they face in areas where they are members of a minority, such as unemployment, lack of health care and youth departure, Puhalo said.

„Returnees are an invisible group and it is difficult for them to get a job in places where they are a minority. Most often they are victims of discrimination in infrastructure projects. When it comes to violating women’s rights, research has shown that abuse, shouting, slapping, pushing, threatening, insulting and degrading messages are the most common types of abuse “, Puhalo said.

Sanja Skuletic-Malagic from the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of BiH emphasized that there is less and less talk about human rights both in institutions and in the media.

„The main drawback to media freedom reporting is the lack of a uniform methodology and mechanisms for monitoring human rights violations. It is necessary to introduce parameters and mechanisms for monitoring not only human rights violations, but also court proceedings in these cases“, said Skuletic-Malagic.

Emir Prcanovic, executive director of „Your Rights“ association, said that media coverage of human rights deserves more attention because of the decadence of human rights in recent years.

„The key is that throughout the post-war, post-election period, we have devoted ourselves to promoting political parties, and putting human rights and freedoms in the background. It is necessary to abolish discriminatory patterns and harmonize case law so that we can speak about more effective protection of human rights in BiH“, said Prcanovic.

The results of all surveys will be published on a platform, which will be further enhanced in other segments by data that will be collected in the coming period. As announced, a White Book of Human Rights will be published at the end of the year, providing data on human rights violations and good practices for their protection and prevention of discrimination in BiH, which should become a practice and published every two or three years.

Spokesperson – civil servant, journalist and editor


Sarajevo, 04.09.2019. – In cooperation with the German Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, BH Journalists Association continue to publish texts and research related to various aspects of media freedom in BiH, current problems within the media community, pressures on the media and problems that journalists encounter in their work on a daily basis.

BiH Ministry of Finance and Treasury spokeswoman and former journalist Natasa Krsman writes about the role of spokespersons as people who are often the key of the quality and content of journalistic articles – what to know and how a good spokesperson of an institution should behave, how to cooperate with journalists and editors, and how they can use their knowledge and skill to influence the editorial policy of the media indirectly, but in the positive sense for the journalist/editor as well as for the institution that the spokesperson represents.

“However, it is not uncommon in practice that one side, the editors, work for the owners of the media, while the other side, PR officers, work for ministers, directors or presidents. Both sides can often be seen working for individual political parties. This is unacceptable, of course, but very evident in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Since politics mingles itself almost with everything, politicians should respect journalism as a profession and all the weaknesses it absorbs from the society and the questionable system of values-even if they are not aware of this, their PR officers should instruct them”, Natasa Krsman writes.

You can read the complete article in Bosnian and English at the links below:



Novinar napadnut ispred Marakane: Zašto nema reakcije ni kluba ni policije


BEOGRAD, 04.09.2019. – Novinar Federalne Televizije Dejan Kožul, koji je napadnut ispred stadiona Crvene zvezde, kaže da se takve stvari ne dešavaju u drugim zemljama i dodaje da sve i da se dese ne veruje da bi klubovi ostali nemi, a kamoli policija.

Dopisnik Federalne Televizije Dejan Kožul pokušao je da napravi prilog pored postavljenog tenka. U tom trenutku prišao mu je prvo jedan, a zatim više mladića i pitali ga šta radi tu, a nakon što im je odgovorio da snima prilog za sarajevsku televiziju, pitali su ga da li je Srbin. Po rečima Kožula, ovaj verbalni napad mogao je da preraste u fizički obračun, ali zaslugom njegovog kolege snimatelja to se nije dogodilo.

“Tenk nije tu da simbolizuje navijačku grupu, već da simbolizuje ono što što smo i videli posle utakmice kada su se igrači provozali oklopnim vozilom, klub se nije oglašavao tim povodom, kao ni povodom napada. Ja sam pokušavao da završim priču i da snimim tenk, napad je usledio dok sam čekao da se snimatelj namesti, navijač mi je prišao i pitao me za koga radim, da bi posle usledio niz napada, pitali su me da li sam Srbin, ja sam isto odgovorio malo bezobrazno. Posle sam brzo otišao i nisam imao želju da se tamo vraćam. Nisam imao zebnju da će se desiti nešto dramartično, nisam očekivao, došao sam samo na par minuta i da onda odem u montažu. Zbog same činjenice da predstavljam televiziju iz Sarajeva možda je trebalo da očekujem”, rekao je Kožul.

On kaže i da je sama percepcija Sarajeva u društvu takva.

“Vezaćete za Sarajevo neku vrstu džamahirije, muslimane. Sama televizija je dostupna i u Srbiji i ko zna verovatno i prati. Ja se nisam do sada na ovaj način susretao s pretnjama. Radim 6-7 godina i nisam imao problema, bilo je čak i simpatičnih detalja. Ovako nešto se nikada nije dešavalo”.

Smatra i da se takvim “navijačima” treba suprotstaviti, jer, kako je rekao, “šta god da uradiš rezultat će biti isti”.

“Ti ljudi ne razmeju nijedan drugi jezik sem onog kojim se odnose prema nama. Njima se jedino može suprotstaviti na isti način na koji se oni odnose prema tebi. Mi se obraćamo klubu, vrlo je lako saznati ko su ti ljudi, ali ne postoji volja. U klubu će ćutati dok im ne dođe na naplatu”, kaže Kožul.

Smatra i da novinari često ispadnu “kolateralna šteta” i da bi bilo najbolje “da ne postoje i ne pitaju ništa”. Poručuje da i pored svega neće odustati.

“To bi značilo priznanje poraza. Bilo je neprijatno, ali mi svaki dan živimo montipajtovštinu, teško mogu ozbiljno sve to da shvatim. Teško mogu da shvatim ljude koji su se slikali na tenku, delovalo mi je nekako žalosno”.

Podsetimo, i reporter N1 Mladen Savatović je pred utakmicu s Jang bojsom pokušao da sazna kakav je stav navijača o postavljanju tenka pred Marakanu, ali mu to nije dozvolilo nekoliko momaka. Snimio je jednog sagovornika preko puta stadiona “Rajko Mitić”, ali je odmah nakon toga čuo dobacivanje pogrdnih imena iz mase, da smo “špijuni”, “lopovi”, “američki plaćenici”… Zbog toga, ekipa N1 je odlučila da se pomeri na drugi kraj ulice, kako bi nastavila da radi svoj posao – pita i građane za mišljenje. Međutim, na mestu gde se nalaze kafići u kojima se obično navijači okupljaju, kada je reporter N1 pokušao da uzme izjavu od narednog sagovornika, došlo je par momaka koji su počeli da dobacuju, viču na ekipu i da ih teraju odatle.

“Kada znamo da ima navijačkog naboja i kakva je atmosfera u društvu vi očekujete to. Slutio sam da nešto može da se dogodi. Kad radimo najobičniju anketu mi dobijamo uvrede, radio sam anketu na Trgu Republike i govorili su nam da smo izdajice. Kad nadležni ne reaguju i podstiču takav stav niste iznenađeni kad se nešto desi. U normalnom drušptvu, to ne može da bude u opisu posla”, rekao je Savatović.

On kaže i da kada imamo zvaničnike koji N1 nazivaju “špijunskom televizijom”, kako onda da se očekuje da novinari budu zaštićeni i rade svoj posao bez straha.

“Šta god da radimo nailazimo na takve komentare, dovoljno je da se pojavim s mikrofonom i stvori se neka slika, evo CIA je došla. Ne možemo da im objasnimo da mi samo radimo svoj posao”, rekao je on.

Kaže i da su ga začudile izjave posle meča.

“Ministar policije je rekao da su zabeležena samo dva manja incidenta, a mogao je da sazna šta se dogodilo ispred stadiona. Ja sam mislio da će nadležni da reaguju po službenoj dužnosti. Prošlo je nedelju dana i reakcije nema, niko me nije pitao za mišljenje. Poučen iskustvom kolega ne verujem da će biti reakcije”.

VOICE: Pripadnik Noćnih vukova iz Inđije osumnjičen za zastrašivanje novinarke Verice Marinčić

INĐIJA, 02.09.2019. – Osoba za koju se sumnja da je od 19. juna pratila i na razne načine zastrašivala na ulici i na radnom mestu novinarku portala Inđija cafe Vericu Marinčić je pripadnik lokalnog ogranka moto kluba “Noćni vukovi”, saznaje Vojvođanski istraživačko-analitički centar (VOICE). Početkom jula, započet je postupak protiv pripadnika “Noćnih vukova” iz Inđije zbog ugrožavanja bezbednosti osobe koja obavlja poslove od javnog značaja u oblasti informisanja.

Istraživanje VOICE-a pokazuje da je moto klubu “Noćni vukovi” opština Inđija u prošloj godini dodelila blizu million dinara putem konkursa. Za razliku od ostala dva moto kluba koja su registrovana u Inđiji i kojima je novac dodeljen za organizaciju međunarodnih moto skupova, novac građana Inđije je “Noćnim vukovima” dodeljen za “Aktivnosti članova udruženja”, bez preciziranja o kakvim aktivnostima je reč.

Pored toga, pripadnik ovog kluba protiv koga tužilaštvo vodi postupak zbog ugrožavanja bezbednosti novinarke Inđija cafea je među važnijim zvanicama na manifestacijama koje organizuje ta sremska opština, pokazuje istraživanje koje je sprovela ekipa VOICE-a.

Maltretiranje nezavisnih novinara

Novinarka Verica Marinčić je 18. juna 2019. godine nakon što je na portalu Inđija café objavila fotografiju bahato parkiranog automobila ispred jedne pekare u tom sremskom gradu prvo napadnuta a zatim praćena u ulici u kojoj živi i na radnom mestu.

Ona je policiji prijavila pretnje i pritiske, i početkom jula započet je postupak protiv Nenada Marića zbog ugrožavanja bezbednosti osobe koja obavlja poslove od javnog značaja u oblasti informisanja. Verica Marinčić kaže da je njen napadač redovan gost na manifestacijama koje organizuje opština Inđija. “Neposredno posle napada sam pokušala da u Opštini dođem do video-snimaka incidenta, ali se tamo nisu ni udostojili da mi odgovore a kamoli izađu u susret”, kaže za VOICE Verica Marinčić.

Na zvaničnoj Fejsbuk stranici Noćni vukovi – pododeljenje Inđija”, objavljene su fotografije Nenada Marića kako pozira sa ostalim članovima moto kluba dok u ruci drži zastavu opštine Inđija. Kao naziv fotografije napisano je “Moskva 2019. godine”. Sudeći po fotografijama i objavama “Noćni vukovi” iz Inđije su ove godine prisustvovali “Bajk šou” u Sevastopolju (Krim) na kojem se motoristima obratio Vladimir Putin.

Na zvaničnoj stranici, objavljena je i fotografija Nenada Marića sa predsednikom Noćnih vukova Srbija, Sašom Savićem ali i sa predsednikom “matičnog” ruskog kluba “Noćni vukovi” Aleksandrom Zaladastanovim Hirurgom.  Fotografija je nastala u Moskvi, na proslavi 30. rođendana “Noćnih vukova”.

Kada je reč o postupku koji tužilaštvo protiv Marića vodi, i dalje nema nikakvih novosti o rezultatima istrage.

Finansiranje Noćnih vukova

Pojedine lokalne samouprave izdvajaju novac iz opštinskog budžeta koji je namenjen za aktivnosti “Noćnih vukova”. Tako je opština Inđija putem konkursa, koji je raspisala ta lokalna samouprava u junu 2017. godine, dodelila 430 hiljada dinara ogranku tog moto kluba. Tada se prvi put u javnosti govori o još jednom moto klubu u Inđiji.

Prema zvaničnim informacijama iz Agencije za privredne registre, u opštini Inđija su registrovana dva moto kluba i to “Inđija 2003 i moto kub MK Inđija. Pomenuutim klubovima je takođe na istom konkursu dodeljen novac iz budžeta: moto klubu “Inđija 2003” za organizovanje motorijade, ukupno 430 hiljada dinara, dok je drugom klubu “MK Inđija” dodeljeno 350 hiljada dinara.

Oba moto kluba u različito vreme organizuju međunarodne moto skupove, “Inđija 2003” u junu dok drugi klub “MK Inđija” moto skup organizuje mesec dana nakon toga. Za razliku od pomenuta dva moto kluba, novac građana Inđije je “Noćnim vukovima” dodeljen za “Aktivnosti udruženja ljubitelja motocikala NIGHT WOLVES M.G. SERBIA“, ponovićemo – bez preciziranja o kakvim aktivnostima je reč.

I u 2018. godini opština Inđija dodeljuje “vukovima” novac za aktivnosti, i to u dva navrata.

Prvi put, u aprilu 2018. godine, kada je tom moto klubu dodeljeno 550 hiljada dinara, a zatim i 2. jula, kada je takođe dodeljen novac moto klubovima iz Inđije ali i ogranku “Noćnih vukova”. Ovog puta, “vukovima” je dodeljeno za funkcionisanje još 430 hiljada dinara.

“Noćni vukovi” u Srbiji

Prema podacima sa zvaničnog sajta “Noćni vukovi Srbija”, deceniju nakon što je ovaj moto klub osnovan u Rusiji (1988. godina), usledilo je otvaranje ogranaka u Belorusiji, Ukrajini, Letoniji, Makedoniji, Srbiji, Bugarskoj i Nemačkoj.

Kada je reč o Srbiji, organak “Noćnih vukova” je, prema dostupnim informacijama iz Agencije za privredne registreosnovan 10. marta 2009. godinesa sedištem u Nišu.Kao pravni zastupnik naveden je Saša Savić.

Prema pisanju medija, njemu kao i predsedniku “matičnog” ruskog kluba “Noćni vukovi” bio je zabranjen ulazak u Bosnu Ii Hercegovinu prilikom najavljene turneje Ruski Balkan”.

Pet godina nakon toga, u oktobru 2014. godine, otvorena je “Klupska kuća Noćnih vukova u Beogradu”. Otvaranju je prisustvovao i predsednik Noćnih vukova Aleksandar Zaldostanov Hirurg. Upravo tih dana povodom Dana oslobođenja Beograda glavni grad Srbije posetio je i Vladimir Putin, predsednik Ruske Federacije, koga otvoreno podržavaju “Noćni vukovi”.

Na ovogodišnjem skupu “Noćnih vukova”, održanom 10. avgusta na Krimu, Putin je čestitao motociklističkom klubu desetogodišnjicu održavanja prve moto revije. Tom prilikom, Zaldostanov je u ime „Noćnih vukova“ zahvalio Putinu na podršci rekavši da su oni njegova vojska.

Na sajtu ogranka iz Srbije piše da se “Klub oslanja na pravoslavne korene i poštuje istoriju svoje zemlje”.

Odbili im prijavu zbog latiničnog pečata

I pored toga što se članovi kluba deklarišu kao “patriote” i čuvari ćirilice, njima je polovinom ove godine zbog latinice odbijena registraciona prijava. Naime, 15. jula 2019. godine u Agenciji za privredne registre odbijena jepomenuta prijava ogranka “Noćnih vukova” zbog latiničnog pečata što nije u skladu sa članom 17. važećeg statuta kao ni članom 43. Zakona o sportu (”Službeni glasnik RS”, br. 10/2016) kojim je propisano da naziv udruženja mora biti na srpskom jeziku i ćiriličkom pismu.

Prema informacijama iz Agencije za privredne registre, moto klub “Noćni vukovi” registrovan je, pored grada Niša, i u Kragujevcu kao i u Novom Sadu, oba kluba su osnovana u martu 2018. godine.

U 2017. su ogranci “Noćnih vukova” iz Srbije, Crne Gore i manjeg bosanskohercegovačkog entiteta Republike Srpske, organizovali “Put ćirilice” a cilj je bio, kako piše na zvaničnom sajtu, da se pokaže “kako se čuva pravoslavlje i tradicija, kako se poštuju preci i čuvaju koreni naroda”. Godinu dana nakon toga, članovi ogranka “Noćnih vukova” iz Crne Gore su privedeni. Cetinjska policija zadržala je vođe lokalnog moto kluba “Noćni vukovi” kako bi utvrdili njihov identitet i u kom svojstvu su bili u pratnji patrijarha Srpske pravoslavne crkve Irineja i antiohijskog patrijarha Jovana Desetog.

Iste godine, firma Gorana Tadića, potpredsednika ruskog moto kluba “Noćni vukovi” Republike Srpske, dobila je tri miliona maraka vrednu koncesiju za izgradnju male hidrocentrale kod Han-Pijeska, pokazalo je istraživanje Balkanske istraživačke mreže Bosne i HercegovineU Birnovom tekstu Političke usluge za Noćne vukove u Republici Srpskoj se, između ostalog, navodi da se “Noćni vukovi” smatraju jednim od važnih načina na koji Rusija širi svoj uticaj, a predsedniku ovog kluba Aleksandru Zaldostanovu zvanom Hirurg ulaz je zabranjen u najmanje dve države Evropske unije, kao i u Sjedinjene Američke Države i Kanadu, te Bosnu i Hercegovinu.

Hunger-striking Serbia’s journalist stops protest after meeting President


BELGRADE, 02.09.2019. – Maja Pavlovic said she would stop a 19-day-long hunger strike following a meeting with President Aleksandar Vucic who gave her “firm guarantees” for demands regarding the position of her independent Channel 9 local TV from the northern city of Novi Sad, the FoNet news agency reported on Friday.

She said that the difference between the meeting with Vucic and the previous one with Prime Minister Ana Brnabic was that she received firm guarantees that he would contact the respective institutions within the next ten days to see how the TV problem could be solved.

Pavlovic added she agreed with Vucic to meet again in Belgrade if nothing happened during that period.

She stopped her third hunger strike in several months, demanding that the regional media’s costs were adjusted to their income so that they could survive on the market.

Pavlovic first went on a hunger strike in May this year, saying her TV channel and many other media outlets in Serbia were threatened because of the inaction of the state institutions.

Among her nine demands, she requested from Novi Sad Mayor Milos Vucevic, of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) led by Vucic, to stop discriminating the independent Channel 9 which existed 20 years and provide it with equal access to state media funds.

Pavlovic had ended a 23-day long hunger strike after meeting PM Ana Brnabic, who then said the hunger strike was “serious blackmail.”

Presentation of the Media for Human Rights Platform – Mapiraj.ba


BH Journalists Association in cooperation with the European Federation of Journalists and the ProEduca Education Center, and with the financial support of the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is organizing a presentation of the Human Rights Media Platform – Mapiraj.ba, to be held on Wednesday, September 4, 2019 at the EU Info Center Sarajevo (Skenderija 3a) starting at 1pm.

The Mapiraj.ba platform offers online tools for systematic monitoring and public presentation of human rights violations against journalists and all other BiH citizens, especially vulnerable and marginalized groups. In addition, for the first time in BiH, this platform enables the monitoring of the needs and interests of all participants in the information process: (a) journalists producing information and media communities in general; and (b) citizens, civil society and local authorities receiving information or being the subject of information.

For both social groups basic human rights are violated, but they also appear in the role of those who violate the rights of others: journalists through unprofessional reporting and discrimination in media content, citizens through the use of hate speech on social networks and online portals, and government institutions through individual and collective pressure on certain media and journalists.

Partners on the project “Media for Human Rights” work together to establish cross-sectoral networks and strengthen the cooperation of civil society organizations, media and government institutions in the promotion and protection of human rights, as well as their joint education on the standards and policies of the European Union in the field of human rights and democracy.