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Dodjeljene nagrade za najbolje priče o osiguranju


SARAJEVO, 29.03.2019. – Katarina Panić (blog), Maja Hadžić (Business magazin), Ermina Jalimam (Radio Federacije), Angela Cvitanović (BHT1) i Svjetlana Šurlan (Capital.ba) dobitnice su novinarskih nagrada u okviru konkursa „UNIQA Press Award“, raspisanog sa ciljem medijskog doprinosa informisanju o temi osiguranja i podizanju finansijske pismenosti  građana Bosne i Hercegovine.

UNIQA osiguranje, kao pokrovitelj, i BH novinari, kao organizator, proveli su konkurs za najbolje radove u 5 takmičarskih kategorija: u štampi, na portalu, na radiju, na TV-u i na blogu. Konkurs je trajao od 15. novembra 2018. do 15. februara 2019. i pravo sudjelovanja su imali svi novinari i blogeri iz BiH.

Svečana dodjela nagrada je održana danas u Sarajevu u prostorijama UNIQA osiguranja, a nagrade su uručili Senada Olević, direktorica UNIQA osiguranja, i Marko Divković, predsjednik Udruženja/udruge BH novinari.

U uvodnom obraćanju direktorica Olević naglasila je da je za iskorak u pogledu razvoja svijesti o osiguranju iznimno važna kontinuirana edukacija o važnosti osiguranja koja će obuhvatiti sve koristi i prednosti ugovaranja polise osiguranja kako za građane tako i za privrednike i na taj način pozitivno uticati na potražnju za osiguranjem. „Svjesni smo da je to dugoročan proces i da je to zadatak svih učesnika na tržištu, uključujući i medije za koje je osiguranje, nažalost, nedovoljno istražena oblast. Mali broj medijskih profesionalaca se bavi ovom tematikom, tako da su rijetki članci koji bi pružili visoko informativne i obrazovne sadržaje. Zbog nedovoljne informisanosti većina građana ne shvata značaj osiguranja i zbog toga smatra da nema potrebu za osiguravajućim proizvodima. Vođeni time, prepoznali smo ovaj konkurs kao pozitivan i vrijedan našeg pokroviteljstva, koji je na našu radost podržao veliki broj medijskih profesionalaca, kroz edukativne radionice za medije i učešće na konkursu. Ovaj konkurs “kruna” je saradnje UNIQA osiguranja i medija, jedan viši nivo doprinosa razvoju medija i njihovih profesionalnih kompetencija i kvaliteta.“ zaključila je Olević te zahvalila svim učesnicima konkursa i organizatoru, BH novinarima.

Predsjednik BH novinara Marko Divković je rekao da mediji trebaju češće i studioznije izvještavati o temi osiguranja sa naglaskom na društvenu i ekonomsku korist koju građani mogu imati od zaštite imovine, vlastitog života ili drugih oblika ulaganja u poboljšanje standarda. „Saradnja BH novinara i UNIQA osiguranja je jedan od načina na koji se može podstaći interes medija i građana za životne teme, one koje nas odmiču od dnevne politike i daju  nove i bolje perspektive života u ovoj državi. Ovaj konkurs je važan i zbog doprinosa raznovrsnosti medijskih sadržaja i odmicanju od politčkih tema i crne hronike, koje su preplavile naše medije“,zaključio je Diković i posebno se zahvalio medijima na iskazanom interesu i prijavi radova na ovaj konkurs.

Obraćajući se u ime dobitnika nagrada, Svjetlana Šurlan sa portala Capital.ba je navela da je ovaj način takmičenja između novinara dobar, jer se medijski radnici detaljnije posvete temama koje nisu na pravi način ispraćene u javnosti. „Oblast osiguranja nedovoljno je približena građanima kao i koristi koje osiguranje nudi u svim segmentima. Ovo je naročito postalo vidljivo nakon poplava 2014. godine, od kada je samo djelimično povećana premija zbog čega je neophodno što više govoriti o prednostima osiguranja i kako bi građani postali svjesni da to nije trošak već ulaganje u budućnost.“- istakla je Šurlan.

Za takmičenje u okviru UNIQA Press Award prijavljeno je 38 autorkih radova objavljenih u 35 medija i blogova iz BiH. Ocjenjivački žiri u sastavu: Vildana Skorupan, marketing menadžer UNIQA osiguranja, Haris Kurić, PR manager Communis agencije, Enes Osmančević, profesor Filozofskog fakulteta u Tuzli i član žalbene komsije Vijeća za štampu i online medije u BiH, Marko Divković, predsjednik Udruženja BH novinari, te Helena Mandić, pomoćnica direktora za emitovanje Regulatorne agencije za komunikacije imali su zadatak da odaberu najbolje.

Neki od kriterijuma koje su učesnici morali da zadovolje sa svojim tekstovima su: sveobuhvatnost i raznovrsnost u predstavljanju značaja svih vrsta i usluga osiguranja, analitički i istraživački pristup temi, poštivanje profesionalnih i etičkih standarda, korištenje  više različitih izvora, kao i inovativnost i moderan stil pisanja.


Serbia: IFJ/EFJ condemns targeted campaign against N1 television


BRUSSELS, 28.03.2019. – N1, a cable, regional news channel operating in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, is facing a targeted campaign of pressures and threats by state officials.

The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) have joined their Serbian affiliates, the Independent Union of Serbia’s Journalists (NUNS) and the Journalists’ Association of Serbia (UNS), in condemning the attacks on media freedom and urged the authorities to stop targeting and labelling media.

In a letter sent to the IFJ, N1 management states that the government’s objective is to “compromise and intimidate N1 by labelling it as an anti-Serb TV”. They also claim the campaign, which began in early 2014, has grown since N1 started to report on the current anti-government protests in the country.

N1 media workers have been constantly labelled as “traitors” and “foreign mercenaries” and received hundreds of insults and threats of physical violence through social media. One person who sent abusive messages to N1 was arrested and officially charged.

The situation of Serbian media is becoming increasingly difficult. On Saturday 16 March, a group of protesters stormed the national broadcaster RTS’s offices.

The IFJ and EFJ believe that threatening media is unacceptable and urge both the government and the opposition leaders to stop harassing, insulting and attacking media whose coverage they dislike.

Zeljko Bodrozic, president of the NUNS, said: “We call on all state officials to stop spreading animosity towards professional media. Such pressures and targeting almost always result in actual attacks on journalists and media”.

UNS’s president, Vladimir Radomirović, said: “We support N1 TV and its journalists and are appalled by what has become the standard practice of both government officials and opposition politicians in Serbia to smear media whose reporting they don’t like. UNS is urging leaders of government and the opposition to refrain from commenting on journalists’ work in this manner. We are encouraged by the recent sentencing of a person who sent a threatening letter to N1 and commend the police and prosecutors for their quick action in resolving this case“.

Steering Committee of BHJA: Strong condemnation of physical attacks on Adija Kebu, photographer of Zurnal


SARAJEVO, 28.03.2019.- Steering Committee of BHJA and Free Media Help Line strongly condemns the physical attack and safety endangering of Zurnal photographer Adija Kebe, who was hurled by Huso Ćesir, president of Municipal Committee of SDA Novi Grad in Sarajevo.

Adi Kebo was attacked on a work assignment, while he photographed a Bosnaplast company about which journalists of Zurnal prepare an investigation story and which is owned by Huso Česir. With the curse, offense and hits, leader of SDA wanted to stop recording, in one point he tried to wrest camera and destroy the recorded material.  His son Muamer Ćesir helped him.

Violent and primitive behavior of father and son Ćesir is an unacceptable attack on freedom of expression and safety of journalists work and represents especially brutal attempt of the journalist to investigate themes of public importance, including writing about corruption, political mediation in public procurement and other forms of illegal conduct.

BH Journalists Association and Free Media Help Line asked from Canton Sarajevo policy urgent investigation of this attack and taking legal sanctions against attackers Husi and Muameru Cesiru.

Steering Committee of BH Journalists Association

Editorial conveyor belt: Montenegrin journalism in the modern fordism era


PODGORICA, 28.03.2019. – Unresolved cases of attacks on journalists, low incomes of employees in this sector, debatable editorial policies… Media scene in Montenegro, or as some people like to say, media darkness… There are many problems in Montenegrin journalism. We have freed ourselves from the communism policy only to move onto modern methods of censorship which, maybe not openly but strongly, dampens the voices of those we call the guardians of democracy.

This profession used to be considered as exalted, journalists as privileged members of society working in the service of public interest, as those who have the power to present the truth in a credible and fearless manner. Unfortunately, the reality is much different, and these words hang in the air as the goal we are aiming to. And maybe they’ll come true. Perhaps, when we get out of the transition process, democratization will be over, too. Or perhaps the European conventions help us, because, by ratifying them, we have been guaranteed freedom of speech and the right to access information. However, ratification seems paradoxical considering the ratings of relevant international organizations, such as the Reporters Without Borders, which ranked Montenegro in the 103rd positionbased on the media freedom index. They saw us as a state in which journalists face the violence of criminal groups and the pressures of political establishment. And indeed, they truly described us in that single sentence. The pen of our journalists writes with the ink of those who dictate the conditions. Advertisers, owners, political potentates… It would be utopian to believe that the Code of Ethics is the only framework. But it also loses a race with the interests of those who have money and power on their side. Of those who adapt the truth to their own benefit. However, this situation is not without consequences, resulting in low level of trust in the media. It seems that not many people are worried about this. It is evident that freedom of expression is only apparent. I use word apparent because, in parallel with that, the security of those who decided to write beyond these limitations is endangered.This is also evidenced by reports of attacks on journalists posted on the website safejournalists.net. On this regional platform for advocacy of media freedom and security of journalists, 33 attacks on journalists have been recorded since 2016. Most of these attacks have not yet been solved, and some of them seem never to be.

Endangered security is, of course, the biggest problem, but it is not the only one. From a financial point of view, the situation of journalists is poor. According to a survey conducted by the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro, which included 136 journalists and editors, more than a third of respondents receive a salary amounting to EUR 400-500, while every third journalist receives a salary amounting to less than EUR 400. A large number of them do not have employment contracts, not to mention permanent contracts, and the number of those whose salaries are paid late is also significant. Employees in the local public broadcaster Radio Beraneare owed 8 salaries, while employees of the local public broadcaster Radio Television Ulcinjare owed 15 salaries. Despite this situation, Berane’s local authorities seem determined to establish a television station at any cost. I am not against it, just nor the employees in this public broadcaster, however, I think that we should primarily solve the current problems.This is because it seems that, in this situation, the television would only generate new debts.

A burden that was imposed by the digital age goes side by side with these problems. Media employees are working more and more for wages that are getting lower. One person is hired today for a job for which four people used to be hired in the past. A bit like Fordism, isn’t it? Perhaps, Ford indeed imagined us as workers on the conveyor belt, with minimal labour costs, only instead of a conveyor belt we have editorial staff.

I have been an idealist regarding this profession, and I am still. However, I cannot agree that my word must be adapted to those who dictate conditions. Journalists are and will always be a window into the world, and mediafreedom is the basis of democracy. We cannot allow no voice to be silenced. Montenegrin society must not afford itselfthis luxury. Perhaps the change is difficult to be seen from this point of view but is not impossible, and it will not come by itself. Problems will not disappear and be resolved by waiting. Every Montenegrin journalist and journalism studenthas to clear the way to a free word and prevent the emergence of this constantly emphasized media darkness.

Zeljka Zvicer

BH Journalists Association: The Prosecutor’s Office of BiH makes unlawful pressure on journalist Avdo Avdic


SARAJEVO, 25.03.2018.- At the invitation of Prosecutor Oleo Čavka, journalist Avdo Avdic was heard today in the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Avdić gave a statement to the journalists after the hearing and said that no one asked him in the Prosecutor’s Office about the incursion of intelligence services from Croatia, but, as he pointed out, where he did find information about Russian influence in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The BH journalists Association and the Free Media Help Line addressed today to a spokesperson of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Boris Grbesic, with a request to provide them official information of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina and on the circumstances of the call for a hearing as a witness, journalist of the journal Žurnal Avde Avdić.

“According to the information provided by the Association of BH Journalists and the Free Media Help Line, the call came to the journalist Avdi Avdic to be heard as a witness in a case which is preceded by  the BiH Prosecutor’s Office, which refers to the alleged intelligence incursion of Republic of Croatia in Bosnia and Herzegovina and BH citizens’ recruitment for intelligence work for the needs of the Republic of Croatia. The call was addressed on the Association ‘Center for Media Development and Analysis’’. As we are informed, the journalist Avdo Avdić is the author of the text entitled “KONSUL IVAN BANDIĆ COORDINATED ACTION: Croatian intelligence officers recruitment “selefije” to transfer the weapons to the “mesdžide” in BiH”, and after the publication of the article, there was allegedly formed a case in the BiH Prosecutor’s Office about this intelligence case. We would like to alert the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH that, according to BiH criminal law, ethics journalist standards contained in the journalist’s code, and in international documents of the Council of Europe, the OSCE and the European Federation of Journalists, all journalists and editors have the right to protect the source of information. Nobody, not even the BiH Prosecutor’s Office, has the right to force journalists to disclose information about their sources! In this context, we are expressing a public protest because of the morning hearing of Avdo Avdic journalist in the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH, with the indictment that an inadmissible focus investigation on the alleged criminal offense “the invasion of the Republic of Croatia in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the recruitment of BiH citizens for intelligence work for the Republic of Croatia” to interrogation the journalists and seek information on his sources”, quotes from BH Journalists Association.

Also, they are asking to answer if they are, when deciding on hearing the journalist Avd Avdić, through the competent court jurisdiction or through other legal instruments, requested from the owner of the portal Žurnal to “release” the journalist Avdo Avdic from “keeping the professional secret” and to share information with the competent investigative plaintiff in this case.

“We assume how you know that according to the Criminal Procedure Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Article 82)” can not be heard (…) a journalist for the purpose of protecting the source of information … unless it is exempted from that duty by a special regulation or statement of persons for whose benefit custody has been established secrets’. We believe that the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH, makes unlawful pressures on the journalist Avdo Avdić and violates his right to freedom of expression, which refers to the freedom of journalistic research and information gathering as well as the protection of information sources. And this is not the first time the BiH Prosecutor’s Office is hearing the journalists – recently the journalist of the journal Žurnal Azra Omerović was also invited to provide evidence and disclose information sources regarding falsification and trade diplomas.

Considering the fact that two cases of journalist interrogation regarding their investigative journalist work related to issues of public importance, in a very short period, and with pressures on journalists to discover the source of information, we expect you to respond to this letter urgently and to reassess all circumstances of violation of journalists rights through work of BH Prosecutors’s Office, as a judicial institution and through proceeding of prosecutor, individually.

Izvor: N1

More efforts to be invested in better status and freedom of journalists


Podgorica, 25.03.2019. – The state and professional media organizations should invest more efforts in improving the status and freedom of journalists, the NGO Juventas stated and added that it is concerning that the majority of the citizens believe that Montenegrin media outlets are not free.

The Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (SMCG) believe that improvement of the public perception of media could be expected only if conditions would be created for the media outlets to function normally without pressures.

Juventas representative Mican Andrijasevic told Mina that it is necessary to increase transparency concerning financing of media, and he sees distancing from political and financial circles as one of the priorities.

According to Andrijasevic, the situation in media market and the general social atmosphere in Montenegro do not encourage the media and journalists to fight for freedom.

According to the survey carried out by CEMI, 39.3% of the respondents believe that Montenegrin media do not report freely and are under political and financial pressures.

Andrijasevic said that it is very concerning that the majority of the citizens believe that Montenegrin media are not free and thus it should make media owners, editors and journalists ask themselves how to regain the citizens’ trust.

SMCG president Marijana Camovic said that SMCG’s surveys prove that journalists are under huge pressure that leads to self-censorship.

“We have been persistently pointing out to that problem, and the European Commission and the Council of Europe’s experts reached the same conclusions and stated in their analyses that influence of media owners over the editors and journalist is concerning and must be changed”, Camovic told Mina.

Andrijasevic added that limiting media freedoms is dangerous for the citizens and their media literacy.

“The practice showed that many citizens are capable to assess if some media outlet is independent or not”, said Andrijasevic, adding that political influence is easier to be recognized since it is visible.

As he said, political influence is easier to recognize because it is more visible, while the economic ones are more difficult to detect, but with careful observation of marketing or covert advertising it is possible to draw some conclusions. Andrijašević believes that it is necessary to consider the economic impacts in relation to the political, because are often and simultaneously in parallel.

Camovic said that SMCG, as owners will not arbitrarily deprive themselves of the unlimited powers they now have, insists that this arbitrariness be limited in the Media Law whose amendments are currently in place.

“If we were, at least at the tertiary level, we managed to enable the editorial offices to function normally and without pressure, not to be the now rule for public interest to cease when economic or some other interests of media owners come to an end, only then could we expect to improve public perception when the media in question”, said Camovic. It would then be normal to expect someone to do so change because, as he adds, if the systemic problem does not resolve the situation, it can only be worse.

This article was published with the financial support of the US Embassy available within the project “Rereading – Rewriting. Improving media literacy in Montenegro”. The Mina agency assumes full responsibility for its contents, which do not necessarily reflect the position of the USA.

Media and profit as liberty semblance


SARAJEVO, 22.3.2019.-The omniscient Google has, upon a search for the subject titled: “There is no journalism without” has launched, on top of its list, completely different results, but also, equally true definitions that have, ever since, been subject to discussion, as far as professional journalism is concerned (although professional journalism in its genuine forms is slightly vanishing).

“There is no professional journalism without non – profit media” and “No profit – no professional journalism”, were the two subjects (titles) appearing on Google search result list and these two titles interfered, in terms of defining what seemed to be considered as journalism and what journalism should actually represent. One text outlined that “non – profit web sites have been the basis of professional
journalism”. Another text, on the other hand, stated that “newspapers and journalists do need profit”, “does not impact the quality of news broadcasted, posted, released or published” and that “we do need profit in order to protect liberty”

Work recognition

Although there are very few professional journalists left (at present) that are capable of recognizing the amount of profit which their work brings to media houses they are engaged with. This profit provides them with security, safety and during the current times, the profit (to some extent) does provide them with liberty semblance in all social segments, including liberty in relation to those that keep their eyes on society affairs and follow all social changes accordingly. Two of the above-mentioned definitions are the sole truth that media houses flounder within.

Those claiming that their work is not recognized and appreciated, have been struggling with those that, on the other hand, claim that profit-making displays the reward for the work conducted by the former group. Both claims seem to be correct and true. It is indeed the truth that “old – fashioned journalism, regardless to what extent it should be regarded and considered as constituent part of all types of journalisms today, does not attract the general audience. On the other hand, the truth is that journalism based on quick actions, exclusivity, equipped and decorated with all disposable items required for the text, unfortunately, often attracts more people.

Consequently, these figures withdraw other figures along, so we could conclude that today there can be no journalism without figures. Looking at the countless number of web sites, and having in mind that web sites are indeed the most simple way to launch the business in Bosnia and Hercegovina, everybody is fighting with numbers or figures and it is pretty difficult to remain and sustain such specific market, because of the unsettled rules allowing someone to exist and operate and someone who would favor the sustainability of professional journalism, rather than making personal profit instead.

Media incitement has been narrowed down to tactical and pre-election “charging” and also serving to finance suitable and biased web sites that would, upon requests, either share or spread political messages through the limitless internet space, or they would also serve as a polygon for money withdrawing and rewarding those that have taken the part during the money withdrawing process.

Instant salvation

Local web sites that should stand on the first defense line, thus protecting genuine democratic values and that should criticize the governing structures and society anomalies have presently been mostly covered by municipal budgets and them instead, mostly serve to announce press releases copied from official municipal web sites to yet another address, possibly with better photos attached to the
subject text or article.

Accordingly, local communities are unintentionally damaged because the governing official authorities are not exposed to public critics and large scale media houses use them only as a source for the copy – paste principle and some kind of patchwork. These media houses find their instant salvation in advertising local companies if there were any, and in commercial advertisements, despite the fact that local population does not recognize the general community – orientated benefits of these commercial advertising. People in such communities do not have enough space and room for choosing and selecting certain types of offers provided.

Regional web sites that managed to rise up from the scope of news and make one step forward into some other types of journalism tranches, have found themselves on the crossroad of “local” marketing and some even greater, but yet never the greatest cakes. They float in some kind of space of mid-level governance so their survival is narrowed down to goodwill of certain ministries or ministers, so marketing cakes often consist of annual order of greeting cards and messages for holidays, including eventual contracts with public enterprises (companies) that operate in the territory covered by these web sites or territories that these web sites try to cover.

Marketing of such, let’s call it mid-level of online media, operating far away from Sarajevo where the information concerning large – scale companies with significant amounts planned for commercial advertising campaigns are kept away from them, also including greeter need for commercial advertising, rely on the ability to convince the owners (entrepreneurs) and editors that having commercial advertisement within their web sites could also prove to be beneficiary for public companies.

Interspace and intermedia bickering

Although, it is, from the present perspective, ungrateful to speak about geographic frames of certain web sites, because the Net of all nets makes all parties involved ever present. Herzegovinian media, for instance, have full rights to state that they struggle with the distance from eventual financial sources hiding in Sarajevo. All great companies are seated in Sarajevo and all decisions brought by great
companies need commercial advertising or should advertise, are far away from Herzegovinian small places, and additionally, non – governmental organization and associations, including international parties in this particular field that support, encourage, abet and financially support media, are physically distant and far away.

And, as they say, what is far away from sights, is far away from marketing. From a certain point of the level, which, as it existed in some kind of marketing interspace, we could hear many speculations, regarding numbers, figures and accusations that some local webs sites, having advertised the public company, actually work something in favor of the political party that has impact on that public company.

Furthermore, the already intoxicated media space is additionally intoxicated with intermedia confrontations regarding who owns whom, and recently, certain researches and surveys proved that media entrepreneurs (owners), poorly biting marketing cakes, accuse other media houses of being loyal to someone just by seeing the commercial advertisement. This creates a non – productive rivalry
that proved and confirmed how money could and will literally spoil media, including journalists. Those lower media levels, (lower in terms of the number of viewers), vertical and horizontal from the head offices and seats of big public companies and decisions bringing – are unfortunately being avoided and ignored in marketing plans. Commercial advertising campaign thus covers strongest regional entities and most of them are still hungry for marketing mouths in the capital, so media sometimes rely on advertisements of large – scale internet services and local ministries, pointless local campaigns and rely on project writings as well.

Far away from the source

Even big projects do not go to lower levels, so media houses, tagged as parties or entities being subjects to political influence and imposed impact and due to “imposed” commercial marketing, and are not on the lists of those advocating and cherishing independent journalism. And then we come to the definition that without money there can be no independent journalism and close magic circle of figures and numbers placed between journalism letters.

It is clear that everything relies on figures and numbers today. Those with more visits shall be granted with more commercial advertisement space and room, because the purpose of commercial advertisements is, after all, to be presented to a greater number of people. But, it’s a shame that, in large space of our own shiftless, there is no way which those that advocate professional journalism, and they
are still too little to have significant figures and numbers that may eventually attract commercial advertisements, have the opportunity to remain and sustain on the marketing surface. Turning the blind eye by the state and media community regarding financial donations, often appearing commercial advertisements, shall (to those not willing to become media), eliminate both journalism and figures as

Media that are far off from money sources, just as it once was deleterious to be far off from the information sources, shall have no bright future. Non – profitable media house can hardly survive and provide existence to their authors, so they consequently tear apart between the desire for professional journalism and desire for profit making with journalism almost always getting damaged at the end and
with journalists ending up with no profit made either. Profit in media still chases away journalists from professional journalism and instead it turns them into figures and numbers hunters, although both figures and numbers often do not match letters either.

This text is a part of E-Bulletin– ninth edition of special serial of BHN online bulletin implemented through the “Media and Public Reputation” (origin. “Mediji i javni ugled”) project, also representing a contribution to public debate regarding the transparency of media ownership and upholding and encouraging the passing of set of laws aimed to advance media field and information market in BiH.

Regionalna platforma osuđuje upad u RTS


BEOGRAD, 19.03.2019. – Regionalna platforma za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i bezbjednosti novinara koja zastupa više od 8.000 članova, osuđuje upad demonstranata u javni servis Radio televiziju Srbije (RTS).

Incident se dogodio u subotu, 16. marta 2019. godine nakon protesta 1 do 5 miliona protiv aktuelne vlasti, kada se grupa demonstranata okupila ispred RTS – a i nasilno upala u zgradu zahtijevajući da se njihovim liderima omogući uživo obraćanje javnosti. Tokom incidenta angažovane su policijske snage i nakon višečasovne konfrontacije demonstranti su napustili zgradu. Nije povrijeđen nijedan novinar. Policija je uhapsila osamnaest osoba zbog učestvovanja u incidentima tokom proteklog vikenda.

Posljednja dešavanja predstavljaju kulminaciju tromjesečnih protesta protiv akutuelnog srpskog režima i neuspjelih zahtjeva da javni servis osigura medijski pluralizam u skladu sa zakonom. Zahtjevi vođa protesta da budu gosti u programu RTS i dalje nije ispunio.

“U više navrata upozoravali smo javni servis da mora da se drži novinarskih standarda i zakona, te da se odupre političkim pritiscima i izvještava u javnom interesu, blagovremeno, potpuno i istinito” – rekao je Željko Bodrožić, vršilac dužnosti predsednika Nezavisnog udruženja novinara Srbije i dodao, “Bez obzira na sve, nasilni upad u prostorije RTS–a nije prihvatljiv niti primjeren u demokratskim društvima. To ne može biti dio bilo kakvog civilizovanog rješenja i mi ga osuđujemo.”

Regionalna platforma za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i bezbjednosti novinara prepoznaje kompleksnost situacije u Srbiji i prudružuje se NUNS–u u osudi ovog incidenta. Pozivamo demonstrante da poštuju medijske radnike i uzdrže se od incidenata koji se lako mogu pretvoriti u nasilje. U isto vrijeme pozivamo upravu RTS–a da poštuje zakon i otvori vrata svog studija svim političkim partijama i predstavnicima građana. Podsećamo RTS da uskraćujući potpune informacije o protestima širom Srbije, javni servis ne radi u javnom interesu i ne služi svojim građanima.

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije od početka godine registrovalo je deset incidenata protiv novinara i medija, jedan fizički napad, osam verbalnih prijetnji i jedan napad na imovinu.

Svaki napad na novinare je direktan napad na slobodu informisanja i pravo građana da budu informisani.

Skoplje – Beograd – Podgorica – Prishtina – Sarajevo- Zagreb, 19.03.2019.

Udruženje/udruga BiH novinari

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BHJA Steering Committee: Public protest to the TV SA management


SARAJEVO, 20.03.2019.- Steering Committee of BHJA sends a public protest to management of Television of Sarajevo (TVSA) because of pressures, censorships and other forms of direct interference in the work of journalists and editors, including the daily “filtering” of the information program in accordance with the particular interests of politicians, not the public interest and the right to objectively and fair information of citizens of Canton Sarajevo.  

Journalists and editors of TVSA are exposed daily to professional humiliations and other forms of endangering journalistic integrity. Along with creating a list of topics and collocutors that may or may not be part of this media program, some journalists move from one position to another for a period of two months, resulting in additional uncertainty and negatively affecting the quality of journalistic tasks. Taking such action represents an inadmissible act of freedom of expression and freedom of the media, and violation of the right to a safe and dignified operation. That is why the BH journalists association demands from Edina Fazlagić to urgently secure the legally prescribed conditions for the work of all employees in the same way, in accordance with the generally accepted standards of free journalism, professional ethics and the way they are prescribed by the editorial principles of TVSA.

BH journalists remind that the abuse of Cantonal TVSA for political purposes has been going on for almost two decades. Governing structures of this canton changed the directors, editors, and management of TVSA in line with current political goals or governing coalitions, and not on the basis of laws, public interests and professional competencies, thus causing unimaginable damage to the objectivity and quality of public information in Canton Sarajevo.

Because of this, Steering Committee of BHJA recently, through Free Media Help Line, requested from the Government of Canton Sarajevo and the Ministry of Justice and Administration of Canton Sarajevo and the Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina to protect the freedom of expression and public interest in TVSA programs, including the creation of conditions for free and dignified work for all journalists and editors.

Steering Committee of BH Journalists Association