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EU Charter on Journalists working condition presented


BELGRADE, 13.02.2019. – Charter of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) on the working conditions of media professionals in South East Europe and Turkey was presented in Belgrade as and non-binding instruction for improving the working conditions of journalists, and was signed by 14 Journalists Associations, trade unions and associations associated to EFJ.

The document is opened for signing for all journalists associations, private and public media, as well as the authorities. The signers are obliged to improve working conditions and straightening  journalists’ and media professionals’ labor rights in Europe, to fight against censorship and to promote free access to information and sources..

While presenting the Charter in Belgrade, project leader Mehmet Koksal pointed out that the charter consists of 10 articles that summarize the basic principles related to the freedom of association , right on a written contract, right on collective bargaining, prohibiting discrimination in working relations, right on vocation and and being excluded from any engagement, right on protecting journalists sources, the right to refuse signing content, safety and protection, good management and ethical standards, and decent working conditions.

The Charter will be submitted to the European Commission in Brussels and the Council of Europe in Strasbourg in 2019 with the intention of becoming a reference document on the working conditions for journalists to assess the freedom of the media in the member states and candidate countries and to increase confidence among professional journalists and the public across Europe

The Charter idea was launched in 2018 as part of a project funded by UNESCO and the EU, entitled “Building trust in the media in South East Europe and Turkey”, which is aimed on strengthening freedom of expression, access to information, free, independent and pluralistic media, it is determined that journalists and media are the main drivers of democratic, sustainable and peaceful development in the region.

The EFJ is the biggest journalists association in Europe that consists 320.000 journalists in 70 journalists trade unions and professional association from 44 countries.

The trial for attempted murder of journalist Vladimir Kovačević started


BANJA LUKA, 21.02.2019. – Trial of Boxer Mark Colić, accused of attempting murder of BN television journalist Vladimir Kovacevic, started at the District Court in Banja Luka.

The custody for Čolić is extended on the 3rd of January, and can last until the first instance verdict, no longer than two years from confirming the indictment. This measure is re-checked every two months.

He was charged with the attempted murder of the BN television journalist Vladimir Kovacevic in Banja Luka on the 26th of August last year along with Nedeljko Dukic.

Marko Čolić was arrested five days after the attack on Kovačević. Since than, he has been i custody, that was extended several times, while the second suspect Nedeljko Dukić is at a run, ever since Čolić was arrested. For Dukic, an international warrant is in effect.

The current investigation found that Dukić left BiH via the Gradiška border crossing. He was brought to Croatia by a friend who later returned to Banja Luka. But, the suspect did not stay long in Croatia. The same day he traveled to Slovenia. It was stated he stayed for two nights in one apartment in Slovenia. Since than, it is not familiar where has he been hiding, but it is suspected he has been hiding on the relation Slovenia – Croatia.

The masterminds of the attack on Vladimir Kovačević are still not identified .

Journalists of the BN television, Vladimir Kovačević, was beaten up on the 26th of August, while he was returning home from a professional assignment. He was brutally beaten up with metal sticks in front of the building he lives in.

Arrested suspects for threats to the journalists from Banja Luka


BANJA LUKA, 15.02.2018. – The police officers of the Police Department Banja Luka arrested su M.P. (36) suspected of threatening Milkica Milojević, journalist of “EuroBlica” from Banja Luka.

“M.P-. suspected of having committed a criminal offense ‘Jeopardizing safety’ of a journalist working for a daily newspaper”, as stated int he PR of the Police Department Banja Luka.

“Nazavisne novine” have the unofficial information, that the suspected is Mile Pavlović.

As emphasized from the Police Department Banja Luka after receiving the police report, based on the operational and investigative measures and actions the suspect is identified , and after completing the case documentation, a report will be submitted to the District Prosecutor’s Office of Banja Luka.

Milojević: We can not allow them to attack us, I urge my colleagues to attack every threat


BANJA LUKA, 15.02.2019.- “I will find out where you live, I will find you and kill your closest”, these are the threats that Milkica Milojević, journalists from “Eur Blic” from Banja Luka reported yesterday to the police.

Milojević stated for the Nezavisne novine, that it was not her text that was disputable. The dissatisfied reader called the newsroom to complain on a text of her colleague.

“I introduced myself and told him I will connect him with my colleague, but that he should stop screaming, and he asked me where do I live. Of course, I did not tell him that. Than he told me he will find out where do I live, he will find me and kill my closest, he cursed my children and my mother, after what he hung up”, says Milojević.

She considers this way of communicating unacceptable and that no threat toward journalists should be kept secret.

“I am not in the center of attention here. Curses and threats were an attack on my newsroom “Euro Blic” and an attack on the journalists community and profession. I consider we must not allow impunity after we are attacked and i urge my colleagues to report each threat and curse to the Free Media Help Line that acts within BH Journalists Association and the Police”, said Milojević.

I call upon the newsrooms to support their journalists and emphasized that here editor went with her to police when she reported the threats, and warned all colleagues that these things must not go by unnoticed and unsanctioned.

“Unfortunately, threats show we live in a society in which, due to the long lasting negative politics it became totally normal, and even legitimate to attack, insult, and threaten journalists. We must not accept to live in a society in which this is normal and I think that we journalists should point each unacceptable behaving”, said Milojević.

we recall, from the Police station Banja Luka they stated, the police was working on identifying the perpetrator and investigating circumstances of the Criminal offense jeopardizing safety .

Allocation of public budget funds: Non – transparent and preferential – based relationship between public institutions and enterprises/companies towards media houses in BiH


SARAJEVO, 20.02.2018.-Allocation of public budget funds for media houses, that is, media financing by public institutions and public enterprises (companies), has been carried out through several segments: direct budget allocation for the work of public services, news agencies and local media houses established and founded by public institutions; budget allocation for media (both private and public) through different project support, grants and projects and finally, allocation through commercial advertising of the institutions themselves, including public enterprises (companies) that is, through purchasing of media services and through leasing of available media space.

Transparency International in BiH has, through different types of researching and surveying, focused mostly on transparency and rational allocation of public funds, which included allocation to media houses, because of the opportunity that had, due to lack of transparency, lead to eventual misuse of public funds with the purpose of financing certain election campaigns, promotion of individuals and political parties too, including the protection of selected media houses that have had close ties with these political parties. TI in BiH, like other civil society organizations, has outlined the non transparency of public funds allocation and lack of criteria during the process of money allocation to media houses, even in situations with multi-millions being subject to these allocations.

Let us remind the audience about the allocation by the government of the Republic of Srpska to public and private media houses where, during the period of last 5 years, they allocated almost BAM 18, 9 million without clear criteria and there were also cases where certain financial funds were allocated even prior to deadlines for public bids, which only indicated that these public bids were actually used as “smoke screens” and that funds were targeted in advance to particular and selected media houses, mostly in order to get their affection during the pre-election period. What appeared as even more problematic is the fact that there has been no adequate monitoring, that is, follow- ing of spending and executions of these projects for which significant funds had been allocated, since these funds have mostly been related to the promotion of particular tourist, developing and similar projects or the promotion of culture and without any feedback or information regarding what media houses, that had been allocated the above-mentioned money amount, delivered or what kind of services they in fact provided.

Additionally, there were cases where certain productions required for making documentaries had been paid for to implement some projects, including associated promotional material, and these projects (documentaries) have never been publically released, which bring us to conclude that financial means planed for such projects were spent for completely different purposes, that is, the money was used to finance the election campaign of selected political parties. Local government units operate and function in an almost identical way, where, days prior to elections, an increasing number of projects suddenly emerges, including the activities launched and taken by municipalities and these are usually all advertised through media sources.

Consequently, allocated financial funds and means deriving from media services, increase during this particular period. This anomaly goes as far as making contracts that, for instance, concern “following the work of municipal mayor and municipal administration” or even following the activities of the certain municipal department. During 2016, over BAM 1, 1 million was allocated by the 48 local government units in the RS, with the purpose of commercial advertising for these particular municipalities. City of Bijeljina which in 2018 concluded two contracts valuing almost BAM 140.000, 00 with RTV BN, with one of these contracts aimed for commercial advertising and following the activities of City Council, city mayor and president of City Assembly, while the other was aimed for the promotion of investments, tourist, cultural and other potentials of Bijeljina city. The city of Doboj signed a contract in a very similar way, with the amount of almost BAM 85.000, 00 also aimed to follow the activities of City Council, city mayor, and City Assembly.

This case also seemed unique since they concerned the purchasing the promotion of individuals, public function holders during the election year, although city administration and assemblies have their own employees and offices that should make sure that media houses and general public were provided with information regarding the activities of city mayor and his/her administration (Council, Assembly etc.). Therefore, this issue here has not been about public campaigns, where the general public should be provided with required and specific information; instead, it has been about financing certain and selected media houses, so they could be completely biased and they could report about the above-mentioned individuals and the work conducted by local institutions.

TI of BiH has, through the research and survey regarding the business activities of public enterprises (companies), focused on allocation by these companies with the purpose of representation and commercial advertising and the question of rationality of commercial advertising of public companies that have often controlled the market in terms of having a monopoly related to the field of their business scope (such as electrical distribution, water and sewage systems, utility companies etc.). On one hand, we have here had, allocation by public enterprises (companies), used for commercial advertising in media, aimed for announcing public bids or vacancy announcements or used for the promotion of certain specific services and programs, which could actually be considered as justified commercial advertising.

However, the reality practice proved that this was actually done with the purpose of protecting and biasing certain media houses, that is, with several attempts to provide them with additional public budget funds, through miscellaneous projects or campaigns, and these public budget funds have actually been used for indirect financing of election campaign, that is, used for the promotion of particular political parties. Best illustration confirming the above-listed situation can be seen through increased allocation of public budget funds allocated by public enterprises (companies) for commercial advertising and representation purposes during the election years.

TI and business web site Capitol have during 2017, analyzed the information regarding the commercial advertising and representation of public enterprises (companies) and the analysis showed that 12 public companies in the Republic of Srpska had, during the period between 2014 and 2016, spent around BAM 2,5 million on commercial advertising, as their financial books confirmed this information, whereas their replies upon inquiries regarding this question, included significantly smaller amounts (around BAM 1,1 in total). Mostly, these companies came from the energy sector (electrical distribution, hydroelectric power plants, mines, and thermal power plants), as these certainly have had the monopoly in this sector, that is, their business has not been orientated towards foreign market and have not to need to advertise and invest in additional media promotion of their products and services to potential buyers.

This research also showed that there were outstanding differences (up to 50% in amounts that are used for these purposes during election and non – election years). Naturally, this only represented insignificant number of public enterprises (companies) with available information, which means that if we were to observe all public enterprises, we would most definitely conclude with significantly greater amounts than those indicated in the above-mentioned cases.

As far as criteria for selecting and appointing media houses where public institutions or enterprises shall advertise, should it be necessary, although they should comprehend specific criteria as requirement, including viewership figures, price, and other requirements, having in mind that this would lead to direct contracts and other less transparent procedures, then they do not follow any criteria but instead they make contracts about commercial advertising by their own will or even when open bids do take place, they (public institutions or public companies) require specific demands that only biased and certain media house can meet and fulfill. Because of the above mentioned, our practice and reality conform that public enterprises or institutions make business and cooperate with these media houses only and they advertise in media houses that are close to the political party which is in charge with the public institution or public enterprise.

There are cases where even during the process of public procurement the name of media that shall be awarded the contract appear in public and this often occurs as part of promotional financing at special manifestations organized by certain media houses. One of these cases occurred during the selection of Person of the Year organized by Nezavisne novine (Independent Newspaper), where public enterprises regularly allocate financial means in order to promote themselves at this manifestations.

Furthermore, Elektroprivreda RS (Public enterprise for electrical distribution) and its subsidiaries have been, during last several years, allocating around BAM 40.000,00 for the Selection of the Person of the Year and Sportsperson of the Year. There were many cases like this, one should only “go through” the public procurement official web site and look which media house was allocated a certain amount of money on the annual level through this particular type of advertising and what the subjects of this kind of special contract were.

However, even this information seemed insufficient, while for the information regarding the allocation for other purposes, one should really need to deep thoroughly in order to find them out, because we still do not have a database that would make access to this information easy or universal database that would cover this specific area. What must be outlined and emphasized here is that the commercial advertising itself or allocation of financial means for media does not have to necessarily be considered and treated as key problem; instead it is criteria, transparency, and allocation process that presents the problem, including the fact that there is no adequate and appropriate legislation that would regulate this particular field, especially, when we talk about some kind of fundament and basis required for the prevention of misuses of public budget, means for election campaign financing.

As far as the need for the introduction of limits during election year is concerned, in relation with commercial advertising of public institutions, bodies and enterprises, TI of BiH has indeed been advocating for their introduction and, alluding to international standards and guidelines that deal with the prevention of misuses of public resources during election campaign. On the other hand, there is a need for a more detailed definition of the way and type of commercial advertising for public institutions. However, there is no political will to accomplish this sys- tem not even when there is a question of advancing election legislative, including public procurement segment.

Unfortunately, instead of that, there have even been certain recommendations and proposals that media services should be excluded from the Law on Public Procurement and provision directed to the prevention of public resources during election campaigns should not be taken into consideration, because no political party has interests to denounce the opportunity that legal gaps enable them and provide them with, in terms of this specific issue.

This text is a part of E-Bulletin– ninth edition of special serial of BHN online bulletin implemented through the “Media and Public Reputation” (origin. “Mediji i javni ugled”) project, also representing a contribution to public debate regarding the transparency of media ownership and upholding and encouraging the passing of set of laws aimed to advance media field and information market in BiH.

AGK nënshkruan Kartën mbi kushtet e punës së gazetarëve


PRISHTINË, 14.02.2019 –  Asociacioni i Gazetarëve të Kosovës së bashku me 13 përfaqësues tjerë të organizatave të gazetarëve, partnerë të Federatës Evropiane të Gazetarëve si dhe udhëheqës të asociacioneve të gazetarëve nga Ballkani Perëndimor dhe Turqia, kanë nënshkruar  Kartën e EFJ-së mbi kushtet e punës së gazetarëve.

Karta e cila është një udhëzues për kushtet e punës, është nënshkruar më 12 shkurt 2019.

Karta është e hapur për nënshkrim për të gjitha organizatat e gazetarëve, kompanitë private apo publike të medias ose autoritetet që dëshirojnë të angazhohen për përmirësimin e kushteve të punës dhe përforcimin e të drejtave të punëtorëve të gazetarëve dhe punonjësve të medias në Evropë, për të luftuar kundër censurës dhe për të promovuar qasje të lirë në informacion dhe burime.


Karta përmban 10 nene, duke i përmbledhur parimet kryesore që ndikojnë në marrëdhëniet e punës ndërmjet gazetarëve, punëdhënësve të tyre dhe opinionit publik si përfitues përfundimtar të prodhimit të tyre. Karta gjithashtu formulon vlerat kryesore që autoritetet private apo publike, duke përfshirë institucionet e BE-së, duhet të respektojnë kur merren me gazetarët.

Ideja e Kartës është iniciuar në vitin 2018 në kuadrin e një projekti të financuar nga UNESCO-ja në BE, me titull “Ndërtimi i besimit në mediet në Evropën Juglindore dhe në Turqi”, që synon të forcojë lirinë e shprehjes, qasjen në informata, mediet e lira, të pavarura dhe pluraliste, duke siguruar që gazetarët dhe mediet janë nxitësit kryesorë për zhvillimin demokratik, të qëndrueshëm dhe paqësor në rajon.

Karta do t’i dorëzohet Komisionit Evropian në Bruksel gjatë vitit 2019 dhe Këshillit të Evropës në Strasburg në vitin 2019, me qëllim që të bëhet një pikë referimi mbi kushtet e punës për gazetarët në ushtrimin e vlerësimit të tyre për lirinë e medias në shtetet anëtare dhe kandidate, dhe kjo mund të rrisë besimin ndërmjet gazetarëve profesionistë dhe opinionit publik në gjithë Evropën.

Dokumentin e plotë të kartës e gjeni në linkun në vijim: http://agk-ks.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Karta-per-kushtet-e-punes-se-gazetareve.pdf

Lorenzo Natali Media Prize



The Lorenzo Natali Media Prize was launched in 1992 to recognise excellence in reporting on development issues, inequality, human rights, and poverty eradication. It was created by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO), and named after Lorenzo Natali, an early champion of European development policy.

Today, the Lorenzo Natali Media Prize’s community of past winners, jury members and partners have created a platform supporting reporting on development. The Prize also gives a voice to those whose vital message is often overlooked or ignored.

The Prize is organised by the European Commission in close collaboration with strategic regional partners and ambassadors. An overview of all the partners can be found here.


The overarching theme of the 2019 Lorenzo Natali Media Prize is journalism for development. Entries to this year’s competition should relate to to development cooperation issues such as, but not limited to, youth, gender equality, health, climate change, etc.

The European Union and its member states jointly provide over half of all official global development aid, making it the world’s leading donor. The New European Consensus on Development aligns the EU with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


The 2019 Lorenzo Natali Media Prize will be awarded in the following three categories: 

  • Grand Prize: open to journalists whose media headquarter is located in one of the more than 160 partner countries* with which the European Union engages on development and cooperation.
  • Europe Prize: open to journalists whose media headquarter is located in one of the countries of the European Union.
  • Best Emerging Journalist Prize: open to journalists under 30 whose media is headquartered  in any country where DG DEVCO and DG NEAR provide development assistance*, as well as in the EU Member States.

* Full list of countries can be found here. Geographic eligibility is based on the headquarters’ location of the media outlet where the work was published. The media outlet must be headquartered in eligible countries.

The winner in each category will receive €10,000The winner of the Best Emerging Journalist Prize category will also be offered a work experience with a media partner.

Winning journalists will receive their award at the Lorenzo Natali Award Ceremony at the 2019 European Development Days, which take place in Brussels on June 18-19, 2019. For more information on how to apply, click here.

Entries will be pre-evaluated by three journalism schools: the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) Vesalius College, ESJ PRO Montpellier, and Universitat Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona, and supervised by Dr. Georgios Terzis, Communication Professor at VUB. A final pre-selection of nominated pieces of journalism will be put forward for further evaluation by the Grand Jury, composed of journalism experts working in different areas of development.

More information on ec.europa.eu

Reaction against slandering language of PM Adviser


Pristina, February 13, 2019 – The Association of Kosovo Journalists has seen as a “slandering language” used by the Prime Minister’s Adviser, Halil Matoshi, to the journalist of Koha Ditore, Besnik Krasniqi, by putting him the “newsreader” epithet and by compared to “Russian Sputnik” journalists.

“Besnik Krasniqi is shining on Sputnik’s special war against our Republic!”, Matoshi wrote on Facebook’s social network, enclosing the pictures of Koha Ditore and Sputnik.

Therefore, AGK considers it as unacceptable this slandering language of political adviser against journalists, much less when such a language comes from people who have a successful carrier as a journalist.

The AGK considers that the language used by the prime minister’s adviser contributes to hating and disunity and as such is punishable, which hardly abuse the freedom expression and doing journalism.

On the other hand, AGK requires journalists to refrain from slandering comments and not being influenced by such comments.

AGK supports only professional journalists’ work, based on respecting core professional standards and encourages fair and encourage public information through factual writing and stories.

European Federation of Journalists condemns threats and attacks


BELGRADE, 13.02.2019. – An official of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) on Tuesday condemned threats against journalists in Serbia.

Mehmet Koksal told a gathering in Belgrade that the EFJ would call the Serbian authorities to inform the organization of the status of all cases of attacks on journalists. He said the government should say why it is using public funds to finance media that are spreading hate speech.

Koksal said that support from fellow journalists is important following attacks like the torching of the home of Serbian local journalists Milan Jovanovic. The government is obliged to protect journalists who are doing their job, he said, adding that the EFJ will report every attack to international institutions.

Independent Journalists’ of Serbia (NUNS) Vice-President Dragan Janjic called the authorities to stop attacking the media whose reporting is critical. According to Janjic, who has received threats in his role as Beta news agency editor in chief, the messages voiced by the authorities are important.   The government has a duty to solve attacks on journalists and should not tolerate threats, he said.

OSCE official in charge of media freedom Harlem Desir condemned the death threats against Nedim Sejdinovic and Dragan Janjic, saying that this is not the first time that they have faced brutal attacks and calling the authorities to investigate and provide security for journalists.

Independent Society of Journalists of Vojvodina (NDNV) President Nedim Sejdinovic said that Serbian soceity is becoming increasingly brutal and horrifying with levels of hatred and violence which could cause serious consequences. He said the organized campaign against him came every time there were protests.

N1 producer Vojislav Stevanovic told the meeting that the station has received threats and takes them seriously. He said the latest threats that the police reacted to were consequences, not causes and recalled that N1 has been labelled as the CIA TV which produces false news.