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Regionalna platforma: Policija da pronađe napadača na kolegu Matorčevića


BEOGRAD, 11.10.2018. – Regionalna platforma za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i bezbednosti novinara koja zastupa više od 8.000 članova, najoštrije osuđuje fizički napad na Željka Matorčevića, glavnog i odgovornog urednika portala Žig Info.

Željka Matorčevića je u utorak ujutru napao neindetifikovani mladić koji ga je prvo pratio, zatimiznenada udario u potiljak, a kad je Matorčević pao na zemlju nastavio je da ga udara. Matorčević je u napadu zadobio teže telesne povrede: polomljena mu je jagodična kost i unarednim danima biće podvrgnut hirurškom zahvatu.

Incident je prijavljen policiji, koja je već preduzela istražne radnje i saslušala povređenogkolegu.„Podsećamo da je kolega Matorčević još prošle godine junu mesecu policiji u Grockoj prijaviopretnje koje dobija zbog obavljanja svog posla, međutim tim povodom ništa do sada nijeučinjeno,“ izjavio je Slaviša Lekić, predsednik NUNS – a, i dodao: „Strepimo da je upravoneefikasnost nadležnih organa u istragama pretnji novinarima dovela do ovog fizičkog napada.“

Regionalna platforma podržava NUNS i njegove napore da zaštiti novinare i slobodu govora izahteva od policije da po hitnom postupku istraži ovaj napad na našeg kolegu i uhapsipočinioca. Takođe, pozivamo međunarodne organizacije da izvrše dodatni pritisak na vlasti u Srbiji dapokažu punu posvećenost okončanju politike nekažnjivosti u zemlji, osiguraju bezbednostnovinara i poštuju slobodu izražavanja i slobodu medija.

Ovo je peti zabeleženi fizički napad na novinare u Srbiji od početka 2018. godine.

Svaki napad na novinare je napad na javni interes, demokratiju i prava svih građana.

Sarajevo – Podgorica – Zagreb – Priština – Skoplje – Beograd,

Udruženje/udruga BiH novinari

Sindikat medija Crne Gore

Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo

Udruženje novinara Kosova

Udruženje novinara Makedonije

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije

Regional Platform: Police to find perpetrator on our colleague Matorcevic


BELGRADE, 11.10.2018 – The Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety, which represents more than 8000 members, strongly condemns physical attack on Zeljko Matorcevic, editor-in-chief of Zig Info portal.

Zeljko Matorcevic was attacked by an unidentified young man on Tuesday morning who first followed him, then suddenly hit him at the head, and when Matorcevic fell to the ground he continued to hit him. Matorcevic suffered serious body injuries: his cheekbone was broken and in the following days he would undergo a surgical procedure.

The incident was reported to the police, who had already taken investigative actions and listened to an injured colleague.

“We remind that Matorcevic already reported threats he got because of his journalists job to the police in Grocka last year, but nothing has been done so far,” said Slavica Lekic, president of IJAS, aand added: “We are worring because the inefficiency of the authorities in investigating threats to journalists has led to this physical attack.”

The Regional Platform supports IJAS in its efforts to protect journalists and freedom of speech and demands that the police urgently investigate this attack on our colleague and arrest the perpetrator.

We also, call on international organisations to exert additional pressure on the authorities in Serbia to demonstrate a full commitment to end impunity in this country, ensure the safety of journalists and respect the freedom of expression and media.

This is the fifth recorded physical attack on journalists in Serbia since the beginning of 2018.

Every attack on journalists is an attack on the public interest, democracy, and rights of all citizens.

Skopje – Belgrade – Podgorica – Pristina – Sarajevo – Zagreb, 11.10.2018.

BH Journalists Association

Trade Union of Media of Montenegro

Croatian Journalists’ Association

Association of Journalists of Kosovo

Association of Journalists of Macedonia

Independent Journalists Association of Serbia

“A society that does not react appears as an accomplice”


BELGRADE, 11.10.2018. – President of the Commission Investigating Murders of Journalists and member of the Permanent Working Group on Journalist Safety Veran Matic told B92.net that he will propose carrying out security assessments for our prominent investigative journalists.

He stressed that this would be necessary to do preventive work in relation to possible threats to security and endangering of the lives of journalists.

Matic also talked about the cases of murders of journalists around the world, as well as about the uninvestigated murders of domestic media workers.

Our interlocutor also talked about the safety of journalists at the conference “Days of Judges of Serbia” held in Vrnjacka Banja, on the topic “The presumption of innocence and commenting on court rulings in the media.” He points out that he has used the opportunity to present data on impunity in cases of murders of journalists in Serbia, impunity when it comes to attempted assassinations and physical violence against journalists.

“I have warned also that judicial practice can be preventive and discouraging when it comes to violence and threats made against journalists. Since the law treats journalists as persons dealing with work of special importance, it would be normal for these cases and all those who can be associated with them (media satanization of journalists, editors, media …) to have judgment in the upper threatened zone, and not – as is most often the case – to impose penalties on the lower level.

“I reminded of the data on the wave of murders of investigative journalists who deal with international corruption and that we have a series of journalists dealing with similar investigations and who are experiencing threats, breaking into their flats, etc… and that a number of such cases have not been processed. At the first next session of the Permanent Working Group on Journalist Safety, I will suggest that security assessments be made for our prominent investigative journalists, in order to take preventive action in relation to possible threats to security and endangering the lives of our colleagues,” said Matic.

In the previous period, Matic was the target of criticism of the Serbian Judges Association and the High Judicial Council, in connection with his comments made on the decisions made by panels of judges.

“I have taken the opportunity to express my views on this topic at this important gathering. Without the media, there is no exercise of the control of the judiciary by the public. The public must control both those who control the system on the inside, that is, the courts of the higher instance and the Judicial Council, and, accordingly, the media must – not only need to, but must – publish and comment on the judgments and thus point to decisions of courts which are nonsense and which go against common sense, where the court takes into account half of the witness’s statement, and not the other, etc.,” he said, adding:

“My criticism of the court decision in the case of the trial of the suspects for the murder of Slavko Curuvija came after two decisions of the Appellate Court that annulled the Trial Chamber’s decisions. My criticism followed after two court decisions that were an argument to me. I am glad that the judges who spoke at this meeting also confirmed that there was no pressure on the court here, and that it is not forbidden to criticize court decisions.”

After Matic’s interview with Cenzolovka, the Bar Association led by lawyer Jugoslav Tintor suggested criminalizing any violation of the presumption of innocence with imprisonment of up to three years.

“It is not contentious that everyone has the right to the presumption of innocence, but threatening with a criminal offense of violating this presumption would lead to the suppression of public debate on issues of public interest, debates on the efficiency of the judiciary, impunity for certain types of criminal offenses (e.g. those committed against journalists) and for certain perpetrators (e.g. those close to the authorities or certain services),” Matic said.”

“Since the space for a public debate on issues of general interest is otherwise essentially narrow, the debate is otherwise missing and without it a democratic society does not exist, any new measures that could further narrow the space for this debate is more than dangerous. Regarding the presumption of innocence, the media should report neutrally, without publishing full names of the accused in all cases where there is no disturbance of the public by the commission of the offense, such as when a perpetrator in a Vojvodina town shot dead half a café because his ex sat there with her new boyfriend. But journalists cannot be criticized and convicted for information publicly disclosed by representatives of the MUP and other institutions in which the presumption of innocence is made. The proposal of lawyer Tintor has been criticized by all participants in this panel,” stressed Matic.

According to him, the panel determined that the communication which should help journalists and the media understand the court decisions, court practices better has almost died down, and vice versa, for the media present media problems and trends.

“On both sides, there have been suggestions on establishing regular communication at all levels, in order to reduce the amount of misunderstanding, wrong interpretations, etc.”, Matic explained.

The world’s public has shaken the case of the missing journalist Jamal Khashoggi, while Matic comments that the state of media freedom has been worsening continuously since the arrival to the throne of Mohammad bin Salman in Saudi Arabia.

“The Committee to Protect of Journalists (CPJ) from New York has documented the ever-increasing number of bloggers and journalists detained in unknown locations without charge. Apparently, the unauthorized detention of Khashoggi means that this practice of the Saudi authorities moves beyond the borders of the country. Several sources have reported that this columnist of th Washington Post has been killed, which, if true, would have to produce a strong international action against the authorities of this country. Of course, I think that there should already be a much stronger international response, especially the United States. But the friendly relations between the two countries seem to be some kind of obstacle to solving this case more efficiently,” says Matic.

The brutal murder of Bulgarian journalist Viktoria Marinova was initially described as “a case that has nothing to do with her work.”

“Even today, we can hear that representatives of the authorities point out that there is still no evidence that this is a murder related to her work… There is no reason for government officials to behave in this way, trying to relativize the fact that the journalist was on the task, which can also be defined as highly risky. I think that the investigation should start from precisely from there, that the messages of the authorities should respect the fact that our colleague Marinova was dealing with the work of special importance, and that her murder was one in a series of murders and violence against investigative journalists in Europe who were dealing with the same or similar issues of high international corruption.”

Last year she Kim Wall, a Swedish journalist, was brutally murdered with her head cut off… This is a very worrying trend, which requires a much more intensive and widespread reaction from European institutions, as these journalists deal with issues of exceptional importance for the functioning of the European Union. I believe that in addition to international assistance in investigations, a project of prevention should be launched regarding the working conditions and safety of journalists, and if necessary, to create new and innovative more effective institutions, because the growth of threats to journalist safety, the impunity, seriously undermine the possibility of strengthening the rule of law and democracy,” he said, adding:

“To be absolutely clear, I think that these killings must have an international dimension in the investigation, that they must have not only international observers, but also international investigators, because it often happens that investigations are conducted by those who might be the ones who gave the order… or those who are close to those who did. At this point, we only have international organizations that send protests after the murders take place, keep records of murders and violence, but we don’t have preventive institutions, which will warn on the basis of numerous indicators that violence is possible in a country and in a specific case, for concrete reasons… Such messages from credible institutions would obligate countries to take care and carry out preventive activities toward potential victims. And that each country receives adequate international assistance for the prevention, as well as for dealing with impunity.”

Recently, several eminent Turkish journalists have been sentenced to life imprisonment for allegedly participating in the alleged coup attempt in Turkey.

“Turkey is one of the biggest ‘black holes’ in terms of journalist safety, with the largest number of journalists in prisons and under investigation. And when it comes to this country, no action of solidarity, pressure from the international level has brought any success. It is obvious that more and more authoritarian societies are becoming increasingly established, which, using their position in international relations, economy, etc., avoid more significant sanctions, even in such situations of mass persecution and the locking up of journalists,” says Matic.

According to him, it is very important to recalled the horrific event of October 16, 2017, when investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was killed in the middle of the day, with a bomb placed under her car in front of her house in Malta.

“Daphne has investigated and revealed cases of corruption at the highest levels of government. So far, three people hitmen have been arrested for the murderer, but there are still no clues on who hired them and why, and it is not clear if enough has been done to find out more. Although from then on, the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, the European Commission and the Daphne Project, an international group of investigative journalists who took over her work, confirmed that Daphne had warned much before the murder that: the rule of law in the smallest European Union member state had been compromised.”

Since then, two other journalists have been killed in the European Union: Jan Kuciak from Slovakia and Viktoria Marinova from Bulgaria. All three worked on corruption cases within their own countries. All three cares about the defense of democracy and the rule of law. All three died because they could not be otherwise silenced. We definitely need to join (in Belgrade) the action of the European Federation of Journalists who will organize a vigil in Brussels, the lighting candles with a message: As citizens, we must remember them and pay tribute to them. Let’s quietly remember them with silence, remember precisely those whose voice could not be silenced and show the world that neither Daphne nor Jan nor Viktoria died in vain, he said.

“And I will remind you how important prevention is, the reaction in the threat phase. Daphne Galizia’s son described the state ahead of the liquidation in one speech: ‘The death threats that our mother received as well as an arson attempt in our house went unpunished. The lawsuits against her are still in force. The last time she left home, she headed for the bank. She wanted to access her account; which was frozen by the Minister of Economy of Malta. She hardly managed to get out of our yard, and she died without access to her own money, while the minister remains in the cabinet, and we, as her successors, continue to fight with him in court, to release and unblock those funds’,” Matic said.

Matic said that he warned on behalf of the Commission Investigating Murders of Journalists in Serbia that the trial for the murder of Slavko Curuvija was conducted with the intention to expel one of the most important pieces of evidence, and end it early with acquittals.

“Fortunately, two decisions of the Appellate Court prevented this material from being eliminated from the evidence-making process. Only now, after witnessing one of the signatories of the report on the analysis of the mutual communications of the suspects in the Slavko Curuvija case, we can understand the significance of all the evidence and facts, that their performance and conscientious evaluation can bring us closer to understanding the circumstances that preceded the murder.”

“We think that only now the testimony of Dragan Kecman (he is on the list of proposed witnesses both of the Prosecution and the Defense) would give the right picture and answers to many questions, from obstruction to the problems he encountered during the investigation and after the criminal complaint had been filed. We consider it extremely important to thoroughly checked all the defense claims that the data stored on the DLT tapes has been forged, and that the data is maliciously and in a targeted way arranged to blame the suspectsin this case, and remove any suspicion of what actually happened. The execution of all evidence in the court proceedings and the testimony of all witnesses, especially those who participated in the investigation and expertise, will give us a clear picture of the motives for the murder of our colleague Slavko Curuvija,” said Matic.

On the 9 of October, 27 years have passed since the murder of the team of Sabac’s RTS correspodents team, which, like as maby other cases, continues without a judicial epilogue.

“Our Commission for Investigating Journalist Murders has been given the mandate to deal with cases of murdered journalists on the territory of the former Yugoslavia. I hope that this case with colleagues from the Croatian Journalists Society will be processed, information collected. As with the case of the missing colleague Simp Kljajic from Gospic… In Kosovo and Metohija we have five missing Serbian journalists, two killed and seven killed Albanian journalists. We try to gather in one place everything that our institutions, the police, the BIA, the prosecutor’s offices have in order to continue working on these cases, and when conditions are created to include the provisional institutions in Kosovo.”

According to the CPJ data on the Impunity Index for the Murder of Journalists, worldwide only 4 percent of cases have been punished for the murder of journalists. Regarding the region, for the time being, so far only the Commission Investigating Murders of Journalist has established a permanent investigation process in unresolved cases, which had led to the trial for the murder of Slavko Curuvija. The investigation of the murder of Milan Pantic is ongoing and is very active…

There are now bases for some progress regarding the disappearances and murders of journalists in Kosovo and Metohija, but unfortunately, there are no similar institutional efforts in the region. I believe that our case will be used by others, and that with the cooperation between the commissions we will help to achieve better results when it comes to countering impunity for crimes against journalists.

“For a long time, when it comes to journalists’ killings, the main reason is not war, but politics, as more journalists have bee killed while reporting about corruption and politics in their countries than reporting from the battlefield. This is today the most dangerous area for reporting, since two-thirds of the murders were carried out with motives related to internal politics and corruption. Journalists dealing with these topics, constantly with the reporst, and press reports set off alarms that should prevent drastic results, cruel executions of journalists, violence, threats .. And if asociety does not respond to these alarms, it appears in advance as an accomplice. And when the worst happens, the accomplice cannot be a credible and honest investigator. Therefore, any warning from the media sphere should not be perceived by any journalist as another attack on the state, or as exhibitionism, but the warning that should be most seriously understood, thoroughly checked and preventively reacted to,” Matic concluded.

Media’s role in tackling environmental challenges in Kosovo


PRISTINA, 11.10.2018 – The Head of EU Office in Kosovo/EU Special Representative, Nataliya Apostolova in cooperation with the Association of Journalists of Kosovo organized a meeting on Thursday with media representatives to discuss the environmental issues that challenge Kosovo.

AJK’s President, Gentiana Begolli-Pustina stressed the importance of trainings for journalists on tackling environmental problems having in consideration that majority of media have no organizational and financial capacities to train the journalists in the profiles of environment.

Begolli – Pustina underlined also that awareness of environmental problems through media and NGO’s should also have the support of international donators having in mind poor financial conditions of media operating in Kosovo, in particular to those online.

Talking about support to media and civil society organizations, the EU office plays an important role that has as a priority the environmental issues and the risks posed if biggest environmental pollutants are not addressed on time.

AJK through its representative, Begolli – Pustina stated clearly in front of head of EU office in Kosovo, Ms. Apostolova, the readiness to support joint projects between the EU office in Kosovo and AJK in implementation of trainings for journalists, support for media to report and organizing activities with interest in the field of environment.

Platforma Rajonale: Policia të gjejë kryerësin e veprës ndaj kolegut tonë Matorcevic

BEOGRAD, 11.10.2018 – Platforma Rajonale e Ballkanit Perëndimor përAvokimin e Lirisë  Medias dhe Sigurisë së Gazetarëvecila përfaqëson  shumë se 8.000 anëtarëfuqishëm dënonsulmin fizik ndaj ZeljkoMatorcevickryeredaktor i portalit Zig Info.

Zeljko Matorcevic ishte sulmuar nga një person i paidentifikuar në mëngjesin e së Martës i cili së pari e ka përcjellur atë, dhe papritmas e ka goditur atë në kokë, dhe kur Matorcevic u rrëzua në tokë ai ka vazhduar ta godas atë. Matorcevic pësoi lëndime të rënda trupore: mollëza e tij ishte thyer dhe në ditët në vijim ai do ti nënshtrohet intervenimit kirurgjik.

Incidenti është raportuar në polici, të cilët kanë marrë veprime hetimore dhe e kanë dëgjuar kolegun e lënduar.

Ju rikujtojmë se Matorcevic tashmë kishte raportuar në polici në Grocka vitin e kaluar për kërcënimet që ai pranonte për shkak të punës së tij të gazetarit por asgjë nukë shtë bërë deri më tani,“ tha Slavisa Lekic, kryetari i Asociacionit të Gazetarëve të Pavarur të Serbisë (AGPS), dhe shtoi: “Ne shqetësohemi sepse joefikasiteti i autoriteteve në hetimin e kërcënimeve ndaj gazetarëve ka quar në këtë sulm fizik.

Platforma Rajonale përkrah AGPS  përpjekjet saja për  mbrojtur gazetarët dhe lirinë e shprehjes dhe kërkon policia urgjentisht hetojë këtë sulm ndaj kolegut tonëdhe  arrestojëkryerësin e veprës.

Ne po ashtuiu bëjmë thirrje organizatave ndërkombëtaretë ushtrojnë presion shtesë ndaj autoriteteve  Serbisë për të treguar një zotim të plotë për  përfunduar mosndëshkimin  këtë shtet sigurojë sigurinë e gazetarëve dhe të respektojë lirinë e shprehjes dhe medieve.

Ky është rasti i pestë i regjistruar i sulmeve fizike ndaj gazetarëve në Serbi që nga fillimi i vitit 2018.

Çdo sulm ndaj gazetarëve është një sulm ndaj interesit publikdemokracisëdhe   drejtave të  gjithë qytetarëve.

Shkup – Beograd – Podgoricë – Prishtinë – Sarajevë – Zagreb, 11.10.2018.

Asociacioni i Gazetarëve  BeH

Sindikata e Medieve  Malit  Zi

Asociacioni i Gazetarëve  Kroacisë

Asociacioni i Gazetarëve  Kosovës

Asociacioni i Gazetarëve  Maqedonisë

Asociacioni i Gazetarëve  Pavarur  Serbisë

„Svedočenje policajca Kecmana dalo bi mnoge odgovore u procesu za ubistvo Ćuruvije“


BEOGRAD, 11.10.2018. – Izvođenje svih dokaza u sudskom postupku i svedočenje svih svedoka, posebno onih koji su učestvovali u istrazi i veštačenju, daće nam jasnu sliku motiva ubistva našeg kolege Slavka Ćuruvije, kaže Veran Matić, predsednik Komisije za istraživanje ubistava novinara

Predsednik Komisije za istraživanje ubistava novinara i član Stalne radne grupe za bezbednost novinara Veran Matić rekao je za B92.net da će predložiti da se izvrše izvrše bezbednosne procene za naše istaknute novinare istraživače.

On je istakao da je to neophodno bismo preventivno delovali u odnosu na moguće pretnje po bezbednost i ugrožavanje života novinara.

Takođe, govorio je i o slučajevima ubistava novinara širom sveta, kao i o neistraženim ubistvima domaćih medijskih radnika.

Naš sagovornik je na konferenciji “Dani sudija Srbije” u Vrnjačkoj banji na temu “Pretpostavka nevinosti i komentarisanje sudskih presuda u medijima govorio i o bezbednosti novinara. Ističe da je iskoristio priliku da iznese podatke o nekažnjivosti u slučajevima ubistava novinara u Srbiji, nekažnjivosti kada je reč o pokušaju atentata i fizičkom nasilju nad novinarima.

Smatramo izuzetno važnim da se detaljno provere i svi navodi odbrane o tome da su pohranjeni podaci na DLT trakama falsifikovani, te da su podaci zlonamerno i ciljano uređeni da se okrive osumnjičeni u ovom predmetu, i otkloni svaka sumnja u to šta se zaista dogodilo

“Upozorio sam da i sudska praksa može biti preventivna i odbijajuća, kada je reč o nasilju i pretnjama novinarima. Pošto zakon tretira novinare kao osobe koje se bave poslom od posebnog značaja, bilo bi normalno da u ovim slučajevima i svim koji se mogu povezati sa njima (medijska satanizacija novinara, urednika, medija…) presude budu u gornjoj zaprećenoj zoni, a ne – kao što se najčešće događa – da se izriču kazne koje su na donjoj zaprećenoj kazni.

Podsetio sam na podatke o talasu ubistava istraživačkih novinara koji se bave korupcijom međunarodnih razmera i da kod nas imamo niz novinarki i novinara koji se bave sličnim istraživanjama i koji doživljavaju pretnje, provaljivanja u stanove, itd… i da niz takvih slučajeva nije procesuiran. Na prvoj sledećoj sednici Stalne radne grupe za bezbednost novinara predložiću da se izvrše bezbednosne procene za naše istaknute novinare istraživače, kako bismo preventivno delovali u odnosu na moguće pretnje po bezbednost i ugrožavanje života naših koleginica i kolega”, naveo je Matić.

U prethodnom periodu Matić se našao na meti kritika Društva sudija Srbije i Visokog saveta sudstva, a u vezi sa komentarisanjem odluka sudskih veća.

“Iskoristio sam priliku da na ovom važnom skupu kažem svoje stavove na tu temu. Bez medija nema sprovođenja kontrole sudske vlasti od strane javnosti. Javnost mora da kontroliše i one koji unutar sistema kontrolišu, odnosno sudove više instance i Sudski savet, te shodno tome mediji moraju – ne samo da je potrebno već moraju – da objavljuju, i komentarišu presude i time ukazuju na odluke sudova koje su nonsens i koje se protive zdravom razumu, gde sud uvaži pola izjave svedoka, a drugu polovinu ne uvaži, itd.

Moje kritike sudske odluke u slučaju suđenja osumnjičenima za ubistvo Slavka Ćuruvije, usledile su posle dve odluke Apelacionog suda koje su poništile odluke Sudskog veća. Moja kritika usledila je posle dve sudske odluke koje su mi predstavljale argument. Drago mi je što su sudije koje su govorile na ovom skupu takođe potvrdile da ovde nije bilo nikakvog pritiska na sud, te da nije zabranjeno kritikovati sudske odluke.

Posle Matićevog intervjua Cenzolovki, Advokatska komora koju predvodi advokat Jugoslav Tintor je predložila kriminalizaciju kršenja pretpostavke nevinosti sa zaprećenom kaznom do tri godine.

“Nije sporno da svako ima pravo na pretpostavku nevinosti, ali bi pretnja krivičnim progonom novinara za kršenje ove pretpostavke vodila gušenju javne debate o pitanjima od javnog interesa, debate o efikasnosti pravosuđa, nekažnjivosti za određene vrste krivičnih dela (npr. onih izvršenih protiv novinara) i za određene izvršioce (npr. one bliske vlastima ili određenim službama).

Sin Dafne Galicije je u jednom govoru opisao stanje pred likvidaciju: Pretnje smrću koje je naša majka dobijala kao i pokušaj podmetanja požara u našoj kući su prošle nekažnjeno. Sudske tužbe protiv nje su i dalje na snazi.

Budući da je prostor za javnu debatu o pitanjima od opšteg interesa i inače bitno sužen, da ta debata i inače nedostaje, a da bez nje demokratskog društva nema, svaka nova mera koja bi mogla da dodatno suzi prostor za tu debatu je više nego opasna. Što se tiče pretpostavke nevinosti, mediji bi trebalo neutralno da izveštavaju, da ne objavljuju puna imena optuženih u svim slučajevima kada ne postoji uznemirenje javnosti počinjenim delom, kao na primer kada je počinilac u nekom vojvođanskom mestu pobio pola kafića zbog toga što je tu sedela njegova bivša sa novim dečkom. Ali novinari ne mogu biti kritikovani i osuđivani za podatke koje javno iznose predstavnici MUP-a i drugih institucija u kojima se izvrši pretpostavka nevinosti. Predlog advokata Tintora je kritikovan od svih učesnika na ovo panelu”, istakao je Matić.

Na panelu je, prema njegovim rečima, ustanovljeno da je gotovo zamrla komunikacija koja bi trebalo da pomogne novinarima i medijima da na kvalitetniji način razumeju sudske odluke, sudsku praksu i obrnuto, da mediji predstave medijske probleme, trendove.

“Sa obe strane, bilo je predloga o ustanovljavanju redovne komunikacije na svim nivoima, kako bi se smanjila količina nerazumevanja, pogrešnih interpretacija, itd”, pojašnjava Matić.

Svetsku javnost je uzdrmao slučaj nestalog novinara Džamala Kašogija, a Matić komentariše da je dolaskom prestolonaslenika Mohameda bin Salmana na vlast u Saudijskoj Arabiji stanje slobode medija pogoršavano u kontinuitetu.

“Komitet za zaštitu novinara iz Njujorka dokumentovao je stalno rastući broj blogera i novinara pritvorenih na nepoznatim lokacijama bez optužbi. Očigledno, neovlašćeno zadržavanje Kašegija znači da se ta praksa saudijskih vlasti seli i van granica zemlje. Više izvora iznelo je informacije da je ovaj kolumnista Vašington Posta i ubijen, što bi – ako je tačno – moralo da proizvede snažnu međunarodnu akciju protiv vlasti ove zemlje. Naravno, mislim da bi i sada već trebalo da bude međunarodna reakcija mnogo jača, naročito Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Ali prijateljski odnosi dve zemlje izgleda da su neka vrsta prepreke da se ovaj slučaj efikasnije reši”, kaže matić.

Brutalno ubistvo bugarske novinarke Viktorije Marinove je inicijalno okarakterisano kao “slučaj koji nema veze sa njenim radom“.

“I danas možemo čuti da predstavnici vlasti ističu kako još nema dokaza da je ovo ubistvo u vezi sa onim što je radila… Ne postoji nijedan razlog da se predstavnici vlasti ponašaju na ovaj način, nastojeći da relativizuju činjenicu da je novinarka bila na zadatku, koji se uz to može definisati kao visokorizičan. Mislim da bi istraga upravo odatle trebalo da krene, da poruke vlasti uvažavaju činjenicu da se koleginica Marinova bavila poslom od posebnog značaja, i da je njeno ubistvo u nizu ubistava i nasilja nad istraživačkim novinarima u Evropi koji su se bavili istim ili sličnim temama visoke međunarodne korupcije.

Na sreću, dve odluke Apelacionog suda su sprečile da se ovaj materijal eliminiše iz postupka izvođenja dokaza. Tek sada, nakon svedočenja jednog od potpisnika izveštaja o analizi međusobnih komunikacija osumnjičenih u predmetu Slavko Ćuruvija, možemo razumeti značaj svih dokaza i činjenica

Prošle godine ubijena je brutalno odsecanjem glave Kim Val, švedska novinarka… Ovo je vrlo zabrinjavajući trend, koji zahteva mnogo intenzivniju i širu reakciju evropskih institucija, jer su se ovi novinari bavili temama od izuzetnog značaja za funkcionisanje Evropske unije. Verujem da pored internacionalne pomoći u istragama mora biti pokrenut projekat preventive kada je reč o uslovima rada i bezbednosti novinara, a ako je potrebno napraviti i nove inovativne efikasnije institucije, jer rast ugrožavanja bezbednosti novinara, nekažnjivost, ozbiljno ugrožava mogućnost za jačanje pravnih država i demokratije.

Da bi bilo potpuno jasno, mislim da ovakva ubistva moraju imati u istrazi internacionalnu dimenziju, da imaju ne samo međunarodne posmatrače već i međunarodne istražitelje, jer se veoma često događa da istrage vode oni koji bi mogli biti nalogodavci…ili oni koji su bliski sa nalogodavcima. U ovom trenutku, mi imamo samo međunarodne organizacije koje šalju proteste posle ubistva, vode evidencije o ubistvima i nasilju, a nemamo preventivne institucije, one koje će upozoravati na osnovu brojnih indikatora da je moguće nasilje u toj i toj zemlji, u tim i tim slučajevima, zbog toga i toga… Ovakve poruke kredibilnih institucija obavezivale bi zemlje da se pobrinu i izvrše preventivne aktivnosti prema potencijalnim žrtvama. I da svaka od zemalja dobije adekvatnu međunarodnu pomoć za preventivu, kao i za rešavanje slučajeva nekažnjivosti…”, objašnjava Matić.

Nedavno je i nekoliko eminentnih turskih novinara osuđeno na doživotnu robiju zbog navodnog učešća u navodnom pokušaju puča u Turskoj.

“Turska je jedna od najvećih „crnih rupa“ kada je reč o bezbednosti novinara, sa najvećim brojem novinara u zatvorima i pod istragama. I kada je reč o ovoj zemlji, nijedna akcija solidarnosti, pritiska sa međunarodnog nivoa nije donela uspeha. Očigledno je da se sve više konstituišu autoritarna društva koja, koristeći svoju poziciju u međunarodnim odnosima, ekonomiju, itd…, izbegavaju neke bitnije sankcije, i u ovakvim situacijama masovnih progona i zatvaranja novinara”, kaže Matić.

Prema njegovim rečima, veoma je važno posetiti na užasan događaj od 16. oktobra 2017. godine, kada je istraživačka novinarka Dafne Karuana Galicija je ubijena usred dana, bombom podmetnutom pod njen automobil ispred njene kuće na Malti.

“Dafne je istraživala i otkrivala slučajeve korupcije na najvišem nivou vlasti. Do sada su uhapštene tri osobe plaćene ubice, ali i dalje nema tragova ko ih je unajmio i zašto, i nije jasno da li je dovoljno urađeno da se nešto više sazna. Iako su od tada, Evropski Parlament, Savet Evrope, Evropska komisija i Projekat Dafne, međunarodna grupa istraživačkih novinara koja je preuzela njen rad, potvrdili da je Dafne upozoravala mnogo pre ubistva da je vladavina prava u najmanjoj zemlji članici Evropske unije kompromitovana.

Od tada, još dva novinara su ubijena u Evropskoj uniji: Jan Kucijak iz Slovačke i Viktorija Marinova iz Bugarske. Svo troje su radili na slučajevima korupcije unutar svojih zemalja. Svo troje je stalo u odbranu demokratije i vladavine prava. Svo troje je umrlo jer nikako drugačije nisu mogli da ih ućutkaju. Svakako je potrebno da se pridružimo (u Beogradu) akciji Evropske federacije novinara koji će u Briselu organizovati bdenje, paljenje sveća sa porukom: Kao građani, moramo ih se sećati i odati im počast. Hajde da ih se tiho setimo ćuteći, da se setimo upravo onih čiji glas nisu mogli da ućutkaju i da pokažemo svetu da ni Dafne, ni Jan, ni Viktorija nisu umrli uzalud.

Predsednik Komisije za istraživanje ubistava novinara i član Stalne radne grupe za bezbednost novinara Veran Matić rekao je za B92.net da će predložiti da se izvrše izvrše bezbednosne procene za naše istaknute novinare istraživače.

A podsetiću koliko je važna preventiva, reakcija u fazi pretnji. Sin Dafne Galicije je u jednom govoru opisao stanje pred likvidaciju: Pretnje smrću koje je naša majka dobijala kao i pokušaj podmetanja požara u našoj kući su prošle nekažnjeno. Sudske tužbe protiv nje su i dalje na snazi. Zadnji put kad je krenula od kuće, uputila se prema banci. Želela je da pristupi svom računu; koji je zamrznuo ministar privrede Malte. Jedva da je uspela da izađe iz našeg dvorišta, i umrla je bez pristupa sopstvenom novcu, dok ministar i dalje ostaje u kabinetu, a mi kao njeni naslednici nastavljamo borbu sa njim na sudu, da oslobodi i odblokira ta novčana sredstva”, navodi Matić.

Matić navodi da je upozoravao u ime Komisije za istraživanje ubistava novinara da se sudski proces za ubistvo Slavka Ćuruvije vodi sa namerama da se izbacivanjem jednog od najvažnijih dokaza, završi i pre kraja oslobađajućom presudom.

“Na sreću, dve odluke Apelacionog suda su sprečile da se ovaj materijal eliminiše iz postupka izvođenja dokaza. Tek sada, nakon svedočenja jednog od potpisnika izveštaja o analizi međusobnih komunikacija osumnjičenih u predmetu Slavko Ćuruvija, možemo razumeti značaj svih dokaza i činjenica, da nas njihovo izvođenje i savesna ocena mogu dovesti bliže razumevanju okolnosti koje su prethodile ubistvu.

Mislimo da bi tek sada svedočenje Dragana Kecmana (on je na spisku predloženih svedoka i Tužilaštva i odbrane) dalo pravu sliku i odgovore na mnoga pitanja, od opstrukcija do problema sa kojima se susretao tokom istrage i posle podnete krivične prijave. Smatramo izuzetno važnim da se detaljno provere i svi navodi odbrane o tome da su pohranjeni podaci na DLT trakama falsifikovani, te da su podaci zlonamerno i ciljano uređeni da se okrive osumnjičeni u ovom predmetu, i otkloni svaka sumnja u to šta se zaista dogodilo. Izvođenje svih dokaza u sudskom postupku i svedočenje svih svedoka, posebno onih koji su učestvovali u istrazi i veštačenju, daće nam jasnu sliku motiva ubistva našeg kolege Slavka Ćuruvije”, navodi Matić.

Devetog oktobra se navršilo i 27 godina od ubistva ekipe šabačkog Dopisništva RTS, što je, kao i mnogi drugi slučajevi, i dalje bez sudskog epiloga.

“Naša Komisija za istraživanje ubistava novinara dobila je mandat da se bavi i slučajevima ubijenih novinara na prostorima bivše Jugoslavije. Nadam se da ćemo i ovaj slučaj sa kolegama iz Hrvatskog novinarskog društva obraditi, prikupiti informacije. Kao i o slučaju nestalog kolege Sime Kljajića iz Gospića… Na Kosovu i Metohiji imamo pet nestalih srpskih novinara, dva ubijena i sedam ubijenih novinara Albanaca. Nastojimo da na jednom mestu prikupimo sve što poseduju naše institucije, policija, BIA, tužilaštva, kako bi se nastavio rad na ovim slučajevima i kada se stvore uslovi da se uključe i privremene institucije na Kosovu.

Prema podacima CPJ o indeksu nekažnjivosti ubistava novinara, u svetu je u samo 4 odsto slučajeva došlo do kažnjavanja za ubistvo novinara. Kada je reč o regionu, za sada je jedino Komisija za istraživanje ubistava novinara ustanovila stalni proces istraga na nerešenim slučajevima, što je dovelo i do sudskog procesa optuženima za ubistvo Slavka Ćuruvije. Istraga ubistva Milana Pantića traje i vrlo je aktivna …

Sada se postavljaju osnove i za neke pomake u vezi sa nestankom i ubistvima novinara na Kosovu i Metohiji, ali nažalost, u regionu nema sličnih institucionalnih napora. Verujem da će naš primer iskoristiti i drugi, i da ćemo onda saradnjom između Komisija doprineti da se postignu bolji rezultati kada je reč o suprostavljanju nekažnjivosti za zločine nad novinarima.

Već dugo vremena, kada je reč o ubistvima novinara, glavni razlog nije rat već politika, jer je više novinara ubijeno dok su izveštavali o korupciji i politici u svojim zemljama nego izveštavajući sa ratišta. To je danas najopasnija oblast za izveštavanje jer je dve trećine ubistva izvedeno sa motivima vezanim za unutrašnju politiku i korupciju. Novinari koji se bave ovim temama, konstatno svojim izveštavanjem, i izveštajima o pritiscima uključuju alarme koji bi trebalo da spreče drastične rezultate, surove egzekucije novinara, nasilje, pretnje… I ako društvo ne reaguje na te alarme, unapred se pojavljuje kao saučesnik. A potom kada se najgore dogodi, saučesnik ne može biti kredibilni i iskreni istražitelj. Zbog toga svako upozorenje koje dolazi iz medijske sfere, svako upozorenje novinara ne treba doživljavati kao još jedan napad na državu, ili kao egzibicionizam, već upozorenje koje treba najozbiljnije shvatiti, temeljno proveriti i preventivno reagovati“, zaključio je Matić.

Attacks on journalists must not go unpunished


PODGORICA, 11.10.2018. – Attack on journalist of “Vijesti” Olivera Lakic must not go unpunished. At the same time, this is an attack on all journalists, OSCE Representative for Freedom of the Media Harlem Dezir said at the International Conference on Media Sustainability and Successful Models of Media Operations organized by the OSCE Mission in Montenegro.

“Those who committed the crime against journalists must be brought to justice,” said a representative of the OSCE.

Prime Minister of Montenegro Duško Marković said that the entire security sector has a clear mandate to investigate to the end any threat to the safety of journalists, to seek perpetrators 24 hours a day, and that no such case should be archived without a concrete police, prosecutorial and judicial dismissal.
He pointed out the absolute unacceptability of threatening the personal safety of journalists, as a way of resolving any misunderstandings and disagreements, and said that the Government is decisively decided to provide personal security to journalists in Montenegro.
Markovic said that media freedom and the safety of journalists are not a precondition for Montenegro’s accession to the European Union, but that it is a moral and democratic obligation.

He also recalled that the Government, through the state model of assistance in previous years, intervened in the purchase of debt of commercial printed and electronic media from 2011 to 2013, in the amount of EUR 5.3 million. Also, due to unpaid obligations and the need to encourage the sustainability of the media scene, in 2017 the Government purchased commercial broadcasters’ debts to the Radio Broadcasting Center in the total amount of about EUR 1.6 million.

“We also worked on the legal plan. According to the Government’s Work Program Plan for 2018, the Draft Law on Media and the Amendments to the Law on National Public Broadcaster Radio Television of Montenegro, were drafted. The projects of these laws are the product of multiregional working groups compiled from media representatives, media associations, civil society, academic communities and representatives of state authorities. In the dialogue and expert discussion, the solutions are in line with high international standards and good practices in this area, “he added.

OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Harlem Dezir, said that media freedom is crucial for democracy. Desir said that, in addition to the political and legal framework, economic environment is important to support the sustainability of the media. He states that laws in the field of media are good in the Western Balkans, but their application is crucial. Dezir said that the Public Media Service is facing certain problems, but is important that it has political independence and economic sustainability.

Journalistic organizations agreed on criteria for the online media


SKOPJE, 10.10.2018 – The Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM), the Independent Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM) and the Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (CMEM), have agreed on minimum criteria that will help to protect and promote the professional journalism in online media.

AJM, SSNM and CMEM consider that the online media should respect the principles of the journalistic profession, such as:

– Transparent ownership,

– publishing impressum, contact and address of the media,

– accepting and respecting the Code of Journalists and

– registration of a legal entity in Macedonia.

The three organizations ask the government and public institutions to respect these criteria when issuing accreditation to journalists from online media.

We call advertisers on social responsibility and refrain from posting ads in online media that do not meet these criteria.

If the Government and advertisers do not respect these criteria, they will directly contribute to strengthening the misinformation in the media and their use for propaganda purposes. This can be used as an alibi in order to bring restrictive legislation to online media that can limit freedom of expression on the Internet.

The Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman/ Ombudsmen of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Protection of journalists and media freedoms


SARAJEVO, 10.10.2018.-The Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman/Ombudsmen of Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter The Institution of Ombudsman/Ombudsmen) was established in 1996 and during the period of last 20 years and its establishment, there have been many changes, including the joining of entity-level Institutions of Ombudsman/Ombudsmen and enlarging their area of responsibilities, such as during the Law on Protection against Defamation, passed in 2009.

While taking the scope of work by the Institution of Ombudsman/Ombudsmen into serious analysis and consideration, in terms of the protection of journalists’ rights, and including the safety aspect in particular, it is important to bear in mind that legal framework, under which the Institution of Ombudsman/Ombudsmen operates, and which is primarily defined by the Law on Ombudsman/Ombudsmen for Human rights of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Law on Protection against Discrimination and partially, laws defining free access to information and other appointing to governing ruling positions, including ministries, governments and other appointing as well.

The Institution of Ombudsman/Ombudsmen is aware of journalists’ special role, including other media staff, in establishing and developing a society dedicated to the rule of law and high degree of the protection of human rights and freedoms, with special focus on subjects and cases that may be considered and treated as assaults on journalists and other media workers. The Institution of Ombudsman/Ombudsmen equally treats all parties that seek aid and professional help, but it is also completely aware of the significance that journalists have in a democratic society, and aware that journalists are, due to their public role, more exposed in public than others.

Therefore, if there is a case of an assault on journalists, and if the assaulter or assaulters get away with this, we must be aware that this may increase the belief with general public that some crimes could remain intact and consequently it could make the public remain silent when they should raise their voices instead, it could also reduce public critics, diminish their attitudes etc and all because of their fear of eventual and undesired consequences. Hence, when we speak about fining, sanctions and punishing the assaulters on journalists, we must be familiar with the public perception and other effects. Failing to fine, sanction or punish the assaulter on journalists, inevitably leads to the reduction of democracy level in any society.

During the cases which could be considered as assaults on journalists, jeopardizing and endangering their safety or some other type of violation of their rights, including discriminatory behavior, the Institution of Ombudsman/Ombudsmen instigates and leads the investigation in these particular cases. While working on particular cases, they do not reveal the identity of journalists being subject to assault or assaults or reveal the identity journalists whose safe had been endangered. The Institution of Ombudsman/Ombudsmen demanded from official authorities, most of from the police, information regarding all actions taken, that is, has been following the proceedings.

On the other hand, in cases when journalists have been threatened or insulted in public areas (of course we are aware of the fact that the definition of public space or public area has been evolving on daily basis), or threatened or offended at work and if we could identify these cases as violation of rules related to discrimination ban or imposing discrimination and unequal position, the Institution of Ombudsman/Ombudsmen shall launch the investigation and respond in accordance with their competences. We often hear many critics in public attempting to diminish the role of the Institution of Ombudsman/Ombudsmen, by outlining that its role is less important than the role of other institutions, because it only issues recommendations or releases its views and these are considered as optional and unbounded and therefore, they are considered as less important in comparison with, for instance, verdicts passed by local courts.

We consider these kinds of opinions and views rather wrong. The purpose of meanings and recommendations is to indicate the violation of rights of an individual or group and point out to those held responsible about the measures necessary in order to eliminate these violations since they, apart from admitting the occurrence of violation of rights of certain victims, also represent and display the nature and way of how these violations should be terminated. In any event, in cases where recommendations are not implemented and if court proceedings emerge, recommendations or opinions provided by the Institution of Ombudsman/Ombudsmen officials may be used as evidence during the court process.

Naturally, as far as the safety of journalists is concerned, the Institution of Ombudsman/Ombudsmen have so far, (from the moment of case opening) weather according to journalist appeal or by appeal filed in by the authorized official (association or lawyer), tended to, pursuant to their competences, follow the work and proceedings by the official authorized bodies involved. Institution of Ombudsman/Ombudsmen officials are aware of the fact that the number of cases they receive or number of cases they open each year (and which relates to the question of journalists’ safety), is relatively small (during the past period until present, this number ranges between few tens of cases on an annual level), in comparison with the range of this specific problem (issue) and the outspread of this occurrence, they have decided to be more active as far as this particular issue is concerned.

Accordingly, in 2017 the Institution of Ombudsman/Ombudsmen issued a Special report on the positions and cases of threats against journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina and they have also, through their work, established regular contacts with associations representing journalists and media staff in order to get closer to journalists. One of the most frequent questions that we face today (when we speak about the safety of journalists) is certainly the prevalence of these cases, percentage, and specificity etc. Sometimes, the information does not reflect the real and actual situation for many reasons. The first reason is surely the fact that the particular number of endangering journalists’ safety cases is not reported and thus remains unregistered officially.

Still, continual work and actions were taken by Free Media Help Line, including other platforms gathering and collecting relevant information and data in Bosnia and Herzegovina, may provide us with the clearer picture, as far as this specific issue is concerned.

In the end, when we talk about journalists’ safety, we cannot focus on the number of assaults against journalists alone, in terms of creating a conception or idea regarding the acceptable or unacceptable number of assaults. Every single assault and every endangering of journalists’ safety requires serious approach and attention. Also, regardless of eventual sanctions that may be imposed in these cases (against those held responsible), it is significant and important that the society condemns such assaults and supports journalists in their work.

This text is a part of E-Bulletin–the second edition of the special serial of BHJ online bulletin implemented as part of the following project: Reinforcing Judicial Expertise on Freedom of Expression and the Media in South-East Europe (JUFREX).