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Journalist Victoria Marinova brutally murdered in Bulgaria


The European and International Federations of Journalists (EFJ-IFJ) are deeply shocked by the brutal murder of Victoria Marinova, a 30-year-old Bulgarian journalist working for regional TV channel TVN. She is the fourth journalist killed in the EU since 2017 after Kim Wall in Denmark, Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta and Jan Kuciak in Slovakia. A vigil in Marinova’s honour will be organised in the capital, Sofia, on Monday evening.

Victoria Marinova has been brutally killed on Saturday, around noon, in the city of Ruse, located in the north of the country. According to local media reports, her body was found in an area of difficult access, near the Danube river bank. The victim was allegedly raped, beaten and then strangled. She was beaten with such violence that his face was unrecognizable, so she was not identified until last night.

The regional prosecutor of Ruse, Georgui Georguiev, told the press today that the death was caused by blows on the head and suffocation. “Her mobile phone, car keys, glasses and part of her clothes were missing,” Georgiev said, adding that there is no information to indicate that the crime was committed by more than one person.

Victoria Marinova was an administrative director of Ruse’s TVN television and had just started her own news talk show called “Detector”, which was broadcast for the last time on September 30. On that occasion, she interviewed Bulgarian journalist Dimitar Stoyanov, from Bivol website, and Romanian journalist Attila Biro, member of the RISE Romania research journalism project.

Stoyanov and Biro were arrested last month by Bulgarian police while investigating near Sofia the destruction of documents allegedly revealing corrupt practices by a private road construction company, suspected of carrying out scams with European funds.

The EFJ and IFJ, together with their Bulgarian affiliates UBJ and Podkrepa, called on today Bulgarian authorities to identify, arrest and prosecute those responsible for this horrific murder.

“This is the fourth brutal murder of a journalist in a Member State of the European Union since 2017. The killers and their sponsors obviously aim to intimidate the entire profession. We call on European governments to support without any delay the IFJ proposal for an International Convention on the Safety and Independence of Journalists and to implement the Council of Europe Recommendation on the protection of journalism and safety of journalists. States can not remain passive following such an outburst of violence,” said Ricardo Gutiérrez, EFJ General Secretary.


Vulnerable inadequately presented in the media


PODGORICA, 04.10.2018. – Montenegrin media continue to have problems in practice when reporting about vulnerable groups in society. Although the situation has changed significantly compared to the previous period, vulnerable groups generally deserve a space in media only when an incident situation occurs, where they are shown in a subordinate position.

NGO Women Action concluded that there are problems in practice. They recently published the Handbook on Non-discrimination for Local Media. Before Handbook, they did an analysis about Niksic local media coverage of the vulnerable groups.  The analysis showed the expected results – vulnerable groups, if they were the subject of media interest, were inadequately presented. Unfortunately, such a practice is present in almost all Montenegrin media.

Successful women will be rarely a subject of an article, Roma people will get headlines only when they are suspected of having committed a criminal offense, while people with disabilities are generally presented fairly subjectively, with a degree of compassion. Why is that bad? With the fact that our citizens do not have information about a significant part of their fellow citizens, members of vulnerable groups are denied the right to be an equal part of our community and completely neglect their potential in contributing to its development.

Although the controversy surrounding the use of gender sensitive language has been going on almost from the adoption of the Law on Gender Equality, it has not yet led to the general acceptance of the representation of women in accordance with gender. We can still see in the media, that female ministers are presented as the male, and the same situation is when reporting on the activities of the female president or director, judge, sociologist and psychologist. In addition, women are most often at the forefront only when they are victims of domestic violence, mobbing and other forms of abuse, and there are often cases of sexually portraying women as objects.

Civil organizations working to improve the position of persons with disabilities for years have shown that this population is exposed to discrimination on a daily basis: because of architectural and technical barriers, they do not have access to basic social services, they are also exposed to direct discrimination. When reporting on this population, the media showed enviable empathy, which, as stated in the Handbook, often goes to another extreme – subjectivity, reports often have a note of pity. By presenting it in that way, we will hardly create a picture in society that people with disabilities deserve equal access to human rights, it is more possible that citizens conclude that they will always need our help in this. Also, although the use of terminology has been significantly improved, unfortunately, we can still see use of inadequate terminology.

When it comes to discrimination against vulnerable groups, it seems that the media report the most about the LGBT population. Unfortunately, these are mainly situations that incidents involving persons who are members of or suspected of being members of the LGBT population, as a victims of violence. Although the media is trying to maintain objectivity, readers’ comments on the portals are mostly very negative and defamatory.

The role of the media in contemporary society is reflected in how much they are able to inform and educate citizens about the most important phenomena in society. This certainly includes human rights education.

Respecting the principles of the Code of Ethics for Journalists must be a priority for all profession holders, but journalists, as representatives of the “Seventh Force” as a special “lever of power” in society, must be aware of their roles in breaking stereotypes and prejudices and, in an objective and impartial manner contribute to improving their position.

euThis article has been produced as a part of the project Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for advocating media freedom and journalists’ safety with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this article are the sole responsibility of the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia and its authors, and can in no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.

Disciplinary measure for obstructing journalists reporting from the referendum


SKOPJE, 05.10.2018 – Representatives of the Association of Journalists of Macedonia met with the President of the State Election Commission, Oliver Derkovski. On the meeting they discussed about improving the practice of reporting during elections.

The president of AJM, Naser Selmani said that during the referendum, the media reported freely, with the exception of the incident in Kumanovo, where the president of the electoral board prevented journalists from photographing and recording the polling place.

According to Selmani, the SEC should not have the authority to evaluate the reporting of internet portals during the election campaigns. It was jointly concluded that those provisions of the Electoral Code were unfeasible.

The SEC President, Derkovski, promised that the Commission will take disciplinary measures against the person who obstructed a journalist from reporting from a polling place in Kumanovo.

The two sides expressed readiness to co-operate in order to educate journalists and members of electoral bodies regarding the rights and obligations of the media during the elections.


SMCG is participating in the international campaign “Equality for All”


PODGORICA, 05.10.2018. – Trade Union of  Media of Montenego (SMCG) will participate in the “Equality for All” campaign this year on the occasion of the October 7th World Day of Decent Work launched by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). The aim of the campaign is to highlight the work of trade unions in the fight to win equality for all in the editorial offices.

The campaign will be only one of the activities that the SMCG will carry out during this year within the project “Union to Union”, which has been implemented for the fourth consecutive year with the financial assistance of IFJ.

To mark World Day for Decent Work, the IFJ is highlighting the need to establish the core principles of equality for all workers in the media industry.

According to the International Labour Organisation, decent work sums up the aspirations all people have for their working lives. This includes a fair income with security and social protection, basic rights, equality of opportunity and treatment, prospects for personal development and to have one’s voice heard.

Equality means that all workers should receive the same treatment and enjoy decent work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity. This implies that there should be no discrimination in the workplace on the basis of age, race, religion, disability or gender. This also implies that recruitment, wage, promotion and retirement procedures should also be transparent and abide by equality principles.

The Role and Responsibilities of OSCE Participating States and Media Freedoms in Bosnia and Herzegovina


SARAJEVO, 05.10.2018.-BiH is still facing challenges in the field of media freedoms and liberties, including an increasing number of assaults and threats, directed against journalists (and particularly assaults directed against female journalists), unstable system of public broadcasting service, especially regarding its financing sustainability, and generally common poor quality of reporting, including the auto and self – censorship of journalists.

During the past period, OSCE Media Freedom representative and OSCE Mission to BiH officials, condemned assaults on journalists and assaults on media liberties in BiH, as we also emphasized (several times) the challenges we encounter and face daily, regarding media freedoms in this country. OSCE still express their concerns in regard with financial sustainability of public broadcasters, which was what had advocated and interceded for, several times during the most recent period. The role that media houses have in democratic societies and transitional societies is crucial and we should all accordingly make significant efforts and attempts, in order to improve media freedoms and liberties in BiH. Media houses, serving public interests, should not be exposed to pressures; political, economic or any other types of pressures.

These types of pressures deprave key role that media have in objective and professional information providing directed to the general public, regarding the facts and information that concern their everyday lives. In the 21st century, any functional and democratic state must provide full guarantees for media freedoms and journalists’ safety and the state must be the first that should condemn every single attack and assault on journalists or assault on freedom of expression. Principles used by the OSCE, as far as media freedoms are concerned, are contained in a certain number of duties and responsibilities, presented in the following publication: ”Duties and responsibilities of Participating – states: media freedoms, freedom of expression, free information flow 1975 – 2017”.

All relevant decisions, in regard to media freedoms, are collected in this publication. These decisions derived from the agreements signed between the OSCE Participating States. In the context of journalists’ safety in BiH, I’d again like to emphasize the role, duties and responsibilities of other OSCE Participating states, also outlined in the OSCE Guidebook on Journalists’ Safety. In the first chapter of this Guidebook, the authors indicated that the safety of journalists was an urgent issue for OSCE participating States, because the scale of violence against journalists, including murders and attacks leading to serious injuries, has grown significantly over recent years with far-reaching and damaging effects adding the following:

– „All OSCE participating States are publicly committed to ensuring high standards of justice, and it is significant that in 1994, in the OSCE Budapest Summit Declaration, they condemned all attacks on journalists and pledged to hold those responsible for such attacks accountable.“

– „In 1997 OSCE participating States established a mechanism to promote this principle, the Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media. The Representative on Freedom of the Media has worked since then with a mandate to concentrate on rapid response to serious non-compliance with OSCE principles and commitments by participating States in respect of freedom of expression and free media.”

– „As recently as in 2009, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, meeting in Vilnius, passed a Resolution urging participating States to investigate threats and acts of violence against journalists effectively, especially those aimed at intimidating journalists’ independent reporting, and to prosecute those responsibly.“

Guidebook also referred to professional standards in media work and self – regulating mechanisms and required journalists and media houses to conform their work to high professional standards at any moment given and also invited participating states to sustain from owning or controlling media organizations and it also, provided recommendation that media self – regulation should be implemented through press council. The guidebook also highlighted measures required for development and building of trust and safety between the police authorities and media which has already been implemented in certain countries and I am proud to say that Bosnia and Herzegovina have been amongst these countries.

We in the OSCE Mission to BiH have recently begun with the organization of several courses covering this issue and we sincerely hoped that these guidelines shall be supplemented by the end of the year. The question of assaults on journalists in the online sphere has been analyzed in the special chapter of Guidebook. This chapter outlined that assaults on journalists, both male and female journalists and media staff, represented a direct assault on freedom of expression and media liberties. Participating states have been recommended to sustain from passing new provisions of criminal laws that may limit the scope of freedom of expression and participating states have also been suggested to focus on the implementation of new laws conformed to international standards regarding the protection of human rights.

The guidebook also directed a recommendation to media organizations urging them to pass guidelines regarding the identification of assaults and threats directed against journalists in the online sphere. Apart from above mentioned principles and other principles presented in the above mentioned publications, along with marking the World Press Freedom Day in 2018, OSCE participating states and OSCE Mission to BiH still expressed their concerns regarding to an increasing number of assaults on female journalists, described in yet another publication issued by the OSCE titled:”Safety of female journalists in online sphere”, which also contained several recommendations on how to fight against this occurrence.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a full member state of OSCE and it has duties and responsibilities to obey certain rules deriving from this membership. I’d like to use this opportunity and on behalf of OSCE Mission to BiH to invite all political representatives and BiH public to show respect towards journalists and their efforts and intentions to provide all citizens of BiH with professional and accurate information regarding all problems considered as general public interests. Naturally, journalists at the same time, are obliged to fulfill and obey all professional standards bounding them to objective, unbiased and fact-based reporting. Having this in mind and in addition with similar projects, we shall, in cooperation with Press Council and Association of BiH Journalists, including also other institutions and individuals expressing interests in media freedoms and liberties, continue with organizing the set of activities contributing the advancement of the situation concerning media freedoms and liberties in BiH.

This text is a part of E-Bulletin–the second edition of the special serial of BHJ online bulletin implemented as part of the following project: Reinforcing Judicial Expertise on Freedom of Expression and the Media in South-East Europe (JUFREX). 

Napadaču na novinara Cvetkovića tri meseca kućnog pritvora


BELA CRKVA, 04.10.2018. – Srđan Zlatanović (39) iz Bele Crkve osuđen je na tri meseca kućnog pritvora uz elektronski nadzor zbog toga što je u julu ove godine metalnim predmetom razbio glavu novinaru Stefanu Cvetkoviću iz Bele Crkve.

Osnovni sud u Vršcu je u presudi naveo da je prihvatio sporazum o priznanju krivičnog dela koji je Osnovno javno tužilaštvo iz Vršca postiglo sa Zlatanovićem.

U presudi u koju je Beta imala uvid, navodi se da je Zlatanović 9. jula uveče, u letnjoj bašti jednog kafića u Beloj Crkvi, “bez razloga i povoda”, Cvetkovića udario metalnom ortopedskom štakom u glavu, nakon čega je novinar imao otvorenu ranu veličine “tri-četiri centimetra”.

Napad je okvalifikovan kao nanošenje lake telesne povrede.

“To je skandalozno i sramotno, dokaz da u ovoj državi više nema ni suda ni tužilaštva. To je izvršio po nalogu organizovane kriminalne grupe koja mu je garantovala da neće biti procesuiran”, rekao je Cvetković agenciji Beta.

Stefan Cvetković je bio nestao 13. juna uveče, a 15. juna u rano popodne državni organi su saopštili da je Cvetković pronađen.

Nakon toga, on je na konferenciji za novinare tvrdio da su ga otele tri osobe u Beloj Crkvi, od kojih su dve bile maskirane a jedna je pokazala “nešto poput policijske značke”. Tužilaštvo je nakon toga osumnjičilo Cvetkovića da je lažno prijavio otmicu.

Cvetković u svojim porukama na Fejsbuku navodi da ga i danas obezbeđuje policija.

EFJ: Hunger strike deteriorating Croatian journalist Domagoj Margetić’s health


BRUXELLES, 03.10.2018. – The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) is very worried about the deteriorating medical condition of Croatian journalist Domagoj Margetić who has been on hunger strike since 6 September 2018.

Domagoj Margetić is a journalist investigating crime and corruption in Croatia and is editor of „No censorship“ show at TV Mreža. Over the last several years, he has reported many death threats, attacks against his property as well as physical attacks, one of them qualified as attempted murder.

According to the Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA), Margetić and his family have suffered intensified pressures since August 2018, such as blackmailing and death threats, which triggered his decision to start the hunger strike.

On his Facebook page, he affirmed he reported all the cases to the police. However, none of them have been resolved so far. With this hunger strike, he is now requesting all his complaints to be dealt with: “I have decided that in the next few hours I will think about the beginning of a hunger strike, in order to point the pressures, threats and attacks I face, as well as censorship and blackmail I experience as a research journalist dealing with topics of corruption and organised crime,” he wrote.

Together with its Croatian affiliate, the EFJ is urging the Croatian authorities to closely investigate the numerous cases of threats and intimidation of all kinds Domagoj Margetić is facing, making his work and life impossible. A letter has been sent to the Prime minister, Andrej Plenkovic.

Dënim i thirrjes për përdhunim të gazetares Hopkins


SHKUP, 03.10.2018 – Shoqata e Gazetarëve të Maqedonisë, Sindikata e Pavarur e Gazetarëve dhe Punonjësve Mediatik dhe Këshilli për Etikë në Mediat në Maqedoni dënojnë thirrjet për dhunë të personit Cvetin Çilimanov, i punësuar si gazetar në Agjencinë Informative të Maqedonisë (MIA), i cili dje në Twitter kërkoi nga taksistët maqedonas të përdhunojnë gazetaren Valeri Hopkins kur të hyn në makinat e tyre sepse nuk i pëlqejnë tekstet e saj për gjendjen në Maqedoni.

SHGM, SPGPM dhe KEMM vlerësojnë se kërcënimet primitive nuk janë të drejtuara vetëm kundër koleges Hopkins, por kundër të gjithë komunitetit të gazetarëve dhe kanë për qëllim t’i frikësojnë gazetarët të mos i observojnë proceset politike në mënyrë kritike.

Kërcënimet për dhunimin e Hopkinsit janë tipar i mendësisë totalitare nga ditët më të zeza të historisë evropiane, e cila përfshinë edhe përdorimin e dhunës në larjen e hesapeve me ata që mendojnë ndryshe.

E përkujtojmë Çilimanovin, i cili njëkohësisht është edhe nënkryetar i MAN-it dhe ishte anëtarë i ad hok komisionit për zgjedhjet e vitit 2016, i propozuar nga VMRO-DPMNE, se thirrja për dhunë është shkelje e standardeve të gazetarisë dhe cenon solidaritetin mes gazetarëve. Kjo sjellje e pashembullt diskrediton mbarë komunitetin e gazetarëve dhe gazetarinë si profesion, i cili duhet të promovojë tolerancë dhe mirëkuptim.

Nxitja e të tjerëve të përdhunojnë gazetare në asnjë rast nuk mund të konsiderohet si pjesë e lirisë së fjalës, por është mohim në formën më brutale të saj. Ky komunikim i papranueshëm me publikun nuk gëzon mbrojtjen e Gjykatës Evropiane për të Drejtat e Njeriut në Strasburg, i cili për thirrje për dhunë dhe gjuhën e urrejtjes toleron madje edhe dënimin me burgim.

Ftojmë institucionet e Maqedonisë ta hetojnë rastin dhe ta merret në përgjegjësi Çilimanovin sepse kjo sjellje e dhunshme në diskursin publik duhet të përfundoj njëherë e përgjithmonë.

Financing public media service is investment, not cost


PODGORICA, 02.10.2018. – Financing the Public media service is not an expense, but an investment into democracy and society, it is concluded at the round table “Public Media Service in Montenegro – Financing, Governance and Regulation”


Senior consultant of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Boris Bergant said that the financing of the public service must be stable and sustainable. He also believes that there is no public service without political independence. He said that the public service must be different in the offer, and that it must cover all areas of citizens’ interest. The fact that they are public service, he says, means that the product must be verified and credible, and the program open, responsible and innovative.

“Financing the Public media service is not a cost, it’s an investment in creativity, people, thinking. Public service is not just information, it’s a cultural center”, said Bergant.

The Acting Director General of the RTCG, Bozidar Sundic, said that “the main goal is to provide sustainable finances and independence, in order to have a European public service in the interest of all citizens”.

“Stable and adequate funding is crucial for the public service, and it is necessary to clearly define the extent of content that is produced on all platforms, and the funding should be proportionate to the provided services. For many years, RTCG faced a lack of finance, laws and models of financing”, said Sandic. 
He recalls that RTCG is financed with 0.3 percent of GDP, with additional marketing revenues, with public revenues accounting for 90 percent of total. Due to GDP growth, he said, the increase in public revenues of 10% is expected for the next year. Šundić said that the earlier model of financing from the subscription proved unsustainable.
The Vice President of the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro, Nevenka Ćirović, warned about the lack of responsibility of the members of the RTCG Council. “We are looking for a model to ensure the independence of the RTCG Council, because it is, as it is claimed, a condition for the stability of the RTCG. At the same time, social actors do not require the introduction of a system of responsibility for the same Council”, said Ćirović.
The Council is responsible for the current situation in the RTCG, as Ćirović underlined, because it is the one who makes the final decisions on both financial and program documents.
“The Council must also bear the consequences for decisions, not only to seek a safeguard mechanism for their autonomy. For the redundancy of employees, the Council is also responsible, because it allowed earlier managements to bring an enormous number of employees to RTCG, especially from the closed media, but, in that case, we do not have any answers to whether how many employees were needed. We are now in a situation where the surplus of employees is between 150 and 200 people”, said Ćirović.

Team leader of the Regional Project of Support to Public Media Services in the Western Balkan countries, Vojislav Raonic said that the problems of public services in the region are similar and that they mainly refer to financing, management model and capacities, which include equipment and employees.

Otherwise, the goal of the project is to contribute to the reform and professional development of public media services in the Western Balkans, in order to encourage the production of pluralistic, independent and credible program content.

Representative of the NGO Media Center, Dusko Vukovic, said that funding from the budget is always related to the perception that the public service is a state media.

“It should be avoided that forces outside the Public Service are influencing this”, Bergant said.

Radka Bečeva, EBU Director of the Center for Relations with Members in Central and Eastern Europe, said that it is very important to explain to citizens how the role of the public service is and why we should invest in it.