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Sanja Kljajić: Još jedna predstava u kojoj su novinari kolateralna šteta

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Prilikom posete predsednika Aleksandra Vučića Kosovu najdeblji kraj izvukli su novinari, jer su tri ekipe iz Srbije bile mete napada, odnosno incidenata.

AJM welcomes the prison sentence for the attacker of A1on journalists


SKOPJE, 11.09.2018 – The Association of Journalists of Macedonia welcomes the decision of the Primary Court Skopje 1, which sentenced Matija Kanikov with six months in prison for attacking journalists from the web portal “A1on” during last year’s protests in Skopje, which were organized by the movement “For joint Macedonia”.

This verdict by Judge Marija Kletnichka-Markovska from the Criminal Court is the first by which a journalist’s attacker is sentenced to a prison sentence and thus terminates the policy of impunity for attacks on journalists. The verdict sends a clear message that the system will not tolerate violence against journalists and that anyone who attacks them in future will be quickly discovered and brought to justice.

At the same time, the judgment will also positively affect the security of journalists, which is a basic precondition for them to freely and without fear carry out their journalistic profession. Thus, the system shows that it protects basic human rights and freedoms, such as freedom of speech.

Such a judgment is also a good example that other judges should follow, which is effectively resolving other cases of journalist attacks.

We encourage the Public Prosecution to speed up investigations for all the attacks on journalists in order to bring the attackers to justice.

Egzekucija institucijom Poreske uprave


NIŠ, 11.09.2018. – Odavno nismo više deca, donekle jer su nam kao narodu ovi i slični njima oduzeli detinjstvo i primorali nas na život u nadrealnoj realnosti mnogo ranije nego što bi to bilo kome trebalo da se desi.

Kažem nismo deca pa da verujemo da ako sve radimo po zakonu i pripadajućim tumačenjima i mišljenjima nećemo doći u situaciju da ipak nešto nije baš kako treba, da moramo zajedno da se bavimo edukacijom poreskih inspektora, da objasnimo, razjasnimo i pojasnimo neke stvari, kako smo i zašto došli do nekih procedura, obračuna i da svakako nismo bez konsultacija sa knjigovođama, savetnicima i pravnicima tumačili bilo šta.

Znamo da nam “posebnu pažnju” pridaju oni o kojima pišemo i da ne smemo da ostavimo otvoren prostor za bilo šta što nije u skladu sa zakonom.

Nažalost, očekujemo da igra nije fer, da se poslovanje pretriše i traži bilo šta što bi nas diskreditovalo i etiketiralo kao “nečije”, odnosno kao neprijatelje države.

Tako je bilo prethodnih godina u procesima poreske i finansijske kontrole. Nismo se žalili nikome, već smo radili, interno i zajedno sa partnerima, pa i inspektorima, da sve dovedemo u najbolji mogući red.

I nikad nisu utvrđene nepravilnosti.

Ali neko je rešio da promeni pravila igre i promeni polaznu tačku.

Krivi smo jer radimo

Kada se u kontrolu polazi sa stavom da je neko kriv pre nego se dokaže drugačije, a uz to i ne sme da se dokaže drugačije, ne govorimo više o činjeničnom stanju, već o traženju, da ne kažem izmišljanju, pojedinačnih informacija i situacija koje bi opravdale polazni stav, odnosno utvrdile krivicu.

Demostracija sile i zloupotreba institucija u cilju uređivanja, ili bolje rečeno dovođenja u red, njihov red, jednog regionalnog medija koji skoro 10 godina radi “onako kako ne bi trebalo” po rečima dušebrižnika, odnosno medija koji radi u javnom interesu.

Vreme je takvo da moramo da radimo i na građenju javnog interesa, na podsećanju građana šta su njihova prava sa jedne strane i na podsećanju institucija i javnih funkcionera, sa druge strane, šta su njihove obaveze i kome su oni odgovorni na kraju – građanima.

Prethodnih godina uspeli smo da pozovemo na odgovornost i institucije i pojedince, da dovedemo do nekih, čini se malih, ali bitnih promena u lokalnim zajednicama u kojima radimo.

Uspeli smo da stavimo naš rad u fokus na nacionalnom nivou, kada lokalne teme to zahtevaju, sa jasnim ciljem: da zaštitimo interese građana.

I to je problem. Zato smo mi problem. Zato je potrebno da nas neko dovede u red.

Tamo gde je štampa slobodna, i svaki čovek u stanju da čita, sve je sigurno.
~ Tomas Džeferson

Eksperiment za egzekuciju

Ovo nije priča o Južnim vestima, nije priča o jednoj firmi koja bi da izbegne bilo kakvu odgovornost, da bude iznad zakona.

Ovo je priča o eksperimentu i traženju načina da se u zakonskim okvirima, ili bolje rečeno procepima, urede mediji koji su preživeli dosad, koji se istinom u profesionalnim, zakonskim, moralnim i etičkim okvirima opiru i bore protiv režima demagogije, korupcije i malverzacija.

Izgleda da je plan da “rešenje problema” bude izmišljeno poresko rešenje. Zloupotreba poreskog postupka i post-poreskog postupka.

Kako to izgleda u praksi?

Prvo dobijete zapisnik o poreskoj kontroli na koji možete da se žalite istoj filijali Poreske uprave, da ne kažem inspektorima koji su zapisnik i sastavili.

Epilog unapred definisan – dobijate rešenje o procesu poreske kontrole koje je identično zapisniku, eventualno uz neke dopune i obrazloženja.

Jer žalba na rešenje ne odlaže izvršenje.

Na rešenje možete da se žalite Ministarstvu finansija, pod čijom ingerencijom je Poreska uprava. Epilog unapred definisan.

Treća instanca je Upravni sud, gde proces prema procenama advokata traje godinu ili 2.

Podsetimo se: Žalba na rešenje ne odlaže izvršenje.

Ukratko: u postupku poreske kontrole inspektori i Poreska izmisle prekršaj ili konstatuju milionski dug, vi platite, oni misle da ste se opametili, da ste naučili lekciju i svi namireni, i poručioci i izvršioci.

Nastavite da radite, poručioci vide na niste naučili lekciju, pošalju novu poresku kontrolu, a vi dobijete novi izmišljeni prekršaj ili dug od 3, 5 ili 10 miliona.

Jer morate ili da naučite lekciju ili da nestanete.

Da podsetimo: Žalba na rešenje ne odlaže izvršenje.

Dakle, iako je Poreska izmislila nešto što nigde zakonom nije definisano oslanjajući se baš na to da nigde nije definisano ni da nije tako (kriv dok se ne dokaže suprotno), u idealnom scenariju vi platite, pa se sudite i plaćate sve usputne troškove, a kad se dokaže da ste u pravu, onda vam Poreska vrati novac sa kamatom.

Pod uslovom da preživite do tad. Ali takav je i plan. Da ne preživite.

To je “lekcija” koja se šalje kao jasna poruka ostalima – u ovom obračunu vi nećete da preživite.

Egzekucija institucijom Poreske uprave.

Sa druge strane, ko će da plati kamatu na iznos koji je vam je protivpravno ili protivustavno naplaćen, a koji će vam Poreska vratiti posle nekoliko godina sudskog postupka?

Građani, naravno. A ko će da bude odgovoran? Niko, naravno.

I tu nije kraj.

Partneri. Prijatelji.

Na sreću ili na žalost, u ovom procesu se ispostavilo da su i saborci.

Sve ono što zajedno godinama gradimo – kulturu, odnose, pa u krajnjoj liniji i neku ideologiju i viziju koju delimo, biva zloupotrebljeno na najružniji i najprimitivniji način.

Partnerima se preti, vode se na ispitivanja, jer kako drugačije nazvati kombinacije kratkih rokova za dostavljanje dokumentacije koju oni nisu dužni ni da poseduju, pretnje i bahato ponašanje pojedinih inspektora, insistiranje na pojedinostima koje nikako ne mogu da budu predmet postupka poreske kontrole, već samo metodologija koja je posledica straha da predmet mora da se dovoljno popuni da neko vidi da je posao temeljno rađen.

Poslovni planovi, analize tržišta, dokumenti o strateškom razvoju. Sve o medijima, za medije i medijske organizacije.

Da li su to dokumenti koji bi trebalo da budu deo izveštaja poreskih kontrola?

Brinuli smo se o našim partnerima od samog početka, brinuli smo se dok je trajala kontrola, brinućemo se zajedno jedni o drugima i u svakom narednom pokušaju da se diskredituje i zloupotrebi naš rad na bilo koji način.

Hvala prijateljima i partnerima na vremenu, strpljenju i poverenju.

Da li cilj opravdava sredstvo?

Kod pojedinih inspektora smo mogli da namirišemo i stid, pa čak i gađenje zbog svega što se dešavalo. Neke bitne informacije o koruptivnom delovanju i instruiranju celog procesa smo dobijali direktno iz njihovih redova.

Kod drugih se osećala samo beskrupulozna glad da se udovolji nekom šefu, vođi, ili da se ispune ideološki ciljevi iz Orvelovske 1984.

Egzekucija institucijom Poreske uprave o trošku građana – poreskih obveznika.

I na kraju – nije kraj

Ceo proces nas je do sada koštao mnogo, u novcu, resursima, energiji ljudi na svakom mogućem nivou.

Platili smo oko 600.000 dinara manji PDV u kvartalu kad smo bili pod agresivnom kontrolom. Nismo mogli da isporučimo neke usluge, neki poslovi su i propali.

To je 600.000 dinara manje u budžetu direktno i samo od nas.

Ali smo i naučili mnogo.

Nismo usamljeni. Niste usamljeni u ovoj borbi. Nismo ludaci ili možda jesmo taman toliko koliko je potrebno da se ovim drugim ludacima stane na put i pošalje jasna poruka.


Proces je nešto što je uređeno, tako da mi nismo imali proces poreske kontrole, nego dezinformisano, loše instruirano i nekoordinisano bahato ponašanje pojedinaca, koje je rezultovalo paničnim ponašanjem institucije koja bi trebalo da uvede red i funkcioniše u okviru zakona pre svega, a sve u javnom interesu.

Ponoviću da se ovde ne radi o Južnim vestima, već o zloupotrebi institucijePoreske uprave.

Ne tražimo privilegije i ne bežimo od odgovornosti, ali zahtevamo da odgovornost bude utemeljena u zakonima i/ili dokazana na sudu.

Ne želimo da premijerka, ministar finansija ili predsednik kažu “ostav”, jer to onda nije Država i nisu institucije.

Tražimo odgovornost pre svega Ministarstva finanasija – Poreske uprave, jer je ta institucija dala legitimitet celom procesu time što je odbila žalbu na rešenje doneto od strane filijale Poreske uprave u Nišu.

Tražimo odgovornost filijale Poreske uprave u Nišu, odnosno pojedinaca koji su direktno ili indirektno učestvovali u ovom procesu.

Imenom i prezimenom.

Saberimo se

Ako na trošak ove poreske hajke dodate angažovanje armije inspektora, njihov rad vikendom, potencijalno plaćanje kamate po okončanju procesa pred sudom, manji iznos PDV-a koji smo platili, šta je konačni rezultat?

Ko sve to plaća? Građani, naravno.

Posle 6 meseci represije od strane Poreske uprave, rezultat je šta i u čijem interesu?

Odgovor na ovo pitanje ostavljam vama.

Attacks on journalists during Vucic’s visit to Kosovo


BANJE, 10.09.2018. – Serbia’s Association of Journalists and its branch of the Association of Journalists of Kosovo condemned the attacks on journalists during the visit of Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic to Kosovo and called on all competent Kosovo authorities to urgently find and punish those responsible.

The ‘Insajder’ journalist team was attacked on the road from the village of Banje to Kosovo Mitrovica. The ‘Insajder’s’ editorial board said that citizens who had blocked the road surrounded their car and a several individuals from that group even tried to pull a female journalist out of the car while the others pounded on the vehicle.

Tanjug news agency reported that Albanians from the Vojtes area threw bottles at their journalist team.

The Deutsche Welle also reported about the attack on their journalist team, on their way to the village of Banje, when their two female reporters parked their car with Serbian licence plates at Prekaz, where KFOR units were located at the time.

Journalists were not injured in these incidents.

Nataša Ružić: Without a single self-regulation, alternative media will take over the role of mainstream media

Fakultet političkih nauka

PODGORICA, 11.09.2018. – From the ethical point of view, most problematic area in the Montenegrin media is reporting on crime news, where the most violated principles of the Ethical Code for journalists are right to privacy (Principle 7), the interests of children (Principle 8) and the presumption of innocence (Principle 9), considers professor at the Faculty of political science, Natasa Ružić.

Pointing out that by establishing some form of self-regulation, the media in Montenegro showed that they take care of ethics, Ružić said that these bodies are invisible and that they should act on their own initiative.

How do you assess the level of self-regulation in the Montenegrin media?

Bearing in mind the existence of two media self-regulatory bodies and the engagement of the ombudsman in the newsrooms of Vijesti, Monitor and Dan, we can say that the Montenegrin media take care of respecting professional and ethical standards. Naturally, compared to the European countries that adopted the first codes since 1918, we started relatively late to take care of ethical standards. I think the media has progressed in certain areas. For example, we can no longer see in the media the bodies of victims of car accidents in close-ups or headlines with shocking photographs from the scene of the crime. However, numerous ethical problems remain. Media self-regulatory bodies do not notify too often the violations of the Code of Ethics, but only in some extreme situations. I think that self-regulatory bodies are “too quiet and almost invisible” and shouldn’t react only in cases of citizens’ complaints. This is somewhat understandable when it comes to the Local Press Council because local media generally respect the code of ethics, but they are obliged to monitor the situation on the market.

Which principles of Ethical Code for journalists Montenegrin media most often violate? What are the most common mistakes journalists in Montenegro make?

The media continue to be sensationalist about crime news and do not respect the presumption of innocence in courtroom reporting, but also the privacy of victims or family members in cases of car accidents or some tragedies, crimes, etc. The media most often violate principles 7, 8 and 9. Often we can read in the journalist’s text a police statement stating the initials of the participants of a tragedy, and the journalist in the same text reveals the identity of the victims or the perpetrator. The media also published parts of farewell letters in reporting on suicide and photographs of the funeral of a little girl, whose mother was trying to cure her from lice. Let’s just recall the sensationalist headlines in reporting on suspects for the murder of a 15-month-old boy, “Look what the monster who killed the baby with beatings looks like”. In this case, the address of the dwelling was disclosed, which is a violation of the Code of Ethics. I think reporting on crime news is the most problematic area from the ethical point of view. Our media, as well as others, continue to live by the principle of “good news is bad news about someone or bad news for someone,” and often “play on the map of children”. And of course, thanks to the Internet, copy-paste journalism has dominated.

How can the situation be corrected? Would a single self-regulatory body be a good solution? Do you think such a solution would be sustainable, having in mind the polarization of the Montenegrin media scene?

In order to repair the situation it is necessary that the journalists themselves wish to fight for their profession. A unique self-regulatory body would be an ideal solution, but given the polarization of the modern market, it is clear that this is impossible. In large markets there are several self-regulatory bodies, but in a small media market and in a small country it is completely unnecessary. Journalists, regardless of the editorial policy of the media, should understand that they are on the same side as self-regulation because they are struggling exclusively for quality journalism and professional and ethical standards. Otherwise, alternative media will take over the role of the mainstream media.

Trade Union of Media of Montenegro, with the help of the Faculty of Political Science, conducted a research on expectations of journalism students, which showed that students mostly do not want to deal with this profession in the future. What is your experience? Is journalism attractive to students?

It is difficult to choose a future profession at the age of 18, especially if you have not had any touch with practice. We had a couple of cases where young people decided to be journalists after attending Media Literacy in High School. These are rare cases. Eighteen-year-olds idealize the profession they have chosen, so they are disappointed or given their confirmation of their thinking. Already in the first year, students point to the advantages and disadvantages of the journalistic profession, or we are trying to bring them closer to the profession they chose. Of course, there is no ideal profession, but each has its own good and bad, but the most important thing is to choose what they like, as well as to have predispositions for dealing with journalism.

It would be a big mistake if students could only deal with journalism at the end of the studies, but the possibilities for choosing their profession are much wider. They can also work as PR managers in different companies / institutions and as researchers, media analysts in the non-governmental sector. So the choice is on them, while the Faculty as an educational institution monitors changes in the market by auditing the program. By 2017 the Public Relations Department existed only at the level of master studies, and according to the new program, already in the third year of basic studies, in the sixth semester, they can specialize in public relations or acquire additional practical knowledge in the field of journalism. In my experience, I can say that students of the first generation are more interested in journalism, and today’s generations are more interesting profession of PR managers. Thanks to the knowledge they have gained at the Faculty they are aware that the media have been in a difficult economic crisis since 2008 and that they no longer live by advertising, but they are also familiar with the socio-economic situation of journalists, and for this reason the profession PR- managers more interesting. However, even those who choose to work PR managers are aware that they have to start working as journalists in order to acquire their network of contacts and easier to “push” the company’s press releases in which they work.

Dve reporterke Dojče velea napadnute na Kosovu


Dve reporterke Dojče velea (DW) napadnute su danas tokom izveštavanja o blokadama puteva, ali su uspele da se vrate ka severu Kosova uz pomoć loknog stanovništva i policije, javlja Dojče vele na svom sajtu.

Kako se navodi reporterke Dojče velea Sanja Kljajić i Elona Elezi napadnute su na putu za selo Banje, u opštini Srbica, odakle su izveštavale o blokadama puta u znak protesta zbog posete srpskog predsednika Aleksandra Vučića.

One su parkirale automobil srpskih registarskih oznaka kod mesta Prekaz gde su se u tom trenutku nalazile jedinice KFOR. Kako je navedeno, nakon povlačenja međunarodnih snaga grupa od desetak demonstranata sa barikada ih je preteći okružila, govoreći da ih „provociraju“ tablicama i tražila od Sanje Kljajić da pokaže lične dokumente pošto ne govori albanski, kako bi videli da li je Srpkinja.

„Na trenutak je izgledalo da nas neće pustiti da odemo“, rekla je Kljajićeva.

Reporterke su navele da je kosovska policija reagovala profesionalno i držala demonstrante na odstojanju dok su im lokalni Albanci zaposleni na benzinskoj pumpi pomogli da skinu srpske tablice i krenu ka severu Kosova.

Sanja Kljajić je bila jedina novinarka iz Srbije koja na ovom delu puta izveštavala sa barikada, navodi Dojče vele.

„Jasno je bilo da nisam dobrodošla čak ni kao novinarka DW. Momak koji mi je tražio ličnu kartu je bio vrlo napadan i na trenutak me je bio strah da nećemo uspeti da se izvučemo, jer su shvatili da sam iz Srbije“, rekla je ona.

Dojče vele prenosi da su prema izveštajima Insajdera i agencije Tanjug i novinari tih medija napadnuti u blizini Banja kada su naišli na barikade.

Public interests tailored for political powerful figures


SARAJEVO, 10.09.2018- “Idriz Jakupovic”, a foundation for scholarships of high school and university students was established in 2014 with the head office in the city of Sanski Most. The situation on the field dictated the following activities with human people gathered around Ajdin Jakupovic, a doctor of dental medicine, great Maecenas, patron, and founder of the above-mentioned foundation.

Many humanitarian projects throughout BiH followed accordingly. Public in local community identified and recognized the efforts of the people working at “Idriz Jakupovic”, foundation, as they were speak- ing and spreading the words about human values throughout the cities and towns, including Sanski Most, Prijedor, Mostar, Travnik, Jajce, Gradiška, Bugojno, Kupres, Maglaj, Velika Kladuša, Banja Luka etc, making thus the bridges of friendship even beyond BiH. Recently, a contract on cooperation with two times European handball champions, namely HC Zagreb, was signed. Public and citizens are supported regardless to their religious or ethnic background for Id, Easter or Christmas (for both Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholics followers) holidays.

The estimated value of financial support regarding former and present activities of the foundation amounts around BAM 200.000.00. You probably ask yourselves, what does this introduction have to do with the given topic? Although the foundation founder takes part and actively participates (both directly and indirectly) in financing a local RTV in Sanski Most, this media house has never released or broadcasted reports regarding the humanitarian activities implemented by Adnan Jakupovic and his associates. RTV Sana is a public media house and it is hard to believe that in four years time, they couldn’t find a term, time or space to release or broadcast reports on humanitarian activities conducted by the above-mentioned foundation. “Idriz Jakupovic” foundation has never allowed political interference, influence or impact of any nature into their work.

Besides, the foundation cooperates with individuals and associations that are disfavored and disgraced by local governing officials and authorities, therefore, this, to some extent, determines the relationship and attitude of local media towards the foundation. The general stance of people, gathered around “Idriz Jakupovic” foundation is that they still want to continue being at service to all citizens in Sanski Most, without any political background as this determines the future of local radio and television station. All of this takes place in the municipality whose official authorities shall allocate around BAM 389.000.00 to RTV Sana, which is an increasing amount comparing to last year implementation by BAM 10.000.00.

The bad experience was also witnessed by the Civil Association for better Sanski Most (originally Udruženje građana za bolji Sanski Most) since they were not allowed to advertise on the local radio station, without any reasonable explanation provided by the radio and television station officials. Radio Sanski Most has never allowed programs regarding the democratization of local community with a focus on the current situation in Sanski Most. If we are aware that the above mentioned association has openly been criticizing local official gov- erning authorities, it becomes clear that local media in Sanski Most, although fi- nanced by the means of tax payers “listens” to the voice of powerful local politicians instead. Can we speak, in such tailored and ordered media space, about the public in- terests, transparent financing, employment etc in accordance with affirmative and positive legislative?

When we talk about the financing of public and local media houses in Una – Sana municipalities, we must outline that they could hardly prevail and sustain without the municipal financial support. This situation can be considered as a beneficiary for most local politicians and their interests. We must emphasize municipalities that had lost their local public radio and TV stations long ago.

Buzim radio station is locked for some time, so the real media war is battled on local web sites. Pursuant to good old custom, the internet fights between “ours” and “theirs” (AKA close to local governing official authorities) with the involvement of the opponents of the local government and with occasional opposi- tion interference, has become a common occurrence.

Local media picture in the city of Kljuc is also very poor. In this particular mu- nicipality, the local radio station has been “on infusion”, so its program content is often based on the music played by local and international singers and groups. It would be unreal to expect total complying of public interests, with rather mod- est financial budget and number of employees, old and inadequate equipment etc. As far as financing process of the radio station is concerned, in this municipality with the number of unemployed people being greater than those who have jobs at present, the fact that publically released general dissatisfaction of the few employed persons, really speaks for itself.

The signal of the local radio station in Bosanski Petrovac could hardly be broadcasted throughout the local community. Even though they are being partially financed from the local budget and because of poor signal, we could talk about the discrimina- tion of listening audience in these particular areas, because the voice of local radio speaker has never been heard in these areas.

Public media space in Bihac is also pretty complicated. RTV Bihac employees and staff have been very angry with local and official governing authorities, which had been “postponing” necessary payments, as part of the financial budget amount (“cake”) that should have been paid to all employees and staff of the above men- tioned media house. And while journalists had been indicating the postponement of their monthly wages (salaries) and very difficult position they were in, the city mayor issued a warning release clearly outlining the budget tax payers money shall, in the forthcoming period, be distributed and spent transparently and that there will be no new employments (employing based on political party preferences) in media houses and public companies owned and managed by the City of Bihac. No particular dissatisfaction could have been heard since May last year, when RTV Bihac employees and staff publically expressed their dissatisfaction. As far as the transparent money transferring is concerned, the City of Bihac official authorities made a step forward. With few clicks only, one could have full access to information and details, regarding the forthcoming financial grants planned to be allocated to RTV Bihac informative and news purposes. According to this basis, the last payment was made on 6 March 2018 and the amount transferred was BAM 28.165, 58.

It is interesting to notice that the budget amount allocated by the Sanski Most municipal officials is greater than one paid by the City of Bihac. We could discuss for days about local web sites in Bihac, ethic code obeying, finan- cial issues etc. Only a few have sincere desires and will to release and provide correct information and news to the public. According to the information I attained from my female colleague from Cazin, employees at RTV Cazin media house cannot com- pliment and be satisfied with better monthly wages (salaries) and earnings either. However, their salaries (monthly wages) are regular, paid on time and maximum attention is directed to general public interests.

When you talk with citizens of the most populated municipality of Una – Sana Canton, generally there is a notable difference in opinions and stances provided. Some citizens consider that local media house is biased towards the governing authorities as this thesis can in fact be noticed in reports related to the activities of the municipal mayor and his administration. There have been many complaints directed against the work of public media houses in Velika Kladusa as well. Non – transparency and biasing are among the most out- lined complaints.

Animadverts are directed against the work of municipal mayor claiming that he, along with his associates, positioned “their loyal people” in the local media house. We wouldn’t go wrong if we say that this represented the resump- tion of the previous and past story, only with different characters and parties being involved. We are all familiar with the fact that we live in an environment where the municipal mayor and his political party make the direct influence on local media houses and their work in Una – Sana canton as this has been going on for years.

The fact that this influence is rapidly growing is what worries everybody. It is obvious that auto censorship is in the close tie with the story on the financing of lo- cal media houses. Transparent spending of budget money and adoration of public interests is thus put on the margins as far as this issue is concerned.

This text is a part of E-Bulletin– sixth edition of special serial of BHN online bulletin implemented through the “Media and Public Reputation” (origin. “Mediji i javni ugled”) project, also representing a contribution to public debate regarding the transparency of media ownership and upholding and encouraging the passing of set of laws aimed to advance media field and information market in BiH.

Law benefits security agencies, Serbian official warns


BELGRADE, 08.09.2018. – Serbia’s Information Commissioner Rodoljub Sabic warned on Thursday that the draft law on protecting personal data seems to have been written for the benefit of “security structures” and not individuals.

Sabic told the Beta news agency that he is “impressed” by the large number of exemptions written into the draft law favouring the authorities at the expense of the rights it should be guaranteeing.

“Views which are more or less like mine were expressed in the expert opinion of the European Commission which the Justice Ministry has been withholding from the public,” he said.

The commissioner recalled that the European Commission experts warned of the large number of exemptions which make the law complicated and less transparent. “Since the protection of personal data is a basic right in the European Union, we need to devote special attention to the law to make it clear because it gives many important rights to the people and that does not seem to be the case in this draft,” Sabic said.

He also warned that the language used in the draft is inexplicably confusing and complicated and hard to understand even for law experts.

Camovic elected as the President of TUMM

PR Centar

PODGORICA, 08.09.2018. – Marijana Camovic will be president of the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (TUMM) in the next four-year period, it was decided at  assembly of this workers’ organization.

The Assembly adopted the Report on the Work of the Main Board of the Union for the previous four years, as well as reports on the work of the Statutory and Supervisory Board, and adopted members of the working bodies that will be menaging the Union in the next four-year term are also elected.

Thus, the Main Board of the Union of Montenegro’s Media will, beside the President, make:

– Radomir Kračković, president of the trade union organization  TV Vijesti;

– Milena Bubanja, a member of  trade union organization of Radio Berane;

– Jadranka Drobnjak, President of the Trade Union of Employees in RTCG;

– Nevenka Ćirović, member of the Executive Board of the Trade Union of Employees of RTCG;

– Predrag Nikolic, President of the  trade union organization of Monitor;

– Rešad Kalač, President of the  trade union organization of RTV Rožaje;

– Dragana Vlaović, member of the  trade union organization Radio Herceg Novi;

– Edin Zuković, president of  trade union organization RTV Pljevlja;

– Goran Solujić, Member of the Executive Board of the  trade union organization RTV Budva;

– Boris Pejovic, member of  trade union organization Vijesti;

– Kristina Cetkovic, representative of TUMM individual members.

Mirjana Tošković (RTCG), Željka Vučinić (ND Vijesti) and Svetlana Marsenić (Radio Berane) were elected as members of the Supervisory Board. In the statutory committee will be Goran Delić (TV Vijesti), Igor Vujović (RTCG) and Zagorka Jelušić (RTV Budva) for the next four years.