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The IFJ and EFJ call on European Parliament to protect Authors’ Rights


BRUSSELS, 31.08.2018. –  The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) today reiterated their support for the adoption of the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market (DSM), calling on members of the European Parliament to vote on 12 September in favor of the proposal, as  put  forward  by  its  Legal  Affairs  Committee (JURI).

Recognizing the crucial importance of authors’ rights, the media’s investment in quality contents and the need to establish fair practices in the online exploitation of news contents, the text, as proposed by the Legal Affairs Committee on 20 June, is ground-breaking.

This long-awaited piece of legislation restores balance and diversity in an extremely important sector, now dominated by a small group of giant tech corporations,” said Anthony Bellanger, IFJ General Secretary. “Many of the opponents to the directive, who claim to be independent and to speak for the public, are funded by these tech giants. They say copyright only benefits big business, but the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of journalists and millions of authors in Europe and beyond depend on our copyrights.

Copyright and authors’ rights have nothing to do with censorship,” added Ricardo Gutiérrez, EFJ General Secretary. “They are the time-tested ways to ensure that our societies can benefit from the work of dedicated professional authors who are independent because they can make a living from their work. If authors instead had to rely on sponsorship or patronage, their independence and ability to create and report would be crippled.

The organisations say that none of the fears raised in this campaign are justified, noting in particular:

  • That Article 11 is a necessary measure to prevent free-riding by Internet corporations on publications and authors who produce words and images for them. The International and European Federations of Journalists have adopted with European newspaper publishers’ organisations a joint position on Article 11 and wording for Recital 35 (available here), to ensure that the benefits deriving from the future publishers’ neighbouring right are shared fairly and proportionately between journalists and publishers.
  • That the European Data Protection Supervisor found that the monitoring requirements in Article 13 are proportionate, the caution being their correct transposition by Member States. Licensing through collecting societies will provide authors with some compensation for the rampant unauthorised use and consequent devaluation of their work; and such licensing, rather than filtering, is the logical outcome of this Article.
  • That the “transparency triangle” proposals in Articles 14, 15 and 16 provide a basis for authors and performers to receive the fair payment they need in order to continue to make high-quality contributions to culture and in the case of journalists, to Democracy.
  • The proposal excludes hyperlinks from its scope and does not penalise readers who share articles.

In letters addressed to members of the European Parliament, the IFJ, the EFJ and their national affiliates urged MEPs to vote in favour of the entire JURI Committee report and in particular to safeguard its Chapter III, in defense of Culture and Democracy in Europe.

At the same time, the IFJ and the EFJ warn against the adoption of any legislation that would marginalize authors, in particular journalists and deprive them from a fair and proportionate share deriving from the neighboring right.

Without protection for authors’ rights, there would be no professional journalism.

Media need to advocate higher voter turnout


ZENICA, 30.08.2018. – Professional, balanced and impartial reporting is the basic postulate for journalists and media to report during the pre-election campaign. Besides, it is important to ensure the proactive role of the Regulatory Agency for Communication and Press Council in this period, was concluded on a workshop on media reporting during the pre-election campaign, held today in Zenica.

„The educational function of the media is important so that citizens can make an informed decision while voting, but also to advocate for higher voter turnout“, emphasized Velida Kulenović, president of the BHJA journalists Club in Zenica.

Kulenović presented the main observations on media monitoring of previous election cycles in BiH, created based on monitoring s and researches  that BHJA has been conducting together with other NGOs and representatives of the academic community continuously since 2002.

„The main problem is that public interest is not the main aspiration, but promotion of political subjects. Political debates and coping with candidates were an exception and not a rule, and there was an obvious lack of thematic reporting “, said Kulenović.

Elma Džaferović from the broadcasting sector of RAK reminded of media responsibility and the role of regulators in the pre-election period. She emphasized that no electoral subjects can have a privileged position in relation to another political entity in electoral programs.

„Journalists and hosts should not be allowed to have their own party affiliation in regular and special shows“, said Džaferović.

Journalist of the Centre for Investigative Journalism, Mirjana Popović recalled on databases created by CIN journalists and researchers. „The databases provided by CIN are documented and at all times can serve as a quality supplement to daily journalism“, said Popović,  and added that the data base is available to journalists and to wider public through the web page www.cin.ba. This base could serve as a starting point and a credible source of data for creating critical media content that will be published during the pre-election campaign.

Participants of the workshop concluded that it is necessary to ensure a political debate by confronting candidates of different attitudes and opinions. In addition, it is necessary to efficiently resolve the issue of misuse and frequent occurrence of executive holders in pre-election programs. The media has been provided with an innovative approach to creating media content with the use of various communication platforms.

Workshop „Media reporting during the pre – election campaign“ gathered 20 media professionals from the Zenica – Doboj Canton, supported by EU and USAID, and implemented by the consortium of BHJA – Boram and Coalition Pod lupom.

Na Zapadanom Balkanu ove godine 11 fizičkih napada na novinare


BEOGRAD, 29.08.2018. – Napad na novinara BN televizije Vladimira Kovačevića, prema podacima Regionalne platforme za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i sigurnosti novinara, treći je fizički nasrtaj na novinare i medijske radnike zabeležen u ovoj godini u Bosni i Hercegovini, a ukupno 11. slučaj na Zapadnom Balkanu.

Po jedan incident desio se u Hrvatskoj i Makedoniji, dva na Kosovu, a čak četiri u Srbiji.

Najdrastičniji primer ugrožavanja bezbednosti, u 2018. godini, osim napada na Vladimira Kovačevića, desio su se u Crnog Gori kad je, 8. maja, novinarka “Vijesti” Olivera Lakić, hicima iz vatrenog oružja, ranjena ispred zgrade u kojoj živi.

“U 2018. godini u regionu, prema našoj bazi podataka, uglavnom preovladjuju verbalni napadi i pretnje. I ove godine, kao i prethodne, najviše napada i pretnji na novinare zabeleženo je u Srbiji”, kazala je agenciji Beta istraživačica Regionalne platforme Marija Vukasović navodeći da je u Srbiji, osim četiri fizička napada, prijavljeno i 13 slučajeva verbalnog zastrašivanja, uključujući i pretnje smrću.

Što se tiče verbalnih i fizičkih napada, navela je Vukasović, ove godine je nešto mirnija situacija u Makedoniji u kojoj je zabeleženo samo po jedan slučaj fizičkog napada i pokušaja zastrašivanja.

Ukupno, na Zapadnom Balkanu, Regionalna platforma za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i sigurnosti novinara evidentirala je 32 slučaja zastrašivanja, dva napada na imovinu, jedan incident sa hapšenjem novinara i tri prijavljena primera diskriminacije.

Regionalna platforma za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i sigurnosti novinara je mreža novinarskih asocijacija i medijskih sindikata iz država Zapadnog Balkana uspostavljena u januaru 2016. uz finansijsku potporu Evropske unije, a u okviru EU Programa podrške regionalnom umrežavanju organizacija civilnog društva. Čine je Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije , Udruga/udruženje BH novinari, Sindikat medija Crne Gore, Udruženje novinara Makedonije, Udruženje novinara Kosova i Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo.

Cilj uspostavljanja i delovanja Regionalne platforme je stvaranje povoljnog pravnog i društvenog okruženja za medijski pluralizam kroz jačanje novinarskih udruženja i medijskih sindikata na način da postanu efikasan, odgovoran i nezavisan akter zagovaranja medijskih sloboda i EU standarda, te prava građana na slobodu informisanja i primanje raznovrsnih informacije iz različitih izvora.

Regionalna platforma obaveštava sve relevantne domaće i medjunarodne institucije i organizacije o svakom slučaju i traži od njih da reaguju u okviru svojim mogućnosti.

Platforma obaveštava i Evropsku federaciju novinara (EFJ) i preko nje prijavljuje incidente Platformi Saveta Evrope za zaštitu novinarstva i bezbednost novinara

Protest of journalists in Mostar: We are not targets, we are people doing their job


MOSTAR, 28.08.2018. – As a sign of support to the collegue Vladimira Kovačević, journalist of BN TV, who was beaten up in Banja Luka, journalists from Mostar held a protest walk in Mostar, and send a message that the attack on journalists can not be tolerated.

Faruk Kajtaz, journalist from Mostar,he expressed the worrying fact that this year there were 41 attacks on journalists in BiH.

 According to him, thsi number is not final. Many attacks do not get recorded, as Kajtaz said, not all jorunalists have the power, nor wish to report attacks.

This is a problem that definitely escalates in BiH and even in the region and I am really scared what could happen in the pre-election campaign, since it is obvious we entered a long – term political crises in BiH”, emphasized Kajtaz.

He estimated that journalists have to take an attitude and show that they respect their profession, respect themselves and the public, and that they are the link between politics, parties and all public and ordinary people.

“In BiH an lynching atmosphere towards journalists is being created”, considers Vera Soldo, journalist from Mostar.

The responsibility is on those who put targets on journalists back: “We are not targets, we are poeple doing their jobs. Let us do our job. BiH seeks to some democratic process, to EU so lets forget old tortures when you were punished for freedom of expression’. I hope those times are past.”

Politologist and journalist Husein Oručević emphasized that the situation in media is generally very bad in central, but especially in east Europe. Journalists and media are in very bad financial positions, what favors politicians to use the journalists profession.

The protest walk was organized by the Journalists Club in Mostar.

Protest for attacks on the journalist from BN TV held in Banja Luka


BANJA LUKA, 28.08.2018. – Near to the Palace of the President of the RS, peaceful protests of journalists from all newsrooms in Banja Luka, were held in order to publicly condemn the attack on journalist of BN TV Vladimir Kovacević’s . They called on the relevant institutions to resolve this case as soon as possible and to sanction two unknown persons who caused severe head injuries to Kovačević.

Journalists strongly condemn the attack on their college Vladimir Kovačević. They seek sanctions for the attackers. They gathered to say that attacks on journalists should not become socially acceptable behavior and that it is time to start treating attacks on journalists as attacks on officials.

– In journalism everything is solved through dialog. Therefor, we do not want a system in which isssues will be solved with violence, just because someone doesn’t like what we do, how we do it or for who we do it. – said journalist Milorad Milojević.

Kovačević was attacked last night by two masked men with a metal stick on the entrance of the building he lives in e and thus caused severe bodily injury in his head area.


This is the 41 attack on journalists in 2018.

– We are not satisfied with what has been done by now. This investigation, as many previous, is not detailed enough – pointed out the journalists from BNTV Željko Raljić.

From the Ministry of Intrenal Affairs RS reported that they are doing everything to identify the attackers on Kovačević. Due to more frequenr and brutall attacks, BHJA called all media to publish banners – STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST JOURNALISTS. They called on the political elites in RS on responsible behavior towards media in the pre – election period.

– According to the experience so far , those who are in charge of it, the police and the judiciary, either do nothing or do not do enough – said the president of BHJA Marko Divković.

– The whole atmosphere of lynch that was created in RS lead to this result. We do not think and do not know whether this was something organized, but it is possible when you have such atmosphere in which some individuals take justice in their hands – says the president of BHJA journalists Club Siniša Vukelić.

Milorad Dodik called and visited Kovačevića, and denied that the authorities of RS are anyhow inveigled into this attack.

– In addition to condemnation, I want to say that there is no lynching atmosphere in Republika Srpska. That’s not true, some may want to. I reject something like this and you are witnessing that it is not like that – said Dodik.

Some neighbors of Vladimir Kovacevic told us that they did not suspect or heard anything last night around nine o’clock when Kovačević was attacked, but they were unpleasantly surprised to hear about this incident.

Protest in Sarajevo: Journalism is not a crime, Stop violence against journalists!


SARAJEVO, 28.08.2018. -Due to frequent and brutal attack on journalists and journalism all over BiH, journalists organized peaceful gathering in front of the National theater in Sarajevo.

Trigger for today’s gathering in Sarajevo was the attack on the journalist from BN TV, Vladimir Kovačević, who was brutally beaten up by two unknown persons in Banja Luka.

Previously, journalist Glorija Lujanović suffered threats, and the team of BHRT was attacked in Konjic.

A long-time journalist in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Arijana Saračević-Helać, who was also a war reporter and Senka Kurt, together with more than 200 journalists, came to a peaceful protest to support journalists and help fight increasingly frequent attacks and violence to this profession.

Journalists were unanimous today: We need to be braver and our voice needs to be heard more strongly.

Saračević-Helać thinks politicians and the governing structures are responsible for frequent attacks on journalists, and stressed that journalists in B&H should be more courageous.

“The voice of the journalist must be heard further. We need to be more courageous and should not be tempted to perform our daily journalistic tasks. Politicians are responsible for the bad position of journalists in BiH. Different journalists associations that exist in our country need to be with us and protect us. I think we can do much more to make our profession honorable and honest, “said Saračević-Helać.

Her college Senka Kurt considers journalists are brave enough.

“It is best to treat us as an official person. So any attack on journalists would be treated as an attack on an official. Politicians also need to put more efforts because they are responsible for. The Journalists rights have always been threatened”, said Kurt.

At today’s gathering, journalists have held banners: Journalism is not a crime and Stop violence againstt journalists in BiH. Colleges from Sarajevo also joint journalists from other BH cities.

Numerous NGO’s, politicians, journalists associations, politicians and individuals condemned attacks on journalists.

“More frequent incidents of this kind indicate an alarming situation regarding the conditions for journalists, which seriously undermines media freedom and the right of citizens to be informed objectively . Journalists through their work contribute to a greater level of democracy in society, the realization rule of law and legal system, the protection and promotion of human rights. A society in which journalists are prevented from doing so is faced not only with the limitation of the level of freedom of expression, but by limiting all other human rights and freedoms”, stands in the PR of the Institution of Human Rights Ombudsmen for Human Rights.

SERBIA: Murders of Journalists to Be Investigated in Kosovo As Well


BELGRADE, 28.08.2018. – After the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) unanimously adopted a Resolution urging the investigation of murders of journalists in Kosovo as proposed by the Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS), the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS), the Trade Union of Journalists of Serbia (SINOS) and the Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK), the government of the Republic of Serbia brought a decision to expand the jurisdiction of the Commission for investigating murders of journalists to include the cases of murder and abduction of journalists in Kosovo and Metohija from 1998 to 2001, as well as the murders of journalists during armed clashes in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from 1991 to 1995.

“The decision to expand the jurisdiction of the Commission tasked with considering the facts determined so far during investigations into the murders of journalists, was passed to ensure – through coordination of the Republic of Serbia’s agencies and in cooperation with journalists and similar institutions from the region – the continuation of the fight to end impunity for murders of journalists and contribute to solving the murders of journalists during the 1991-1995 armed clashes in SFRY as well as the abductions and killings of journalists in the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija from Jan. 1, 1998, until Dec. 31, 2000,” says an announcement of the Government of Serbia.

The announcement also reads that “new members of the Commission were also elected, representing the Office of the War Crimes Prosecutor and the War Crimes Department of the Ministry of the Interior of Serbia.”


“Noting with concern that it has been 20 years since the start of a series of killings, kidnappings and “disappearances” of fourteen Serbian and Albanian journalists in Kosovo with no one being brought to justice for these crimes committed between 1998 and 2005, the EFJ Annual Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal, on June 6, 2018, calls for prompt and effective investigations of the following unresolved crimes:

– The kidnapping of Djuro Slavuj and Ranko Perenić of Radio Priština, who disappeared during assignment on a local road near Orahovac on Aug.21. 1998;

– The murder of Afrim Maliqi, journalist in Priština on Dec. 2, 1998;

– The murder of Enver Maloku in Priština on Jan. 11, 1999;

– The disappearance of Ljubomir Knežević, correspondent of the national daily Politika and journalist of Jedinstvo from Priština, who went missing in Vučitrn on May 6, 1999;

– The kidnapping of Milo Buljević, worker of RTV Priština in Priština on June 25, 1999;

– The murder of Aleksandar Simović, journalist of Media Action International in Priština on Aug. 21, 1999;

– The murder of Krist Gegaj, editor in RTV Priština on Sept. 12, 1999;

– The murder of photo-reporter Momir Stokuća in Priština on Sept. 21, 1999;

– The disappearance of the journalist of the Serbian desk of Radio Kosovo, Marjan Melonaši, in Priština on the Sept. 9, 2000;

– The murder of Shefki Popova, journalist of Rilindja on Sept. 10, 2000 in Vučitrn;

– The murder of Xhemajl Mustafa, journalist of the newspaper Bota Sot in Priština on Nov. 23, 2000;

– The murder of Bekim Kastrati, journalist of the newspaper Bota Sot in the village of Lauš near Priština on Oct. 19, 2001;

– The murder of Bardhyl Ajeti, journalist and columnist of the newspaper Bota Sot, who was attacked on June 3, 2005 in the village of Bresaljce near Gnjilane, and who consequently died on June 28, 2005.


“A single commission should not be expected to resolve all cases, but it is very important to establish the mechanisms that have proved their efficiency on a wider plane, within the legal standards and with a firmly expressed political will to have the fate of the murdered and missing journalists resolved,” says Veran Matic, the Commission president. He added that such activity is very important at the time when the number of threats and attacks against journalists is on the rise, with impunity for such deeds also growing in scope. Every unsolved attack on journalists comes as an encouragement, whereas every attempt to resolve such incidents is an additional obstacle to such attacks occurring in the future.

Let us recall that at the EFJ Annual Meeting in Lisbon in June Muharem Bazdulj, on behalf of the Resolution’s initiator – the Association of Journalists of Serbia – presented the delegates from the European media organizations with the data concerning the cases of murdered and abducted journalists, proposing the adoption of the document.

The Resolution calls for an efficient investigation of the murders and abductions of 14 Serbian and Albanian journalists and media workers in Kosovo from 1998 to 2005, urging EULEX and the United Nations to implement the decisions of the Human Rights Advisory Panel on probing the murder and kidnapping cases and providing compensation for their families.

The document also calls for prosecutors in Belgrade and Priština to cooperate in resolving the said cases, that the mandate of the Special Court for War Crimes committed in Kosovo be extended to include the cases of murdered and kidnapped journalists and media workers, and that a commission be formed in Priština to investigate the murders and kidnappings of journalists and media workers in Kosovo in the period from 1998 to 2005, which should include journalists as members.

The Annual Meeting instructed the EFJ Steering Committee “to support with all means the Convention on Safety of Journalists project the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) wants to submit to the United Nations General Assembly and which proposes the creation of a group of international and independent experts who would make inquiries into unsolved assassinations of journalists.”

As confirmed to the Association of Journalists of Serbia by the EFJ General Secretary Ricardo Gutierrez, the EFJ had sent the text of the Resolution to EULEX head Alexandra Papadopoulou, UNMIK chief Zahir Tanin, Kosovo Special Court president Ekaterina Trendafilova, Kosovo Special Prosecutor Jack Smith, Kosovo Special Court Ombudsman Pietro Speri, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, Serbian Parliament Permanent Delegation to the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly head Aleksandra Djurovic, Kosovo Ambassador to France Mihamedin Kulashi, and OSCE Freedom of the Media representative Harlem Desir.

Gutierrez also said that Special Prosecutor Jack Smith promised to “officially respond to the information received,” while Chris Bennett, from the Office of the Special Prosecutor, said that he “will notify the EFJ about the developments in connection with this Resolution.”


During his visit to the Association of Journalists of Serbia, Jan Braathu, the head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, met with its general secretary, Nino Brajovic, and Jelena Petkovic, Vesti journalist and the Association official. On the occasion, according to an announcement by the Association, Braathu expressed his interest in “Dossier 14,” a study prepared by the Association on the journalists who were murdered and went missing in Kosovo and Metohija from 1998 to 2015.

Braathu said the study was done in line with the highest professional standards and, in addition to being of importance for the journalistic profession, is also contributing to the process of reconciliation in Kosovo.

He underlined that he considers the fact that the European Federation of Journalists adopted the Resolution on the investigation of murders of journalists in Kosovo a great success for the media community.

Braathu added that the Resolution will also be of importance for the work of the OSCE in Kosovo and expressed his wish to meet with EFJ representatives to discuss the subject, but also the issue of security of journalists in Kosovo in general.

Braathu acquainted the Association representatives with a campaign the OSCE is conducting in Kosovo under the title “Protect Journalists, Protect Freedom of Speech”, underlining the special importance of raising awareness in Kosovo society of dangers the journalists and media are facing.

The Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS) also supported the fight against impunity for murders of journalists as well as every effort leading to the clarification of and sanctioning such murders in all parts of former Yugoslavia affected by armed clashes. It, therefore, also supports the decision by the Serbian Government to expand the jurisdiction of the Commission tasked with investigating the murders of journalists, expressing, however, a doubt that the Commission will be able to achieve that what the justice system has failed, or simply refuses, to accomplish.

“It is obvious that not only there have been no new details regarding the cases of journalists murdered in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo, but there has been no serious progress in cooperation between prosecutors’ offices and police of the former republics and the province either,” says Slaviša Lekić, the IJAS president. He also warned that there is a justified fear that the decision of the Serbian authorities might be interpreted as an attempt by Serbia to usurp the jurisdiction in the matter, making it a subject of new disputes between Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo.

Veran Matic, however, believes that “the precision and results of the Commission’s work in Serbia have been confirmed both at home and internationally – by the OSCE, UNESCO, the U.N., the Committee to Protect Journalists, Reporters without Borders.”

Matic pointed out that although there are international agreements on launching investigations into the fates of the killed or missing persons, there has been no progress in revealing the facts pertaining to the journalists and media workers who were killed and went missing in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Autonomous Province of Kosovo.

“There has been no progress in cooperation of prosecutors’ offices and police either. In particular, there has been no focus on the cases of the killed and abducted journalists,” he added. Because of that the decision on the inclusion of representatives of the War Crimes Prosecutor’s Office and the War Crimes Department of the Ministry of the Interior is a step forward toward a constructive cooperation in clarifying the murders and kidnappings of journalists,” Veran Matic concluded.


The Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK) remains committed to investigating the murders of journalists in the period from 1998 to 2005 in Kosovo. These cases have to be investigated and prosecuted by the Kosovo justice system so that those who participated in the crimes are brought to justice and handed down sentences they deserve, reads an announcement issued by the AJK.

The AJK has continuously raised this issue during meetings with representatives of state institutions of the Republic of Kosovo, especially those in charge of security and justice, demanding that the criminal investigations into the murders of 14 journalists be given priority, the announcement adds.

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo supports and respects the principles of positive law implemented in accordance with the integrity, territoriality and jurisdiction of the Republic of Kosovo’s judicial bodies in the area as stipulated by the Constitution and applicable laws.

The institutions of the Republic of Kosovo have jurisdiction over its entire territory and are obligated to investigate and prosecute all crimes committed in that territory. Therefore, the only address from which the AJK, together with its regional partners, can expect efficiency is the State Prosecutor’s Office and the Judicial Council of Kosovo, the Association pointed out.

The AJK encourages the relevant institutions of Kosovo and Serbia to cooperate so that the murders of journalists committed in the period from 1998 to 2005 may be clarified, the Association’s announcement concludes.



This article has been produced as a part of the project Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for advocating media freedom and journalists’ safety with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this article are the sole responsibility of the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia and its authors, and can in no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.

SRBIJA: Istrage o stradanjima novinara i na Kosovu


BEOGRAD, 28.08.2018. – Nakon što je poćetkom juna Skupština Evropske federacije novinara (EFJ) jednoglasno usvojila Rezoluciju o istragama ubistava novinara na Kosovu, koju su podneli Udruženje novinara Srbije (UNS), Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije (NUNS), Sindikat novinara Srbije (SINOS) i Asocijacija novinara Kosova (AGK), Vlada Republike Srbije donela je odluku o proširenju nadležnosti Komisije za istraživanje ubistava novinara na slučajeve ubistava i nestanaka novinara na Kosovu i Metohiji u periodu 1998. do 2001. godine i ubistava novinara u sukobima u SFRJ u periodu od 1991 do 1995. godine.

„Odluka o proširenju zadataka Komisije za razmatranje činjenica do kojih se došlo u istragama koje su vođene povodom ubistava novinara, doneta je kako bi se kroz koordinaciju službi Republike Srbije, saradnju sa novinarima i kroz saradnju sa sličnim institucijama iz regiona, nastavila borba protiv nekažnjivosti ubistava novinara i kako bi se doprinelo rasvetljavanju ubistava novinara u sukobima u SFRJ u periodu 1991 – 1995. godine, i u kidnapovanjima i ubistvima novinara u AP Kosovo i Metohija u periodu 1.1.1998. do 31.12.2000. godine“, navodi se u saopštenju Vlade Srbije.

U saopštenju se ističe i da su „izabrani i novi članovi Komisije koji predstavljaju Tužilaštvo za ratne zločine i Službu za ratne zločine MUP-a Srbije“.


“Sa zabrinutošću konstatujući da je prošlo 20 godina od početka serije ubijanja, kidnapovanja i „nestanaka“ četrnaest srpskih i albanskih novinara na Kosovu, a da niko nije priveden pravdi za ove zločine počinjene između 1998. i 2005. godine, Skupština EFJ traži bBrze i efikasne istrage sledećih nerešenih zločina:

– otmice Đura Slavuja i Ranka Perenića iz Radio Prištine koji su nestali na novinarskom zadatku 21. avgusta 1998. na lokalnom putu kod Orahovca;

– ubistva Afrima Malićija (Afrim Maliqi), novinara, 2. decembra 1998. u Prištini;

– ubistva Envera Maljokua (Enver Maloku) 11. januara 1999. u Prištini;

– nestanka Ljubomira Kneževića, dopisnika nacionalnog dnevnika „Politika“ i novinara „Jedinstva“ iz Prištine, 6. maja 1999. u Vučitrnu;

-kidnapovanja Mila Buljevića, radnika RTV Priština 25. juna 1999. u Prištini;

– ubistva Aleksandra Simovića, novinara Medija ekšn internešenela, 21. avgusta 1999. u Prištini;

– ubistva Krista Gegaja (Krist Gegaj), urednika u RTV Priština, 12. septembra 1999;

-ubistva Momira Stokuće, fotoreportera, 21. septembra 1999. u Prištini;

– nestanka Marjana Melonašija, novinara srpske redakcije Radio Kosova, 9. septembra 2000. u Prštini;

– ubistva Šefkija Popova (Shefki Popova), novinara “Rilindje”, 10. septembra 2000. u Vučitrnu;

– ubistva Džemailja Mustafe (Xhemajl Mustafa),novinara lista “Bota sot”, 23. novembra 2000. u Prištini;

– ubistva Bekima Kastratija (Bekim Kastrati), novinara lista “Bota sot”, 19. oktobra 2001. u selu Lauš kod Prištine;

– ubistva Bardulja Ajetija (Bardhyl Ajeti), novinara i kolumniste lista “Bota sot”, napadnutog 3. juna 2005. u selu Bresaljce, kod Gnjilana/preminuo 28. juna 2005;


“Nemoguće je očekivati da je sve slučajeve moguće rešiti preko angažmana jedne Komisije, ali je veoma važno da se uspostave mehanizmi koji su pokazali svoju efikasnost i na širem planu, u okvirima pravnih standarda i uz snažno izraženu političku volju da se razjasne sudbine ubijenih i nestalih novinara, ocenio je on. Ova aktivnost je veoma važna u vremenu kada raste broje pretnji i napada na novinare, i kada imamo rast procenata nekažnjivosti. Svaki nerešeni napad na novinare predstavlja novo ohrabrenje, dok svaki napor u rešavanju tih slučajeva predstavlja temelj za sprečavanje takvih napada u budućnosti, zaključio je Veran Matić, predsednik Komisije.

Podsetimo se, na Skupštini EFJ, održanoj u Lisabonu, Muharem Bazdulj na konferenciji je, u ime inicijatora Rezolucije – Udruženja novinara Srbije (UNS), predočio delegatima novinarskih organizacija iz Evrope podatke u vezi sa slučajevima ubijenih i kidnapovanih novinara i zatražio usvajanje Rezolucije.

Rezolucijom se traži efikasna istraga ubistava i kidnapovanja 14 srpskih i albanskih novinara i medijskih radnika na Kosovu u periodu od 1998. do 2005. godine, a od EULEKS-a i Ujedinjenih nacija da sprovedu odluke Savetodavne komisije UN za ljudska prava kojima se traži rešavanje ovih slučajeva i obeštećenje porodica.

Rezolucijom se, takođe, zahteva saradnja tužilaca iz Beograda i Prištine kod rešavanja navedenih slučajeva, da mandat Specijalnog suda za ratne zločine počinjene na Kosovu obuhvati i slučajeve ubijenih i kidnapovanih novinara i medijskih radnika, kao i da se u Prištini formira Komisija za istraživanje ubistava i kidnapovanja novinara i medijskih radnika na Kosovu od 1998. do 2005. godine koja će u svom sastavu imati novinare.

Skupština je zatražila od Upravnog odbora EFJ-a “da svim sredstvima podrži projekat Konvencija o zaštiti novinara koji će Međunarodna federacija novinara (IFJ) podneti Genaralnoj skupštini Ujedinjenih nacija, u kom se predlaže formiranje grupe međunarodnih i nezavisnih eksperata koji će istraživati nerešena ubistva novinara”.

Kako je UNS-u potvrdio generalni sekretar EFJ-a Rikardo Gutjerez, ova federacija tekst Rezolucije poslala je šefici Euleksa Aleksandri Papadopulu, šefu UNMIK-a Zahiru Taninu, predsednici Specijalnog suda na Kosovu Ekaterini Trandafilovoj, specijalnom tužiocu Kosova Džeku Smitu, ombudsmanu Specijalizovanih veća Kosova Pietru Speri, predsedniku Srbije Aleksandru Vučiću, predsedniku Kosova Hašimu Tačiju, šefici stalne delegacije Skupštine Srbije u Parlamentarnoj skupštini Saveta Evrope Aleksandri  Đurović, ambasadoru Kosova u Francuskoj Mihamedinu Kulašiju i predstavniku OEBS-a za slobodu medija Harlemu Desiru.

Gutjerez je dodao i da je specijalni tužilac Džek Smit obećao da će „zvanično odgovoriti na poslatu informaciju“, a Kris Benet iz kancelarije specijalnog tužioca naveo „da će obaveštavati EFJ o razvoju događaja u vezi sa ovom Rezolucijom“.


Šef Misije OEBS na Kosovu Jan Bratu posetio je  Udruženje novinara Srbije (UNS). Bratu se, kako je preneo UNS, u razgovoru sa generalnim sekretarom UNS-a Ninom Brajovićem i novinarkom „Vesti“ i članicom Uprave UNS-a Jelenom Petković, interesovao o „Dosijeu 14“, istraživanju UNS-a o ubijenim i nestalim novinarima na Kosovu i Metohiji u periodu od 1998. do 2015. godine.

On je ocenio da UNS- ovo istraživanje sprovedeno po najvišim profesionalnim standardima, osim što je značajno za novinarsku profesiju, doprinosi i procesu pomirenja na Kosovu.

Bratu je naglasio da smatra velikim uspehom novinarske zajednice to što je Evropska federacija novinara (EFJ) usvojila Rezoluciju o istragama ubistava novinara na Kosovu.

On je rekao da će ova Rezolucija biti od značaja za rad OEBS-a na Kosovu i izrazio želju da se sretne sa predstavnicima EFJ-a kako bi sa njima razgovarao o ovoj temi, ali i uopšte o bezbednosti novinara na Kosovu.

Predstavnici UNS-a istakli su značaj formiranja Komisije za istrage ubistava novinara i izrazili nadu da će ovakvo telo biti formirano na Kosovu.

Jan Bratu upoznao je predstavnike UNS-a sa kampanjom OEBS-a „Zaštitite novinare, zaštitite slobodu govora“ koju ova Misija sprovodi na Kosovu i istakao poseban značaj jačanja svesti u kosovskom društvu o ugroženosti novinara i medija.

I Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije (NUNS) podržalo je borbu protiv nekažnjivosti ubistava novinara i svaki napor u rasvetljavanju i sankcionisanju ubistava na svim područjima na kojima su se događali ratovi devedesetih, pa tako i odluku Vlade Srbije da proširi polje delovanja Komsije za istragu ubistava novinara ali sumnja da će srpska državna Komisija uspeti da uradi ono što već nije ili, jednostavno, neće – pravosuđe.

“Nesporna je činjenica da već dugo ne samo da nema apsolutno nikakvih novih detaljavezanih za ubijene novinare u Hrvatskoj, Bosni i Hercegovini i na Kosovu već nema ni ozbiljnijih pomaka u suradnji tužilaštava ili policija tih bivših jugoslovenskih republika i pokrajine”, kaže Slaviša Lekić, predsednik NUNS-a I upozorava da postoji opravdan strah da se ova odluka srbijanskih vlasti shvati kao pokušaj uzurpacije jurisdikcije od strane Srbije i predmet eventualnog novog sporenja na relaciji Srbije, Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine i Kosova.

Veran Matić, medjutim, smatra da “prodornost i rezultati rada Komisije u Srbiji potvrđeni su i na domaćem i međunarodnom nivou – od strane OEBS, UNESCO, UN, Komiteta za zaštitu novinara, Reportera bez granica”.

Matić je ukazao da i pored činjenice da postoje međunarodni dogovori o istragama vezanim za ubijene i nestale, nije bilo pomaka kada je reč o otkrivanju činjenica vezanih za ubijene i nestale novinare i medijske radnike u Hrvatskoj, Bosni i Hercegovini i AP Kosovo i Metohija.

“Nije bilo ni ozbiljnijih pomaka u saradnji tužilaštava, policija. Posebno, nije bilo fokusa na slučajeve ubijenih i kidnapovanih novinara, dodao je on. Zbog toga odluka da se u rad Komisije uključe i predstavnici Tužilaštva za ratne zločine i Službe za ratne zločine MUP predstavlja pomak ka konstruktivnom učešću u rasvetljavanju ubistava i kidnapovanjima novinara”, zaključuje Veran Matić.


Asocijacija novinara Kosova (AJK) u svojim aktivnostima ostaje posvećena istraživanju ubistva novinara koja su se desila tokom 1998 – 2005. godine na teritoriji Kosova. Takvi slučajevi treba da budu istraženi i preocesuirani od strane kosovskog pravosuđa, tako da oni koji su učestvovali u zločinu budu izvedeni pred lice pravde i dobiju zasluženu kaznu, ističe se u saopštenju Asocijacija novinara Kosova (AJK).

AJK je kontinuirano iznosila ovo pitanje na sastancima sa državnim institucijama Republike Ko.sovo, posebno onim koje su nadležne za bezbednost i pravdu, zahtevajući da ubistva 14 novinara budu prioritet krivične istrage, navodi se u saopštenju.

Asocijacija novinara Kosova podržava i poštuje principe pozitivnog prava koje se sprovodi u skladu sa integritetom, teritorijalnošću i jurisdikcijom pravosudnih organa Republike Kosovo u području koje je utvrđeno Ustavom i zakonima koji su na snazi.

Institucije Republike Kosovo imaju jurisdikciju nad celom svojom teritorijom i obavezane su da da moraju da istraže i procesuiraju sve zločine koji su se desili na toj teritoriji. Stoga, jedina adresa od koje AJK zajedno sa drugim regionalnim partnerima može očekivati efikasnost jeste Državno tužilaštvo i Sudsko veće Kosova, ističe Asocijacija novinara Kosova.

AJK podstiče institucije Kosova i Srbije da međusobno sarađuju kako bi bila rasvetljena ubistva novinara koja su se dogodila tokom 1998 – 2005., zaključuje su u saopštenju Asocijacija novinara Kosova (AJK).



Ovaj tekst je proizveden u okviru projekta Regionalna platforma za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i bezbednosti novinara na Zapadnom Balkanu uz finansijsku podršku Evropske Unije. Sadržaj ovog tekst je isključiva odgovornost Nezavisnog udruženja novinara Srbije i autora i ni u kom slučaju ne odražava stavove Evropske unije.

Platforma rajonale: Sulmet ndaj gazetarëve duhen të ndalen!


BANJA LLUKË, 27.08.2018 – Platforma Rajonale e Ballkanit Perëndimor për lirinë e mediave dhe sigurisë së gazetarëve, e cila përfaqëson më shumë se 8000 gazetarë, fuqimisht dënon sulmin brutal ndaj gazetarit dhe korrespondentit të BN TV, Vladimir Kovacevic.

Dje, më 26 gusht, dy persona të maskuar kanë pritur Kovacevicin para ndërtesës ku ai jeton dhe e kanë sulmuar me shtyllat metalike të teleskopit dhe i kanë shkaktuar lëndime të rënda trupore.

Ne jemi të habitur nga mënyra se sulmi është kryer, ne e konsiderojmë atë një veprim të organizuar dhe të planifikuar mirë për të rrezikuar jetën e gazetarit Kovacevic dhe për të ndaluar punën e tij profesionale në BN TV.

Ne shprehim shqetësimet tona më të thella për faktin se Kovacevic u sulmua pak pasi kishte dërguar raportet e tij nga demonstrata e qytetit e mbajtur në Banja Llukë, ku grupi “Drejtësia për Davidin” (një grup qytetarësh që përpiqen të zbulojnë të vërtetën rreth vrasjes së një studenti të ri nga Banja Lluka, David Dragicevic) mblidhet çdo ditë dhe pas një seri sulmesh verbale dhe presioneve politike mbi gazetarët e BN-ës nga zyrtarët publik në këtë entitet.

Ky është sulmi fizik i pestë ndaj gazetarëve në BeH, që i ka regjistruar asociacioni i gazetarëve atje për vitin 2018.

Ne kërkojmë nga Ministria e Punëve të Brendshme të Republikës Srpska që të hetojë urgjentisht dhe profesionalisht sulmin ndaj Vladimir Kovacevic si dhe të informojë publikun për rrethanat e rastit sa më shpejt që është e mundur dhe të sanksionojë autorët sipas kuadrit ligjor të Republikës Srpska dhe BeH.

Sulmi dhe presioni ndaj gazetarëve është sulm i drejtpërdrejtë në lirinë e shprehjes dhe në të drejtën e qytetarëve që të jenë të informuar.

Çdo sulm ndaj gazetarëve është sulm ndaj interesit publik, demokracisë dhe të drejtës së të gjithë qytetarëve.

Shkup – Beograd – Podgoricë – Prishtinë – Sarajevë – Zagreb, 27.08.2018

Asociacioni i Gazetarëve të BeH

Sindikata e Mediave të Malit të Zi

Asociacioni i Gazetarëve Kroatë

Asociacioni i Gazetarëve të Kosovës

Asociacioni i Gazetarëve të Maqedonisë

Asociacioni i Gazetarëve të Pavarur të Serbisë