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EFJ supports AJM regarding the changes in the Electoral Code


SKOPJE, 14.08.2018 – The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) expresses strong support for the position of the Association of Journalists of Macedonia and other media organizations – the Independent Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM) and the Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (CMEM), who opposed the latest amendments to the Electoral Code.

According to EFJ, the criticism coming from journalistic associations regarding the changes in the law is absolutely justified. The changes allow the authorities to intervene in media freedom and independence of editorial policy during election campaigns.

“These harmful changes to the Electoral Code do not contribute to the situation when we have blocked media reforms and will undoubtedly influence negatively on the work of the media and the overall democratic environment during the election campaigns,” was stated in the announcement.

The European Federation of Journalists also reacts about one of the changes, according to which the State Election Commission is authorized to register and monitor the reporting of online media during the elections. In addition, there will be fines of up to 4,000 euros for unbalanced or impartial reporting in the media.

CJA strongly condemns Zagreb Mayor’s rough treatment of Nova TV journalist

Zagreb, 10.08.2018 - Gradonaèelnik Grada Zagreba Milan Bandiæ obišao je sanirano divlje odlagalište otpada u Kozari puti. Na fotografiji Milan Bandiæ. foto HINA/ Admir BULJUBAŠIÆ/ abu

ZAGREB, 14.08.2018. – The Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA) strongly condemns rough and inappropriate behavior of Zagreb Mayor Milan Bandić, who replied to Ivana Pezo-Moskaljov, Nova TV reporter, by arrogant, sexist and scandalous assaults instead of answering her question.

“if I were that smart, I would work for Nova TV“, he replied to relevant question of the reporter. He obviously did not like her question. When she asked would he denounce her if she had unauthorized dumping in her yard, he answered: „I would not denounce you. I would do something else to you. I would educate you not to do it.” When asked where was waste from unauthorized dumping discarded, he lost self-control and not answering the question snapped the sexist comment: „Do not behave like wicked teacher, be a lady“,

Those statements of Zagreb Mayor show again that he is a politician unable to properly communicate in public. The CJA finds those statemens to be completely inappropriate in public sphere, especially if said by a person at one of the highest and most powerful position in Croatia. Even more so that it is not his first case of offensive behavior against journalists.

It is a job of a journalist to put questions in public interest, and it is a duty of a politician to give adequate and reasoned answers. By denying to answer journalists’ questions politicians show they disrespect citizens and voters. The CJA therefore calls upon all public persons, especially politicians at the responsible positions, to give up offending and attacking journalists –  they perform their important duty in citizens’ interest.

Juzne vesti case: IJAS letter to the international community


BELGRADE, 14.08.2018. – On August 14, 2018, worried with developments around Juzne vesti portal the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia sent the following letter of concern to many international organisations and institutions.

Dear colleagues,

The Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia again draws attention to the selective use of legal mechanisms and abuse of authority and law by the Serbian tax inspection aimed at hindering media’s work and cause financial and reputational damage that can potentially close them.  Series of inspection visits to Vranjske weekly and increasing political pressures, brought to international attention by the hunger strike of its owner Vukasin Obradovic, lead to closure of the only independent weekly in the Southern Serbia.  After its closure, it transpired no irregularities in the work of media were found.

The case of Nis based Juzne vesti portal once again confirms administrative harassment as a model for pressuring media critical of government. As we informed you earlier, Juzne vesti was subjected to various tax inspections in the last five years. However the last one lasted 6 months and was unorthodox by many standards: it included activating 14 inspectors who showed strong determination and spent working days and weekends at media premises. They visited commercial clients of Juzne vesti and it founder Simplicity Ltd. to check legality of their administration only because of their association with Juzne vesti.  Based on Juzne vesti statements, the tax inspectors took actions well beyond their mandate – taking copies of the contracts signed between the Juzne vesti and EU Delegation in Serbia, UN, OSCE  and other donors and showing them to clients and family members, explaining those are proof that that Juzne vesti works for foreign (intelligence) services. As a result, the media reported losing commercial clients and employees were put under additional pressure by their family members because of their work.

As this inspection ended, no irregularities were found in the work of Juzne vesti. That, however, did not prevent the inspectors to issue a legal notice obliging Juzne vesti to pay almost millions of dinars based on a regulation not applicable to private media. Juzne vesti filed a complaint to Administrative Court, and then to Tax Administration with a request to postpone the payment until the court decision is made. In a show case of unusual efficiency, the request was rejected within a day and quickly followed by the Ministry of Finance of Serbia procedure to enforce the payment before the Administrative court decision.

The regulation quoted in the disputed Tax Authority notice was based on a Job Catalogue in public services and other organizations in the public sector that defines tasks of editor in chief in public service media – a document not applicable to private ones. After analysing details, Transparency Serbia confirmed this and further challenged the inspector’s conclusion that the chief editor must be in permanent employment in the media as no law stipulates the obligation of the media to have a working editor-in-chief, full or part-time. The notice contains illogical conclusions, details of which we can send upon request, but the message is clear: Juzne vesti must pay significant amount of money now, despite the obvious legal flaws in the Tax Administration decision making that are likely to be overturned in court. The question whether Juzne vesti will even exist when the Court makes the decision remains.

Recent events gave grounds to new alarm and fear that such interpretation of public sector regulations opens yet another mechanism to control and punish private media critical of the government. Additionally, the reaction of the Serbian Prime Minister Brnabic was not in the spirit of much praised announcement that there is a political will to solve problems in the media sector – Brnabic said all Juzne vesti can do is file a complaint and the court will decide. Brnabic failed to address the issue of using public sector regulations on private media or the fact that the tax inspection failed to find any irregularities. She praised the efficiency of the Tax Administration and didn’t comment enforcing the payment that could close the media before the court procedure ends, nor scandalous behaviour of tax inspectors. Brnabic did not address the fact the private media biggest tax debtors, like Pink international company whose debt amounted to almost 10.5 million EUR in 2014, are not being subjected to tax inspections nor enforced debt collection, on the contrary they are supported by the State through illegal credits.

In addition to being illegal, the implementation of the Job Catalogue in public services and other organizations in the public sector on private media opens the doors to State interference in the work of media. It would regulate terms and conditions of editor-in-chief and journalists in private media and that editor-in-chief must hold full time contract. This would lead to penalties to a large number of small, independent media, potentially resulting in their closure. Those not shut or heavily penalised would be aware that the State could shut them if it wants to. In such conditions, freedom of expression and independent journalism cannot exist.

Bearing all of the above in mind, we ask you to use your authority and power to put pressure on the Serbian government to stop with unwarranted tax inspections and other forms of administrative harassment against Juzne vesti and other media, their clients and family members and to prevent implementation of the public sector regulations on private one.  The State must question the accountability of civil servants and Tax Authority managers that led to this problem and thus demonstrate its commitment to securing environment in which media and journalists can operate.

 While the government formally established bodies that should work to solve problems Serbian media face and, after intense pressure of the international community a new Working group for Media Strategy, none of the proclaimed effort gave tangible results. Hate speech and unacceptable behaviour against journalists and media continues, including that of state officials. Analysis of IJAS database of attacks and pressures show that in 2017 there was 62 recorded cases of intimidations and pressures (30 by state officials) while in 2018, there 34 recorded incidents  so far, 18 by the representatives of the state. The court practice continues to contradict that of ECHR, the state aid system is abused and number of small independent media harassed administratively is rising.

We ask of you to raise concerns about the on-going, systematically silencing of critical media in Serbia – starting with the highest officials that can lead the example.  Serbia must start upholding the principles of free media and democracy that will allow journalists to report in public interest without fear of losing jobs or, indeed, lives.

Juzne vesti: history of administrative harassment

The first time tax inspectors visited Juzne vesti was in 2013 – they reviewed the financial documentation for eight months. During 2014 inspection checked media business twice: to check if media uses legal software and to seek clarification of its business relationship with some of the clients – companies that are business partners of the Simplicity software company, the owner of the Juzne vesti. In November 2017, a new control took place: two tax inspections arrived to go through the financial documentation of Juzne vesti at the same time.  

Formal reasons for all inspection visits are alleged anonymous reports to the Tax Authority.  It is important to highlight that the Tax Authority has not detected any problems in the business of this media.

When N1 media asked the Tax Authority about whether this is a common practice, the Authority stated that it is not allowed to share that information quoting Art. 7 of Law on Tax Procedure that each document, information, data or other facts about tax payer under procedure is confidential.

Juzne vesti used the Law on free access to information of public importance to find out how many media are under scrutiny of tax inspectors. The request was denied but overturned by the Commissioner of information of public importance who ordered an immediate release of information to Juzne vesti, but those are yet to be disclosed.

The events coincided with Harlem Desir, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media visit to Serbia during which he was briefed about the situation. During Mr Desir saty IJAS published the open letter to Ana Brnabic and on the same day it was reported that PM’s cabinet told  said that Brnabic had spoken to the director of Tax Authority on Tuesday, 10.04.2018 about the controls in “Juzne vesti”.  It was highlighted that the control should end in the shortest period of time to avoid hindering the work of media, unless there are indications that it should be broadened. 

On the same day the control was extended for a month and in the following two days, Blagojevic received information from eight business clients that they received inspection warrants, too.

Juzne vesti journalists, who won prestigious awards for investigative journalism, are facing serious problems continuously.  They are being threatened and lawsuits are frequent, while its editor-in-chief was followed and secretly filmed.  During public competition for co-financing the production of media content of public interest, local self-governments in southern Serbia regularly avoid the Juzne vesti  while pressure  is exerted on the companies that advertise on the portal.


Macedonia: Election Commission authorized to fine media for ‘Unbalanced Reporting’


SKOPJE, 14.08.2018 – Several amendments to the Electoral Code were passed  by the Macedonian Parliament on 25 July 2018 in a fast-track procedure, as a result of a political agreement between the leaders of the four main political parties. An amendment to the Electoral Code empowers the State Election Commission to register and monitor online media reporting on the elections.

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) supports its Macedonian affiliates, the Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM-ZNM), the Independent Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM), joined by the Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia, in criticising the new Electoral Code, as the amendments enable an interference by public authorities in the freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas during electoral campaigns and in their editorial independence.

The SSNM, Association of Journalists of Macedonia and the Press Council of Macedonia have said in a joint statement, that:

“These harmful changes to the Electoral Code are not in favor in a situation of blocked media reforms, and will undoubtedly affect both the work of the media and the overall democratic ambience during the pre-election campaign in a negative way.”

Article 181a of the amended Electoral Code particularly raises concerns, authorizing the State Election commission to register the online media which will report on the elections, as well as to monitor and evaluate their work. The amended law provides fines up to 4,000 Euros to traditional and online media for “unbalanced or impartial reporting”.

“The associations of journalists recalled that while the media have a duty to inform the public in a fair and professional manner, this can be achieved through self-regulatory measures, setting out guidelines, codes of conduct and professional standards, rather than through decisions of politically-appointed electoral bodies”, stated the journalists’ organisations.

Following the joined request of the journalists’ organisations of Macedonia, EFJ-IFJ submitted an alert regarding the case to the Council of Europe platform for the Protection of Journalism.

Kryetarja e AGK-së takon përfaqësuesit e KFOR-it


PRISHTINË, 13.08.2018 – Kryetarja e Asociacionit të Gazetarëve të Kosovës, Gentiana Begolli – Pustina, ka pritur në takim zyrtarin për komunikim me medie të KFOR-it në Kosovë, Andrea Romoli, të cilin e ka njoftuar me funksionin dhe aktivitetin e AGK-së.

Kryetarja e AGK-së, ka theksuar rëndësinë e thellimit të bashkëpunimit ndërmjet AGK-së dhe KFOR-it, duke vlerësuar kështu si të nevojshme mbajtjen e trajnimeve të ndryshme informuese nga ana e KFOR-it, që kanë të bëjë me fushën e sigurisë si dhe raportimin për integrimin e Kosovës në NATO.

Begolli – Pustina, ka kërkuar nga z. Romoli, që në të ardhmen KFOR-i i ndihmuar nga AGK-ja të dërgojnë grupe të gazetarëve në selinë e NATO-së në Bruksel, ku do të informoheshin më për së afërmi me punën dhe funksionin e kësaj organizate, informim ky që do të ndikonte në një raportim më profesional nga ana e gazetarëve në lidhje me proceset integruese të Kosovës në këtë mekanizëm të sigurisë ndërkombëtare.

Po ashtu, kryetarja së bashku me drejtorin ekzekutiv të AGK-së, e kanë njoftuar z. Andrea Romoli për aktivitetet të cilat është duke i zhvilluar organizata në mbrojtjen e lirive dhe të drejtave të gazetarëve në Kosovë, si dhe i ngritën shqetësimet e tyre në lidhje me nismat ligjore të cilat kanë për synim kontrollimin e lirisë së shprehjes.

Ndërkaq, zyrtari për komunikim me medie i KFOR-it, Andrea Romoli, tha se gjatë javëve të fundit është takuar me gazetarë dhe medie të ndryshime ku edhe e ka kuptuar më mirë gjendjen e medieve në Kosovë. Ai tha se gjatë takimit me AGK-në, ka dashur të kuptojë më shumë se si funksionon organizata dhe cilat janë aktivitetet e saj.

Andrea Romoli shprehi gatishmërinë e tij që të punoj në ngritjen e bashkëpunimit mes  KFOR-it dhe Asociacionit të Gazetarëve të Kosovës.

CJA condemns decision of District State Attorney in Split to reject criminal charges against Perković Tabak


ZAGREB, 11.08.2018. – The Croatian Journalists’ Association strongly condemns the outrageous decision of the District State Attorney in Split to reject criminal charges against Stipe Perković Tabak. By the end of May Perković Tabak threatened to kill Index journalists: at the Index portal Facebook page he left the comment: “These Index journalists should be killed“.

MS Jelena Maraš, deputy District State Attorney in Split, said in her explanation of this outrageous decision to reject criminal charges that Perković Tabak „had his birthday the day he left the message and had somewhat too much alcohol“ so he was „taken by emotions“. She especially emphasized he „is Croatian veteran decorated several times“. We find to be inadmissible that deputy District State Attorney, who has to implement laws and protect rule of law, makes possible for just one social group to be above laws that apply to all other citizens. By doing so she violated constitutional principle of equality of citizens. The Croatian Journalists’ Association finds this arbitrary interpretation of the law to be inadmissible and MS Maraš’s point of view that „death threat in the comment that Index journalists should be killed was not serious“ we find to be shameful.

Decisions of the kind send wrong message as they encourage persons who want to threaten journalists or anybody else by death. According to interpretation of this deputy State Attorney nothing will happen to them if they are „Croatian veterans decorated several times“ and if they „are taken by emotions if they had drunk bit more”. CJA calls upon all relevant institutions to follow the law without any exceptions.

CJA will inform the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and other international organizations protecting media freedom about the above mentioned decision.

Serbian Tax Authorities ‘Trying to Close News Website’


NIS, 10.08.2018. – News website Juzne vesti, one of the few media outlets in southern Serbia known for critical reporting, claimed that the Tax Administration is trying to force it to close down.

Juzne vesti said on Friday that the Serbian Tax Administration has launched a procedure to force it to pay more than 8,500 euros, which will cause the news site to shut down.

“Although after six months of intensive control procedures, they did not find a single offence in the Juzne vesti business, citing a regulation that is specific to the public sector, tax inspectors found that Juzne vesti allegedly owed a million dinars [8,500 euros],” Juzne vesti reported on Friday.

The report added that the tax authorities initiated the compulsory collection procedure before a final court decision.

Juzne vesti insisted that the tax inspectors found no errors in its accounts.

“However, interpreting the Law on Information, without specifying exactly which part of it, they concluded that the editor-in-chief must be employed by the media that he edits, and that the editor of Juzne vesti, Predrag Blagojevic, does not have such a working relationship with the media outlet,” the website’s report said.

Predrag Blagojevic claimed in a statement that “the state wants to control media in a ‘legal’ way”.

The Tax Administration was not available on Friday for immediate comment.

Juzne vesti is one of only a few media outlets reporting from southern Serbia and is well-known for its critical reports about the authorities.

Its journalists have won numerous media prizes, and Blagojevic has received the prestigious Dusan Bogavac award for ethics and courage.

Juzne vesti in April accused the country’s tax authorities of deliberately subjecting it to prolonged and undue financial inspections because of its critical reporting.

Blagojevic told BIRN at the time that journalists had counted 14 different tax officials inspecting the media outlet and the companies it cooperated with, describing this as “pressure on independent journalism”.

Asked for a response to this claim, the Serbian Tax Administration told BIRN at the time that any data or other information about a taxpayer accused of wrongdoing was “secret information”.

After pressure from journalists’ associations and the international community, the Serbian prime minister on April 11 urged the Tax Administration to stop the inspections at Juzne vesti “if there is no need for this”.

The Council of Europe warns about restrictive amendments in the Electoral Code


SKOPJE, 10.08.2018 – Yesterday, the Council of Europe issued a public alert on its Platform for the protection of journalism and the safety of journalists, about the amendments to the Electoral Code, which could have a negative impact on the freedom of media in Macedonia. According to them the Macedonian state is the source of such a threat to the freedom of the media.

This alert follows after the request of the Association of Journalists of Macedonia to the CoE Platform, which in its reaction refers to the joint statement of the AJM, the Independent  Union of Journalists and the Council of Media Ethics.

“Several amendments to the Electoral Code were passed on 25 July 2018 by the Macedonian Parliament in a fast-track procedure, as a result of a political agreement between the leaders of the four main political parties. An amendment to the Electoral Code empowers the State Election Commission to register and monitor online media reporting on the elections. In addition, the Article 181a of the law provides for fines of up to 4,000 Euros to traditional and online media for their “unbalanced or impartial reporting,” was stated in the alert of CoE Platform.

The warning was addressed to the Parliament of Macedonia, which in the following period is obliged to explain these changes that limit the freedom of the media.

Propisima za javni sektor Poreska uprava gasi “Južne vesti”


NIŠ, 10.08.2018. – Iako ni posle intenzivne šestomesečne kontrole nisu u poslovanju Južnih vesti pronašli ni jedan jedini prekršaj, pozivajući se na uredbu koja se odnosi isključivo na javni sektor, poreski inspektori su utvrdili da Južne vesti navodno duguju milionski iznos. Ministarstvo finansija pokrenulo proceduru prinudne naplate i pre konačne odluke suda.

U iscrpnom izveštaju o kontroli, sačinjenom na 101 stranici, poreske inspektorke Jasna Vulićević i Ivana Antonijević su navele da Južne vesti od svog osnivanja nisu načinile nijednu grešku u svom poslovanju.

Ipak, tumačeći Zakon o informisanju, pritom ne navodeći koji tačno njegov deo, one su zaključile da glavni i odgovorni urednik mora da bude u radnom odnosu u mediju koji uređuje, a da urednik Južnih vesti Predrag Blagojević nema radni odnos u tom mediju.

Citat iz uredbe

Detalj iz Zapisnika poreskih inspektora: Doslovce prepisan deo iz Kataloga radnih mesta u “javnom sektoru”;Obrazlažući svoj stav, inspektorke Vulićević i Antonijević su se pozvale na Uredbu Vlade Srbije “Katalog radnih mesta u javnim službama i drugim organizacijama u javnom sektoru”.

Na osnovu preciznog spiska obaveza glavnog urednika državnog medija, inspektorke su zaključile da sve to mora da obavlja i urednik u privatnom mediju. A kako je, po njihovom mišljenju, za ispunjenje svih pobrojanih obaveza uredniku potrebno puno radno vreme, samim tim on mora da bude u radnom odnosu.

Država bi da “legalno” kontroliše medije

Pozivanje Poreske uprave, koja je deo Ministarstva finansija, odnosno Vlade Srbije, na Uredbu kojom se definišu radna mesta u javnom sektoru i njena primena i na privatne medije je veoma opasna stvar, smatra Predrag Blagojević. 

Time, dodaje, država na mala vrata pokušava da nađe legalan način da kontroliše ko može da bude urednik, ali i novinar.

U istom članu te Uredbe su definisani i uslovi koje urednik mora da ispunjava, a odmah u sledećem i ko može da bude novinar. Šta ih sprečava da sutra kažu “ti ne možeš da budeš urednik, ne ispunjavaš uslove”? Nisam pravnik i zvuči mi nelogično da to propise za javni sektor mogu da primene i na privatne medije. Ali, eto, videćemo da li stvarno može – kaže Blagojević.

Na osnovu navedenog zaključka inspektorki, Poreska uprava je obračunala da Južne vesti moraju da plate poreze i doprinose za glavnog urednika od osnivanja tog medija 2010. godine, što sa obračunatim kamatama predstavlja milionsku cifru.

Pošto su u veoma kratkim rokovima odbili sve žalbe na svoj rad, ne čekajući odluku suda po žalbi Južnih vesti, Poreska uprava je pokrenula proceduru prinudne naplate.

O neuobičajenoj ažurnosti državnog organa govori i činjenica da je Poreska uprava o žalbama Južnih vesti odlučivala za jedan dan. Tako je, primera radi, zahtev 21. juna upućen Poreskoj upravi da prinudnu naplatu milionske sume odloži do odluke suda, odbijen već sutradan.

Višestruko uvećane poreske obaveze i dugovi

O nelogičnostima u zaključcima poreskih inspektora govori i podatak da su navodne poreske dugove za platu glavnog urednika Južnih vesti obračunali kao da Predrag Blagojević dnevno radi po 16 sati, odnosno da obavlja dva posla sa punim radnim vremenom.

Naime, iako su u samom zapisniku o kontroli Južnih vesti naveli da Blagojević već 18 godina uredno plaća sve poreze i doprinose za puno radno vreme u svojoj privatnoj firmi, inspektori su i navodni poreski dug Južnih vesti obračunali kao da Blagojević i u tom mediju radi po 8 sati dnevno.

Ovako obračunatim dugovima i kamatama za period od bezmalo 10 godina, poreski inspektori su utvrdili navodni višemilionski dug Južnih vestiRealna opasnost je gušenje slobode govora; Boško Ristić; Foto: arhiva JVAdvokat niškog portala u ovom predmetu Boško Ristić je, tražeći da se prinudna naplata odloži do konačne odluke suda, u žalbi Upravnom sudu naveo da bi insistiranje Poreske uprave da se dug naplati što pre, ugrozilo rad Južnih vesti, pa čak moglo da dovede i do njihovog gašenja.

Na taj način bi se moglo dovesti u vezu postupanje državnog organa u vezi sa gašenjem medija i ugrožavanje slobode izražavanja, odnosno medijskih sloboda. Ovo pravo je garantovano Ustavom i ratifikovanim međunarodnim ugovorima koji su postali deo domaćeg pravnog sistema i predstavljaju obavezu za državne organe koja je iznad odredbi Zakona o poreskom postupku i poreskoj administraciji i uživa zaštitu međunarodnih institucija – kaže Ristić.

Podsetimo, poreski inspektori već godinama “češljaju” rad Južnih vesti.

Aktuelna kontrola je 5. po redu u poslednjih nekoliko godina. Po pravilu je reč o proveri “anonimnih prijava”, a ni pored toga što su sve trajale mesecima, inspektori nikada do sada nisu pronašli ni najmanju nepravilnost.

Ovim povodom je i visoki predstavnik OEBS za slobodu medija Harlem Desir aprila ove godine razgovarao o slučaju Južnih vesti sa predsednikom Srbije Aleksandom Vučićem i premijerkom Anom Brnabić. Iz Vlade je nakon tog sastanka saopšteno da je premijerka obavila sastanak sa direktorkom Poreske uprave Srbije.

Kako je tada saopšteno iz kabineta Ane Brnabić, ona je od direktorke Poreske uprave tražila “ukoliko ne postoje indicije da poresku kontrolu treba dodatno proširiti, ona treba da bude okončana u najkraćem roku, kako dalja kontrola ne bi ometala rad”.

Inspektori radili i vikendom

Inače, dan nakon javne reakcije iz kabineta premijerke je kontrola Južnih vesti bila značajno intenzivirana. Prema nezvaničnim informacijama na predmetu je radilo čak 12 inspektora, a kontrolisane su i firme širom Srbije koje su se oglašavale u tom portalu.

Ipak, ni toliki broj inspektora nije bio dovoljan, pa su radili bez slobodnog dana i za vikend. Dokumentaciju su pregledavali i uzimali izjave od poslovnih partnera Južnih vesti i subotom i nedeljom.

Poreznici zastrašivali poslovne partnere “Južnih vesti”

Direktor Južnih vesti Vitomir Ognjanović pojašnjava da sama kontrola rada od strane inspekcija, pa i Poreske, nije sporna. Sporni su, dodaje, svrha i metode.

Da se razumemo – ne vidimo ništa sporno u tome da bilo koja inspekcija kontroliše naš rad. Ali jedno je kontrola rada, a drugo traženje greške u radu. Pritom, poreski inspektori su bez neophodnog radnog naloga obilazili i firme sa kojima sarađujemo. Čak su kontaktirali i članove porodica vlasnika firmi i objašnjavali kako njihovi ukućani sarađuju sa firmom koju “finansiraju strane obaveštajne službe”. Zbog toga smo izgubili nekoliko klijenata. To je klasično zastrašivanje – kaže Ognjanović.

Oprobani recept za gašenje medija?

Pre manje od godinu dana, upravo nakon konstantnih pritisaka Poreske uprave, posle 23 godine rada je ugašen jedan od najnagrađivanijih medija u Srbiji, nedeljnik Vranjske novine.

Ovaj medij je najpre bio u nemilosti gradske administracije kojom je rukovodila Srpska napredna stranka, pre svega tako što tom mediju dugo nije isplaćen novac iz gradskog budžeta namenjen javnom informisanju, dok su provladinim medijima isplaćivane milionske sume.

Nakon što su Vranjske pravdu potražile na sudu, u redakciju su jedna za drugom stizale razne inspekcije. Katanac je na Vranjske stavljen sredinom septembra 2017. godine.

EU: “Nesrazmerno korišćenje inspekcija”

Na sumnju da se inspekcije koriste i kao instrument za disciplinovanje medija, ukazano je i u izveštaju Evropske unije o Srbiji.

Naime, polugodišnjem izveštaju Evropske komisije o pregledu stanja u poglavljima 23 i 24 pristupanja Srbije EU, navedeno je da su brojni predstavnici medija izneli “tvrdnje da se fiskalne inspekcije nesrazmerno koriste kako bi se vršio ekonomski pritisak na medijske kuće”.

Da li su nadležne institucije nakon ovakvih navoda novinara proverile rad Poreske uprave, nikada nije saopšteno.