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Regionalna platforma: prijetnje novinaru Mazzoccu hrvatskog ministra Medveda su ozbiljan napad na novinarske slobode i prava


ZAGREB, 07.06.2018. – Regionalna platforma Zapadnog Balkana za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i sigurnosti novinara , koja predstavlja više od 8000 članova, oštro osuđuje prijetnje upućene novinaru Index.hr-a Vojislavu Mazzoccu.

Novinar Vojislav Mazzocco je HND obavijestio da mu je Tomo Medved, ministar branitelja, u nedjelju 3. juna u 14.46 sati telefonirao iznerviran člankom koji govori o zapošljavanju ministrovog sina u Agenciji za komercijalnu djelatnost.

„Za razgovora koji je trajao 15 minuta ministar nije ni pokušao demantirati činjenice iznesene u tekstu, već mi je prijetio govoreći: ‘Želiš li sa mnom u ring? Ako to želiš, možemo. Ako ponovo dirneš moga sina, u meni će se probuditi vojnički duh. Hoćeš li da sljedeće sedmice objavim saopštenje o tome kako si došao u Ministarstvo obrane, kojim konkursom i koliko si novaca dobio? Imam ladicu punu papira i znam s kim si radio i za koga. Kome ti služiš, gospodine Mazzocco? Kome?“, izjavio je Mazzocco.

Sat kasnije je Mazzocco prijetnje prijavio 5. policijskoj stanici u Bauerovoj ulici u Zagrebu. No uvjeren je da ta prijava nije uzeta ozbiljno. Naime, policajka koja je s njim razgovarala i učinila službenu bilješku rekla mu je da će ga sutradan kontaktirati netko od kolega iz kriminalne policije. To se, međutim, još nije dogodilo.

Platforma poziva nadležna tijela da postupe adekvatno i da jasno osude prijetnje ministra Tome Medveda. Platforma će poslati pisma svim nadležnim institucijama u Hrvatskoj insistirajući na brzoj i temeljitoj istrazi svih okolnosti ovog slučaja i tražiti odgovarajuću reakciju.

Napadi i prijetnje upućene novinarima su izravni napad na slobodu izražavanja i na pravo građana da budu informirani. Svaki napad na novinare je napad na javni interes, demokratiju i prava svih građana.

Skopje – Beograd – Podgorica – Priština – Sarajevo – Zagreb, 6. lipnja 2018.

Udruženje BH novinari
Sindikat novinara Crne Gore
Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo
Udruženje novinara Kosova
Udruženje novinara Makedonije
Neovisno udruženje novinara Srbije

Sud odlučio: Čović nije kriv za napad na Anđusa


BEOGRAD, 11.06.2018. – Viši sud u Beogradu pravosnažno oslobodio predsednika Košarkaškog kluba Crvena zvezda Nebojšu Čovića optužbi za napad na novinara Dejana Anđusa, saznaje Tanjug.

Naime, taj sud je odbio žalbu tužilaštva i potvrdio presudu Trećeg osnovnog suda u Beogradu od 19. aprila.

Sudovi su zaključili da tužilaštvo nije dokazalo svoje tvrdnje iz optužnog predloga, odnosno da je Čović izvršio krivično delo zlostavljanje i mučenje na štetu novinara.

Ovaj slučaj se našao na sudu pošto je policija podnela krivičnu prijavu protiv Čovića zbog sumnje da je napao Anđusa 4. juna 2014. godine ispred zgrade televizije Kopernikus na Novom Beogradu, posle emitovanja emisije u kojoj je Anđus pominjao predsednika Košarkaškog kluba Crvena zvezda.

Čović je od početka postupka negirao napad na Anđusa.

BiH is the only one in Europe without a fourth-generation network, and the entire territory is not covered by the 3G network


BANJA LUKA, 11.06.2018. – As written in Nezavisne novine, the BiH Council of Ministers, or the Ministry of Transport and Communications of BiH, said that mobile networks of the fourth generation (4G network) will be introduced in BiH by the end of this year. But we do not expect this to be really realized.

This is already the third time in the past year that the authorities move the deadlines for the introduction of the 4G network.

In the begining of April 2017,  Ministry of Transport and Communication BiH said that the 4G network in BiH would be introduced by the end of the year, which of course was not done, and then in the beginning of December that same year they said that the citizens will have the fourth generation network by June or July.

When this deadline expired, the Council of Ministers recently, responding to one of the parliamentary questions, said it would be by the end of this year, which, as some experts say, is virtually impossible.

“Digitization has not yet been completed and will certainly not be until the end of the year. Switching from analogue to digital broadcasting frees the radiofrequency spectrum necessary for the introduction of the 4G network. First, this needs to be done, and then we can talk about introducing the 4G network. It is difficult, almost impossible, have a network of the fourth generation by the end of the year to ”, said the sorce of “Nezavisne novine” close to the ones working on the introduction of the 4G network, adding that the administrative procedure has not yet been brought to the end when it comes to matters, and that therefor we can not talk about technical ones.

Regarding the administration, Regulatory agency for Communication (RAK) BiH and The Council of Ministers has not yet finalized the license for the use of radio frequency spectrum for the provision of public electronic communications services through mobile access systems.

The Government of Republika Srpska told us that the draft of this decision was returned for refinement.

“The RS Government asks that the text of the draft decision clearly defines the distribution of funds in the name of the granted license with the previously obtained consent of the Government of the Republica Srpska”, as the Government of RS told us.

This practically means, if the procedures are followed, the Ministry of Transport and Communications of BiH should again submit to the RS Government a draft decision and, after receiving the green light, it is adopted by the Council of Ministers of BiH. At the moment, this draft is not yet in the Government of RS, and after this decision is adopted, only then The Regulathory Agency for Communications can grant permits to dominant telecom operators.

Otherwise, with regarding the Draft Decision on licenses to use the radio frequency spectrum for the provision of public electronic communications services through mobile access systems, the price proposed and is more than a hundred times lower than it was in the countries of the region. Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro took tens of hundreds of millions of KM in the name of the permit, and BiH, in all likelihood, and if it passes what was proposed to collect, only about three million KM

BiH is the only one in Europe that still has not developed a fourth-generation network, and the entire territory is not covered by the 3G network.

Journalism Academy 2018, held on Boracko lake ended


BORACKO LAKE, 07.06.2018. – With the graduation ceremony, the Journalism Academy 2018 on the topic “The Role of Media and Media Reporting in Strengthening Peace, Tolerance and Stability in BiH” ended.

The institutionalized training program for journalism students from different universities of BiH and young journalists has gathered 40 participants and participants in two modules at Borac Lake near Konjic.

Techniques of reporting on diversity, transitional human rights in media content, ethical standards, as well as media contributions to coping with the past and the building of the memory culture are only a part of the thematic ensemble of speech. Participants listened to lectures and discussed with lecturers, representatives of the academic community, transitional justice experts, media professionals, representatives of the Communications Regulatory Agency and the Press Council and online media in BiH, as well as civil society activists.

During the five days of the workshop, the participants learned, among other things, about the standards of fair, balanced and objective reporting on sensitive topics related to war, crimes, persecutions of the population and other forms of human rights violations. In addition, through practical exercises and professional mentoring, the participants analyzed media content, familiarized themselves with the process of documenting war crimes for the purpose of publishing in the media, as well as thematic documentaries.

The summer educational camp, organized by BHJA since 2013,  was relized with the financial support of The USA Embassy in the period from 31st of May until 8th of July 2018.

Journalist Bujar Vitija threatened by a state official


PRISTINA, 09.06.2018 – The Association of Journalist of Kosovo was informed by its member, journalist Bujar Vitija, for the threats he received by the state official, Zenel Kuqi. The case is reported to police.

Journalist Vitija said that on Friday afternoon he was contacted by Zenel Kuqi, procurement official of Pristina hospital, and asked for a meeting, and the journalist refused.

Vitija, editor-in-chief of online magazine Shneta said that the official called him because of an article that was published by Vitija few days ago that was related about Kuqi’s trial, in which he was released on all charges. Kuqi was accused for damaging state’s budget.

After Vitija refused to meet Kuqi, the latter threatened the journalist by swearing and offending him, and in the end has suggested to him to contact prosecution and police for the threat. “Notify the police and don’t waste time, as long as it is left for you”, Kuqi said.

Vitija reported the case to police and submitted as evidence the recorded telephone conversation. He added that Kuqi might have additional motives for the threat because of new investigation about latest tenders in University Clinical Centre of Kosovo and Ministry of Health. “The threat can be an attempt to stop future articles,” Vitija told AJK.

AJK strongly condemns this threat from the state official against journalist Bujar Vitija and demands from justice and security bodies to treat this case under legal timeframe.

Attacks and threats against journalists are direct attacks on freedom of expression and the right of citizens to be informed. Each attack against journalists is attack against public interest, democracy and citizen’s rights.

Government says media strategy group not formed


BELGRADE, 08.06.2018. – The Serbian government said on Thursday that a working group to draft the national media strategy had been formed and its chief named but later withdrew that claim following denials by two journalists’ organizations whose representatives were present at a meeting with Prime Minister Ana Brnabic.

In its initial press release, the government said that Culture and Information Ministry official Dejan Stojanovic was chosen to head the working group drafting the national media strategy, adding that media and journalist organizations will submit proposals to the working group so that it can start work on the strategy. “The goal is for all relevant media organizations to take part in drafting this important document so that solutions can be found which are in the interest of the media and the public,” it said.

The press release added that the media advisors to the president and prime minister Suzana Vasiljevic and Jelena Kovacevic who have been named to a Coordination Body formed to improve the position of the media along with representatives of several media and journalists organizations.

The Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (NUNS) and Independent Society of Journalists of Vojvodina (NDNV) reacted to the government press release, saying several things in it were not right including the claim that the working group and Coordination Body had been formed.

NUNS President Slavisa Lekic and NDNV President Nedim Sejdinovic told the Beta news agency that the working group and Coordination Body had not been formed and that Stojanovic had not been appointed. “We did have a proposal for the working group at the meeting but it was not formed. Stojanovic was nominated and he is an excellent candidate who I will vote for but we did not vote today,” Lekic said.

Sejdinovic added that the working group and Coordination Body are in the process of being formed but that none of the journalists’ organizations had decided whether to take part in them. “We still haven’t taken a final decision on participation in those working bodies, not until we know who is in them, what their mandates are, the rules and way they function. We will not allow ourselves to be used to create a better international image of media freedom in Serbia with nothing positive happening on the ground or with things even deteriorating,” he said.

This was Brnabic’s second meeting with media organizations. It was attended by Culture and Information Minister Vladan Vukosavljevic and the media advisors to the president and prime minister Suzana Vasiljevic and Jelena Kovacevic who have been named to a Coordination Body formed to improve the position of the media along with representatives of several media and journalists organizations. Representatives of the OSCE and the European Union Delegation in Serbia were also present and expressed readiness to provide assistance in the process of drafting the national media strategy.

Pažin: The government is ready to contribute to a better position of journalists in Montenegro


PODGORICA, 08.06.2018. – The Government is ready to support, within the framework of its competencies, the efforts of Trade Union of Media in creating better social and economic conditions for the work of journalists in Montenegro, said the Deputy Prime Minister Zoran Pažin at a meeting with the leadership of the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro.

On behalf of SMCG, at the meeting were President Marijana Camović and Vice-Presidents Radomir Kračković and Nevenka Ćirović.

Speaking about the process of harmonization of the collective agreement for employees of the national public service RTCG, Pažin announced that the Government will promptly fulfill its obligations in order to this regulation come into force promptly, as soon as the trade union and management of RTCG submit the proposed text of the agreement.

The interlocutors agreed on the great importance of adequately regulated labor law issues and improved economic position of journalists for strengthening independence and professionalism in Montenegrin journalism.

Pažin supported the interest of the SMCG for the active participation in the preparation of new legal solutions within the Law on Electronic Media, whose development is planned next year. He also agreed with the position of SMCG that there is a significant place for improving the position of employees in local public broadcasters.

The meeting emphasized the responsibility and determination of the state to provide the highest level of security and protection of the personal integrity of journalists. The Vice President also welcomed the initiative of the TUMM to organize a regional media conference on the topic of security, working conditions of journalists and media legislation.

Ni 17 godina nakon ubistva Milana Pantića nisu pronađeni odgovorni


BEOGRAD, 08.06.2018. – Komisija za istraživanje ubistava novinara upozorava da i 17 godina nakon ubistva Milana Pantića obeležava bez dostignute pravde, i pored toga što se ozbiljni napori ulažu da ubice i njihove nalogodavce stigne zaslužena kazna.

Zalaganjem Komisije, konačno su pred pravosudnim organima saslušani svi svedoci i njihove izjave se nalaze u tužilačkim spisima. Iako je i u ranijem periodu bilo više pokušaja rasvetljavanja ovog gnusnog zločina, rad na ovom predmetu nikada nije bio intenzivniji, navodi se u saopštenju.

Komisija je na osnovu dosada prikupljenih dokaza ubeđena da je motiv za ubistvo Pantića pljačkaška privatizacija u kojoj je više lica primilo milionski mito i koja je ostala bez sudskog epiloga.

Predmeti u vezi sa tom privatizacijom nalaze se u Višem javnom tužilaštvu u Beogradu i Tužilaštvu za organizovani kriminal, ali za sada bez rezultata, i pored nespornih dokaza koji postoje.

Protok vremena postaje sve veća prepreka efikasnom prikupljanju validnih dokaza, ali i neefikasnost našeg krivično-pravosudnog sistema, koji je u ovom slučaju pokazao sve svoje sistemske slabe strane, navodi se u saopštenju.

Komisija će upoznati državne organe sa svojom ocenom o tome kako su česte izmene sistema, i koje konkretne promene procedure su pogodovale nekažnjivosti odgovornih za ubistva novinara.

Naime, u tužilačkim spisima pre početka rada Komisije nalazila su se samo dokumenta koja su konstatovala činjenicu da je novinar Milan Pantić ubijen, a u policijskim dokumentima uglavnom beleške koje su prepričavale izjave svedoka, umesto da su svi potencijalni dokazi, odmah, još 2001. godine, konzervirani u skladu sa tada važećim ZKP, uzimanjem izjava od svedoka na način koji omogućava njihovo korišćenje na sudu.

Iz Komisije za istzraživanje ubistva novinara kažu da je pravda dostupna samo kada je postupanje državnih, prvenstveno pravosudnih organa, sistemski usmereno na prikupljanje dokaza u što kraćem vremenu.

Takođe napominju da se i suđenje za ubistvo novinara Slavka Ćuruvije odvija zaprepašćujuće sporo, uz pravno bizarne odluke sudskog veća.

EFJ adopted a resolution urging investigations into killed journalists in Kosovo


PRISTINA, 07.06.2018 – The European Federation of Journalists adopted a resolution on Thursday which calls for an investigation into the murders and kidnappings of 14 journalists between 1998 and 2005.

The resolution passed at the annual EFJ meeting in Lisbon and it was proposed jointly by Serbian and Kosovo journalists’ associations.

One of the points of the resolution asks for extension of the mandate of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor’s Office to include the cases of the murdered and missing journalists and media workers.

Also, the resolution asks the cooperation between Pristina and Belgrade in cases of murders and kidnappings of journalists and media workers in Kosovo for the period from 1998 to 2005.

The resolution calls for the UN and the EU rule-of-law mission in Kosovo, EULEX, to implement the decisions of the UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee, which called for these cases to be solved and victims’ families compensated.

A commission similar to Belgrade is asked to be formed also in Pristina that is made up of journalists to investigate the cases of journalists.