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Hasan Preteni loses legal battle against organization “Çohu”


PRISHTINA, 04.06.2018 – The Basic Court of Pristina has dismissed the lawsuit of the Anti-Corruption Agency and its former director, Hasan Preteni, for defamation and offense against the non-governmental organization “Çohu”.

The claims of Preteni, respectively the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) was dismissed as ungrounded by the court on the grounds that from the administered evidence the court failed to find elements of defamation and insult as claimed by the ACA and its former director, Hasan Preteni as public official.

This case of civil-law dispute, which is located in the drawers of the Basic Court of Prishtina since 2012, has reached a final legal verdict only after six years, thus filing the lawsuit lodged by Preteni on 16 February 2012, is dismissed as unlawful by the Judge of the case, Mevlide Kasumi Qarri.

Hasan Preteni, in the capacity of a state official and director of ACA, had claimed that the organization “Çohu” at a media conference had lied saying that: “Hasan Preteni, as director of the Anti-Corruption Agency has defended seven deputies of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo who have violated the Law on Declaration, Origins and Control of Property of Senior Public Officials. He [Preteni] intervened and falsified the declaration of assets presented to the ACA by senior public officials “, according to the court.

According to the verdict, “the plaintiff Hasan Preteni did not come up with any evidence to argue the essential fact that the defendants through their statements violated his personality because all the evidence referred to the plaintiff as a representative of the institution, in this case as the Director of the Anti-Corruption Agency.”

The court has taken this decision based on the legal provisions of the Civil Code against Defamation and Insult, a provision which does not foresee the possibility of holders of public functions to sue in their official capacity, which means that the representatives of the institutions are not protected by law.

According to this provision, the representative of the institution may seek legal protection as an individual, but can not sue in his official capacity. Therefore, in the present case, the court has found that the plaintiff Hasan Preteni has failed to argue with any evidence that the statements of the defendants, in this case the “Çohu” organization, have to do with defamation against him as an individual.

Preteni, who in his capacity as director of the Anti-Corruption Agency, claimed that the positions of the organization “Çohu” have produced consequences for his personality, claiming compensation from the “Çohu” organization in the amount of 100 thousand euros, as well as the payment of all procedural court expenses.

However, in the decision of 10 May 2018, the court, apart from dismissing the claim of Preten, has obliged him to compensate the “Çohu” organization, all the costs of this contested procedure in the amount of 1,393.60 euros.

We recall that the Association of Kosovo Journalists has continuously monitored and reported on this litigation directly related to the freedom of expression in our country.

The AGK encourages all media, journalists and various NGOs present in any judicial dispute to notify AGK, so that this organization closely follows hearings related to the right to freedom of expression In our country.

We consider that the monitoring and reporting of the Association of Kosovo Journalists from these sessions, besides affecting the enhancement of the transparency of the judiciary, inevitably makes this monitoring more responsive in dealing with these cases.

Nevidljivo nasilje u novinarskim redakcijama


SARAJEVO, 05.06.2018. – U Sarajevu se predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja ‘Nevidljivo nasilje: Priče iz redakcije’, koje je provedeno u Bosni i Hercegovini, Srbiji, Crnoj Gori, Makedoniji i na Kosovu. Novinari u ovim zemljama svoj posao obavljaju u uvjetima nesigurnosti, diskriminacije, cenzure i otvorenih pritisaka, koji rezultiraju autocenzurom – neki su od zaključaka ovog istraživanja.

Istraživanje je provedeno zahvaljujući intervjuima sa 50 novinara zaposlenih u javnim, komercijalnim i neprofitnim medijima, od siječnja do svibnja 2018. godine. Većina novinara koji su pristali odgovarati na pitanja zatražila je da budu anonimni, što dovoljno govori o tome koliko se suočavaju sa strahom prilikom obavljanja svog posla.

„Uglavnom su nam govorili da je situacija ista u svim zemljama – plate, sa kojima nisu zadovoljni, ili nemaju stalni ugovor, ili su honorarci. Samim tim se onda ne poštuju do kraja sva ona njihova prava koja su zakonom propisana. Uz to, meni je zanimljivo bilo to da je u Crnoj Gori, na pitanje kako bi ocijenili slobodu u procesu izvještavanja, od 1 do 5, većina novinara rekla 3 ili 4. Bilo je dosta primjera ljudi koji su govorili da imaju jako dobar odnos sa urednicima i da taj interni pritisak i pritisak raznih interesnih grupa oglašivača nije direktno na njih, nego da to nekako dođe indirektno, preko menadžmenta ili urednika. Mi smo razgovarali i sa novinarima, ne samo u redakcijama koje pokrivaju neke nacionalne teme, to su bili lokalni i javni emiteri, to su bili i privatni javni neprofitni mediji“, rekla je Milica Bogdanović, novinarka iz Crne Gore.

Posebno je zabrinjavajući financijski polažaj novinara, kaže Biljana Sekulovska, novinarka iz Makedonije.

„Plaće su od sto eura, pazite, od sto eura, do trista eura, sa nikakvim pravima. To su honorari, nisu prijavljeni. Novinari su svjesni toga, ali se boje da će izgubiti svoj posao i zato su prinuđeni da ćute. Ali, mlađi novinari su insistirali da pričaju, sa imenom i prezimenom. Ja mislim da je progresivna snaga u Makedoniji u mladosti“, kaže Sekulovska.

Sa sličnim problemima suočavaju se novinari i drugih zemalja Zapadnog Balkana. Una Hajdari, slobodna novinarka govori o situaciji na Kosovu:

„Što se tiče slobode izražavanja, mislim da je to donekle OK na Kosovu, posebno zbog toga što je posljednjih godina stvorena atmosfera da je dozvoljeno da se kritikuju i najviši političari, političari s najvišim pozicijama u zemlji, ne naravno na javnom servisu, ali u svim drugim medijima, a da ne dolazi do nekih reperkusija za novinare.“

U Bosni i Hercegovini zabrinjavajuće je to što je sve manje medija koji nisu pod utjecajem političkih struktura, kaže novinarka Nidžara Ahmetašević.

„Mislim da je vrijeme da se ozbiljno zabrinemo i da ozbiljno počnemo raditi na nečemu što će promijeniti novinarstvo. Ta promjena sigurno neće doći izvana, ta promjena neće doći sa stranim donacijama – kako je pokušano prije dvadeset i više godina, ta promjena naprosto mora doći iz nekog drugog pravca. I to nije promjena koju će donijeti novac, to je promjena koju će donijeti drugi način razmišljanja i hrabriji novinari, bolje obrazovani i bolja škola novinarstva, koju mi, nažalost, nemamo“, smatra Ahmetašević.

Problemi s kojima se suočavaju sve zemlje jesu i slabi sindikati, nedovoljno fokusirana novinarska udruženja i generalno nezadovoljstvo zbog situacije u kojem se novinarstvo nalazi.

CJA: Minister Medved’s threats to journalist Mazzocco are attack against journalists’ freedom and rights


ZAGREB, 04.06.2018. – The Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA) strongly condemns the Minister of Veterans Tomo Medved’s threats against Vojislav Mazzocco, the journalist of Index.hr portal. The Minister’s move is not only extremely inappropriate, but even dangerous attack against journalists’ rights and freedom guaranteed by the Article 38 of the Croatian Constitution and by the Media Law.

It is inadmissible to threaten a journalist just because he/she is doing his/her work professionally – to put questions about ways the member of the Minister’s immediate family has been employed in he context of clientelistic relations within the circle of the Minister’s friends and interest. In his article Mazzocco has given the possibility to the Minister to respond to all statements in it and reported about it correctly. The Minister’s ex post phone call to the journalist threatening him by „raising my military spirit if you touch my son again“ and mentioning „to enter the ring“ are but pure examples of intimidation from position of power. A detail that makes the whole incident even more dangerous shows the inclination of abusing ministerial positions for personal purposes – the Minister has threatened Mazzocco, Index.hr journalist, by publishing alleged documents from the Croatian Ministry of Defense (MORH) that might discredit him.

State and public officials should be aware of the fact that they, due to their public position, are under lower level of protection of privacy then ordinary citizens and that ways their family members are employed or get any other rights should and need to be under public scrutiny to prevent potential abuse of power. The Minister of Veterans Tomo Medved demonstrated his lack of understanding public responsibility of his position. By that threat he did not threat one journalist – he has threatened everyone who question officials and initiated the atmosphere of intolerance and fear.

The CJA calls upon the Government and relevant bodies to react adequately and to clearly condemn threats of Tomo Medved and every similar actions that jeopardize basic journalists’ rights and freedoms, freedom of speech and basic democracy standards.

Denis Romac, CJA vice-president for the CJA Executive Board

Analysis of the Council of Europe: Local public broadcasters are more prone to pressures due to poor methods of financing


PODGORICA, 04.06.2018. – An analysis of the Council of Europe experts which “scanned” the media scene in Montenegro dealt also with the situation in local public broadcasters (LPB), finding a very bad situation and the bad way they are being financed. All 14 local public radio stations and three local TV/radio public media have in common that they are all financed by their municipalities.

The document concludes that it is difficult to make a detailed analysis of the autonomy and independence of LPB because this topic isn’t usually represented in the existing literature. Nevertheless, the high dependence of these media from the local political authorities was noted and generally they’ve been characterized as very politicized and loyal to the ruling party.

Analysis with the recommendations for harmonization with the standards of the Council of Europe and the European Union was done by Tanja Kerševan-Smokvina (editor), Jean-François Furnémont, Marc Janssen, Dunja Mijatović, Jelena Surčulija-Milojević and Snežana Trpevska.

The authors also recall that in addition to the financial mechanisms, legal protection measures should be established to guarantee the editorial independence of the LPB. In this respect, the specific position of the LPB regarding the media pluralism and concentration is emphasized. Namely, local broadcasters are currently exclusively public broadcasters, who benefit from the de facto monopoly. Their editorial independence is under constant threat of political pressure, and local broadcasters are often portrayed as the voice of local politicians who misuse their significance in terms of funding in order to create editorial policy.

In order to prevent the influence of the founders, amendments that were recommended are almost entirely in line with the propositions of the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro from December 2017, regarding the changes of the Law on Electronic Media and enabling more stable financing of the LPB. It was recommended that the Electronic Media Law should be amended in order to provide sufficient guarantees for the institutional autonomy of regional and local public broadcasters. It is also suggested that the LPB must follow the procedure as well as RTCG before concluding contracts with municipalities as its founders. In order to ensure the autonomy of the local self-government, the amount of financial resources for the LPB shouldn’t be determined by law and there is already a need to introduce into the Law on Electronic Media a provision obliging the municipalities to determine in the founding acts (statutes) the minimum percentage for service obligations that should be provided by local public broadcasters.

The founding documents aren’t yet in line with the new provisions of the Law on Electronic Media, and only a few LPB have started to work on their Proposals of Program Obligations. Some of them are in a very difficult financial situation due to unpaid debt towards the Tax Administration. Namely, due to insecure financing from the municipal budgets, most of the LPB were unable to pay contributions for the gross salaries of employees.

The conclusion is that local public broadcasters should follow the transition of RTCG from the state media into a public service. So the composition of their Councils should truly be pluralistic and reflect the difference of opinion. It is also recommended that although the Council should continue to be responsible for monitoring the day-to-day business and for identifying priorities and reforms, RTCG and the LPB should be accountable to an independent media body and this body should regulate them. It is necessary to establish and effectively implement all measures of independence of the editorial office. And financial resources should guarantee predictability and transparency for RTCG and LPB and shouldn’t be used as a means of pressure, reward or subordination.

Croatia: hate speech on the rise but hope for change

Zagreb, 16.01.2018. - Misija vodećih organizacija za zaštitu medijskih sloboda ponovo je u Hrvatskoj gdje je objavila izvještaj o stanju u hrvatskom novinarstvu. Na fotografiji Pauline Ades-Mevel, Sophie Albers Ben Chamo, Otmar Lahodynsky. foto HINA/ Edvard ŠUŠAK/ es

ZAGREB, 01.06.2018. – In January 2018 an international delegation of press freedom organization representatives visited Zagreb for the second time in two years to observe the state of media freedom in Croatia. Now, the report is out, and these are the recommendations.

After a joint mission of media freedom organisations in June 2016 produced particularly bad results (please find here the report), a new delegation, consisting of representatives of the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), the Association of European Journalists (AEJ), the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), and Reporters without Borders (RSF), did find a more positive situation at the beginning of 2018.

First of all, Croatia has a new government since the last mission visit, and the new conservative–liberal (HDZ–HNS) coalition at least has media freedom as a matter of utmost importance for a Member State of the European Union on its agenda. Political figures are taking a clear stand against endangering journalists’ lives. In 2017, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković and the Parliament Media Committee condemned attacks and threats against journalists. Since 2017, if journalists are attacked or threatened, police is reacting faster than before. Altogether, there are less physical attacks on journalists, however, attacks and threats, especially online threats, are still a big problem. As is the destructive influence of hate speech on society, which has actually increased since 2016.

That said, compared to last year, Croatia climbed five places in the 2018 World Press Freedom Index, from 74 to 69. The delegation praises all improvements but also states that Croatia still has a long way to go.

These are the recommendations: 


  • authorities must conduct comprehensive investigations into all unsolved cases of physical attacks on journalists that happened in the past
  • politicians, journalists and public figures must refrain from participating in, supporting or being perceived as supporters of smear campaigns or hateful rhetoric against journalists and the media. Politicians must condemn such campaigns and rhetoric when they occur
  • political parties of all stripes must refrain from interfering with the editorial policy of the public broadcaster HRT
  • both, management and employees at HRT should establish a more interactive way of communications
  • lawmakers must include HRT’s own journalists in debates on a new HRT law and must increase the role of those journalists, civil society and consumers in the selection of HRT’s management.
  • the matter of hate speech and fake news must be taken more seriously, more comprehensive and more pro-active. The initiative of a regulation – although announced, should not wait for an EU regulation. The regulation cannot be a threat against press freedom and freedom of speech
  • the Croatian Parliament must fully repeal Article 148 of the Criminal Code on ‘shaming’, and should also repeal Arts. 147, 149, 349 and 356.
  • the government must reform the legislation governing HRT so as to guarantee the station’s independence. Notably, this process should include changing the method of appointing the HRT director general and other HRT governing structures in line with European standards on public broadcasting.
  • legal provisions providing for transparency of media ownership must be updated to ensure a sufficient framework for monitoring and compliance
  • HRT management and journalists should act in the long-term best interest of the broadcaster and show solidarity in rejecting interference by political parties of all stripes
  • HRT should consider the creation of an internal council to serve as a watchdog over HRT’s independence. Journalist organisations (associations and unions) should refrain from political activism and should uphold standards of professionalism and collegiality in their public activities
  • the Electronic Media Council should be more active in cases where electronic media are not respecting professional standards, especially in cases of use of hate language in local media (local TV channels)
  • the preparation of a media strategy for Croatia with active work and feedbacks from all media players


Please find here the full report.

Curuvija Murder: Serbian Police Deny Getting Evidence Illegally


BELGRADE, 01,06,2018. – A witness at the trial for the 1999 murder of opposition journalist Slavko Curuvija denied defence claims that evidence allegedly placing former State Security officers at the scene of the crime was obtained illegally.

Police inspector Dragan Kecman told Belgrade Higher Court on Thursday that data regarding the movements and communications of the defendants, allegedly placing them at the scene at the time of Curuvija’s murder, was obtained legally from a mobile phone operator.

“I think we issued a confirmation that we are taking the tapes, we do everything according to the Law on Criminal Proceedings,” Kecman told the court.

The defence for two former Serbian State Security officers charged with participating in the murder, Milan Radonjic and Ratko Romic, claims that the evidence was obtained illegally. If the court agrees, the evidence will be thrown out.

The evidence in question is kept on nine disks taken from the Mobtel mobile phone operator.

The defence has already filed a motion to have the disks excluded from evidence, but it was rejected by the Appeals Court in May.

At Thursday’s hearing, the Higher Court said it will announce its decision on the evidence on June 12.

The trial for the murder of Curuvija opened in 2015, 16 years after he was shot dead. He was allegedly killed because of his opposition to Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic.

According to the indictment, an ‘unknown person’ ordered the killing of Curuvija and Radomir Markovic, the former head of Serbian State Security, abetted the crime, while three former security service officers – Ratko Romic, Milan Radonjic and Miroslav Kurak – took part in the organisation and execution of the murder.

Kurak was the direct perpetrator, while Romic was his accomplice, it is alleged.

Three of the suspects have pleaded not guilty, while Kurak is on the run and is being tried in absentia.

Markovic is currently serving a 40-year sentence for the murder of former Serbian President Ivan Stambolic and other crimes, while Romic was acquitted alongside Radonjic in September last year of the attempted murder of opposition party leader Vuk Draskovic.

Svedok u slučaju Ćuruvija: Kasete iz Mobtela uzete zakonito


BEOGRAD, 01.06.2018. – Žestoke rasprave obeležile su današnje saslušanje svedoka Dragana Kecmana, policijskog inspektora koji je istraživao ubistvo novinara Slavka Ćuruvije i prikupio dokaze u ovom slučaju – pored ostalih, i podatke sa baznih stanica mobilne telefonije, na kojima bi trebalo da su zabeleženi podaci o kretanju i komunikaciji optuženih za ubistvo.

Upravo o tim podacima se na poslednja tri ročišta vodi najžešća polemika.

Kecman je pred sudskim većem Specijalnog suda u Beogradu potvrdio da je na zakonit način došao do tih kaseta iz Mobtela 2005. godine. Rekao je da se to dogodilo pošto su u Upravi za borbu protiv organizovanog kriminala (UBPOK) MUP-a Srbije dobili informaciju da se tamo i dalje čuvaju i podaci sa baznih stanica iz aprila 1999, kada je Ćuruvija ubijen.

Cilj današnjeg svedočenja Kecmana bio je da se utvrdi da li je policija do tih dokaza došla na zakonit način. Radi se o tome da je Apelacioni sud, posle žalbe tužilaštva, nedavno ukinuo rešenje sudskog veća koje vodi slučaj ubistva Ćuruvije, da usvoji žalbu advokata odbrane i odbaci devet od nekoliko desetina diskova uzetih iz Mobtela koje je kao dokaz predložilo tužilaštvo zbog toga što, kako tvrdi odbrana, nisu zakonito oduzeti.

Dragan Kecman istakao je da je jednog od zaposlenih u Mobtelu, koji mu je dao informaciju o sadržaju kaseta u Mobtelu, “dve-tri godine kasnije” sreo na ulici “jadnog i zapuštenog”.

“Evo šta si mi uradio, rekao mi je tada taj čovek, imao sam ozbiljnih problema zbog tih kaseta, ostao sam bez posla zbog toga što sam vam ih tada dao”, prepričao je Kecman razgovor sa tim čovekom iz Mobtela, ali nije želeo da kaže njegovo ime.

“Kakav bih ja operativac bio kada bih vam to odao?”, pitao je ovaj policajac.

Kecman je istakao da je ideja s tim kasetama na kojima su podaci sa baznih stanica bila da povežu “određena lica” sa mestima na kojima su bili na dan ubistva. On kaže da su zbog toga obavili dosta informativnih razgovora sa ljudima iz Mobtela i da su na kraju, 2005. godine, došli do podatka da u zgradi Aeroinženjeringa postoji odeljenje u kome su arhivirani podaci sa baznih stanica. Posle toga su iz policije, prema Kecmanovim rečima, dopisom od direktora Mobtela tražili kasete sa podacima mesec dana pre ubistva i mesec dana posle njega.

Dodao je i da su kasete uzimali više puta, kao i da ih je prvi put bilo možda i više od 30, kao i da su bile upakovane po četiri komada. Rekao je i da nikad u operativnom radu prikupljanje dokaza ne ide tako da se sve uzme iz prvog puta, da se naknadno uvek pošalju zahtevi za nove dokaze. On je pojasnio i da postoji mnoštvo različitih potvrda da su ti dokazi oduzeti – izveštaji, službene beleške, dopis, potvrde.

Rekao je i da se to može uraditi i na nekonvencionalan način, tako što to može da bude i na običnom papiru ili na “toalet-papiru”.

Ispitivanje Kecmana prošlo je uz debatu sa sudskim većem i advokatima odbrane. Raspravljali su i predsednica veća Snežana Jovanović i advokatica Zora Dobričanin Nikodinović, zbog čega je Snežana Jovanović čak u jednom trenutku pretila kažnjavanjem zbog načina na koji advokatica razgovara s njom.

Na kraju je sudsko veće najavilo da će odluku o (ne)izdvajanju pojedinih kaseta iz dokaznog materijala (sudskih spisa) saopštiti na posebnom ročištu – 12. juna.

Slobodan Ružić, advokat oštećenih Jelene i Radeta Ćuruvije, dece ubijenog novinara, kaže da je takva odluka veoma neobična i da nikada do sada nije čuo da je sudsko veće odlučilo da odluku saopšti na posebnom ročištu.

“Uobičajeno je ili da sud odmah donese odluku ili da je ostavi za kraj glavnog pretresa, a posebno sada, kada se Apelacioni sud jasno odredio da je postupanje policije bilo zakonito”, rekao je Ružić i dodao da zna “kuda vodi to da se odluka saopštava tek posle toliko dana, kao i da se svedok saslušava na način na koji je to danas urađeno”.

Prema Ružićevom mišljenju, Apelacioni sud je jasno rekao da je prikupljanje dokaza obavljeno zakonito i da se, osim toga što se može izdati potvrda o oduzetim predmetima, i iz drugih radnji može videti da je postupanje bilo zakonito – da je policija radila na osnovu ovlašćenja, da su tužilaštvo i istražni sudija dali naredbu, da je sva komunikacija policije bila zakonita.

“Ne može osnovni sud da nameće neko drugo rešenje pošto se Apelacioni sud jasno odredio”, istakao je Ružić.

Odbrana okrivljenih je ostala pri tvrdnji da je uzimanje kaseta od Mobtela bilo nezakonito i ukazivala na to da je rešenje o oduzetim predmetima izdato dan pošto su ti predmeti oduzeti, za šta Kecman kaže da ima “logično objašnjenje” – da je načelnik koji je trebalo da potpiše rešenje tog dana bio zauzet ili na putu, pa da je rešenje potpisao sutradan.

Kecman kaže i da nije imao uvid u sadržaj tih kaseta, odnosno diskova uzetih od Mobtela, koji su stavljeni u metalnu kasu, pod ključem, u UBPOK-u i koje je kasnije, kada je počela tužilačka istraga, predao tužiocu za organizovani kriminal.

Okrivljeni Ratko Romić i njegova advokatica Zora Dobričanin Nikodinović tvrde da nije tačno da Kecman nije imao uvid u sadržaj kaseta, kao i da za to postoje dokazi.

Na konstataciju Vladimira Marinkova, branioca prvooptuženog Radomira Markovića, da se ne može utvrditi verodostojnost tih kaseta, odnosno da je moguće da su naknadno menjani sadržaji tih kaseta, predsednica sudskog veća Snežana Jovanović je rekla da sada nije vreme za analizu dokaza, već da su svedoci pozvani samo da bi se utvrdilo da li su oni zakonito prikupljeni.

Marinkov je pozvao Dragana Kecmana kao svedoka i zbog drugih okolnosti tokom istrage, tako da je izvesno da će se ovaj svedok bar još jednom pojaviti pred sudom u ovom procesu.

Anđelković: Niko nije mogao da menja podatke na kasetama

Pre Kecmana svedočio je Dejan Anđelković, koji je 2005. radio u Mobtelu, koji je potvrdio da su pripadnici policije “par puta” odnosili kasete sa podacima sa baznih stanica i da bi trebalo da o tome postoji trag u vidu reversa. On je prepoznao i svoj potpis na dokumentu koji mu je predočila sudija Jovanović, ali je rekao da se ne seća kada se tačno to dogodilo i koliko je bilo takvih kaseta.

Anđelković kaže da je nemoguće da su naknadno menjani podaci na tim kasetama, da to niko ne bi smeo da uradi. Rekao je i da su imali jedan čitač, ali da nikada oni sami nisu čitali podatke sa tih kaseta, te da su te kasete služile Mobtelu samo kao “bekap” u slučaju kada padne sistem ili dođe do nekog kvara, kao i da su se one izuzetno retko koristile. Istakao je i da te trake nikada nisu slali u inostranstvo.

The Journalism Academy 2018 for students of journalism and young journalists began


BORAČKO JEZERO, 01.06.2018. – Reporting on diversity, transitional human rights in media, ethical standards, and media contribution to dealing with the past and building a culture of memory are just some of the thematic units that participants will listen to and discuss at the Journalism Academy 2018 held at Boracko Lake.

The Journalism Academy 2018 is dedicated to the theme “The Role of Media and Media Reporting in Strengthening Peace, Tolerance and Stability in BiH”. The workshop is being held in two modules and will gather 40 participants,  students from the Department of Journalism at the University of BiH, as well as young journalists and journalists from BH. media houses.

Speakers at the Journalism Academy are representatives of the academic community, experts in transitional justice, media professionals, representatives of the Regulatory Agency for Communications and the Press Council and online media in BiH, as well as civil society activists.

During the five days of the workshop, the participants will, among other things, learn and discuss the standards of fair, balanced and objective reporting on sensitive issues related to war, crimes, persecutions and other forms of human rights violations. Besides, through practical exercises and professional mentoring, participants will analyze media content, get acquainted with the process of documenting war crimes for the purpose of publishing in  media, and will also feature thematic documentaries.

The summer educational camp, that BHJA organizes since 2013, is being held with the financial support of The US Embassy in BiH in the period from May 31 to July 8, 2018.

Mechanisms for protection of labor and professional rights were presented to journalists in Banja Luka


SARAJEVO, 29.05.2018. – As highlighted at the workshop on mechanisms for protection of media professionals that was held today in Banja Luka, more effective protection of rights and freedoms of journalists is possible through application of ethical and professional standards in their work, as well as strengthening solidarity, dialogue and self-criticism within the professional community.

„There is no right without a certain responsibility. If we exercise the right to freedom of expression then we must be prepared to respect all the articles and provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)“, said the General Secretary of BH Journalists Associatio Borka Rudić. She also emphasized that the Convention predicts certain limitations.

„These are formal limitations that must have a legitimate interest and legal justification, and at the same time decisions by institutions on restricting freedom of expression must be made in a transparent manner, “said Rudić.

Executive director of Press Council in BiH Ljiljana Zurovac emphasized that the journalistic duty is to respect the needs of citizens for useful, timely and relevant information, as well as defending the principle of freedom of information.“Journalists often forget that by violating professional principles they are responsible for the actions of people who follow inaccurate and unreliable information”, said Zurovac.

Journalists from the Banja Luka redactions pointed out as the main obstacles in their work, among other things, access to information, media and marketing censorship, the emergence of self-censorship and the lack of understanding of the satire genre.

The Workshop presented the current guidelines of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) for the police in dealing with the media and guidelines for the media in dealing with the police.

The workshop on mechanisms for the protection of journalists and other media professionals was organized by the OSCE Mission to BiH, in cooperation with the BH Journalists Association and the Press Council in BiH. The workshop gathered 20 journalists and journalists from Banja Luka.