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Poražavajuće stanje medijskih sloboda

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BEOGRAD, 25.05.2018. – U društvima našeg regiona, koja se deklarišu kao otvorena i demokratska, stanje medijskih sloboda je poražavajuće, a život novinara sve više ugrožen, rečeno je večeras na tribini „A šta činiti kada vam posao radi o glavi?“.

Novinaru Al Džazire Draganu Bursaću su pre godinu dana upućene pretnje smrću zbog teksta „Slavi li Banja Luka srebrenički genocid?“ o najavljenom skupu podrške Ratku Mladiću.

On je, navodeći primere pritisaka i pretnji, rekao da tada nije imao adekvatnu zaštitu i da je zato morao da napusti Banja Luku.

Novinar Dejan Anastasijević podsetio je na svoj slučaj iz 2007.godine kada je eksplodirala kašikara ispod prozora njegove kuće. I posle 11 godina, slučaj nije rešen, pod izgovorom da je i dalje u predistražnoj fazi.

U vremenu smo gde su društvene mreže izvršile veliki uticaj na selekciju informacija običnih građana, ocenila je novinarka Insajdera Irena Stević.

Ona smatra da javnost i novinari moraju da insistiraju na tome da institucije odgovaraju za to što je nekome život ugrožen zato što se trudi da objektivno informiše javnost.

„Mi inistiramo na tome da se sazna ko je Dejanu Anastasijeviću podmetnuo kašikaru pod prozor pre 11 godina godina. Neozbiljno je da dođe predsednik države ili premijer i da kaže imamo nove informacije samo nije vreme. Šta nije vreme, da li nije vreme za poštovanje zakona?“, upitala je Stević.

Prema oceni Ilira Gašija iz Fondacije Slavko Ćuruvija, najveći problem novinara je što „oni operišu u atmosferi koja je ispunjena strahom“.

Gaši je predočio da bilo kakva vrsta društvene kritike danas sa sobom povlači etiketu izdajnika, a time i pretnju.

On smatra da je važno da javnost shvati da bez kritike sistema ne postoji apsolutno nikakva šansa da se u društvu bilo šta promeni.

Mi nemamo pravo da kažemo šta ne valja, niti kako bi to što ne valja trebalo da se promeni, a ljudi koji to govore žive pod strašnim teretom neizvesnosti, zaključio je Gaši.

Recommendations from OSCE Conference in Struga: Journalists’ security is a priority for Southeast Europe


STRUGA, 24.05.2018. – Politicians and public officials must not create a hostile environment for the media through their statements and actions and any threat to media or journalists must be taken seriously and investigated it is started in  the recommendations of the OSCE Southeast Europe Media Conference held in Struga, Macedonia

The 5th Annual Media Conference for Southeast Europe, organized by the office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media from Vienna, in cooperation with six OSCE missions from the region, was held in Struga (Macedonia ) on 10 and 11 May, and ended with recommendations that came out from panels and broad discussions during the conference.

Implementation of recommendations should provide concrete steps in the progress and strengthening of media freedom in the region. In the two-days debate in Srtuga, the topic of journalist safety dominated, because only one day before the conference in Podgorica, somebody was shooting on Olivera Lakic a journalist in Vijesti, and in the previous year, three investigative journalists were killed in Europe (Daphne Caruna Galizia, Jan Kuciak and Makim Borodin).

On the first day, on May 10, participants of the OSCE Media Conference jointly supported the Declaration in which they strongly condemned the wounding journalist from Montenegro Olivera Lakic.

The main message of the conference is that every obstacle to the press freedom is an obstacle to democracy. They are an obstruction of, not only the work of journalists, but also an obstruction of people’s right to access information. Crimes against journalists are crimes against democracy.

In the closing remarks, the OSCE representative on Freedom of the Media Harlem Désir emphases the following recommendations:

Any attacks or threats against investigative journalism should sound an alarm to the authorities who must ensure that journalists work in a safe and secure environment.

To emphasize this point, our recommendations on this issue are also firm demands:

1) Politicians and public officials must not create a hostile environment for the media through their statements and actions;

2) Any threat to media or journalists must be taken seriously and investigated;

3) Impunity is not an option for democracies. Perpetrators and masterminds of crimes against the media must be brought to justice;

4) It was clearly said that governments need to allocate adequate human and financial resources to investigations. Law enforcement, prosecutors and judges must be made aware of the necessity to treat attacks against journalists as a high priority and work with journalists’ organizations; and

5) Special attention must be paid to the issue of safety of female journalists. As we have repeatedly heard female journalists face additional threats including online. In response, the authorities and media outlets must develop gender mainstreamed strategies to better ensure their safety so that we do not loose these essential voices in our societies.

The second issue that we raised in the conference was the working conditions of journalists. Journalists in the region face very grave problems when it comes to safeguarding their employment and social rights. It is obvious that journalists who are not secure when it comes to their employment, lack independence.

We heard about the need to strengthen the role of the journalists unions in ensuring collective rights. Better working conditions reduce potential exposure to political and other forms of pressure.

In many cases media outlets themselves are under economic pressure and pass on this pressure to their employees. They face unfair markets, politically controlled advertising, financial and tax inspections.

There is a need for more transparency when it comes to media funding, especially when funding comes from public bodies. It is important that the authorities do not try to influence the media market through hidden subsidies.

We will provide a set of recommendations on public press subsidies based on good practices from other European participating States in the coming months.

Our third session, on public service media, emphasized the important role they play in educating and informing our societies.

There is a need for restructuring of all public media in the region to ensure their political independence and financial sustainability. 

The governing bodies and staff must be selected on the basis of their professional qualities and not party loyalty.

Public service media must also be at the forefront of fostering investigative journalism. They should support innovative ways to engage their audience. Financing, modernisation through investment and

training of personal and clear provisions in law to ensure independence, are key for the future of Public Service Broadcasters.

The regulatory agencies must have the ability to exercise their role to protect Public Service from political interference and guarantee fair conditions for the development of other media actors.

In the fourth panel on self-regulation we heard about the challenges of transforming the current self-regulatory models for use in the online environment.

Self-regulation can be an important tool to raise professional and ethical standards. Digital literacy strategies are important to ensure that journalists and media actors as well as the public are able to effectively engage in media self-regulation.

Journalists´ Codes of Ethics should reflect the changing media landscape, and every effort should be made to ensure their consistent implementation.

The sustainability of Press Councils should be a priority for the media community given their essential role in facilitating media self-regulation.

The panel on digitalisation highlighted that basic human rights and rights related to freedom of expression and access to information need to be safeguarded online, just as they are offline.

Technological advances can foster the democratization of the media, expanding the possibilities for self-expression and delivering news faster to broader audiences. However, media should continue focusing on quality rather than fast delivery.

Credible research and facts should be the basis of all journalism and media should continue to strengthen their credibility through fact-checking, particularly online.

No single model for expanding the revenue base in the digital age has proven sustainable or effective. Media should therefore explore and experiment with different financing models in the digital age.

The last panel of the day was on so-called “fake news”. During this panel it was determined that States should not adopt legal bans on “fake news” that are counterproductive and prone to abuse.

Existing laws, including on civil defamation laws, provide adequate legal remedies for the dissemination of false information which harm reputation.

The best way to counter disinformation is by creating a free, independent and diverse communication environment and a media literate society.

Internet intermediaries must have clear policies for restricting or deleting content which meet, as a minimum, due process guarantees and international standards on freedom of expression.

These are just some of the issues that I have noted from our discussions. These conclusions and recommendations reflect what many of us have already stated many times in different fora. What is important is that they are followed-up and implemented. These recommendations will also help me in my discussions with the governments in the region.

In his closing remarks, Desir announced that in the next few weeks the OSCE will work on a more detailed set of conclusions as an outcome of this conference, stressing that a specific set of recommendations would be related to the regulation of the Internet in the region.

OSCE missions in the region will use these recommendations in their work on the ground, because  all of them have safety of journalists as their first priority and are engaged with the authorities and the media community to help improve the situation in the region.

Preporuke sa konferencija OEBS u Strugi: Bezbednost novinara prioritet Jugoistočne Evrope


STRUGA, 24.05.2018. – Političari i javni funkcioneri ne smeju svojim izjavama i akcijama stvarati neprijateljsko okruženje za medije a svaka pretnja medijima i novinarima mora biti ozbiljno shvaćena i istražena, navodi se u preporukama medijske konferencije OEBS za Jugoistočnu Evropu održanoj u Strugi, u Makedoniji

Peta medijska konferencija za Jugoistočnu Evropu koju je organizovala Kancelarija Predstavnika OEBS-a za slobodu medija iz Beča u saradnji šest misija OEBS iz regiona održana je u Strugi u Makedoniji 10. i 11. maja i završena preporukama koje su proizašle sa panela i bogatih diskusija tokom konferencije.

Implementiranje preporuka trebalo bi da obezbedi konkretne korake u napretku i jačanju medijskih sloboda u regionu. U debati dvednevnog skupa u Srtugi dominirala je tema bezbednosti novinara jer je samo dan pre konferencije u Podgorici pucano na Oliveru Lakić novinarku Vijesti, a u prethodnih godinu dana u Evropi su ubijena tri novinara (Daphne Caruna Galizia, Jan Kuciak i Makim Borodin) koji su radili na istraživačkim pričama.

Prvog dana konferencije, 10. maja, učesnici OEBS-ove medijske konferencije zajedno su stali iza Deklaracije u kojoj su snažno osudili ranjavanje crnogorske novinarke Olivere Lakić.

Glavna poruka konferencije je da svaka prepreka za slobodu štampe predstavlja prepreku demokratiji. Prepreke su opstrukcija ne samo rada novinara, već i opstrukcija prava građana na slobodno informisanje. Zločini protiv novinara su zločini protiv demokratije.

U završnom govoru predstavnik OEBS-a za slobodu medija Arlem Dezir (Harlem Desir) izneo je sledeće preporuke:

 Svaki napad ili pretnja istraživačkom novinarstvu treba da alarmira vlasti koje moraju da osiguraju da novinari rade u sigurnom okruženju. 

Da bismo naglasili suštinu preporuke o ovom pitanju čvrsto zahtevamo da: 

1) političari i javni funkcioneri ne smeju stvarati neprijateljsko okruženje za medije svojim izjavama i akcijama;

2) svaka pretnja medijima i novinarima mora biti ozbiljno shvaćena i istražena;

3) nekažnjavost nije opcija za zemlje sa demokratskim uređenjem. Izvrsioci i nalagodavci zločina protiv medija i novinara moraju biti izvedeni pred lice pravde;

4) jasno je rečeno da vlasti moraju izdvojiti adekvatna ljudska i  finansijska sredstva za sprovođenje istrage. Tužioci i sudije moraju biti svesni potrebe da napade na novinare tretiraju kao prioritetne slučajeve i da sarađuju sa novinarskim organizacijama;

5) posebnu pažnju treba posvetiti pitanju sigurnosti novinarki koje se suočavaju sa dodatnim pretnjama, uključujući online pretnje. Kao odgovor, vlasti i mediji moraju razviti strategije rodne ravnopravnosti kako bismo bolje osigurali njihovu bezbednost.

Drugi problem kojim smo se bavili na konferenciji bili su uslovi rada novinara. Novinari u regionu suočavaju se sa velikim problemima kada je u pitanju zaštita njihovih radnih i socijalnih prava. Očigledno je da novinari koji nisu sigurni kada je u pitanju njihovo zaposlenje, nemaju nezavisnost.

Čuli smo za potrebu jačanja uloge sindikata novinara u obezbeđivanju kolektivnih prava. Bolji uslovi rada smanjuju potencijalnu izloženost političkim i drugim oblicima pritisaka. 

U mnogim slučajevima sami mediji su pod ekonomskim pritiskom i prenose ovaj pritisak na svoje zaposlene. Oni se suočavaju sa nepravednim tržištem, politički kontrolisanim oglasnim, finansijskim i poreskim inspekcijama.

Postoji potreba za više transparentnosti kada je u pitanju finansiranje medija, posebno kada finansiranje dolazi od javnih organa. Važno je da vlasti ne pokušavaju da utiču na medijsko tržište kroz skrivene subvencije. 

OEBS će izdati niz preporuka o državnim subvencijama medijima koje će biti zasnovane na dobroj praksi drugih evropskih zemalja. 

Treća sesija, o javnim servisima, naglasila je važnu ulogu koju oni imaju u obrazovanju i informisanju naših društava.  

Postoji potreba za restrukturiranjem javnih medija u regionu kako bi osigurali njihovu političku nezavisnost i finansijsku održivost.  

Upravni organi i zaposleni moraju biti birani na osnovu njihovih profesionalnih kvaliteta a ne partijske lojalnosti. 

Javni medijski servisi takođe moraju biti vođe u jačanju istraživačkog novinarstva. Oni bi trebalo da podržavaju  inovativne načine angažovanja svoje publike.  

Finansiranje, modernizacija kroz investicije, obuka zaposlenih  i jasne odredbe u zakonu koje treba da osiguraju nezavisnost su ključ budućnosti javnih medijskih servisa. 

Regulatorne agencije moraju imati sposobnost da vrše svoju ulogu radi zaštite javnog servisa od političkog uplitanja i da garantuju fer uslove za razvoj drugih medijskih aktera. 

U četvrtom panelu o samoregulaciji razgovaralo se o izazovima transformacije trenutnih modela samoregulacije  za upotrebu u online okruženju.  

Samoregulacija može biti važan alat za podizanje profesionalnih i etičkih standarda. Strategije digitalne pismenosti su važne kako bi se osiguralo da novinari i medijski akteri kao i javnost budu sposobni da se efikasno uključe u samoregulaciji medija. 

Etički kodeks novinara treba da odražava promenu medijskog pejzaža i potrebno je uložiti sve napore kako bi se osigurala njegova dosledna primena.  

Održivost Saveta za štampu trebalo bi da bude prioritet medijske zajednice s obzirom na njihovu bitnu ulogu u samoregulaciji medija. 

Panel o digitalizaciji naglasio je da osnovna ljudska prava i prava vezana za slobodu izražavanja i pristup informacijama treba zaštititi na mreži, baš kao i van mreže. 

Tehnološke prednosti mogu podstaći demokratizaciju medija, širenje mogućnosti za samoizražavanje i brže dostavljanje vesti publici. Međutim, mediji bi trebalo da se  fokusiraju na kvalitet, a ne na brzu isporuku informacija. 

Verodostojno istraživanje i činjenice trebalo bi da budu osnova novinarstva, a mediji bi trebalo da nastave da jačaju svoj kredibilitet kroz proveru činjenica, naročito na mreži. 

Nijedan model za proširenje baze prihoda u digitalnom dobu nije dokazan kao održiv ili efikasan. Stoga bi mediji trebalo da istražuju i eksperimentišu sa različitim modelima finansiranja u digitalnom dobu. 

Poslednji panel na konferenciji bio je o takozvanim “lažnim vestima”. Tokom debate utvrđeno je da države ne bi trebalo da usvajaju zakonske zabrane za “lažne vesti” koje su kontraproduktivne i sklone zloupotrebi. 

Postojeći zakoni, uključujući i zakone o kleveti, pružaju adekvatna pravna sredstva za širenje lažnih informacija koje ugrožavaju reputaciju. 

Najbolji način borbe protiv dezinformacija je stvaranje slobodnog, nezavisnog i raznovrsnog komunikacionog okruženja i medijski pismenog društva. 

Internet posrednici moraju imati jasne smernice za ograničavanje ili brisanje sadržaja koji ne ispunjavaju minimalne međunarodne standarde slobode izražavanja.  

To su samo neka od pitanja kojih smo se dotakli u našim diskusijama. Ovi zaključci i preporuke odražavaju ono što su mnogi od nas već mnogo puta govorili na različitim forumima. Ono što je važno je da se prate i implementiraju. Ove preporuke će mi takođe pomoći u mojim diskusijama sa vladama u regionu, izjavio je Dezir. 

U svom završnom govoru Dezir je najavio je da će OEBS u narednih nekoliko nedelja raditi na detaljnijim preporukama koje su proizašle sa konferencije naglasivši da će se poseban set preporuka odnositi na regulaciju interneta u regionu.

Misije OEBS – a u regionu iskoristiće ove preporuke u svom radu na terenu jer je za sve misije prioritetna bezbebednost novinara i povezivanje relevantnih institucija i medijske zajednice na rešavanju problema i poboljšanju situacije u regionu.


Serbian media organizations consider drafting strategy


BELGRADE, 24.05.2018. – Serbian media organizations on Wednesday are considering the possibility of continuing work on the new national media strategy, after quitting the working group drafting that document late in April.

According to unofficial reports, Culture and Information Ministry State Secretary Aleksandar Gajovic will not be in the working group. He was heavily criticised by several media organizations for allegedly denying attacks on journalists and saying that media and journalists’ associations do not need to be on the working group.Several media organizations demanded his resignation.

The drafting of the media strategy was stopped in April following consultations between Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and President Aleksandar Vucic who called for more openness in the process.

A press release after the meeting with media and journalists’ association representatives in the government headquarters said that the goal is to have all relevant associations working on the strategy. “This is an important document for the development of the media scene in Serbia and the goal is to have every relevant journalists’ and media association involved in order to find the best solutions together in the interest of the media and the public and to work together to improve the position of the media in Serbia,” the press release said.The meeting was attended by the Serbian President’s media advisor Suzana Vasiljevic.

Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (NUNS) President Slavisa Lekic feels that the political will exists, adding that the Prime Minister has clearly shown the will to cooperate. “I believe we can do something now, unlike last time. Media associations will most probably return to the working group drafting the strategy,” he said, adding that only media experts would be in the group.

Serbian Association of Journalists (UNS) President Vladimir Radomirovic said agreement had been reached to form a new working group to draft the national strategy by the end of the year when the government should adopt it. “The strategy should bring better quality information to the population,” he said.

Independent Journalists’ Society of Vojvodina (NDNV) President Nedim Sejdinovic denied that media organizations were returning to the working group drafting the strategy and added that they discussed the possibility of forming a new working group at the meeting with the Prime Minister. Sejdinovic told the Beta news agency that media associations “do not want to be an alibi for the drafting of the media strategy with no solutions being found for current problems”, adding that the absence of Culture and Information Minister Vladan Vukosavljevic and his State Secretary Gajovic was glaringly evident.

EC report on Montenegro: Precarious economic situation leads to self-censorship


PODGORICA 23.05.2018. – The precarious economic situation of journalists, particularly due to job insecurity and low salaries, is putting them at risk of editorial interference and possible self-censorship, according to a recent report by the European Commission (EC) on Montenegro.

EC stated that ,,there is no structured dialogue between the government and the media community on the working conditions of journalists”. Additionally ,, the fact that many media outlets are not financially sustainable has a negative impact on the quality of reporting and professionalism”. The report stated that ,,journalists are jointly represented in Montenegro’s media trade union”. Trade Union of Media of Montenegro represents the interests of almost half of total number of media employees and gathers about 600 members.

There is, also, ,,two associations aimed at fostering and promoting professional journalism across the polarised media scene”, but, according to the EC report, ,,they still need to reach their full potential”.

Talking about the position of journalists in Montenegro, an important part is their security which was aggravated. EC in report underlined that ,, there have been no notable developments on investigations into old cases of violence against journalists”.

,,Seven cases of attacks on journalists took place in 2017. Three of these cases resulted in misdemeanour proceedings, while in one case the authorities found no elements of criminal or minor offences. Criminal investigations into old cases, including the 2004 murder of an editor-in-chief (Duško Jovanović), continue to be ineffective and the authorities have so far failed to step up and prioritise efforts to solve these cases. In October 2017, a first-instance court awarded compensation to a journalist (Tufik Softić) for lack of effective investigation into an attempt on his life in 2007. In the same case, in November 2017 the Constitutional Court awarded the journalist additional compensation”, the report said.

,,The ad hoc Commission monitoring violence against media, which was re-established in September 2016, has so far produced three reports focusing on more recent cases, identifying a number of shortcomings and delays in investigations. The commission’s recommendations, which were endorsed by the government, need to be fully implemented”, EC asked. They added that ,, efforts should be stepped up to prosecute these cases effectively, also so as to avoid the application of the statute of limitations”. In the past, Trade Union of Media of Montenegro has repeatedly pointed to this problem.

EC clearly expects that “ authorities demonstrate zero tolerance for threats or attacks against the media, and should refrain from making statements that may create an environment not conducive to freedom of expression”.

According to the general view of Brussels “Montenegro has some level of preparation on freedom of expression but no progress was made in the reporting period”. Because of that, according to recommendations of EC, Montenegro should in particular: clearly step up and prioritise efforts to investigate cases of attacks against journalists; ensure the financial and editorial independence of Radio-Television of Montenegro (RTCG) and Agency for Electronic Media (AEM), as well as of their governing bodies and of all other media outlets; and strengthen the capacity of self-regulatory bodies.

As soon as possible enable RTV Pljevlja for work


PLJEVLJA, 23.05.2018. – Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (SMCG) expresses solidarity with employees in RTV Pljevlja whose premises were completely destroyed in yesterday’s fire and welcomes the announcements of officials who promised emergency assistance.

On behalf of the employees in this local public broadcaster we appeal to the representatives of the Municipality of Pljevlja, the Ministry of Culture and the Agency for Electronic Media to fulfill the promises that they gave yesterday and to help RTV Pljevlja to start broadcasting program as soon as possible.

We are reminding you that this is just another in a series of unfortunate circumstances that hit the employees of this local public broadcaster. They have been fighting for basic rights for years, because they are owed several salaries for a long time, which is why they were in strike last year. The importance of local public broadcasters in local environments in Montenegro is immeasurable, and therefore we invite everyone to understand the seriousness of the situation. We believe that, despite everything, this may be a new beginning for RTV Pljevlja, where employees, without fear for their material existence, will be able to realize their mission of informing citizens in the local community.


Specialized journalists condemn way of portal 100% reports


ZAGREB, 23.05.2018. – Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA) branches of journalists dealing with scientific issues and of journalists dealing with health issues strongly condemn the sensation grabbing way portal 100% reports about certain topics. The article about Ena Šarac was published without any declines or expert opinion regarding thesis presented. Even its graphic might inspire parents of children with cancer to stop their treatment and that might have deadly consequences.

The article is especially dubious because it is about young person seriously sick who has become positive model of fighting this sickness and that makes person’s story more reliable. Professional rule says that sickness should be treated with maximum caution and that different opinion (here oncologists’) should be presented too, or to keep critical disengagement from the article thesis. It has not been done in this article.

Story was published on May 5, 2018 at portal 100% and its graphics highlighted Ena Šarac’s statement: „If I had gone through chemotherapy, I would probably had walked today. You have to break rules sometimes because doctors are not superior.“ That statement, coming from the person who is model for many minor children with difficult diagnosis, implied that she should not have taken chemotherapy. That might inspire parents to cancel their children’s treatments without expert being consulted. And that might cause lethal outcomes for children.

CJA branches of journalists dealing with scientific issues and of journalists dealing with health issues call upon all journalists reporting about potentially death threatening diseases to keep critical disengagement from personal stories, to ask for different opinions of relevant experts and to be careful not to highlight something that might be against best interest of readers and their families.

We want to remind you that in September 2015 a boy sick with non-Hodgkin lymphoma died in Rijeka because his parents declined chemotherapy. Because of irresponsible articles stating the treatment was dangerous and nonefficient they decided not to agree with it, although in reality that treatment is successful in 90% of cases.

Portal 100% reporting is just the latest of unconscious and nonprofessional articles that are seriously dangerous for readers’ and their children’s health. Being journalists dealing with specific topics, dedicated to impartial reporting based on proves and researches, we are forced to condemn this kind of reporting.

Setting strategies to improve working conditions for journalists


SKOPJE, 23.05.2018 – How to shape the future of journalists’ trade unions and associations in the Western Balkans and Turkey? The EFJ’s Labour Rights Expert Group Plus (LAREG+), composed of representatives from Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey, convened on the 10th of April 2018 in Skopje (Macedonia) to reflect on a one-year strategic plan to improve journalists’ working conditions in the region.

Following the meeting, participants agreed to draft a one-year strategic plan which will set priorities to improve journalists’ working conditions in the Western Balkans and Turkey. In addition, a LAREG+ magazine will be published and a video campaign as well as a photo exhibition will be launched in May 2018.

The EFJ delegation has also met Damjan Manchevski, Macedonian minister of Information Society and Administration, to discuss the upcoming law on information to be adopted next week by the Parliament and the regulation on access to public documents. The minister talked about the possibility to afford tax cuts for print media organisations “but this government will not intervene financially to give cash to media companies in difficulties. We want to take our hands off the media sphere”, he added. The minister also confirmed his intention to enlarge the access to public documents for journalists and citizens in Macedonia and announced the launch of a new opendata portal to promote transparency and accountability in the country. On the issue of fake news, the minister is open to support new propositions coming from EFJ affiliates (ZNM and SSNM) to combat off-shore-owned news portals that make money by distributing fake news online. “Self-regulation is our preferred option to identify journalists or non journalists”, said Mr. Manchevski.

Харлем Дезир: Безбедноста на новинарите е задолжение на државите


СКОПЈЕ, 23.05.2018 – Харлем Дезир, претставникот на ОБСЕ за слобода на медиумите беше дел од Конференцијата за медиуми од Југоисточна Европа, која се одржа месецов во Струга. Конференцијата се одржа само неколку денови откако црногорската новинарка Оливера Лакиќ беше мета на вооружен напад. Иако сериозно повредена, за среќа животот на новинарката не беше доведен во опасност и таа преживеа.  Харлем одговори на прашањето, што ОБСЕ планира да направи за ситуацијата во Црна Гора, по нападот на новинарката.

„Јас веднаш сакав да отпатувам во Подгорица и да ја посетам Оливера Лакиќ, новинарката која беше повредена во ногата. Ја посетив во болница и се сретнав со министерот за надворешни работи.

Побарав целосна и транспарентна истрага за овој случај. Апсолутно неприфатливо е новинарите да бидат нападнати поради нивната работа и тоа да помине неказнето, бидејќи се случило многу пати во минатото во регионот. Вклучувајќи претходни напади врз истражувачки новинари, и врз неа, бидејќи веќе беше претепана пред неколку години. Таа е многу храбар новинар, позната е по нејзиното истражување на шверцот во земјата, за истрагите за случаите со корупција.

Но, новинарите сами не можат да се соочат со насилството, тоа е работа на властите на секоја од земјите на регионот. Тие треба да загарантираат безбедност на новинарите. Властите мораат да го истражат секој напад  и не само да го казнат извршителот на нападот, туку и оној кој го нарачал.

Многу е загрижувачки тоа што во изминатите месеци, неколку новинари беа убиени во Европа, како Дефне Галиција во Малта, Јан Куцијак во Словачка, и дека луѓето кои стојат зад тие напади не се изведени пред лицето на правдата. Таков е случајот и овде во Западен Балкан. Најпрвин мора да се отфрли било какво заташкување на случајот и да се стават сите сили на државата во служба на истрага на нападот на оваа новинарка, и да се најде правда за Оливера Лакиќ“ – рече претставникот на ОБСЕ за слободата на медиумите, Харлем Дезир.

На конференцијата присутен беше и Веран Матиќ од Црна Гора, кој е претседател на Комисијата за истражување на убиства на новинари. Тој одговори на прашањето, дали нападот врз новинарката беше шок, или такво нешто можеше да се предвиди.

„Јас доста добро ја познавам Оливера Лаќиќ и нејзините случаи, и воопшто не сум изненаден. Не само заради неа, и заради тоа што таа продолжи со сериозни истражувачки приказни кои се поврзани меѓу другото со корупција. Целата редакција на Вести е под континуирани напади, и ова е 25. напад. Пред тоа само мал број на случаи е решен. Тие имаа случај на фрлена бомба под нивниот прозорец на редакцијата. Имаа исто така физички напади на нивните вработени. Така да, ова воопшто не ме изненадува.

Кога ќе се случи серија вербални напади од претставниците на власта, во овој случај тоа беше Миро Ѓуќановиќ, кој за редакцијата на Вести кажа многу дисквалификации, рече дека се фашисти. Тоа за борбата против фашизмот е многу скандалозно, и навредливо за жртвите на фашизмот. Да се изнесат такви обвинувања, дека се дел од криминални кланови и така натаму. Тоа е на некој начин повик за сите оние кои би сакале да и се додворат на власта, да решат можеби и некој свој проблем, да извршат напади на оние кои се прозивани и кои се дискредитирани како предавници или мафијаши и фашисти.

Нашата Комисија за истражување на убиства на новинари е основана за решавање на три убиства на новинари. Чуприја е убиен, така што неколку денови пред неговата ликвидација бил испукан куршум во редакцијата. Бил објавен дискредитирачки текст за него, како тој барал да се случи бомбардирањето на Србија. Тоа се објавило на централните вести, и тој е убиен само неколку денови после тоа. Тоа убиство беше најавено. Сега благодарение на нашата Комисија, овој случај стигна до судење. Некои луѓе се уапсени. Но, знаејќи го тој механизам, ова што се случи има своја генеза, нормален след на околности кога имате една држава во која власта целосно е во рацете на еден човек, на една група во период од 30 години, и кога го имате тоа ниво на корупција кое постои денес во Црна Гора.

Секако, проблемот е политичкиот дисбаланс, нема силна опозиција која би пружила сериозен политички отпор, па многу често медиумите се тие кои се перцепираат како опозиција. Одеднаш вие, сакале или не, сте најголеми противници на корупцијата на власта, и така натаму. И со самото тоа, станувате уште поинтензивна мета за вакви напади“ – рече Матиќ.