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Nadležne institucije moraju da garantuju bezbednost novinara


BEOGRAD, 03.05.2018. – Regionalna platforma zapadnog Balkana za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i bezbednosti novinara koja zastupa više od 8.000 članova povodom 3. maja, Svetskog dana slobode medija, poziva vlade regiona da štite novinare i rade na jačanju slobode medija.

Dan slobode medija proglasila je Generalna skupština UN u decembru 1993. godine, prateći preporuke sa Generalne  konferencije UNESCO. Od tada, na dan godišnjice Vindhok deklaracije, 3. maj proslavlja se širom sveta kao Svetski dan slobode medija.

Prilikom ovogodišnjeg obeležavanja Svetskog dana slobode medija naglašavamo važnost omogućavanja pravnog okruženja za ostvarivanje medijskih sloboda i posebnu pažnju posvećujemo ulozi nezavisnog pravosuđa u osiguravanju pravnih garancija za medijske slobode i procesuiranje zločina počinjenih nad novinarima.

Članice Platforme podsećaju vlade Zapadnog Balkana da je od 2014. godine registrovano 446 napada na novinare, a tek nekoliko slučajeva je rešeno od strane nadležnih institucija. Od početka 2014. godine u regionu su registrovana tri slučaja pokušaja ubistva novinara, 103 fizička napada, 257 pretnji, 48 napada na imovinu i pet slučajeva hapšenja.

Najveći broj slučajeva ugrožavanja bezbednosti novinara zabeleženo je u Srbiji (143) i Bosni i Hercegovini (102), zatim na Kosovu (77), u Makedoniji (59), Hrvatskoj (43) i Crnoj Gori (31).

Novinari Zapadnog Balkana očigledno još uvek rade u veoma opasnom okruženju, te Platforma poziva sve vlade pomenutih zemalja da pojačaju napor prilikom istraživanja napada na novinare i da osiguraju bezbedne uslove za njihov rad.

Članice Platforme ohrabruju sve novinare da prijavljuju sve slučajeve pretnji i napada koji su se desili tokom njihovog rada. Platforma snažno podržava napore novinarskih i medijskih organizacija u zaštiti novinara i slobode govora, kao i njihovu borbu protiv nekažnjivosti u slučajevima napada na novinare.

Svaki napad na novinare je napad na javni interes, demokratiju i prava svih građana.

Udruženje/udruga BiH novinari

Sindikat medija Crne Gore

Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo

Udruženje novinara Kosova

Udruženje novinara Makedonije

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije

Nadležne institucije moraju da garantuju bezbjednost novinara


PODGORICA, 03.05.2018. – Povodom 3. maja, Svjetskog dana slobode medija, Regionalna platforma zapadnog Balkana za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i bezbijednosti novinara, koja zastupa više od 8.000 članova poziva vlade regiona da štite novinare i rade na jačanju slobode medija.

Dan slobode medija proglasila je Generalna skupština UN u decembru 1993. godine, prateći preporuke sa Generalne konferencije UNESCO. Od tada, na dan godišnjice Vindhok deklaracije, 3. maj proslavlja se širom svijeta kao Svjetski dan slobode medija.

Prilikom ovogodišnjeg obilježavanja Svjetskog dana slobode medija naglašavamo važnost omogućavanja pravnog okruženja za ostvarivanje medijskih sloboda i posebnu pažnju posvećujemo ulozi nezavisnog pravosuđa u osiguravanju pravnih garancija za medijske slobode i procesuiranje zločina počinjenih nad novinarima.

Članice Platforme podsećaju vlade Zapadnog Balkana da je od 2014. godine registrovano 446 napada na novinare, a tek nekoliko slučajeva je riješeno od strane nadležnih institucija. Od početka 2014. godine u regionu su registrovana tri slučaja pokušaja ubistva novinara, 103 fizička napada, 257 prijetnji, 48 napada na imovinu i pet slučajeva hapšenja.

Najveći broj slučajeva ugrožavanja bezbijednosti novinara zabilježeno je u Srbiji (143) i Bosni i Hercegovini (102), zatim na Kosovu (77), u Makedoniji (59), Hrvatskoj (43) i Crnoj Gori (31).

Novinari Zapadnog Balkana očigledno još uvijek rade u veoma opasnom okruženju, te Platforma poziva sve vlade pomenutih zemalja da pojačaju napor prilikom istraživanja napada na novinare i da osiguraju bezbjedne uslove za njihov rad.

Članice Platforme ohrabruju sve novinare da prijavljuju sve slučajeve prijetnji i napada koji su se desili tokom njihovog rada. Platforma snažno podržava napore novinarskih i medijskih organizacija u zaštiti novinara i slobode govora, kao i njihovu borbu protiv nekažnjivosti u slučajevima napada na novinare.

Svaki napad na novinare je napad na javni interes, demokratiju i prava svih građana.

Udruženje/udruga BiH novinari

Sindikat medija Crne Gore

Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo

Udruženje novinara Kosova

Udruženje novinara Makedonije

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije

Authorities must guarantee the safety of journalists


On World Press Freedom Day (May 3 2018) the Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety, which represents more than 8000 members, calls on governments in the region to protect journalists and work on strengthening press freedom.

World Press Freedom Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in December 1993, following the recommendation of UNESCO’s General Conference. Since then, 3 May, the anniversary of the Declaration of Windhoek, is celebrated worldwide as World Press Freedom Day.

The topic of the 2018 celebration highlights the importance of enabling legal environment for press freedom, and gives special attention to the role of an independent judiciary in ensuring legal guarantees for press freedom and the prosecution of crimes against journalists.

In that respect, the Platform reminds governments from the Western Balkans region that since the beginning of 2014 it has registered 446 attacks on journalists and yet, very few of them have been resolved by the competent institutions.

Since the beginning of 2014 three attempted murders, 103 physical attacks against journalists, 257 threats, 48 attacks against property and 5 arrests have been registered in the region.

The highest rate of safety violations against journalists have been registered in Serbia (143) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (102), followed by Kosovo (77), Macedonia (59), Croatia (43) and Montenegro (31).

It is evident that Western Balkans’ journalists still work under very dangerous circumstances. Therefore the Platform calls governments of all mentioned countries to intensify efforts regarding investigations of attacks on journalists and to make their working conditions safer.

The Platform encourages all journalists to report incidents and cases whenever they are threatened or attacked during their work.

The Platform strongly supports journalists’ and media organizations’ efforts in protection of journalists and freedom of speech as well as their efforts in fighting against impunity for crimes against journalists.

Every attack on journalists is considered as an attack on the public interest, democracy and the rights of all citizens.

Skopje – Belgrade – Podgorica – Pristina – Sarajevo – Zagreb, 03.05.2018.


BH Journalists Association

Trade Union of Media of Montenegro

Croatian Journalists’ Association

Association of Journalists of Kosovo

Association of Journalists of Macedonia

Independent Journalists Association of Serbia

Najava: Obilježavanje Međunarodnog dana slobode medija 3. maja u 10 bh. gradova


SARAJEVO, BANJA LUKA, TREBINJE, ZENICA, BIHAĆ, TUZLA, MOSTAR, BRČKO, BIJELJINA, DOBOJ, 03.05.2018. – Povodom Međunarodnog dana slobode medija, Friedrich -Ebert-Stiftung u BiH i Udruženje/udruga „BH novinari“ pozivaju medije na press konferencije na kojima će biti predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja Medijske slobode u BiH u 2018. godini”.

Dvije press konferencije biće održane u Sarajevu i Banjaluci u četvrtak, 3. maja, i to:

  • Sarajevo – Hotel Europa, 12.ooh
  • Banjaluka – Hotel Bosna, 11.ooh

Međunarodni dan slobode medija će biti obilježen u 10 gradova širom Bosne i Hercegovine, u saradnji sa Omladinskom novinskom asocijacijom u BiH, kroz ulične akcije i dijeljenje promo materijala.

There is no media freedom without the freedom of those who work in them


PODGORICA, 02.05.2018. – The World Press Freedom Day this year isn’t a reason for celebration for the many employees in this field in Montenegro. Their economic situation has worsened compared to the last year, and in many local public broadcasters, employees get their salaries with several months of delay, and that is a practice that has been going on for years. These salaries in most of these media are miserable and, due to their delay, employees can’t provide their families with basic living needs and they are on the verge of existence.

Due to their poor financial position, media employees are subject of pressures and are very prone to self-censorship. All this leads to a further decline in professional standards. Also, the sharp division of media and political coloring don’t decrease, which does not make the future of the media scene in Montenegro any kind of happy.

As the European Commission (EC) Report on Montenegro again shown, there has been no progress in the freedom of the media, despite the declarative efforts of the authorities. For this reason, all media policy makers and the entire media community should be concerned. Employees in the media are, of course, most affected by this and they remain the most vulnerable category in the chain.

The state is still only formally advocating for dealing with cases of attacks on journalists, and the impression is that it is awaiting the most drastic cases to be outdated, which has already happened with some of them. It can be a powerful signal to everyone that they can attack journalists and go unpunished. The state has shown that it isn’t able to compete for the safety of journalists and solve cases of attacks on them, as well as the case of the murder of Dusko Jovanovic.

Trade Union of Media of Montenegro will continue to advocate for the improvement of a bad state in Montenegrin journalism and to point out the problems. Through negotiations on the new Branch Collective Agreement, we expect that we will improve the working conditions of employees in the media. We hope that, with a series of new proposals, we will contribute to the changing of Law on media and other laws in this field which will start solving the accumulated problems. At the beginning of the year SMCG also proposed amendments to the Law on Electronic Media and we urge members of the Parliament to take them into consideration because they must act immediately to end the agony in numerous local public broadcasters and provide them with normal source funding.

There is no media freedom without the freedom of those who work in them. Until this is seriously understood, May 3rd wont be a reason for celebration.


AJM discussed the report of the Council of Europe in front of the National Council for Euro integration


SKOPJE, 30.04.2018 – Last week the President of the Association of Journalists of Macedonia Naser Selmani, on the session of the National Council for the European Integration had a speech on the new EU Progress Report.

Selmani said that it is clear to all that there is a progress was made, but we are still far from serious media reforms. He noted that the most important remark noted in the EU Progress Report is the policy of impunity for journalists’ attacks. “The most significant message, sent by the EC through this report, is zero tolerance for the physical and verbal attacks by journalists. In free and democratic countries, there is no place for beating and any form of intimidation of journalists, and when it occurs, institutions must have the capacity to conduct effective investigations to detect and punish the perpetrators,” Selmani said.

According to him, the EC recognized the need for a profound reform in the Macedonian Radio Television, especially in the area of institutional and editorial independence. “The capacity of MRT cannot be strengthened with less money. If the amendments to the AAVMS are adopted, the public service will have five million euro compared to 2016. Our dilemma is how it is possible to obtain independence with less money and at the same time open two new television channels and one radio channel with a 24-hour program,” Selmani said. He pointed out once again that if this year MRT does not start with the same amount of financial means like it had in 2016, its mission will be impossible.

Selmani urged the government to find mechanisms for stopping hate speech, which is noted in the report as a phenomenon. “We, as AJM, not only continuously warned about the negative consequences of this phenomenon, but we also submitted initiatives before the Public Prosecutor’s Office to prosecute persons who spread hate speech,” Selmani said.

He praised the government’s openness, but pointed out that this practice does not foster all institutions equally. “The government must find the strength to change the undemocratic practice of some of its officials because boycotting of journalists means they refuse to be accountable to citizens,” Selmani said.

At the end, Selmani welcomed the opposition’s participation in the media reform process and urged everyone to engage constructively in the ambassadorial debate on the Law on AAVMS.

Klerikalni utjecaj i mediji


U društvima Balkana, a gdje spada i BiH, religija je neodvojiv dio društvenog i privatnog života i kreira, kao i rekreira, društveno aksiološko polje. Analogno tome, zastupljenost religije u medijima je velika, ali i ideološki selektirana. Tako religija u medijima zaprima dosta prostora isključivo po uslovima koje žele religijske institucije za sebe.

U manjoj mjeri za religijske institucije se vežu afere, no tada se isključuje religija iz afere i strukturalni problem se svodi na nepoštenje pojedinca. Institucije ostajuu nesumnjivo čiste u svojoj namjeri, teret osude nosi samo pojedinac koji je tim aktom izdao i Boga i zajednicu.

To znači da se u takvoj percepciji previđa činjenica da je religijskim institucijama olakšano da širi utjecaj, izbjegava pojedine obaveze i povećava svoj politički utjecaj u toj mjeri da je bosanskohercegovačko društvo zapalo u paradoks: sekularna država i nesekularno društvo sa tendencijom da se sekularizam dokida kroz duži vremenski period.

Također, zastupljenost religije, religijskih institucija i religijskih službenika česta je u medijima. Pri tome su ti nastupi filtrirani, pa su tako religije isključivo mirotvorne, uvijek pozivaju na suživot i naročito za vrijeme praznik se ističe da su praznici vrijeme mira. Nema razlike u medijskom eksponiranju tri velike monoteističke religije u BiH. Problematičnost se ukazuje tek u rijetkoj pojavi ateističkog glasa. Ukoliko se ukaže bilo ko kao kritičar bilo kakve religijske prakse, mnogostruko više prostora za odgovor dobiju religijski službenici koji tom prilikom održe i prigodnu lekciju da „ljudi griješe, Bog ostaje savršen“ čime se izbjegava instrumentaliziranje religije u političke i ideološke svrhe.

Postoji i kritika koja je imuna na takav odgovor, to je kritika koja dolazi od samih, ali izuzetno rijetkih službenika, pri čemu ta kritika može biti veoma korisna jer navedeni kritičar ne može biti diskvalificiran kao ateista. Upravo to se desilo u muslimanskom dijelu javnosti, iako je situacija prenosiva u preostale dvije religijske zajednice.

Naime, u Zavidovićima (BiH) mjesni imam (službenik) održao je govor u džamiji i netipično napao političke vođe. Imam primjećuje: “Cijenjena braćo, da vi trebate reći nešto svom sinu ili kćerki koji jutros pakuju kofere da krenu na radno mjesto u Njemačkoj, Austriji, Švedskoj, u posljednje vrijeme sve češće Slovačkoj, šta biste im vi rekli da ostanu ovdje?” što je njegov pogled na veoma aktuelnu temu u BiH, odlazak mladih iz zemlje.

Uspjeh i medijski proboj imam je ostvario aktuelnom temom, ali prvenstveno zbog dva osnovna razloga. Suprotno većini, kritikovao je vlast. Drugi razlog splet je medijske senzacije i stila koji je koristio: ironija, sarkazam i pravilna intonacija. Suprotno serioznosti religijskih tekstova koji izbjegavaju ironiju kao ludički govor, ovaj vjerski službenik se nije ustručavao zaključiti kako: “Naša ekonomija u Bosni ima sve šanse da ne prevaziđe nivo jedne obične pijace i to buvlje”

Njegov nastup značajan je u toj mjeri što nas je podsjetio da postoji i drugi pristup kojim se može operirati u medijima. Religija i njene institucije, mogu biti kritički raspoložene. Govor može biti okrenut i ka ekonomskom stanju, ne isključivo „spasu duše“, što je onda postavilo i nova pitanja: zašto se ne koriste oni dijelovi vjerskog nauka koji potiču na promjenu loših vladara i zašto mediji ne daju prostor alternativnim glasovima.

Istini za volju, prevashodno u teorijskom polju i među manjim brojem ljudi postoje ljudi koji se bave i drugačijim teologijama, poput feminističke, ali je i tada neposredna kritika društvenih elita, političkih moćnika i socioekonomskog stanja veoma simplificirana i marginalizirana.

Pozicija koju vjerski službenici imaju je iz ugla emancipacije značajno adekvatna za takvu vrstu rada. Oni se nalaze među običnim ljudima, i imaju autoritet religije. Na ovom mjestu se nežemo baviti kontradikcijama emancipacije, socijalizacije i klerikalizacije kojih ima. No, neposredan akt imama u Zavidovićima upozorio je na sve trulo u ovdašnjem društvu. Religijske institucije imaju stvarnu moć da pokreću mase, što su koristili od 90- na ovamo isključivo za podršku nacionalizmu i propasti društva, ne i za kritiku.

Time su i mediji pali na testu izbjegavajući da postavljaju upravo ovakva pitanja vodećim vjerskim službenicima u zajednici. O religiji se govori ceremonijalno i apstraktno, kao načelu kojim se spašava duša. Time su se materijalni uslovi sveli na ništavnu prolaznost a društvena odgovornost amnestirala u obratu da svaka greška tek je grijeh pred Bogom, dok je društvena odgovornost potisnuta u drugi plan. Odgovornost religijskih službenika se ne ističe, iako je očevidan njihov značajan utjecaj (naročito zbog činjenice da odgajaju djecu u dobu 5-12 godina) i time dopušta prevrednovanje emancipacijskih politika progresa.

Ni poslije snimka i spomenutog govora imama u medijima se nije postavilo pitanje zašto to nije uvijek praksa religijskih službenika, nego se njegov govor pretvorio u HIT (velikim slovima) za jedan dan. Niko se nije potrudio zapitati zbog čega religijski službenici preferiraju one proročke citate koji pozivaju na pokornost, ali ne spominju one citate koji pozivaju na otpor. Dublji dijalog nije poveden. Ukoliko je posljedično potvrđeno da religijske institucije rade u korist nacionalizma, osnovno pitanje ostaje: za koga rade mediji koji ne koriste svoj utjecaj da osvijetle licemjerstvo i ideološku pristrasnost religijskih struktura?

This project is financed by the European Union through the small grants program “Protecting Media Freedom and Freedom of Expression in the Western Balkans”, implemented by the Croatian Journalists Association, as part of the regional project “Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety”, implemented through a partnership of six regional journalist associations – Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia, Association of Bosnia-Herzegovina Journalists, Croatian Journalists’ Association, Association of Journalists of Kosovo, Association of Journalists of Macedonia and the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro.


CJA condemns decision of Serbian Minister to refuse statement to Croatian journalists


ZAGREB, 28.04.2018 – Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA) condemns decision of MS Jadranka Joksimović, Minister in the Government of Republic of Serbia, to refuse to give statement for Croatian media after meeting of high representatives of South Eastern Europe at Brdo, near Kranj, on April 25, 2018.

Hrvoje Krešić, N1 journalist, confirmed to the CJA that MS Jadranka Joksimović, Minister in the Serbian Government, refused to give statement to Croatian journalists. Soon after that she gave statement to Serbian journalists. When asked for reason of that action, the Minister answered she could choose whom to give the statement, and she would, as she said to Hrvoje Krešić, give it to journalists she had brought to Brdo, near Kranj. Information given to the CJA by Hrvoje Krešić has been confirmed by audio recording.

After that outrageous statement of MS Joksimović, Minister of European integration in the Serbian Government, her Office issued equally outrageous explanation – it said that her behavior was provoked by Croatian journalists who behaved uncivilized and offended hr.

Although there was no proof about it, MS Joksimović repeated that for Belgrade TV B92: „It is evident that the point of that behavior of Croatian journalists was to provoke me. They were full of negative charge, they intercepted me, shouted, …“

Due to the position they currently hold neither Serbian Minister of European integrations, Serbian Prime Minister Vučić, Slovenian Prime Minister Pahor nor Croatian politicians, whose behavior has been reason for many CJA’s reactions, have any right to separate journalists to „their journalists“ and „our journalists“ and to find journalists’ questions to be „appropriate“ and „inappropriate“.

Political position is not to be alibi for spreading lies about journalists’ actions.

Micunovic and Bozovic told the Police that they had nothing to do with the beating of Stojovic


PODGORICA, 27.04. 2018. – The head of the Basic State Prosecutor’s Office in Podgorica, Lidija Klikovac, couldn’t explain how two official records of different content and the same registration number appeared, in an investigation of the unsolved attack on journalist Mladen Stojovic on May 23, 2008.

“I can’t tell you about this record, because I don’t have that information here today. That is a question for the acting prosecutor”, Klikovac said on the panel after the screening of the documentary movie “Using Power On The Seventh One”, produced in the cooperation of NGO “35mm” and TV “Vijesti”.

By that, she responded to the question of the president of the Commission for Investigating the Attacks on Journalists and Media Property, Nikola Markovic, who explained that there is a paragraph in one record in which the businessmen Branislav Micunovic and Radojica Bozovic were listed as suspected masterminds, while the second record, with the same official number, doesn’t have a paragraph with their names. Stojovic was attacked in 2008, after publicly expressed views on setting up football matches in the Montenegrin league.

Information on double official notes was published in the latest Report of the Commission, which was adopted by the Government. The case of the attack on Stojovic will be outdated in a month.

On the other hand, as the basic state prosecutor in Bar, Milenko Magdelinic, told to the newspaper “Vijesti”, Micunovic and Bozovic were heard in the Police on May 23, 2008, and they told the Police they had nothing to do with that case. The prosecutor denied that there were two official notes archived on the same day, under the same number, but of different content – as the Commission found.

Klikovac didn’t fully answered Markovic’s question why prosecutors acted differently  in two almost identical cases of threats to journalists.

“The prosecutor rejected denial of journalist of newspaper Dan, regarding the threats made by the brother of the Prime Minister, Dusko Markovic, which were heard by the whole Montenegro, while the ordinary criminal who recently threatened to journalist of daily Vijesti was immediately arrested after her report to the Police. The only difference between these two cases is that in the first case the Prime Minister’s brother threatened the journalist and you didn’t have the institutional courage to arrest him”, Markovic said.

Klikovac responded that the Basic and High State Prosecutors considered that there were no elements for prosecution in the report of the journalist of “Dan”, but that the proceedings could be continued on a private lawsuit.

Markovic said that the prosecution and the police have resolved all cases of assaults on journalists who don’t have a political background, while “they haven’t moved away” in cases with political connotations.

The Klikovac said that a significant number of cases were resolved, but that there were still a number of cases in which the perpetrators of the attack on the journalists were unknown.

She added that attacks on journalists aren’t the exclusivity of Montenegro, but that the attacks are happening all over the world and addressed the examples of Malta and Slovakia, where two journalists were killed.

Markovic said that the difference between Montenegro and these countries is precisely in the way on which the competent authorities are acting – the police, the prosecution and the Government.

“In Slovakia, after the murder of journalists and mass protests that followed, the Prime Minister resigned, while 17 people were arrested in Malta,” he said.

Director of television and newspaper “Vijesti” Zeljko Ivanovic, who was beaten in 2000 and for what two volunteers were convicted, told that the Prosecutor relativize the seriousness of the attacks on journalists.

“I expected that the Supreme State Prosecutor will appear here and apologize to the journalists for the previous work of the Prosecutor’s Office, but instead we heard her (Klikovac) relativizing everything that happened and only more humiliated the victims,” Ivanovic said.

The Klikovac said that she didn’t come here with the task of apologizing but to show how much the prosecution did. She also said she understood Ivanovic’s reaction as too emotional.

“The Klikovac noticed that I have a surplus of emotions, and I notices that she have lack of emotions. Now I see that the work of the prosecution isn’t a political will, but a lack of emotion,” concluded Ivanovic.