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Verdict for Goldstein is attack on freedom of speech


ZAGREB, 24.04.2018. – Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA) considers recent verdict for Ivo Goldstein, history teacher at the Zagreb University, to be attack on freedom of speech and freedom of criticism as well as of debate. Ivo Goldstein has by that final judgment been sentenced to fine because of his article published in Globus Magazine.

Goldstein has been convicted based on personal suit submitted by Antun Vrdoljak, film director. Vrdoljak submitted it because of Goldstein’s critical review of his documentary about Josip Broz Tito that was on at the Croatian Radio-Television (HRT) in 2010. Goldstein’s review was published eight years ago in Globus Magazine.

Following verdict of the Novi Zagreb Municipal Court, additionally made more stringent by Zagreb County Court, Ivo Goldstein is to pay to Antun Vrdoljak fine of 30.000 kunas (cca 2.700 Euros) plus interests, court and lawyers expenses; something more than 70.000 kunas (cca 9800 Euros) in total.

In democratic societies and in societies regulated by law fine because of publicly expressed standpoints and statements should be decided on exclusively if violation of personal dignity, honor and reputation was extreme and exceeded civilized criticism.

But Goldstein article does not attack Vrdoljak’s dignity, honor or reputation; it opens polemics with his work, points out many verifiable historical inaccuracies in the documentary, his selection of persons interviewed and statements.

Therefore CJA finds that verdict and its statement of grounds pointing out unusually strong violation of dignity, honor and reputation of the film director Antun Vrdoljak, to be not grounded and arbitrary.

That court practice jeopardizes freedom of speech, spreads fear, stimulates censorship and auto censorship and puts Croatia with authoritarian countries where every criticism of powerful and well established people may become victim of court retaliation.

CJA points out frequent practice of bringing to court journalists and opinion journalists due to their public criticism and court judgments that jeopardize freedom of speech, criticism and debate.

We call upon judges and courts dealing with cases of freedom of speech to be adequately careful and understanding about basic values of democratic society.

Efikasnija zaštita prava novinara moguća jačanjem solidarnosti, dijaloga i samokritičnosti unutar profesije


MOSTAR, 20.04.2018.-Novinari u Bosni i Hercegovini imaju na raspolaganju set mehanizama za zaštitu svojih prava, uključujući pokretanje pravnih postupaka te različite servise koje nude organizacije civilnog društva. Ipak, efikasnija zaštita prava i sloboda novinara moguća je kroz primjenu etičkih i profesionalnih standarda u svom radu te jačanjem solidarnosti, dijaloga i samokritičnosti unutar profesionalne zajednice, istaknuto je na radionici o mehanizmima zaštite medijskih profesionalaca koja je danas održana u Mostaru.

Sloboda izražavanja je temelj rada medijskih profesionalaca, ali nije apsolutna, odnosno postoje ograničenja koja su predviđena međunarodnim i domaćim pravnim propisima. Generalna tajnica Udruženja BH novinari Borka Rudić podsjetila je na temelje slobode izražavanja koji su sadržani u Evropskoj konvenciji o ljudskim pravima.

„To je izvor svih novinarskih prava i sloboda u Bosni i Hercegovini. Konvencija predviđa i ograničenja slobode izražavanja. To su ona formalna ograničenja koja moraju imati legitimni interes i zakonsko opravdanje, a odluke institucija o ograničavanju slobode izražavanja moraju biti donesene na transparentan način“, rekla je Rudić.

ravo na slobodu izražavanja podrazumijeva različita novinarska prava, uključujući slobodu pristupa informacijama i kritike javnih zvaničnika, zaštita izvora i materijala te jednak pristup pravdi. „Svaki od pojedinačnih slučajeva kršenja prava novinara i ograničavanja slobode izražavanja, ukoliko je artikulisan, može se tretirati postojećim mehanizmima zaštite u BiH“, dodala je Rudić.

„Dužnost novinara i izdavača je poštivati potrebe građana za korisnim, blagovremenim i relevantnim informacijama, kao i odbrana načela slobode informiranja“, istakla je izvršna direktorica Vijeća za štampu i online medije u BiH Ljiljana Zurovac, te napomenula da novinari često zaborave da kršenjem profesionalnih načela snose odgovornost za postupke ljudi koji slijede netačne i nepouzdane informacije.

„Krajnje je vrijeme da se novinari okrenu svojoj profesiji i poštivanju profesionalnih standarda i to je jedan od zadataka mladih generacija novinara, jer bez slobode medija nema slobodnog društva“, naglasila je Zurovac.

Radionicu o mehanizmima zaštite novinara i drugih medijskih profesionalaca organizovala je Misija Organizacije za europsku sigurnost i suradnju u BiH (OESS), u saradnji sa Udrugom BH novinari i Vijećem za štampu u BiH. Radionica je okupila 20 novinara i drugih medijskih profesionalaca iz Hercegovačko-neretvanskog kantona.

Regionalna platforma: Brza reakcija srpske policije pozitivan znak


BEOGRAD, 19.04.2018. – Regionalna platforma za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i bezbednosti novinara koja zastupa više od 8.000 članova, najoštrije osuđuje fizički napad na kamermana Vladetu Uroševića i novinara Danila Mašojevića sa televizije Prva. Takođe, pozdravlja brzu reakciju srpske policije koja je uhapsila osumnjičenog ubrzo nakon napada.

Danilo Mašojević i Vladeta Urošević imali su zakazan intervju sa gradonačelnikom Leskovca. Nakon što su stigli, nepoznati muškarac iz obližnjeg lokala počeo je da viče i da im prijeti, a zatim je svojim automobilom blokirao vozilo TV ekipe. Kada su počeli da iznose opremu iz auta, čovjek je izudarao snimatelja Uroševića i nanio mu lakše tjelesne povrede glave.

Incident je prijavljen policiji, a nekoliko sati kasnije osumnjičeni je uhapšen.

U NUNS–ovoj bazi podataka od početka 2018. godine ovo je drugi registrovani fizički napad na novinare dok je broj verbalnih prijetnji i pritisaka mnogostruko veći i iznosi 29.  „Uprkos brzoj policijskoj reakciji u ovom slučaju, upozoravamo da je ovako veliki broj pritisaka i napada na novinare posledica negovanja politike nekažnjivosti napadača“,  izjavio je Slaviša Lekić, predsjednik NUNS-a i dodao: „Država i njeni zvaničnici ne šalju jasnu poruku da je u potpunosti neprihvatljivo na bilo koji način obračunavati se sa novinarima koji obavljaju svoj posao.“

Regionalna platforma podržava NUNS i njegove napore da zaštiti novinare i slobodu govora i poziva međunarodne organizacije da izvrše dodatni pritisak na vlasti u Srbiji da pokažu punu posvećenost okončanju politike nekažnjivosti u zemlji, osiguraju bezbjednost novinara i poštuju slobodu izražavanja i slobodu medija.

Svaki napad na novinare je napad na javni interes, demokratiju i prava svih građana.

Udruženje/udruga BiH novinari

Sindikat medija Crne Gore

Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo

Udruženje novinara Kosova

Udruženje novinara Makedonije

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije

Регионалната платформа: Брзата реакција на српската полиција претставува добар знак


БЕЛГРАД, 23.04.2018 – Регионалната платформа на Западен Балкан за застапување на слободата на медиумите и безбедноста на новинарите, која застапува повеќе од 8000 членови, остро го осудува физичкиот напад врз камерманот Владета Урошевиќ и новинарот Данило Машојевиќ од ТВ Прва во Србија. Воедно, ја поздравува и брзата реакција на српската полиција која го уапси осомничениот брзо откако се случил нападот.

Машојевиќ и Урошевиќ планирале да снимат интервју со градоначалникот на Лесковац. Сепак, во моментот кога пристигнувале на договореното место за снимање, непознат човек почнал да вика и да ги навредува од кафе барот кој се наоѓал во близина. Човекот го употребил и својот автомобил за да го блокира возилото на ТВ Прва. Во моментот кога новинарската екипа започнала да ја вади опремата од автомобилот, насилникот го нападнал камерманот Урошевиќ, предизвикувајќи му повреди во пределот на главата.

Инцидентот бил пријавен во полиција, а само неколку часа подоцна осомничениот бил приведен.

Регистарот на напади на неазвисното новинарското здружение од Србија покажува дека ова е втор напад врз новинари во 2018 година, додека бројот на вербални напади кон новинарите е значително поголем и тој изнесува 29. „И покрај брзата реакција на полицијата во овој случај, повторно предупредуваме дека големиот број на напади и закани кон новинарите се резултат на политиката на неказнивост“, истакна претседателот на Независното здружението на новинарите на Србија, Славиша Лекиќ и додаде – „Власта и нејзините претставници не испраќаат јасна порака до јавноста дека секаков вид на напади врз новинарите, кој се случува поради нивната работа е целосно неприфатлив“.

Регионалната Платформа го поддржува Независното здружение на новинари на Србија во неговите напори да ги заштити новинарите и слободата на говорот и ги повикува меѓународните институции да извршат дополнителен притисок врз властите во Србија да покажат целосна заложба за ставање крај на неказнивоста во оваа земја, да ја осигураат безбедноста на новинарите и да ја почитуваат слободата на изразување и медиумите.

Секој напад врз новинарите претставува напад на јавниот интерес, демократијата и правата на сите граѓани.

Skopje – Belgrade – Podgorica – Prishtina – Sarajevo – Zagreb, 23.04.2018. 

BH Journalists Association
Trade Union of Media of Montenegro
Croatian Journalists’ Association
Association of Journalists of Kosovo
Association o.f Journalists of Macedonia
Independent Journalists Association Serbia

Brussels is seriously concerned with the state of media freedom in Montenegro: No progress


PODGORICA, 20.04.2018. – The European Commission (EC) is seriously concerned about the political interference in the work of the Public Service (RTCG) and the Agency for Electronic Media (AEM), according to a new report on Montenegro, which concluded that there was no progress in the area of freedom of expression.

The Report notes that Montenegro has achieved some level of preparation on freedom of expression, but no progress was made. It also notes that there have been no notable developments regarding investigations into old cases of violence against journalists.

“Recent political interference in the national public broadcaster Council and the Agency for Electronic Media are a matter of serious concern”, states the Report.

The EC therefore, recommended that greater efforts need to be made regarding investigations of attacks on journalists, as well as to strengthen the financial and editorial independence of RTCG and AEM.

EC recommended strengthening the capacity of self-regulatory bodies, added that the media scene remains highly polarised and challenges in understanding the role of free media persists. As in the previous 2016 report, Brussels states that the number of defamation cases remains high, mainly due to weak self-regulatory mechanisms.

Head of the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Montenegro Aivo Orav after the presentation of the Report commented on the political interference in the work of RTCG Council, and said that their position was clearly written in the Report – that it is a matter of serious concern.

Commenting on the EC Report, Deputy Prime Minister Zoran Pažin stated that the Government had already envisaged amendments to the media law and the law on the national public broadcaster.

“Representatives of the media and civil society will be involved in the drafting of these laws”, said Pažin.

Commenting on the findings in the Report regarding political interference in RTCG and AEM’s which presents matter of serious concern, Pažin said that he perceived the term “serious concern” as the need for institutions to work more heavily in the field.

“When it comes to political influence, I will always condemn it. I am equally concerned by the JUFREX report, which states that the Public Service has been taken over by the traditional opposition. The public service should not be a polygon for the political competition of the authorities and the opposition, we should make the Public Service truly independent and professional”, said Pažin.

He also said that the Government will contribute to Public Service strengthening.

“This is a true need of the society, and the Government, within its competencies, will make its contribution, primarily through the change of the normative framework that should be an incentive for strengthening the Public Service and improving professional and ethical standards”, said Pažin, adding that he very carefully follows RTCG program and notable progress is evident in developing professional and ethical standards.

He also pointed out that a significant aspect of media freedom is the issue of sustainable and effective self-regulation of the media.

“One part of the responsibility should be borne by the media themselves, and the Government will provide support and resources to help them”, said Pažin.

Reviewing the EC Report, former Minister of European Integration Gordana Đurović told for RTCG that the EC was reasonably analyzing in detail the improvement of legislation and the protection of media freedom.

“I think that this area will continue to be in the focus and it is to be expected that the EU will help in this process”, said Đurović.

Apel bh.zvaničnicima i medijima da budu tolerantni prema izbjeglicama u BiH (Saopštenje)


SARAJEVO, 17.04.2018. – Iako je zvanično zatvorena balkanska ruta veliki broj migranata i izbjeglica se svakodnevno pokušava doći do zemalja Zapadne Evrope. U odnosu na prošlu godinu, a za samo prva dva mjeseca ove godine, broj migranata koji su pokušali ući u Bosnu i Hercegovinu povećan je za sedam puta.

Ovakav priliv izbjeglica i migranata predstavljala jedan od izazova sa kojim će se zvaničnici i predstavnici institucija kao i mediji sa ovih prostora morati odnositi na način da poštuju principe profesionalizma i etike. Svaka izjava zvaničnika i predstavnika institucija u čijoj  je nadležnosti rješavanje trenutne situacije mora počivati na toleranciji, nediskriminaciji i poštivanju ljudskih prava.

Svjesni značaja slobode govora u bosanskohercegovačkom društvu, kao jednog od temelja za izgradnju slobodnog društva, istovremeno napominjemo da ista ne smije biti zloupotrebljena na način za stvaranje neprijateljskog okruženja za izbjeglice i migrante. Zbog toga apelujemo na zvaničnike, predstavnike institucija i medije da svojim istupima u javnosti suzdrže od plasiranja nekorektnih, diskriminatornih, profilirajućih i stereotipizirajuih izjava koje ne doprinose razumijevanju i rješavanju trenutne situacije u vezi pojačanog priliva izbjeglica u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Netolerantan i uvredljiv govor prema kategorijama ljudi koji se trenutno nalaze na području naše države, a koji prema međunarodnim konvencijama imaju pravo na zaštitu, ne doprinosi humanističkom, ljudskom i solidarnom pristupanju situaciji. Podsjećamo sve zvaničnike i predstavnike institucija na odgovornost i dužnost koju su preuzeli stupanjem na svoje funkcije, naglašavajući da u fokusu rješavanja i reagovanja na trenutnu situaciju primat moraju imati ljudska prava i zaštitu ovih osoba.

Ohrabrujemo sve ljude dobre volje, aktiviste, volontere,  da se u ovim izazovnim vremenima stanu u odbranu vrijednost ljudskih prava i jednakosti.


Članice Koalicije za borbu protiv govora mržnje i zločina iz mržnje

Asocijacija za demokratske inicijative

Centar za mlade KVART

Civil Rights Defenders

Fondacija CURE

Fondacija Mediacentar Sarajevo

Fondacija Istina, Pravda, Pomirenje

Inicijativa mladih za ljudska prava Bosne i Hercegovine


Omladinska novinska asocijacija u BiH (ONA)

Sarajevski otvoreni centar

Udruženje BH novinari

Vijeće za štampu BiH




EC Progress Report: Zero tolerance on threats against media in Kosovo


PRISTINA, 20.04.2018 – The progress report for Kosovo launched by European Commission on Wednesday repeated the 2016 recommendations and one of them requires swift investigation against threats and physical attacks against journalists and put on trial the perpetrators.

The 2018 progress report for Kosovo stated that local authorities should be more efficient in prosecuting those that threaten and attack journalists.

“A more systematic response, including prompt investigation and a timely judgment, is needed to strengthen the protection of journalists. There must be zero tolerance for threats or attacks against media,” report reads.

According to this report, Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK) was active about the cases of incidents and attacks against journalists by treating those cases due to increased cooperation with police and state prosecution. The number of threats and attacks is increased compared to previous years.

“According to the Association of Journalists of Kosovo, in 2017 alone 24 incidents were reported, twice the number compared to the previous reporting period. Among the cases, 2 editors-in-chief have received death threats and a journalist who was physically attacked was on a later occasion threatened by a member of parliament,” it is said in the report.

Effective implementation of legislation remains a challenge, in particular the law on the public broadcaster. Kosovo’s assembly was slow and it is dissatisfying its attempts to find a sustainable financial solution.

The report stated that there is a need for creation of mechanisms that would offer transparent information in relation to media ownership.

With regard to the legal framework in the area of freedom of expression and the media in general, the findings of the report show that there is no development in this area.

Also, the report stressed that a challenge is remaining in online freedom of expression that are monitored neither by the Independent Media Commission nor by the Press Council of Kosovo. “Although this creates an unhindered environment for online media, it also undermines the privacy of individuals, leading to many cases of alleged hate speech, libel and defamation. Such cases need to be thoroughly followed up.”

The report emphasised the challenges that journalists face like the lack of working contracts. It is stated that Kosovo’s poor economy has affected media too that makes them financially unsustainable. “The lack of a strong private advertising industry makes private broadcasters dependent on other sources of funding, and few are able to operate without strong links to political and business interest groups.“

The report said that freedom of expression and the media are constitutionally guaranteed, and legislation on libel, hate speech and defamation is in line with the European Court of Human Rights case-law.

“Police, prosecutors and judges need proper training in the standards established by the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights for dealing with journalistic sources and materials.”

Unions in Western Balkans and Turkey setting strategies to improve working conditions for journalists


BRUSSELS, 20.04.2018 – How to shape the future of journalists’ trade unions and associations in the Western Balkans and Turkey? The EFJ’s Labour Rights Expert Group Plus (LAREG+), composed of representatives from Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey, convened on the 10th of April 2018 in Skopje (Macedonia) to reflect on a one-year strategic plan to improve journalists’ working conditions in the region.

This meeting was the last of a series of trainings organised throughout the year 2017-2018 in the framework of the project Building Trust in Media in South East Europe and Turkey, financially supported by the UNESCO and the European Union. The aim of the meeting in Skopje was to reflect on what has been achieved at national level within the organisations in the previous year and what should be the main strategies for 2018-2019. The participants shared national reports explaining the main challenges and suggested recommendations to improve the working conditions for journalists and media workers in the region. Some concrete examples of actions at national level include the following :

In Serbia, the journalists’ trade union (SINOS) is currently following the media strategy to be published this year in 2018 and is identifying the absence of employer’s organisations as the main problem to start sectorial social dialogue. The union has developed a strategy to address the issue at the highest level and will seek international support to achieve this goal. Additionally, SINOS has repeated the content of the training given in Podgorica for Serbian journalists.

In Kosovo, the association (AGK) has been cooperating with labour inspectors to denounce violations of labour law. AGK is reflecting on the possibility to support the creation of a journalists’ trade union in Kosovo.

The Albanian (APJA) associations have been raising awareness among their members on why it is important to fight for their rights and how to set the agenda on labour conditions at national level.

In Montenegro, the media trade union (SMCG) has been lobbying to include amendments to the media law currently in discussion and is expecting to sign its collective agreement at the branch level.

In Macedonia, the trade union (SSNM) has taken legal action regarding copyright by helping journalists to protect their authors’ rights, notably with legal advices and support.

In Turkey, the journalists’ union (TGS) surveyed women journalists to know what their needs are and address them.
So what is the next step? The expert Tamara Chausidis from the independent trade union of Macedonian journalists and media workers made a presentation on how to shape the future based on “reputation management for trade unions.

“It is all about reputation and branding your journalists’ union and association”, she said. Building trust with your members, improve the way you communicate, establish a vision, a mission and your core values were some of the key points she emphasised. The participants debated several options to develop their own reputation.

Following the meeting, participants agreed to draft a one-year strategic plan which will set priorities to improve journalists’ working conditions in the Western Balkans and Turkey. In addition, a LAREG+ magazine will be published and a video campaign as well as a photo exhibition will be launched in May 2018.

The EFJ delegation has also met Damjan Manchevski, Macedonian minister of Information Society and Administration, to discuss the upcoming law on information to be adopted next week by the Parliament and the regulation on access to public documents.

The minister talked about the possibility to afford tax cuts for print media organisations “but this government will not intervene financially to give cash to media companies in difficulties. We want to take our hands off the media sphere”, he added.

The minister also confirmed his intention to enlarge the access to public documents for journalists and citizens in Macedonia and announced the launch of a new opendata portal to promote transparency and accountability in the country.

On the issue of fake news, the minister is open to support new propositions coming from EFJ affiliates (ZNM and SSNM) to combat off-shore-owned news portals that make money by distributing fake news online. “Self-regulation is our preferred option to identify journalists or non journalists”, said Mr. Manchevski.

Regionalna platforma: Brza reakcija srpske policije pozitivan znak


BEOGRAD, 19.04.2018. – Regionalna platforma za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i bezbjednosti novinara koja zastupa više od 8.000 članova, najoštrije osuđuje fizički napad na kamermana Vladetu Uroševića i novinara Danila Mašojevića sa televizije Prva. Takođe, pozdravlja brzu reakciju srpske policije koja je uhapsila osumnjičenog ubrzo nakon napada.

Danilo Mašojević i Vladeta Urošević imali su zakazan intervju sa gradonačelnikom Leskovca. Nakon što su stigli, nepoznati muškarac iz obližnjeg lokala počeo je da viče i da im prijeti, a zatim je svojim automobilom blokirao vozilo TV ekipe. Kada su počeli da iznose opremu iz auta, čovjek je izudarao snimatelja Uroševića i nanio mu lakše tjelesne povrede glave.

Incident je prijavljen policiji, a nekoliko sati kasnije osumnjičeni je uhapšen.

U NUNS–ovoj bazi podataka od početka 2018. godine ovo je drugi registrovani fizički napad na novinare dok je broj verbalnih prijetnji i pritisaka mnogostruko veći i iznosi 29.

„Uprkos brzoj policijskoj reakciji u ovom slučaju, upozoravamo da je ovako veliki broj pritisaka i napada na novinare posljedica njegovanja politike nekažnjivosti napadača“,  izjavio je Slaviša Lekić, predsjednik NUNS-a i dodao: „Država i njeni zvaničnici ne šalju jasnu poruku da je u potpunosti neprihvatljivo na bilo koji način obračunavati se sa novinarima koji obavljaju svoj posao.“

Regionalna platforma podržava NUNS i njegove napore da zaštiti novinare i slobodu govora i poziva međunarodne organizacije da izvrše dodatni pritisak na vlasti u Srbiji da pokažu punu posvećenost okončanju politike nekažnjivosti u zemlji, osiguraju bezbjednost novinara i poštuju slobodu izražavanja i slobodu medija.

Svaki napad na novinare je napad na javni interes, demokratiju i prava svih građana.

Udruženje/udruga BiH novinari

Sindikat medija Crne Gore

Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo

Udruženje novinara Kosova

Udruženje novinara Makedonije

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije